Glass castle

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How many months was Jeannette's mom pregnant with her baby sister?


Kenny Hall

A 42-year-old mentally challenged man in Welch who has a crush on Jeannette, for which the other kids make fun of him.


A prostitute at the Green Lantern whorehouse in Battle Mountain, Nevada whom Dad goes to visit.

Ms. Sanders

A teacher for whom Jeannette babysits, and who, in a plan hatched by Jeanette, hires Lori to babysit for her children as she travels with them for the summer. She then buys Lori a return train ticket to New York, rather than Welch.

Jeanettes first husband


What did Billy Deel do the day after Jeannette gave him his ring back?

He went to where they lived and was shooting a BB gun at them.

What happens that saves Jeannette from having to drop out of school because of financial problems?

Her father comes up with the money for her tuition.

Why was Jeannette glad they didn't have enough money to buy her class picture one year?

Her mom put mayonnaise in her hair because she heard it's good for her hair, but didn't wash it out for the pictures

What did her mom say when Jeannette tried to get her to leave her dad besides "It's against the Catholic faith"?

Im an exitment addict

Rex's nickname for Jeanette

Mountain goat

Ernie Goad

A kid who lives in Welch and torments Brian and Jeannette for living in "garbage."

Billy Deel

A teenager who is neighbors with the Walls family in Battle Mountain, and who has a crush on Jeannette that turns violent. Lori defends Jeanette from Billy by threatening him with a gun.

When does Jeanette move to NYC

After junior year of high school

What college does Jeanette attend


When Jeannette was in 1st grade, why did the 2 Mexican girls beat her up?

Because she was tall, pale, skinny, and raised her had too fast when the teacher asked questions.

What did the Walls gorge themselves on in Nevada


Who visited Jeanette's school when she was a junior at Welch High?

Chuck Yeager

Uncle Stanley

Dad's brother, he lives in Welch, West Virginia with Erma and Grandpa Walls. While Jeanette and her family are living in Welch, Uncle Stanley attempts to sexually assault her. She escapes but, subsequently, avoids their home as much as possible.

Who is sexually aggressive with Brian


In the Battle of Little Hobart Street, the Brian and Jeannette fight against __________ and win.

Ernie Goad

Dinita Hewitt

Initially the leader of a group that bullies Jeannette at school in Welch, but who later becomes her friend.


Jeanette's younger brother


Jeanette's younger sister

Ms. Jeanette Bivens

Jeanettes namesake, was Rex's teacher


Jeanettes older sister

Cindy Thompson

Jeannette's classmate, who tries to recruit her for the Ku Klux Klan.

Professor Fuchs

Jeannette's favorite college professor. When Professor Fuchs grows distressed at something Jeannette says in class about homeless people, Jeannette feels that she can't reveal her true background and her own experience with poverty and homelessness.

jeanettes second husband

John Taylor

Maureens birth name

Lily Ruth Maureen

What is the name of the walls girls piggy bank


Mary Charlene Walls

Rex and Rose Mary's second daughter, Mary Charlene dies at only 9-months old one night in her crib. Her death prompts Rex's gambling and drinking habits.

what happens to the money in oz

Rex takes it

Erma Walls

Rex's mother who lives in West Virginia. She refuses to be called 'Grandma' because it makes her feel old. Erma has a grumpy disposition and asks her grandchildren to refrain from laughing in her home.


Rex's wife, an artist and Jeanettes mother

Who wants to move to Welch

Rose Mary

Grandma Smith

Rose Mary and Uncle Jim's mother. Her death is the reason the Walls move to Pheonix

how does Jeanette help dinitas brother

She chases away a dog that is bothering him.

How did Jeannette know her mom and dad had moved to New York before they had even told her?

She heard on the radio about a van that had broken down on the New Jersey turnpike that had spilled clothes and furniture all over the road.

How did Maureen get by?

She relied on friends.

Why is Dinitia arrested?

She stabs her mother's boyfriend to death

What does Jeanette have to do one night when her dad come home after "getting in a fight with a mountain"?

Stitch him up

Mr. Freeman

The Walls family's next-door neighbor in Welch.

Where was Jeanette and Brian's favorite place to go while living at Battle Mountain?

The dump


The father of Jeanette, Brian, Maureen, and Lori. An alcoholic that tends to be dismissive yet has a good heart.

Why do the walls move to Phoenix

The inheritance from grandma smith

Ginnie Sue Pastor

The town prostitute in Welch, and also the mother of nine children.

The German restaurant Jeannette worked at...

Zum Zum

what two plants does Jeanette compare her family to

a cactus and a Joshua tree

They could each bring one thing with them to Phoenix. What was Jeannette's one thing?

a geode

What does Rex give Jeanette as a going away present when she goes to New York?

a jackknife

Lori's reluctance to explore the outdoors and her interest in books arise from her ____________.

bad eyesight

Since the Walls were on a mission to find gold, Jeannette's dad found a place in northern Nevada called..

battle mountain

What do the walls kids struggle with in welch

being bullied

What are the children forced to eat

butter and sugar

How does Jeanette burn herself

cooking hot dogs

When the children are starving they catch their mom....

eating a chocolate bar

What was Rex's motivation for moving around

finding gold

What does Jeannette wish for on her tenth birthday?

for her dad to stop drinking

what does Brian do as he grows up

gets into more fights and trouble

The workers went on strike, so the walls picked their own...


The family lived in Las Vegas for a few months. Why did they leave?

he blackjack dealer knew Rex was cheating

Why did her dad ruin Lori's clay bust of Shakespeare?

he thought Shakespeare was a fraud

Why would Jeanette never stay home, even when she was sick?

her classroom was warm

what is assumed from dinitas pregnancy

her moms boyfriend raped her

Where does Jeannette learn to swim?

hot pot

what happened to Ermas house

it burns down

Why does Rosemary hate teaching

it requires organization

how do rex and rosemary meet

jumping off a cliff

What two things of great value does rose Mary have

land and a diamond

what is not allowed at Ermas


Where do they move after kicked out of Ermas

little Hobart street

what did Jeanette do to fix her teeth

made her own braces

What does Rex make to help him find gold


What is the Green Lantern?

prostitute house

which parent is more upset about loosing Mary Charlene


What name did Jeannette want to name her new baby sister?


When is Jeanette first astounded to learn about childhood beyond hers

school newspaper

how does Jeanette cover the holes in her pants

she colors her skin with marker

What happens to Jeanette when rex is driving under the influence

she falls out of the car

how does Jeanette learn to swim

she is thrown in the water

What does Rex give his children for Christmas?


who does rex claim is after him when they do the skedaddle

the FBI

what did the Walls call their car

the blue goose

what fascinates Jeanette in the desert

the crooked Joshua tree

What is the name of the van the Walls drive everywhere?

the green caboose

Jeanette's favorite toy

tinker bell

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