Geography of Europe - Exam 1

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On average, what percentage of Europeans live in urban areas? 3


Europe today receives large numbers of immigrants from all of the following: 3

Afghanistan & Pakistan, North Africa, Middle East

Which of the following is an Indo-European language? 2


Which economic organization is considered the origin of the European community? 0

Benelux customs union

At least 25% of the population in Europe died in the mid-14th century due to: 4

Black Death (plague)

Of the issues cited on the first page of the textbook, which is most likely to have far-reaching economic and political consequences for the European Union (EU)? 0

Britain wants to leave the EU (Brexit)

What two cities are major centers of European Union (EU) administration and of the EU parliament? 0

Brussels and Strasbourg

What are Europe's oldest mountain ranges? 1

Caledonian Mountains of Scandinavia and the British Isles

The 2016 Paris Accord was formed to combat what issue: 1

Climate Change

When it decided to stay out of the European Economic Community (EEC) in the 1950s, the United Kingdom created what competing organization in 1960? 0

European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA)

Which of the following is not an example of environmental concerns in Europe? 1

France wants to export more croissants

Celtic languages 2

Gaelic, Breton, Welsh

The European Coal and Steel Community came in 1951 about largely to reduce competition and conflict between which two countries over Ruhr Valley coal and steel? 0

Germany and France

Europe today is becoming very multicultural due to immigration from former colonies, which has led to tension and conflict. Which of the following is not a significant source of multicultural influence in Europe today? 0

Hippie communities in Denmark

At 94%, this is Europe's most urban country: 3


What caused most of the environmental damage in Europe over the past 300 years? 1

Industrial Revolution

Which of the following, general religion-region associations in Europe is incorrect:? 2

Islam in the British Isles

Who is considered the "framer" of the European community (the European Economic Community that because the European Union)? 0

Jean Monnet

Which of the following is not a major plains region of Europe: 1

Massif Central

Which cultural traits in Europe are hard to connect to a specific source area? 2

Modern democracies from the ancient Greeks

Where is environmental activism the strongest in Europe? 1

Northwest Europe

What empire controlled much of the Mediterranean in the 1800s? 2


All of the following rivers in Europe are heavily used for navigation: 1

Rhine, rhone, Danube

Which of the following was not part of the first enlargement of the European Economic Community (EEC), from six to nine members, in 1973? 0


Other than military incursions, what is the biggest concern Europe has today concerning Russia? 0

Russia can (and has) cut off energy supplies to Europe to retaliate

What area of Europe was completely covered by glaciers during the last Ice Age? 1


When were environmental issues first addressed in the European community? 1

Single European Act (1985)

major Indo-European language families in Europe? 2

Slavic, Germanic, Romance

Romance languages derived from early Latin 2

Spanish, Italian, French

What event, more than any other, brought France and Germany together as economic allies versus the more aloof British government? 0

Suez Canal Crisis of 1956

What event in 2015 triggered massive migration into Europe? 3

Syrian civil war

What notable area in Europe was under Arab (Moorish) control until 1492? 2

The Iberian Peninsula

Starting in 1948, the United States provided billions of dollars in aid to western Europe to help rebuild after World War II. This was known as: 0

The Marshall Plan

Which of the following was not an original signatory to the Treaty of Rome in 1957 establishing the European Economic Community (EEC)? 0

United Kingdom

Why did birth rates begin to decline in Europe in the 19th century? 3


What is the Demographic Transition model? 3

a model that explains why countries go through predictable stages of population growth

Monarchs in the 17th century wanted cities to reflect the grandeur of their presence and their divine right to rule. Space was made for parade grounds, plazas, triumphal archways, gardens, and statues in a style known as: 4


What sort of protections does the European Union provide today? 2

acceptance of many languages, subsidies to preserve historic sites, freedom of religion, protected designation of origin for agricultural products.

What was the main urban planning issue in Western Europe in the 1950s and 1960s? 4

addressing traffic congestion brought on by the economic recovery after World War II

When did carbon dioxide levels most recently drop in Europe? 1

after the Black Death reduced populations in the 1340s

All of the following statements about Central Place Theory are correct: 4

all urban types are nested in a hierarchy with specific goods and services available at each level, people are assumed to travel to the nearest center that provides the goods or services they required, there are many more smaller places (hamlets, villages) than large places (towns, cities)

Why is population growth generally stagnant during the first phase of the Demographic Transition model? 3

birth & death rates are high

What is the status of Europe's native population fertility rates? 3

birth rates are falling below replacement level

Why does population growth start to increase in the second phase of the Demographic Transition model? 3

birth rates remain high but death rates start to drop

Why are some locations in Europe much more populous than their surrounding areas can support agriculturally? 3

capital cities are huge immigration magnets

What is the most abundant greenhouse gas, which has been increasing since the Industrial Revolution? 1

carbon dioxide

Which of the following, general language-region associations in Europe is incorrect:? 2

celtic in the east

Muslim migrants to Europe from former colonies have tended to: 2

cluster in poorer sectors of the cities, and not assimilate

After the invention of the steam engine, manufacturing tended to cluster in what locations? 4

coal fields

Weather in Europe is highly variable because: 1

competing tropical and polar air masses are constantly colliding

Western European cities have pursued all of the following measures to reduce traffic congestion: 4

creating pedestrian shopping zones, improving public transportation, employing traffic marshals to restrict automobile access

All of the following are notable environmental issues in Europe except: 1

deforestation of tropical rainforests

The Hanseatic League formed in northern Europe in the 13th century in order to: 4

develop common trade rules

What vegetation type grows in the Mediterranean area of Europe? 1

evergreen broadleaf and deciduous woodland

Death rates began to decline in Europe in the 18th century for all of the following reasons: 3

food production increased due to crop rotation, manuring, and an influx of crops from other parts of the world, better sanitation, food supply systems improved (e.g. transportation)

After World War II, the majority of migrants into European cities have come from: 4

former colonies in Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and the Caribbean

As one travels from west to east across Europe, the climate: 1

gets colder and drier

Which major population policy generates the most debate in Europe today? 3


When did the single largest expansion of the European Union (EU) occur? 0

in 2004, when 10 mostly Eastern European countries joined

Where is the percentage of urbanization the highest in Europe? 3

in the north

Where are population densities the highest in Europe? 3

in the west

Which of the following did not result from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)? 1

increased fishing stocks in the Atlantic Ocean

In the 19th century, what stimulated a rapid rise in urbanism in Europe? 4


What is notable about the Mediterranean climate? 1

it has long, hot, dry summers and wet winters

What activity most contributes to the increase of methane in the atmosphere? 1

livestock raising

A significant wave of migration from Eastern to Western Europe occurred after 2004 because: 3

many Eastern European countries joined the European Union that year

While small towns have generally survived and grown in Europe since World War II, all of the following things have happened to smaller towns: 4

many shops & businesses have closed, most residents commute to cities to work & shop, hospitals & schools have closed

All of the following were notable Roman construction projects except: 2

mosques & synagogues

What is the purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which formed in 1949? 0

mutual self-defense among western Europe against the Soviet Union to the east

In central and western Europe, after World War II many towns were developed on the outskirts of the historic city centers (e.g. London, Paris). These are known as: 4

new towns

In 1800, how many European countries had urban majorities? 4


What is the difference between a nucleated and a dispersed rural settlement in Europe? 4

nucleated settlements have a small cluster of building providing a few services; dispersed settlements do not

In Holland (the Netherlands), New Towns have largely been built: 4

on reclaimed land called "polders" in the Zuider Zee

European governments have enacted all of the following population policies: 3

paid maternity leave, childcare services, cash supplements to new parents

What is the trend of European population in general? 3

populations are starting to shrink and are aging

All of the following are notable religious minorities in Europe 2

quakers, jews, Huguenots

What were some of the major accomplishments of the Maastricht Treaty of 1993? 0

renaming the EEC to the European Union and creating the Euro

What caused the Protestant Reformation in northern Europe? 2

resentment of the materialism and excesses of the Catholic Church

The network of towns and roads in western and central Europe were mostly built by the: 4


In 1918-19, more people died worldwide than perished during World War I. What was the cause? 3

spanish flu pandemic

All of the following were common features of the Socialist Cities built after World War II: 4

statues of Lenin & Stalin, broad avenues for military parades, monumental government office buildings

What early European civilization controlled routes in the Mediterranean and Black Seas around 600 B.C.? 2

the Greeks

What term did Winston Churchill use to describe the fall of Eastern Europe to the control of the Soviet Union, in 1946? 0

the Iron Curtain

What early European civilization controlled trade around the Mediterranean area by the 8th century B.C.? 2

the Phoenicians

What early European civilization provided most European languages with the beginnings of our modern Latin alphabet? 2

the Phoenicians

Why was Reverend Robert Malthus concerned about population patterns in the early 1800s? 3

the birth rate was very high among the poor.

Universities and parochial schools were founded across Europe by: 4

the church

What was the primary impetus for the rapid expansion of the European Union (EU) after 1993? 0

the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the fall of the Iron Curtain

What was the primary impetus that directly led to the formation of the European Economic Community (EEC)? 0

the devastation of World War II and the desire to prevent future such wars

What event set in motion the eventual schism between the Roman Church (Catholicism) and the Eastern Orthodox Church? 2

the division of the Roman Empire between Rome and Constantinople

What was the primary motivation for the formation of the European Economic Community (EEC)? 0

the free movement of goods, labor, and capital

Reverend Robert Malthus' ideas on population included all of the following elements: 3

the population increases geometrically, the food supply increases arithmetically, famine, war, & disease prevents population growth from getting out of hand.

What European civilization reached its maximum extent around 120 A.D. and controlled most of Europe south and west of Germania? 2

the romans

Why have Pakistani migrants to the United Kingdom fared worse than Indian migrants? 2

they were less well educated & spoke Urdu

In the United States, increasing farm size has led to farmhouse abandonment and small town decline. In Europe, 4

this has not happened; villagers commute to work in cities and many farmhouses have been renovated as second homes

What vegetation regime occurs in the farthest northern portions of Europe? 1


What is the likelihood of the European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA, now the US-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement) merging into one super-organization? 0

very slim -- they are too different politically and economically

In the 16th century, the most substantial modifications made to the old towns of Europe were: 4

walls & fortifications

In the United States, suburbanization was quite rapid, rarely well-planned, and resulted in the decay and emptying of the central city. In Europe, suburbanization: 4

was slower, more planned, and did not harm the central core

What accounts for the mild, moist climate of western Europe? 1

westerly winds and nearby ocean currents

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