Geology 101
Given an air temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit and a dew point temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit, calculate the relative humidity.
Which type of fold has rocks folding up in the middle?
Anticline (Anticlines are also known as upfolds.)
_________ foliated rock which may result from the metamorphism of granite.
___________ coarse-grained rock containing quartz, feldspar, and mica.
____ a common mineral of the amphibole group.
_________ a sedimentary rock made up of particles of other rocks or minerals, especially feldspar and quartz.
The San Rafael Swell is a large kidney-bean shaped monocline in central Utah. This feature extends for 75 miles from north to south. The photo below was taken from the east flank of the Swell, looking north. Recall from the video that since monoclines are large-scale features, we can only see a small part from our vantage point. As a review question, which part(s) of the San Rafael Swell do you see in the photo, corresponding to A, B, and/or C on the diagram below?
B and C only (You can see the tilted beds of B on the diagram shown on the left side of the photo. The sedimentary strata become horizontal to the right in the photo, which is shown by C in the diagram.)
Collapse and turn off the Source Regions folder. Turn on and double-click the Fronts folder. This folder contains a static image of the Earth entitled Blue Marble along with five placemarked locations throughout North America. Examine the location of the five placemarked locations compared to the visual evidence of surface weather patterns evidenced in the image of the Earth. Note the potential impacts of surface conditions at each location at the time of the image and immediately following. Which placemark (or placemarks) best show the location of a midlatitude cyclone in North America at this time?
Between placemarks A and B
_____ a dark-colored mica abundant in schist and granite.
_______ a carbonate mineral which is a component of limestone.
There are three basic types of cloud: cirrus, cumulus, and stratus. Match each of the following items to the type of cloud it describes. Drag the appropriate items into their respective bins.
Cirrus: Have a feathery appearance. High white and thin. The cloud family found at the highest altitudes. Cumulus: Comprised of globular, individual cloud masses. Have a cauliflower appearance. Stratus: Sheets or layers covering most or all of the sky. are larger and have no distinct individual cloud units.
______ a group of mineral compounds that is the most abundant constituent of the earth's crust.
Spectacular joints can be observed in the Alabama Hills of Owens Valley, California. The joints occur in granite bedrock. Based on what you learned in the video, which of the following statements regarding joints is true?
Joints are fractures in rocks where very little to no movement has occurred. (Joints are fractures in rocks in which little to no movement has occurred across the break. These structures can be present in any rock type.)
__________ rock of variable color and texture consisting mainly of calcite
What is one piece of supporting evidence for the big bang theory?
Long-wavelength radio waves fill the visible universe
_________ representative of recrystallized limestone
Which of the following terms best describes the orientation of the fold in Figure 1?
Symmetrical (The limbs both dip downward at the same angle, but in different directions.)
Which kind of fold is visible in Figure 3?
Syncline (Synclines are smile-shaped folds also called downfolds))
Fractured Sandstone in Central Utah _____ are shown in the photo above. They are characterized by _____ sedimentary rock layers.
faults, discontinuous (The photo shows numerous faults, outlined in yellow, that offset sandstone units, outlined in blue. The direction of offset is shown by arrows.)
_____ light-colored mica which is a common component of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
___________ rock names after the groundmass containing definite phenocrysts.
The Raplee Monocline is another prominent feature proximal to Comb Ridge in southern Utah, but much smaller in size (approx. 8 miles in length). Note that we are not looking along the flank or axis of this monocline, but instead at an oblique angle. Numerous canyons cut into the structure, thus exposing the interior of the monocline. Choose the correct description regarding the orientation of the beds at A, B, and C in the photo.
A and C beds are horizontal, B beds are tilted (Beds in the foreground (C) and at the top of the monocline (A) are horizontal, while the beds shown at (B) are tilted toward the viewer. Due to erosion, all of the components of a monocline are exposed at the Raplee Monocline)
People look at weather radar maps regularly to visualize current and recent weather patterns. These weather radar maps provides information on the intensity of precipitation in addition to the total amount of precipitation that falls over a given time period. The heavier the rainfall, the more reflective it is. This reflectivity can be used to calculate the rate of rainfall. The table provided below displays data that illustrates the relationship between radar reflectivity values and rainfall rates. Use this information to calculate the amount of rainfall for the radar values and rainfall durations provided. The calculations you will perform involve only simple algebra, like multiplication and addition. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Note that not all labels will be used.
A reflectivity value of 47 dbz for 2.5 hours = 3.25 inches A reflectivity value of 30 dbz for 6 hours = .6 inches A reflectivity value of of 55dbz for 4 hours = 16 inches A reflectivity value of 52 dbz for 5.5 hours = 13.75 inches A reflectivity value of of 41 dbz for 24 hours = 12 inches
This Exploration will help you visualize and investigate key topics using Google Earth™. Open the Google Earth™ .kmz file for this item. In the Places panel on the left, expand the Temporary Places folder. Return to this Mastering screen and follow the instructions in the yellow on the right. Which location is only a significant source region during the summer?
Uncheck and collapse everything in 7.1 Air Masses and Fronts. Turn on and double-click 7.2, Midlatitude Cyclones and Anticyclones, including Hypothetical Pressure Systems. What air mass is located between the warm front and the cold front shown?
Maritime Tropical
Which of the following describes the orientation of slaty cleavage and mineral grains in relationship to the stress applied?
Mineral grains are oriented parallel to the direction of the weakest stress applied. Slaty cleavage is parallel to the direction of the weakest stress applied.
What kind of front lies directly under the large red L shown?
Which fold orientation is visible in Figure 2?
Overturned (Note how the limbs are dipping in the same direction, but at different angles.)
Let's begin by comparing the conditions at three different cities: Phoenix, AZ; Bismarck, ND; and Tampa, FL. Refer to the accompanying table showing temperature and dew point temperature data for each city and use this information to determine which location each of the following statements applies to. Phoenix, AZ = Temp 96F and Dew Point 45F Tampa Fl = Temp 101F and Dew Point 77F Bismarck ND = Temp 39F and Dew Point 38F
Phoenix AZ: City where the water vapor in the air is furthest from the saturation point. This city has the lowest relative humidity. Bismarck NM: This city as the lowest quantity of water vapor in the air. City where the water vapor in the air is closest to the saturation point. This city has the highest relative humidity. Tampa FL: This city has the greatest quantity of water vapor in the air.
______ a common rock-forming mineral composed only of silicon and oxygen.
Sketching in the Field, South-Central New Mexico This photo shows a large fracture cutting through sedimentary rock layers. Imagine you are investigating this outcrop and have to sketch it. Below are a series of sketches that outline both the fracture and sedimentary rock layers. The key includes information from each sketch. Select the correct sketch and corresponding key below.
Sketch #2 (The yellow lines = Sedimentary Layers, Red Line = Fault. The arrow on the left is pointing down and to the left and the arrow on the right is pointing up and to the right).
The photo below shows dipping sedimentary beds exposed along a limb of the Uinta Anticline in northeast Utah. The axial plane of the fold is located to the left of this exposure, and not shown in this photo. The red layers in the center of the photo are predominantly sandstones, whereas the lighter-colored rocks that make up the ridge to the right are carbonates. You can see that most of these layers are dipping to the right. Imagine you are out in the field and have to sketch and label the view below. Based on observations from the previous photo, which of the following sketches is the most accurate?
Sketch #5 (Sketch #5 correctly outlines the orientation of the dipping beds, as well as the rock types that were discussed in the text. The older units are the red sandstones exposed in the middle part of the photo, while the younger are the carbonates located to the right)
Given that the dry adiabatic cooling rate is 10°C/km and the wet adiabatic cooling rate is 6°C/km, which environmental lapse rates will produce stable conditions? Unstable conditions? Conditionally unstable conditions? Drag the appropriate items into their respective bins. Each item may be used only once.
Stable = 4 C/km Unstable = 11 c/km and 13 c/km Conditionally Unstable = 8 c/km and 7 c/km
The diagram below shows air flowing from the ocean over a coastal mountain range. As elevation increases, air temperature decreases. Dew point changes with elevation. At point A, the dew point is 17ºC. On the windward side, the dew point decreases until it reaches 7ºC at point D. The dew point is constant at 7ºC on the leeward side. Clouds begin to form once they meet the mountain range front (windward side). Here, humidity (water vapor) reaches a 100% concentration in the air, meaning the dew point is on the windward side. Air temperature change on the windward side of the range follows the wet adiabatic rate, but not until the dew point is reached. Air temperature above the dew point and on the leeward side can be predicted using the dry adiabatic rate. Use this information to determine the air temperature at points B through G on the diagram. Each point represents a change in height of 1000 meters. Point B, for example, is 1000 m higher than point A. The information at the base of the mountain graphic is useful for answering the question, especially the dry and wet adiabatic rates. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.
Starting Windward or Wet Climate A = 27 C B = 17 C C= 12 C D = 7 C E = 17 C F = 27 C G = 37 C
At convergent plate boundaries, two plates are moving toward each other. Depending on the relative density of the rock that makes up each plate, one plate (the more dense one) will slide beneath the other at a subduction zone. Because the rocks of oceanic crust are more dense than those of continental crust, it is the plate with oceanic crust that is subducted below the continent. Volcanic activity is common at oceanic-continental subduction zones. If the two plates moving toward each other both have oceanic crust, then the denser of the two (typically the older of the two) will be subducted. Volcanic activity is common at oceanic-oceanic subduction zones. If both plates have light continental crust, they will collide, moving rock upward into mountain chains, and neither plate is subducted so there is no volcanism. Refer to the images in the three scenarios below that show different types of convergent plate boundaries and label items accordingly. Drag the appropriate items into their respective bins.
Starting from Left to Right: Ocean-Continent Convergence & Creates Abundant volcanic activity on the overriding continental plate Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence & Creates volcanic activities resulting in volcanoes growing up from the ocean floor Continent-Continent Convergence & Doesn't create volcanic activity
The figure below shows a hypothetical orientation of slaty cleavage. Place the thick arrows in the direction of maximum stress and the thin arrows in the direction of minimum stress. If stress is equal in all directions, place all thin arrows. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Labels may be used only once.
Starting from the top and moving counterclockwise: Thick Arrow Pointing Down and Right Thin Arrow Pointing Up and Right Thick Arrow Pointing Up and Left Think Arrow Pointing Down and Left
The accompanying images show four phases of the Moon. Using your knowledge of the many phases of the Moon, label each image with the correct phase description. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Note that not all labels will be used.
Starting from the top left and moving counterclockwise: Crescent Waning (Top Left) Third Quarter (Top Right) Gibbous Waning (Bottom left) Full (Bottom right)
A cross-section of a monocline is shown below. Use what you learned in the video to label the parts of the monocline and the directional forces that created it. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Not all labels will be used.
Starting from the top, moving counterclockwise: Uplifted Sedimentary Rocks Half Arrow pointing up and to right. Half Arrow pointing down and to the left. Crystsalline Basement Rocks
The parking lot of Calico Ghost Town in southern California is a great place to study folds due to excellent exposure and easy access. The series of questions below focuses on types of folds and their components. The photo below shows a fold train, composed of two folds, and their features outlined by orange and red lines. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Not all labels will be used.
Starting from the upper left hand side and working counter clockwise: Anticline Shared Limbe Axial Plane Syncline (The photo shows a fold train consisting of an anticline on the left and a syncline on the right. The orange lines delineate a limb shared by both the anticline and adjacent syncline. The red line represents the axial plane, which divides the syncline symmetrically.)
Look at the figure below that shows a slice through Earth's interior and note the star at the top indicating an earthquake epicenter. From the star, various paths are shown to represent seismic waves stemming from that epicenter. The paths of waves curve (refract) in the solid mantle. Here, pressure increases with depth and correlates with seismic velocity of rocks increasing with depth. Some waves will reflect off the liquid outer core, whereas others can pass through the outer core. Determine which types of waves would be able to pass through the various solid and liquid layers of Earth. Label each path with either P, S, or P and S (if either type of wave is possible) to indicate which type(s) of body waves could be represented by that path.
Starting from top. Moving clockwise. P & S Waves P & S Waves P Waves P Waves P & S Waves
Below is an image showing part of the Split Mountain Anticline of Dinosaur National Monument, Utah. It is quite large, so we are looking at only a small portion of the anticline's southern flank. In this photo, you can see sedimentary rocks that have been exposed by weathering and erosion. Yellow lines show curved light-colored sandstone beds that are exposed in canyons cut into the anticline. Orange lines point out red- to orange-colored dipping sedimentary beds that have been eroded from the upper part of the anticline. Concentrate on the series of events that led to the formation and exposure of this anticline. Rank the following events in order from OLDEST to YOUNGEST in age.
Starting with Oldest: Sediments are deposited in a horizontal orientation. The sediments are buried and lithified into sedimentary rock. Compressional forces cause the sedimentary rocks to bend into an anticline. Processes of weathering and erosion expose the interior of the anticline. (Sediments were deposited in horizontal layers, and then buried and lithified to form sedimentary rocks. When these rocks were subjected to compressional forces, they deformed in a ductile manner by bending into an anticline. With time, the folded layers became exposed from processes of weathering and erosion.)
The photo below shows the Comb Ridge monocline of southern Utah, which is approx. 80 miles in length. The view is looking north, along the axis of the monocline. Notice the tilted layers along the axis, and the absence of sedimentary strata to the left (marked by the red bracket). What do you think happened to the sedimentary layers to the left of the axis marked by the red bracket?
The sedimentary layers were worn away by stream erosion (Hundreds of feet of sedimentary rock were eroded due to stream action! Stream erosion is responsible for the steep ridge that is observed today.)