Geography- Final Exam

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A cohort is a group of people that have shared a particular time, or time span, together.


A culture realm is the smallest possible culture region.


A polyglot is a map of language distribution.

total fertility rate

Adam has collected the birth rates, gender, age, and total population numbers for Akron, Ohio. What population statistic could Adam calculate with this information?

cultural ecology

Ammar wants to determine how people in his town interact with the ecosystem around them. What field in geography might be closest to his interests?


An isogloss represents an area of dead languages.

how English and German have diverged over time

Aoife is taking a class in comparative linguistics. Which would MOST likely be the subject of her paper for the class?

the spatial interactions and therefore cultural diffusion is more frequent with shorter distances

Arturo is studying how the food traditions of different island cultures developed. Islands closer to the continent had more similarity in cuisine than islands far from any other civilization. Why might this be?

culture spreading alongside language

As Spanish has spread to more parts of the United States, Mexican food and restaurants have also spread. What is this an example of?

nodal regions

Ava is studying the regions served by three different hospitals. What could these regions be considered?

cultural differences

Baron's family often eats dinner at different times from each other, sometimes sitting in front of the television. Han's family always sits down to dinner together and says a prayer before eating. What are these customs an example of?


Berat has found that the name of his city, Chicago, comes from the word "Shikaakwa" meaning "wild leek" in the Native American language of people who lived in this area. What is the word "Chicago" an example of?

because two groups with no common language needed to communicate

Chinese Pidgin English was spoken in some southern parts of China where English traders landed back in the 1630s. Why would this language form?

competition from a more dominant language

Elana's grandparents speak Oneida, a Native American language of their ancestors in what is now the state of Wisconsin. Elana doesn't know much Oneida and it is considered an endangered language with only a couple hundred speakers, at the most. Why might the Oneida language be endangered?


The demographic transition model consists of seven stages.

fertility and mortality rates

The government of a small country has announced that they have a goal of stable population numbers. What will the government need to balance to achieve this goal?

landscape geography

The idea that global warming is caused by human interaction with the environment would be most closely aligned with which geographical theory?

population distribution

Facundo is comparing the populations of New York and California. New York has the highest population density in New York City, while California has a much larger land area. Rural areas of both states are fairly low density, but California has more counties with medium to high population density. What geographic factor is Facundo comparing about these two states?


Florencia is compiling statistics on the students in her school. She is finding out the race, ethnic background, and religion of students who are willing to participate in her research. What will Florencia's research show about her school's population?


Folk culture establishes itself and survives due to the isolation and connection of a culture group.

intervening opportunity

Giovanni and his family are moving to El Paso, Texas, to be closer to his grandparents. But Giovanni's mother is offered a job in Houston, so the family moves there instead. What concept does this illustrate?

the 1st and 4th

Ha Yoon is looking at the demographics for her country during the 19th century. At the beginning of the century, both the fertility and mortality rates were high. But by the end of the 19th century, the fertility and mortality rates were both low. What stages on the demographic transition model did her country go through during the 19th century?

Slang word

Ha-yoon is chatting with her friends and one of them makes a comment of agreement by using the term "totes," which stands for the word "totally." What could we consider the word "totes?"


How do we refer to acquired culture traits that are mixed with the original traits to form a blend of culture traits?


Hunter lives in a region where English is the most common language, but he has also learned one of the languages of the native people of the area because many work for his father's business. In addition, he is learning Spanish in high school. Which word would BEST describe Hunter?

the ethnic minority population will rise

If the fertility rates for ethnic minorities is higher than for the majority ethnic group, while mortality rates are approximately the same for all groups, what will be the result?

attitude towards the uknown

In Christian religions, there is often a belief that people will go to heaven after they die if they have been "good" in their lives on earth. What type of cultural trait is this?

Expansion Diffusion

In North Korea, citizens are expected to respect and revere their leader. When he gets a new style of haircut, that style will become popular with ordinary citizens. How is this cultural trait, or style, spread?

communicable diseases

In highly developed societies, the rate of mortality from which type of illness is low?


In the demographic equation, mortality balances fertility.

social groups

In the ideas of Carl Sauer, who or what has an outsized influence on landscapes?

linguistic distribution

Javier is interested in how languages have moved and changed throughout history. What can you call the subject Javier wants to study?

supply and demand

John's dad makes wooden furniture, but there are many furniture makers in his state. John's dad decides to ship his furniture to the next state to be sold, as there are fewer people selling furniture in that state. Which concept MOST impacts this movement of goods?


Kiara wants to figure out how to divide the country of Belgium into regions to study. She is comparing the religions, ages, languages spoken, and races of populations in different areas. What type of data is Kiara using?

The proto-language

Kwame is going to visit East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, and Mozambique with his grandfather, who does business in these regions. Kwame wants to be able to say a few phrases to the people here, but there are so many different languages. He reads up and finds that many people in these places also speak Swahili in addition to their native tongues. What could Swahili be considered for these countries in East Africa?


Kyung is writing a paper on the defining characteristics of the US mid-Atlantic states. What form of geography is closest to her area of interest?

diffusion through time

Mariana loves the hairstyle sported by her great-great-grandmother in a very old photograph. She has decided to wear her hair this way too. What is this an example of?

His monolingualism

Marko grew up in Wisconsin speaking English. He moved to Montreal, Canada, where it is common to speak two languages. His schoolmates tease Marko because he only speaks English. What about Marko are his classmates teasing?


Naura is studying the history of the land underneath her apartment building. What aspect of space is Naura studying?

stage 3

Pablo wants to know the stage of the democratic transition model that his grandparents' home country is currently at. The mortality rate has been slowly declining for a couple of decades. The fertility rate is still higher than in the most developed countries, but it is beginning to decline as well. What stage would this represent?

Fertility and mortality rates will have declined.

Renata is making a chart to illustrate the demographic transition model. What difference will she need to illustrate between the first and last stage of the model?

cultural diffusion

Renata likes to listen to soul music, and she often tunes the radio to soul when she is working at the front desk at the gym. An elderly man with a strong Eastern European accent who comes in daily to exercise has been asking Renata what the music is that she is playing. One day, the man is excited to tell Renata that his sister, who still lives in Bulgaria, has found some of the artists and songs on the internet and is now listening to them, too. What is this story an example of?

Pidgin languages

Several former colonies of the British Empire still have a simplified form of English combined with their local language that is spoken with outsiders. What would you call these types of languages?


Slang includes the formal aspects of a language.

the lower mortality rates of women

The population of men and women between the ages of 40-50 is approximately equal. The population of women is higher than men between the ages of 50-60. What does this likely result from?

human geography

To understand the distribution of peoples across North and South America, which would you MOST likely want to study?


Warren Thompson studied the mortality and birth rates in industrialized societies by looking at how many years of data?

France and Italy

We are all very used to wearing jeans as a part of normal, casual clothing in the United States. What countries had some part in the formation of the word "jeans"?


Weaving baskets is a cultural trait in some Native American societies. What type of trait would this be?


What are Romance languages derived from?

popular culture

What are customs and beliefs that arise within a diverse culture realm made up of a variety of culture groups part of?

Mid-tongue pronounced letters

What are dorsal consonants?

culture complex

What are the combination of related traits that identify a specific culture group called?

age structure diagram

What can a population pyramid also be called?

people's health improved due to better food distribution

What can you infer about increased population numbers after the Second Agricultural Revolution?

It was founded by the German settlers

What could we hypothesize about the town of New Berlin, Texas?

Both evolved from Latin as their countries were part of the Roman Empire.

What do the languages Spanish and Portuguese have in common?


What facilitates diffusion and political interaction between culture groups?

linguistic similarity

What is an important quality for languages in the same language family to have?

working language

What is another phrase for a lingua franca?

functional region

What is another term for nodal region?

Hierarchical Diffusion

What is diffusion that moves from powerful or large items to small or weaker items called?


What is the change that results from two culture groups coming into contact with one another called?

One is a geographic area, the other is defined by related traits.

What is the difference between a cultural region and a culture complex?

to communicate

What is the purpose of language?


What is the science of classification and organization called?

extinct language

What is the term for a language no longer spoken?

relocation diffusion

What is the type of diffusion called where people relocate to a new area and bring to the new area all of their cultural complexes ?


What prefix is derived from the Greek word for earth?

expansion diffusion

What type of diffusion describes how the number of people that possesses a particular culture trait increases?


What type of population pyramid depicts low mortality and low fertility and is similar to the constrictive pyramid?


What type of population pyramid shows a pattern of mortality and fertility that is unchanging?

relocation diffusion

When Jeelan's whole community fled their village because of attacks from a militant group called the Islamic State, they were relocated to a camp for refugees. Because their whole ethnic and religious group was under attack, every member of her group has now relocated to one of the camps in her new area. They are continuing as many of their cultural traditions as they can in their new location. What process has happened here?

how it occurred through diffusion

When Susannah travels from her home in California to visit relatives in Texas, she notices that her Texas relatives have very different ways of speaking, including using different words for certain things, how some words are pronounced, and the general rhythm of speech. Susannah has determined that the way her relatives speak is a different dialect of English. What would geographers study about this dialect?

culture region

When a social group possesses all the behaviors and structures that identify it as a culture group, what is it called?

perceptual region

When discussing a vernacular region during a presentation, Emillio used a different term. What term did he MOST likely use?

Cairo, Egypt

Where was the International Conference on Population and Development held in 1994?

Julian Steward

Which biologist maintained that a biological ecosystem has a direct influence on the human culture that interacts with it?

france and germany

Which could be considered separate homogeneous regions?


Which is NOT a religion?


Which of the following is NOT a cultural trait?

Breeding culture

Which of the following is a way that language does NOT affect culture?

all of the above

Which of the following is an important concept of human geography?

Doreen Massey

Which of the these geographers had a strong interest in how economics and place interact?

Carl Ritter

Which scientist was especially famous for his 19-volume work that explained how earth's physical structure influenced human activities?

stage 2

Which stage of the demographic transition model is high fertility and declining mortality, indicating high growth?

stage 1

Which stage of the demographic transition model is high fertility and high mortality, indicating low growth?

stage 4

Which stage of the demographic transition model is low fertility and low mortality, indicating low growth?

environmental determinism

Which theory suggests that the influence of the physical environment on humans determines the cultural characteristics of that social group?


Which type of population pyramid has a broad base that is indicative of a rapid rate of growth in population due to a high proportion of children?

Carl Sauer

Who did the theory of landscape geography originate with?

Alexander von Humboldt

Who formulated the phrase social geography?

because they are social institutions

Why could Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts be considered a cultural trait?

Because it contains elements of only two other languages

Why is International Sign Language considered a pidgin language?

because women and men have different life expectancies

Why is it important to include gender in patterns of composition to study populations?

because culture is transmitted through language

Why is language such an important aspect of culture?

improved health care reduces deaths from disease

Why would advances in economic wealth help a country lower its mortality rates?

it would be harder to grow crops with less rainfall

Why would sparse rainfall point to a sparser population?


which field is NOT a subfield of human geography?


which is NOT an important concept of geography?

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