GHIST Ch. 22

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e. "peaked" with the rebel capture of the old Ming capital of Nanjing.

The Taiping Rebellion a. began in Tibet, and was "created" by Russia. b. began in Vietnam and spread only into north China. c. was crushed by a "blended" army of British, French and United States troops. d. separated Taiwan from Japanese control. e. "peaked" with the rebel capture of the old Ming capital of Nanjing.

d. Kyoto to Tokyo.

The capital under the Meiji Restoration was moved from a. Kyoto to Sapporo. b. Osaka to Shimonoseki. c. Tokyo to Nagasaki. d. Kyoto to Tokyo. e. Saigon to Wuhan.

b. Germany.

The Progressive constitution adopted by the Japanese in 1890, with authority placed in the executive branch of the government, was modeled on the government of a. China. b. Germany. c. Great Britain. d. Russia. e. the United States.


Hong Xiuquan claimed to be the younger brother of Jesus Christ.


Japanese industrial development in the late nineteenth century was accomplished without significant government involvement.

b. the mass of the rural population was transformed from indentured serfs into citizens.

After the fall of the shogunate, the a. hereditary rights of the daimyo were strengthened. b. the mass of the rural population was transformed from indentured serfs into citizens. c. samurai quickly became impoverished. d. emperor now actually guided governmental activities, in sharp contrast to the status of his predecessors under the Tokugawa regime. e. last Tokugawa shogun became the permanent Prime Minister.

d. the Qing had finally succeeded in uniting all Chinese behind the regime.

All of the following are correct about China at the end of the nineteenth century except a. industrial production was on the rise, although it was still based largely on traditional methods. b. the transportation system was chaotic. c. the rapidly increasing population resulted in smaller plots of land for the peasants. d. the Qing had finally succeeded in uniting all Chinese behind the regime. e. China was still locked into the traditional mindset that glorified the virtues of an agrarian society and discouraged commercial activity.


As a result of the Chinese-Japanese War of 1894, Japan replaced China as the paramount power in Vietnam.


By the beginning of the nineteenth century, the practice of foot-binding had completely been eradicated in China.


Footbinding in China was practiced exclusively among upper-class women who did not have to perform physical labor.

a. was the Christian leader of the Taiping Rebellion.

Hong Xiuquan a. was the Christian leader of the Taiping Rebellion. b. was a retired houseboy who became emperor in 1855. c. was angered by government expenditures to widen and deepen the Grand Canal. d. supported the Qing during the Taiping Rebellion. e. received steady support from the West in his struggles against the Qing.

b. Korea.

In 1894, the Qing went to war with Japan over a. Tibet. b. Korea. c. Vietnam. d. Laos. e. Siberia.


In spite of the democratic form of Japan's Constitution of 1890, the nation remained under the control of a ruling oligarchy.


In the 1890s, the Boxers expelled the Russians and the Germans from the Liaodong and Shandong peninsulas, but failed to drive Britain from Hong Kong.

d. failed, as the Chinese government did not want additional trade with Britain.

Lord Macartney's trip to Beijing in 1793 a. resulted in his being refused permission to go to the capital. b. created a scandal because Macartney tried to sell opium to local businessmen. c. was the primary action leading to the fall of the Qing. d. failed, as the Chinese government did not want additional trade with Britain. e. succeeded in obtaining Hong Kong for Great Britain.

b. developed a closely linked business-government relationship which accelerated industrial growth, in armaments and shipbuilding as well as silk and tea.

Meiji economic policies a. included a new agricultural land tax which did not generate a great deal of revenue but profited many peasants. b. developed a closely linked business-government relationship which accelerated industrial growth, in armaments and shipbuilding as well as silk and tea. c. were held back by the tradition-based belief that Japanese women should not work in factories. d. concentrated upon rural development at the expense of industrialization. e. were a throwback to the shogunate practices of the sixteenth century.

d. were in part the result of local Chinese strongmen to sell exclusive economic privileges to foreign governments and their merchants.

The "spheres of influence" a. were set up in Korea and Annam to enhance Chinese power in both areas. b. were first created when the United States gained control of the island of Chusan in 1848. c. enabled the Manchus to regain their power base in their Manchurian heartland. d. were in part the result of local Chinese strongmen to sell exclusive economic privileges to foreign governments and their merchants. e. in fact, never developed in China but did in Korea.

b. was an uprising against foreigners by a secret society opposed to foreign imperialism.

The Boxer Rebellion a. started after a riot initiated by kickboxing fans. b. was an uprising against foreigners by a secret society opposed to foreign imperialism. c. was a reaction to the invasion of southwest China by Thai guerrilla troops. d. successfully occupied Beijing, murdering all of the non-Chinese inhabitants. e. led to the successful reoccupation of Taiwan by China.

b. left a power vacuum in the country due to the collapse of the Manchu Dynasty.

The Chinese revolution of 1911 a. was the first successful Marxist revolution in history. b. left a power vacuum in the country due to the collapse of the Manchu Dynasty. c. was the event that gave reformers the power they needed to immediately establish democracy. d. was seen by the West as their greatest achievement. e. was similar to the French Revolution in that soon a Committee of Public Safety ruled China.

a. the naval expeditions of Commodore Perry.

The Japanese opening to the West resulted from a. the naval expeditions of Commodore Perry. b. the diplomatic efforts of Lord Amherst. c. the aftermath of the Plague of 1853. d. the vote of a two-thirds majority in the Diet. e. a collective decision by the pirates of Satsuma and the daimyo of Osaka.

d. was in many ways a revolution from above.

The Meiji Restoration a. was a true revolution, in which the existing ruling class was replaced by a new ruling class. b. was similar to the French Revolution because of the considerable violence involved. c. granted women full equality with men. d. was in many ways a revolution from above. e. failed as the shogunate was quickly restored.

d. served to calm the increasingly frantic pace of Western imperialism in China.

The Open Door Policy a. was initiated by the German government. b. formally terminated the spheres of influence in China. c. increased Western control over tariffs and quotas within each sphere of influence. d. served to calm the increasingly frantic pace of Western imperialism in China. e. was initiated by the United States as an altruistic effort to preserve Chinese independence.

c. gave Britain control of Hong Kong.

The Opium War a. finally forced China to cease selling opium in India and Singapore. b. was ended by the Treaty of Taiwan. c. gave Britain control of Hong Kong. d. ended with a British defeat. e. gave China the right to sell opium in India

a. was initiated by a Japanese surprise attack on the Russian naval base at Port Arthur.

The Russo-Japanese War a. was initiated by a Japanese surprise attack on the Russian naval base at Port Arthur. b. rekindled Russian pride in its military-structure and leadership after the Russian victory. c. was the third phase of the Sino-Japanese War. d. ended with mediation by President Woodrow Wilson e. had little impact upon Western governments and public opinion.

c. Sun Yat-sen.

The medical doctor who formed the Chinese nationalist organization known as the Revive China Society was a. Cixi. b. Kang Youwei. c. Sun Yat-sen. d. Chiang Kai-shek. e. Quai Ban-le.

e. gave the emperor absolute power inasmuch as he was a divine descendent of the Sun Goddess.

The new leaders of the Meiji regime accomplished all except a. the daimyo were stripped of their hereditary privileges. b. key administrative posts were given to modernizing samurai from the Sat-Cho group. c. Created the rudiments of modern party politics diving into groups, the Liberals and the Progressives. d. established a bicameral legislature with a cabinet actually chosen by the oligarchs. e. gave the emperor absolute power inasmuch as he was a divine descendent of the Sun Goddess.

d. shipped large amounts of opium into China at a massive profit.

To try to increase trade profits in China, the British a. seized Taiwan as their first Chinese "colony" in 1827. b. had Lords Macartney and Amherst successfully negotiate broadened British trading rights with the Chinese. c. invaded China in 1816 and took control of all south China seaports. d. shipped large amounts of opium into China at a massive profit. e. replaced the Chinese imperial government with a pro-Western democratic government.


Unlike women in Europe and the United States, Japanese women did not tend to take up out-of-home employment prior to World War I.

a. Opium War in China / Abolition of Feudalism in Japan / Meiji Constitution adopted / Boxer Rebellion

What order of events (longest ago to most recent) is correct? a. Opium War in China / Abolition of Feudalism in Japan / Meiji Constitution adopted / Boxer Rebellion b. Abolition of Feudalism in Japan / Meiji Constitution adopted / Boxer Rebellion / Opium War in China c. Meiji Constitution adopted / Boxer Rebellion / Opium War in China / Abolition of Feudalism in Japan d. Boxer Rebellion / Opium War in China / Abolition of Feudalism in Japan / Meiji Constitution adopted e. None of the above.

d. The British used Chinese objections to opium importation as a pretext to unilaterally invade China and forcibly open it to Western trade.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the nature of the Opium War? a. It was begun, and won, by China. b. The Chinese began hostilities as the only means available to them to stop the opium trade of the British. c. Philippine smugglers used the war to monopolize the Chinese opium trade. d. The British used Chinese objections to opium importation as a pretext to unilaterally invade China and forcibly open it to Western trade. e. The war was a competitive confrontation between the Western colonialist nations to determine which would be the most successful at flooding China with opium.

b. The British agreed to stop exporting opium to China.

Which of the following was not a feature of the treaty that ended the Opium War? a. Hong Kong was transferred to British control. b. The British agreed to stop exporting opium to China. c. The British obtained the right to begin trading in five Chinese ports. d. All British citizens in China were granted extraterritorial rights. e. The British were to be paid an indemnity to cover the cost of the Opium War.

d. the Boxer Rebellion

Which of the following was not a major event in Japanese history? a. collapse of the Tokugawa shogunate b. Meiji Constitution adopted c. arrival of Commodore Perry in the capital d. the Boxer Rebellion e. the 1908 annexation of Korea

d. Universal democracy was adopted.

Which of the following was not a result of the social policies of the Meiji restoration? a. Many peasants lost their land titles. b. Military conscription and universal education were instituted. c. Western practices became very popular. d. Universal democracy was adopted. e. The position of women in the society improved only slightly.

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