Global History 2: Regents Review Chapters 19-24

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(3) French Revolution

"Estates General Meet for First Time in 175 Years" "National Assembly Issues Declarations of the Rights of Man" "Reign of Terror Ends; Robespierre Dies" Which event in European history is most closely associated with these headlines? (1) Puritan Revolution (2) Hundred Years War (3) French Revolution (4) signing of the Magna Carta

(2) formation of government based on a social contract

"If man in the state of nature is free, if he is absolute lord of his own person and possessions, why will he give up his freedom? Why will he put himself under the control of any person or institution? The obvious answer is that rights in the state of nature are constantly exposed to the attack of others. Since every man is equal and since most me do not concern themselves with equity and justice, the enjoyment of rights in the state of nature is unsafe and insecure. Hence each man joins in society with others to preserve his life, liberty, and property." — John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 1690 This statement provides support for the (1) elimination of laissez-faire capitalism (2) formation of government based on a social contract (3) continuation of absolute monarchy (4) rejection of the natural rights philosophy

(4) bring radicals to power

A comparison of the actions of the Jacobins during the French Revolution and the actions of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution indicates that revolutions sometimes (1) occur in a peaceful manner (2) gain the support of wealthy landowners (3) ignore urban workers (4) bring radicals to power

(3) social class

Before the French Revolution, the people of France were divided into three estates based mainly on their (1) education level (2) geographic region (3) social class (4) religious beliefs

(1) encouraged nationalism

One similarity in the actions of Simón Bolívar and Napoleon Bonaparte is that both leaders (1) encouraged nationalism (2) relied on diplomatic negotiations (3) established a representative form of government (4) rebelled against imperialism

(2) encouraged reforms

One way in which Alexander II, Catherine the Great, and Boris Yeltsin played similar roles in Russian history was that they (1) led communist revolutions (2) encouraged reforms (3) were subjects of Stalinist purges (4) supported territorial expansion

(2) Columbian Exchange

The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas is known as the (1) Scientific Revolution (2) Columbian Exchange (3) New Imperialism (4) Middle Passage

(4) movements for political reform

The ideas of Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu most influenced (1) the growing power of priests in the Roman Catholic Church (2) improvements in the working conditions of factory workers (3) the rise of industrial capitalism (4) movements for political reform

(3) mercantilism

The purpose of colonies is to ship raw materials to the colonial power and buy finished goods from the colonial power. This statement reflects the basic idea of which economic system? (1) socialism (2) communism (3) mercantilism (4) capitalism

(3) possessions to benefit the imperial power

Under the policy of mercantilism, colonial powers considered their colonies to be (1) independent nations that traded throughout the world (2) independent nations that had special relationships with European powers (3) possessions to benefit the imperial power (4) possessions being prepared for independence

(4) Atlantic Trade Routes

What is the most appropriate title for the map? (1) The Industrial Revolution (2) Imperialism in Africa (3) The Age of Discovery (4) Atlantic Trade Routes

(1) inequalities in the tax structure

What was a major cause of the French Revolution? (1) inequalities in the tax structure (2) economic success of mercantilism (3) failure of the Congress of Vienna (4) Continental System in Europe

(4) creation of a favorable balance of trade

What was one goal of mercantilism? (1) removal of trade barriers (2) elimination of private property (3) establishment of subsistence agriculture (4) creation of a favorable balance of trade

(1) invading Russia with limited supply lines

Which action taken by both Hitler and Napoleon is considered by historians to be a strategic military error? (1) invading Russia with limited supply lines (2) introducing combined ground and naval assaults (3) invading Great Britain by land (4) using conquered peoples as slave laborers

(4) other Caribbean islands

Which area received the largest number of captured Africans as slaves between 1500 and 1870? (1) British North America (2) Spanish America (3) Europe and Asia (4) other Caribbean islands

(3) Several European countries participated in the slave trade.

Which conclusion about the slave trade in Africa is supported by this map? (1) Most of the slaves came from eastern Africa. (2) Few people were taken from Africa to other continents. (3) Several European countries participated in the slave trade. (4) The slave trade began in southern Africa.

(3) John Locke

Which individual most likely opposed the form of government described in this quotation? (1) Ivan the Terrible (2) Thomas Hobbes (3) John Locke (4) Louis XIV

(3) Louis XVI→ Robespierre → Napoleon

Which list of French leaders is in the correct chronological order? (1) Louis XVI→ Napoleon → Robespierre (2) Robespierre → Napoleon → Louis XVI (3) Louis XVI→ Robespierre → Napoleon (4) Napoleon → Louis XVI → Robespierre

(4) Scientific Revolution

Which period of history had the greatest influence on the Enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason? (1) Pax Romana (2) Middle Ages (3) Age of Exploration (4) Scientific Revolution

(2) French (1789)

Which revolution resulted from the division of society shown in this diagram? (1) Puritan (1642) (2) French (1789) (3) Mexican (1910) (4) Russian (1917)

(1) peninsulares

Which social class controlled most of the political, economic, and social power in colonial Latin America? (1) peninsulares (2) mestizos (3) creoles (4) native people

(4) His voyages started a vast cultural exchange between the two hemispheres.

Which statement explains the long-term significance of the travels of Christopher Columbus? (1) His interactions with the indigenous peoples served as a model for fair treatment of minorities. (2) His ships were the first to complete an around-the-world voyage and prove the earth was round. (3) His calculations of the distance between Europe and Asia became the basis for our modern maps. (4) His voyages started a vast cultural exchange between the two hemispheres.

(1) protect natural rights

According to John Locke, the chief role of government was to (1) protect natural rights (2) fight territorial wars (3) ensure the wealth of citizens (4) redistribute land

(1) restore old regimes to power

At the Congress of Vienna (1815), the governments of Europe reacted to the French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon by attempting to (1) restore old regimes to power (2) spread the idea of democracy (3) encourage nationalist movements (4) promote the European free-trade zone

(4) Most enslaved Africans were sent to the Caribbean and Spanish America.

Base your answer to the following question on the graph below and on your knowledge of social studies. Which statement is supported by the graph? (1) Little trade in enslaved Africans took place before the 1500s. (2) Slavery was most widely practiced in Sweden, Denmark, and Holland. (3) Conditions of slavery in Brazil were less harsh than those in the United States. (4) Most enslaved Africans were sent to the Caribbean and Spanish America.

2 obtain workers for its colonies in the Americas

In the 1600's, the interest of Europeans in Africa was based mainly on Europe's need to 1 market its surplus agricultural products 2 obtain workers for its colonies in the Americas 3 establish collective security arrangements 4 settle its surplus population on new lands

(3) Enlightenment

Locke's Two Treatises of Government, Rousseau's The Social Contract, and Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws were works written during which time period? (1) Middle Ages (2) Renaissance (3) Enlightenment (4) Reformation

(4) governments should be based on the consent of the people

One contribution that John Locke made to Enlightenment philosophy was the idea that (1) absolute monarchies should continue (2) the punishment should fit the crime (3) individual rights should be denied (4) governments should be based on the consent of the people

(4) had little or no political power

The histories of the serfs in medieval Europe, the harijans in traditional India, and the native population in colonial Latin America are similar in that each group (1) used political power to improve living conditions (2) successfully revolted against rulers (3) was socially mobile (4) had little or no political power

(2) Enlightenment

These ideas were first expressed during which period of European history? (1) Pax Romana (2) Enlightenment (3) Middle Ages (4) Renaissance

(3) Columbian Exchange

•Maize and potatoes were grown in Europe. •Millions of Africans suffered during the Middle Passage. •Smallpox had devastating effects on indigenous peoples. •Spanish language is used in much of Latin America. Which global interaction is illustrated by these statements? (1) Silk Road trade (2) Crusades (3) Columbian Exchange (4) Scramble for Africa

(2) control of power by wealthy landowners

A lasting result of colonial rule in many Latin American nations has been the (1) elimination of national debts (2) control of power by wealthy landowners (3) decrease in the power of the Catholic Church (4) creation of industrial economics

(2) the use of reason for rational and logical thinking

A major concept promoted by philosophers of the Enlightenment was the need for (1) a return to traditional medieval ideas (2) the use of reason for rational and logical thinking (3) overseas expansion by western European nations (4) strengthening the power of the organized religions

(1) French

During which revolution did these executions occur? (1) French (2) Russian (3) Chinese (4) Cuban

(2) The climate created obstacles to success.

How did geography affect both Napoleon's invasion and Hitler's invasion of Russia? (1) Deserts made invasion possible. (2) The climate created obstacles to success. (3) The tundra enabled the movements of troops. (4) Warm-water ports prevented the flow of supplies.

(1) Latin America

The Enlightenment and the American Revolution were both major influences on 19th century uprisings in (1) Latin America (2) the Middle East (3) Vietnam (4) Japan

(2) mercantilism

Which economic system was responsible for the creation of the situation shown on the map? (1) feudal system (2) mercantilism (3) socialism (4) barter system

(3) The Reign of Terror crossed social and economic boundaries.

Which statement is best supported by information found in this chart? (1) Clergy were spared from the Reign of Terror. (2) The Reign of Terror affected all classes equally. (3) The Reign of Terror crossed social and economic boundaries. (4) Peasants were the most frequent victims of the Reign of Terror

(4) the impact of contact between different peoples

•Smallpox outbreak spreads throughout Mexico. •Many Incas convert to Christianity in ceremonies in Lima, Peru. •Spanish and Portuguese are introduced to chocolate, peanuts, tomatoes, and corn. •Cortés brings Aztec gold and silver treasures to Spain. Which situation is illustrated in these statements? (1) empathy of Europeans for Native American Indian civilizations (2) triangular trade and its effects on agrarian economies (3) the relatively high costs of colonialism (4) the impact of contact between different peoples

(2) maintain a balance of power in Europe

A major goal of the Congress of Vienna was to (1) establish democratic governments in all European nations (2) maintain a balance of power in Europe (3) return Napoleon Bonaparte to power (4) create independent governments for Austria and Hungary

(3) Enlightenment

Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. . . . Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. . . . Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. . . . — The Universal Declaration of Human Rights In which time period of Western history did thinkers first express these ideas in written form? (1) Renaissance (2) Reformation (3) Enlightenment (4) Middle Ages

4 the transatlantic slave trade

Base your answer to the following question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. "I was immediately handled and tossed up to see if I were sound, by some of the crew, and I was now persuaded that I had gotten into a world of bad spirits, and that they were going to kill me. Their complexions, too, differing so much from ours, their long hair, and the language they spoke . . . united to confirm me in this belief. . . . The closeness of the place and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us." Which event is described in this passage? 1 the Aztec invasion of Mayan cities 2 the Ottoman invasion of Hungary 3 immigration from Europe to the New World 4 the transatlantic slave trade

(4) used violent methods to eliminate their opponents

One similarity between the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution and the Cultural Revolution in China was that both (1) limited the power of absolute leaders (2) illustrated the power of public opinion in forming national policy (3) established social stability and economic growth (4) used violent methods to eliminate their opponents

(2) separated people into distinct classes

One similarity between the social patterns in medieval Europe and those in colonial Latin America is that both societies (1) separated religion and politics (2) separated people into distinct classes (3) gave women the power to assume leadership positions (4) followed the rule of the majority

(2) engaged in territorial expansion

One similarity in the rule of Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, and Catherine the Great is that each leader (1) required the use of Latin throughout the empire (2) engaged in territorial expansion (3) introduced the use of gunpowder in warfare (4) encouraged the spread of independence movements

(4) those who are governed

The Enlightenment philosophers believed that the power of government is derived from (1) divine right rulers (2) the middle class (3) a strong military (4) those who are governed

(3) provide stability for the nation

The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would (1) adopt the ideas of the Protestant Reformation (2) restore Louis XVI to power (3) provide stability for the nation (4) end British control of France

(2) colonies exist for the benefit of the colonial power

The term "mercantilism" is defined as an economic system in which (1) prices are determined by the laws of supply and demand (2) colonies exist for the benefit of the colonial power (3) factors of production are owned by the government (4) the proletariat benefit at the expense of the bourgeoisie

(4) a democratic republic

The writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron de Montesquieu, and John Locke were similar in that each supported the principles of (1) a military dictatorship (2) an autocracy (3) a theocratic society (4) a democratic republic

(1) policies of the enlightened despots

The writings of the 18th-century French philosophers Diderot, Rousseau, and Voltaire influenced the (1) policies of the enlightened despots (2) start of the Neolithic Revolution (3) success of the German unification movement (4) spread of imperialism to Africa and Asia

(2) European trade with Africa and South America increased.

What was a result of the explorers' voyages illustrated on this map? (1) Europe became increasingly isolated. (2) European trade with Africa and South America increased. (3) Southeast Asia became Europe's greatest trading partner. (4) European nations created colonial governments throughout central Asia

(3) geographic size and location

Which factors protected Russia from control by Napoleon's army? (1) religious and cultural similarities (2) industrialization and modernization (3) geographic size and location (4) political and economic instability

(3) emphasized the value of human reasoning

"When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates [government officials], there can be no liberty; because apprehensions [fears] may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws to execute them in a tyrannical manner. . . ." — Baron de Montesquieu, Spirit of the Laws One similarity of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment is that both (1) had the support of the Roman Catholic Church (2) placed great value on traditional beliefs (3) emphasized the value of human reasoning (4) contributed to the end of feudalism

(2) Age of Enlightenment

. . . The Laws ought to be so framed, as to secure the Safety of every Citizen as much as possible. . . . The Equality of the Citizens consists in this; that they should all be subject to the same Laws. . . . — Documents of Catherine the Great, W.F.Reddaway, ed., Cambridge University Press (adapted) These ideas of Catherine the Great of Russia originated during the (1) Age of Exploration (2) Age of Enlightenment (3) Protestant Reformation (4) French Revolution

(4) Atlantic slave trade

Base your answer to the following question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. . . . And we cannot reckon how great the damage is, since the mentioned merchants are taking every day our natives, sons of the land and the sons of our noblemen and vassals and our relatives, because the thieves and men of bad conscience grab them wishing to have the things and wares of this Kingdom which they are ambitious of; they grab them and get them to be sold; and so great, Sir, is the corruption and licentiousness [lack of restraint] that our country is being completely depopulated, and Your Highness should not agree with this nor accept it as in your service. . . . — Nzinga Mbemba (King Affonso), Letters to the King of Portugal, 1526 Which event in African history is described in this passage? (1) exploration of the African interior (2) discovery of gold mines in Nigeria (3) Belgium's takeover of the Congo (4) Atlantic slave trade

2 Results of colonialism in Latin America

I._____________________________ A."Cash Crop" economies B. Class systems based on birth and skin color C. Ethnic and racial diversity Which title would be most appropriate for this list of characteristics? 1 Problems of the Cold War 2 Results of colonialism in Latin America 3 Effects of feudalism on medieval Europe 4 Causes of the Korean War

(3) applying reason and the laws of nature

Philosophers of the Enlightenment period believed that society could best be improved by (1) relying on faith and divine right (2) borrowing ideas from ancient Greece and Rome (3) applying reason and the laws of nature (4) studying the practices of successful leaders Cities of 100,000 to 300,000 people

(4) establish a balance of power in Europe after the defeat of Napoleon

One of the main purposes of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) was to (1) promote the unification of Italy (2) preserve the German territories gained by Otto von Bismarck (3) restore the power of the Holy Roman Empire (4) establish a balance of power in Europe after the defeat of Napoleon

(1) purged their nations of political opponents

One way in which Maximilien Robespierre, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Saddam Hussein are similar is that these leaders all (1) purged their nations of political opponents (2) followed the teachings of Karl Marx (3) supported the ideals of the European Enlightenment (4) obtained their goals through the use of passive resistance

(1) encouraged the spread of new ideas

One way in which the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment were similar is that they (1) encouraged the spread of new ideas (2) strengthened traditional institutions (3) led to the Protestant Reformation (4) rejected Renaissance individualism

(4) B and D

Speaker A: "The majesty of the king is borrowed from God, who gives it to him for the good of the people. It is good for the people to be checked by a superior force." Speaker B: "Reason . . . teaches that all men are equal and independent, and that no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions." Speaker C: "My view is that it is desirable to be both loved and feared; but it is difficult to achieve both, and, if one of them has to be lacking, it is much safer to be feared than to be loved." Speaker D: "The enjoyment of liberty, and even its support and preservation, consists in every man being allowed to speak his thoughts and lay open his sentiments." Which two speakers would most likely support the idea of democracy? (1) A and B (2) B and C (3) C and D (4) B and D

(4) mercantile

Statement A: The might of a country consists of gaining surpluses of gold and silver. Statement B: A nation's strength is found in economic independence and the maintenance of a favorable balance of trade. Statement C: We need to gain colonies both as sources for raw materials and as markets for our manufactured goods. Which economic system is being described by these statements? (1) traditional (2) feudal (3) command (4) mercantile

(2) inspired other peoples seeking democracy and independence

The American and French Revolutions were turning points in global history because the results of these revolutions (1) led to the abolition of slavery (2) inspired other peoples seeking democracy and independence (3) marked the end of European influence in the Western Hemisphere (4) demonstrated the need for strong international peacekeeping organizations

(2) imperialism

The events illustrated in this time line show the effects of European (1) isolationism (2) imperialism (3) socialism (4) fundamentalism

(3) slave trade in the Western Hemisphere

The success of the triangular trade system depended on increasing (1) political independence of the Caribbean nations (2) emphasis on free trade in European nations (3) slave trade in the Western Hemisphere (4) industrialization of the South American colonies

(2) Columbian Exchange

What is the best title for this diagram? (1) Encomienda System (2) Columbian Exchange (3) Silk Road (4) Open Door policy

(4) divine right

". . . Finally, gather together all that we have said, so great and so august [important], about royal authority. You have seen a great nation united under one man: you have seen his sacred power, paternal and absolute: you have seen that secret reason which directs the body politic, enclosed in one head: you have seen the image of God in kings, and you will have the idea of majesty of kingship. God is holiness itself, goodness itself, power itself, reason itself. In these things consists the divine majesty. In their reflection consists the majesty of the prince. . . ." — Jacques-Benigne Bossuet Which concept is associated with this quotation? (1) direct democracy (2) imperialism (3) socialism (4) divine right

(1) natural law

". . . Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good. . . ." —Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789 Which principle of the Enlightenment philosophers is expressed in this quotation from the French Revolution? (1) natural law (2) nationalism (3) free trade (4) socialism

(1) reactions to the French Revolution

"Congress of Vienna Restores Monarchy to France" "Czar Nicholas I Limits Freedom of the Russian Press" "Reform Movements Crushed in Hungary, Italy, and the German States" These headlines could be described as (1) reactions to the French Revolution (2) movements to unify all of western Europe (3) efforts to improve the conditions of factory workers (4) attempts to promote trade between European nations

(1) French Revolution

"During the greater part of the day the guillotine had been kept busy at its ghastly work . . . . Every aristocrat was a traitor . . . . For two hundred years now the people had sweated, and toiled, and starved to keep a lustful court in lavish extravagance; now the descendants of those who had helped to make these courts brilliant had to hide for their lives." Which event is referred to in this passage? (1) French Revolution (2) Sepoy Mutiny (3) Protestant Reformation (4) Mexican Revolution

(3) Rulers must be subject to the law.

"The rule of law is more powerful than the rule of the tyrant." — Simón Bolívar "Whoever has the . . . supreme power . . . is bound to govern by established standing laws." — John Locke What is the main idea expressed in these quotations? (1) Rulers should govern with unlimited power. (2) All governments must be democratic. (3) Rulers must be subject to the law. (4) Governments should be based on the laws of God.

(4) John Locke (1) the Enlightenment

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. . . ." This statement best expresses the philosophy of (1) Adam Smith (2) Karl Marx (3) Thomas Hobbes (4) John Locke The statement best represents the values of (1) the Enlightenment (2) Social Darwinism (3) feudalism (4) communism

(2) mercantilism

Which economic theory, developed in the 17th century, supported European colonialism? (1) socialism (2) mercantilism (3) bartering (4) feudalism

(3) Portugal sought trade benefits from its colonial possessions.

Which statement best illustrates the concept of European mercantilism during the Age of Exploration? (1) England encouraged free trade among its colonies. (2) Spain reduced exports to its South American colonies. (3) Portugal sought trade benefits from its colonial possessions. (4) France refused to give financial support to weak national industries.

(2) A and C

Speaker A: My king has brought together the best mapmakers and scientists to study navigation. The expeditions he has sponsored will increase Portugal's trade with the East and make us wealthy. Speaker B: My people lost their land and were forced to work in the mines and fields. They received little economic benefit. Speaker C: My queen has chartered joint-stock companies to control trade with our colonies. Speaker D: My people were enslaved and have endured unspeakable hardships. Many died during the Middle Passage. Which two speakers would most likely support mercantilism? (1) A and B (2) A and C (3) B and D (4) C and D

(2) European trade with Africa and South America increased.

What was a result of the explorers' voyages illustrated on this map? (1) Europe became increasingly isolated. (2) European trade with Africa and South America increased. (3) Southeast Asia became Europe's greatest trading partner. (4) European nations created colonial governments throughout central Asia.

(3) introduction of new foods to both Europe and the Americas

What was one effect of the Columbian exchange? (1) rapid decline in European population (2) economic instability in China and Japan (3) introduction of new foods to both Europe and the Americas (4) spread of Hinduism into Latin America

(1) One group paid heavy taxes that supported the other two groups.

Which conclusion can be drawn from this drawing? (1) One group paid heavy taxes that supported the other two groups. (2) Hard work, prayer, and a good example allowed for a stable government in France. (3) Peasants and professionals in this society were gaining political and economic power. (4) French society emphasized the importance of natural law and social equality.

(2) outbreak of the Black Death and smallpox

Which development led to the shortages of labor in 14th-century Europe and in 16th- and 17th-century North and South America? (1) rise of nation-states (2) outbreak of the Black Death and smallpox (3) fall of Constantinople (4) introduction of new military technologies

(1) the severe winters and large size of Russia

Which factors helped cause the defeat of Napoleon during his invasion of Russia? (1) the severe winters and large size of Russia (2) the many rivers and mountains of Russia (3) the coalition between the Russian czar and the democratic leaders (4) the well-trained and well-supplied Russian army

(4) Because of past abuses by the nobility, the common people staged a bloody revolt.

Which generalization best summarizes the views of the author of this passage? (1) The common people of the nation deserved to be punished for violating the country's laws. (2) The goals of fraternity, equality, and liberty were achieved in this period. (3) The nobility was being punished for bringing benefits to the nation. (4) Because of past abuses by the nobility, the common people staged a bloody revolt.

(4) harsh climate

Which geographic factor in Russia played a role in Napoleon's defeat in 1812 and Hitler's defeat at Stalingrad in 1943? (1) Siberian tundra (2) Caspian Sea (3) arid land (4) harsh climate

(1) The use of reason would lead to human progress.

Which idea became a central belief of the Enlightenment? (1) The use of reason would lead to human progress. (2) Mathematics could be used to solve all human problems. (3) The ancient Romans had the best form of government. (4) People should give up their natural rights to their rulers.

(4) Many slaves were transported to the Caribbean Islands

Which idea is best supported by this graph? (1) Slavery had its greatest effect on Europe and Asia. (2) Slavery was more important in North America than it was in South America. (3) The Portuguese made early efforts to outlaw the slave trade. (4) Many slaves were transported to the Caribbean Islands

(3) separating the branches of government

Which solution would Baron de Montesquieu offer to avoid the enactment of tyrannical laws? (1) granting freedom of speech (2) reinstating absolute monarchies (3) separating the branches of government (4) limiting natural laws

(3) The Columbian exchange brought new foods and products to Europe and the Americas.

Which statement about the Columbian exchange is a fact rather than an opinion? (1) The Columbian exchange had a positive effect on the Americas. (2) The Columbian exchange benefited Europe more than it benefited the Americas. (3) The Columbian exchange brought new foods and products to Europe and the Americas. (4) The Columbian exchange created a modern Europe

(4) Plantations in the New World used enslaved Africans to replace native populations

Which statement best describes a result of the encounter between Europeans and native populations of Latin America? (1) Native societies experienced rapid population growth. (2) European nations lost power and prestige in the New World. (3) Large numbers of natives migrated to Europe for a better life. (4) Plantations in the New World used enslaved Africans to replace native populations

(2) Controlling trade is a key to increasing power.

Which statement best describes the concept of mercantilism? (1) Universal suffrage leads to educated citizens. (2) Controlling trade is a key to increasing power. (3) Only the fittest deserve to survive. (4) Strict social control prevents revolutions.

(2) Both revolutions were the result of government denial of basic human rights and stressful economic conditions.

Which statement describes a similarity between the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia? (1) The leaders in power before the revolutions favored changing the political system in their country. (2) Both revolutions were the result of government denial of basic human rights and stressful economic conditions. (3) Most of the revolutionary support was provided by radicals from other countries. (4) The new democracies created by the revolutions gave people greater representation in their governments.

(1) The combination of new products and ideas promoted economic growth.

Which statement describes an impact of the Columbian exchange on the lives of Europeans? (1) The combination of new products and ideas promoted economic growth. (2) Native Americans immigrated to Europe and competed with Europeans for jobs. (3) Millions of Europeans were killed by new American diseases. (4) Introduction of the Native American religions resulted in the decline of the Roman Catholic Church.

(1) The transfer of new products and ideas encouraged economic growth.

Which statement describes an impact that the Columbian Exchange had on the lives of Europeans? (1) The transfer of new products and ideas encouraged economic growth. (2) New diseases were brought to Europe and resulted in massive deaths caused by a plague. (3) Native Americans immigrated to Europe and competed with Europeans for jobs. (4) Cross-cultural contacts between South America and Asia declined.

(4) All individuals have natural rights.

Which statement expresses an idea of the Enlightenment? (1) The king is sacred and answers only to God. (2) History is a continuous struggle between social classes. (3) Those who are the most fit will survive and succeed. (4) All individuals have natural rights.

(2) French and American

Which two revolutions most influenced 19th-century Latin American independence movements? (1) Agricultural and Industrial (2) French and American (3) English and Russian (4) Commercial and Green

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