Geography (norco)

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one pole only (point)


mid latitude (line)

Arctic circle ?

the parallel of latitude that runs 66 degrees 33'39' north of the equator


the solid portion of the Earth Atmosphere. Contains the complex mixture of gasses to sustain life

Global temperature controls

Altitude, latitude, land-water contrasts, ocean currents

Polar Projections

Can only show one hemisphere Most often used to portray the Arctic Ocean in the northern hemisphere or Antarctica in the southern hemisphere

Fractional map scale

1:1,000,000 (same as 1/1,000,000)



Map Scale

Distance on a map to proportional distances on the ground

1. Axis of rotation

It is an imaginary line that connects the points of the earth surface called North Pole and South Pole

Verbal Scale?

Just states what distance on a map is equal to what distance on the ground Ex: 1 inch= 10 miles They are mostly stated in different units.

Conical Projections

Most often used to portray continents in the mid latitudes North America Europe South America, Not useful for a world map

Planar or Polar (Azimuth)

Tangency Each projection is accurate at the point(s) of tangency only

The Geographic Grid

The Equator, great circles and small circles, latitude, longitude, the Equator


The first person to use the word geography geo= earth graphy= description geography = earth description


The further away from the points of tangency, the more distortion tangency. The distortions increase as the distance from the central point of the projection increases.

Cultural Geography?

The elements are those of human endeavors. Examples: population, economic activities, transportation, recreation activities, religion, languages, political systems, traditions.

The Geographic Grid

The equator Great circles and small circles latitude longitude latitudes (run east and west along surface of earth, parallel, 0-90


Generalization based on many observations and experiments, well tested, verified hypothesis that fits existing data and explains how processes or events are thought to occur. The acceptance of scientific ideas and theories are based on evidence, not on beliefs.

Areal differentiations?

Geographers study how things differ from place to place

Other projections

Various ways to minimize distortion in one aspect while keeping accuracy in the other aspect have been invented


a map that is conformal is ACCURATE in SHAPE. It will NOT be accurate in size(area) Ex. Mercator map A world map cannot be both equivalent and conformal.

The plane of the ecliptic

a plane that cuts through the center o fthe earth and the sun in which the earth revolves around the sun. inclination of the earth. the earth's axis is tilted 23 1/2 degrees from being perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic

The nature of map

a two-dimensional representation of the earth and the spatial distribution of selected phenomena

nature of map scales

can never be constant same over the entire map, small area may be nearly perfect scale with less detail, and vice versa for large area.

The equatorial plane

an imaginary plane that passes through earth halfway between the poles and perpendicular to the axis of rotation

The size and shape of the earth

an oblate spheroid rather than a true sphere. Affected by two main facts: it bulges in midriff, because of pliability of earth's lithosphere; it has topographical irregularities. In context of earths full dimensions, these variations are minute difference of 43km.

Equivalent latitude in the southern hemisphere is called the

antarctic circle


"One inch equals ten-thousand inches" Graphic-looks like a ruler

Large Scale vs. Small Scale

-A large scale map portrays a small part of earth's surface City Campus Classroom -Anything with the second number of the scale ratio less than 60,000 is considered a large scale map

What are the effects of the earth's daily rotation on its axis?

1. Coriolis effect Deflection in the flow path of both air and water current. to the right in the northern hemisphere. to the left in the southern hemisphere coriolis effect. 2. Gravitation pull-onshore and offshore rhythmic movement of ocean water, rise and fall of water level (tides) 3. Night and day 4. Stars, sun, moon and planets appear to rise in the east. As the Earth rotates to the east, any object not attached to it will seem to drift to the west. This is why the stars, sun, moon, and planets all rise in the East, and set in the West.

Branches of Geography

1. Cultural/Human 2. Physical/Environmental



Geographic Information System GIS.

A computer-based system designed to collect, store, integrate, manipulate, analyze and display data in a spatially referenced environment.


A map that is equivalent is accurate in size or area, aka Equal Area projection, it is NOT going to be accurate in shape, Peter's map is equivalent

Formulation of Hypothesis

A tentative answer to the question: a testable explanation for what was observed. An hypothesis is not an observation, rather, a tentative explanation for the observation

A map serves two purposes?

A tool for storing reference materials, A tool for communicating geographic information.

Basic attributes of maps

Ability so show distance, direction, size, and shape in their horizontal spatial relationship

Important Latitudes

Arctic and Antarctic circle. The parallel of latitude that runs 66 33'39' north of the equator.

Map of World Population

Automated Cartography

March of the Seasons

Caused because the Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its axis. Summer happens to the hemisphere tilted towards the Sun, and Winter happens to the hemisphere tilted away from the Sun.

Geography Theories

Concerned with interrelationship of phenomena on earth surface. Environmental determinism, Environmental possibilism.,

Common map projections

Cylindrical, conical, planar or polar

Earth Movements

Daily rotation on its axis, annual revolution around the sun, daily earth rotation on its axis, earth rotates from West to East in a counterclockwise direction, One rotation of the Earth takes about 24 hours and it equals a one day.

Nautical Miles

Each degree of latitude on the earth surface covers a north south distance of about 111km (69miles) distance varies with latitudes because of flattening of earth at the poles.

Earth's Revolution

Earth's revolution around the sun takes 365 1/4 days in a counterclockwise direction. the path that the earth follows is elliptical- not circular, becuase of that, the earth-sun distance is not constant. Earth sun distance closest at 147, 166,480 km also known as perihelion on or about january 3rd. farthest at 152,171,500 also known as aphelion on or about july 4th.

Earth's sphere

Earth's surface is a complex interface where four spheres meet, and to some degree overlap and interact.

Deductive ?

Flows from general to specific. From general premises, a scientist would give specific results. Ex: if all organisms have cells and humans are organisms, then humans should have cells. This is a prediction about a specific case based on general premises.


Goes from a set of specific observations to general conclusions: Ex: I observed cells in x,y, and z organisms, therefore all animals have cells.

3 scale types?

Graphic map fractional map verbal

Time zones

Greenwich mean time is now refereed to as universal time coordinated (UTC), Large countries may encompass several time zones becuz of extent off their east west directionl. EX RUSSIA-11 time zones. US-including Alaska and Hawaii spread over 6time zones

Projections-Major challenges

How to transfer data from a spherical surface to a flat piece of paper without distortions

Major dilemma

Impossible for cartographers to portray on a map, the accurate size and shape of objects of the earth surface, without a compromise.

Observation and Description

Include reading and studying what others have done in the past because scientific knowledge is cumulative.

Two types of reasoning

Inductive and deductive

Tropic of cancer

It is the most northerly latitude at which the sun can appear directly overhead at noon. occurs at the June solstice.

Examples of map scales?

Legend-the key to reading the map defines the colors and symbols used on the map.

What is the relationship between the earth and the sun?

Life on earth is dependent on solar energy, the relationship between the earth and the sun does not remain the same because of the moment of the earth

Longitude: Meridians

Local time; this is based on the position of the sun in the sky. Noon-for a given location is the moment in the day when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. standard time By international agreement

5 Geographic Themes

Location, Place, Movement, Human/environment relations, Region.

How do geographers describe where things are map and contemporary tools?

Map: a two-dimensional or flat-scale model of the earths surface or a portion of it.

Earth's natural reference points

North pole, south pole, equatorial planes, rotational axis.

Experimentation and conclusion?

Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters, good sciences tend to be cautious in the conclusion that are drawn "results becomes a theory"

Contemporary tools?

Remote sensing. Geographic Information system.

What is Geography?

Scientific study of the location of natural and human phenomena across the earth and the reasons for their particular distribution.


Show landforms and elevations in detail Often use isolines, lines that connect places with equal value, in this case "feet above sea level" Thematic Physical Climate Ocean Currents Biomes Cultural Population Ethnicity Income


Show man-made divisions, such as the borders of states or countries


Show physical characteristics, like mountains, lakes, and rivers Often show elevation by color coding

Road Map

Shows roads, towns, cities, and other data useful for transportation, Probably the most familiar to the average person

ALL maps distorted, will occur in at least one of these 3 map components:

Size (area), shape, distance

Scale types?

Small scale map. Large scale map.

Physical Geography

Study of natural processes that shape the surface of the Earth and life on it; concerned with processes and patterns in the natural world. Elements are natural in origin: Earth surface, rocks, landforms, soils, flora, fauna, climate, water, minerals.

Remote sensing?

The acquisition of data about earth's surface from a satellite orbiting earth or from other long-distance method

Polarity of Earth's Axis

The axis of rotation remains pointing in the same direction as it revolves around the Sun, pointing toward the star polaris parallelism.. the seasons, the combines effect of; rotation, revolution, inclination, and polarity result in the seasonal patterns experiences on earth.


The different methods for making maps, projecting the 3-dimensional globe onto a flat surface


The science of mapmaking

December Solstice

This occurs on or about December 21 Here the North pole is oriented directly away from the sun. The vertical rays of the sun. strikes 23.5°s, Tropic of Capricorn This is called winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere The first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere First day of summer in the southern Hemisphere

March Equinox

This occurs on or about March 20th This is similar to the September equinox It is called Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumnal equinox in the southern Hemisphere

Greenwhich Mean Time is also known as?

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)


Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations.

Geographic questions?

Where-location Why-explanation what-description/definition How-impact/processes of formation Location

Fractional Scale?

Written as fractions (1/62500) or as ratios (1:62500) Do not have units. Up to the map reader to provide his/her own units.

Bar Scale

a line drawn on a map of known ground length. Are usually distances marks along the line.

September Equinox

aka Autumnal equinox in the northern Hemisphere and Vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere Occurs on or about september 22. here the vertical rays of the sun strikes at the equator. all locations on the earth receive 12 hours of daylight and12 hours of darkness


aka Meridians. They are farthest apart at the equator and converge at the poles. there is no natural starting position for longitude. the artificial starting point for measuring longitude is the prime meridian which runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. range in degrees 0 degrees at the prime meridian to 180 on the opposite side of the earth from prime meridian.

June Solstice

called the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. occur on or about June 21, the ray of the sun at noon are striking perpendicular to the surface of tropic of cancer, 23.5 north of the equator. All point north of 66.5°north experience 24 continuous hours of daylight

Cylindrical projections

commonly used for world maps, distort size, Distort size (area) more in areas farthest away from the equator Most prominent in northern latitudes since most of the northern hemisphere's land mass is far from the equator Mercator is the most common cylindrical projection Cylindrical


comprise all part of earth where living organisms can exist: comprise of variety of earthly life forms


comprises water in all its form


equator (line)

Map scale

gives the relationship between the length measure on the map and the corresponding actual distance on the ground. Scale can NEVER be represented with perfect accuracy...

bar scale?

important when enlarging or reducing maps by photocopy techniques because it changes with the map. Will have an indication of new scale.

A flat Surface

is is easy to portray a flat surface on a flat piece of paper

A Globe

is the only truly accurate representation of the earth

A semi-polar projection

is useful in portraying the former Soviet Union

Defining map

it is a scaled drawing of a portion of a landscape representing the area at a reduced scale and showing only selected data.

Equivalence and Conformality

mutually exclusive properties

2 broad things?

natural in origin (physical geo) human endeavors (human geo)

A small scale map

portrays a large portion of earth's surface World map - the smallest scale of all 1:13,000,000 is the scale of our wall map Anything with the second number larger than 60,000 is considered a small scale map

Equivalence verses conformality

these are the two properties of map projections.

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