Global Studies : Module 2

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What is estimated to be the number of Christians by the end of the first century?


How is Abraham an example of "the scandal of particularity"?

God chose to work with Abraham above all other people.

What was the Pax Romana?

A long period of peacefulness in the Roman Empire.

What was John the Baptist's main message? (Choose the best answer.)

Bear fruits in keeping with repentance.

What character in the Old Testament was filled by the Holy Spirit and enabled to fashion beautiful items in the construction of the Tabernacle?


Which Roman emperor was the first to became a Christian and endorse the church?


What was the purpose of the storm?

For God to work in the life of Jonah and display His power to the pagan sailors.

How did the church (Roman Catholic) become its own worst enemy?

It became powerful and wealthy.

What is the significance of Jesus being called the "Lamb"? (Choose all that apply.)

It is a reminder of His sacrifice. It is a picture of His humility.

The pope led the Western Church to engage in the Crusades because:

Muslims were persecuting Christian pilgrims visiting Jerusalem. Constantinople was under siege and needed help. Muslims were again advancing in conquest.

Read Hebrews 11:1. Based on this study of Abraham, give your own definition of faith.

My own definition of faith is trusting and believing in God, despite me not being able to see Him. It means giving my life to Him, and trusting that He has good plans for me,and if following and obeying him leads me to my death, I will have trust that it is a part of His plan.

What did John mean when he said, "God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham"?

No one enters into God's kingdom merely by birthright.

Choose four events that led to the Student Volunteer Movement.

The Second Great Awakening. Two students visit 167 college campuses to recruit other students for missions. Moody meets Hudson Taylor and promotes cross-cultural missions. Dwight L. Moody becomes a Christian and starts preaching and leads student Bible conferences.

What are some arguments against the Middle Ages being called the "Dark Ages?" (Choose all that apply.)

The building of the great cathedrals. The establishment of universities. New technology

The great event that truly separated Christianity from Judaism was:

The fall of Jerusalem.

Which of these was not a factor in the rise of the "Great Century" of missions?

The indigenous church movement.

What message did Ralph Winter give to the representatives at the Lausanne Congress in 1974?

The modern world was no longer on its way to becoming better.

What does it mean to claim the gospel and say, "This is who I am"? (Choose the best answer.)

The most important relationship in my life is with Christ.

Why is it said that God is actually the main character in this story?

The most important theme is God's kindness and mercy. God has the first word and the last word. God's faithfulness is contrasted with Jonah's disobedience.

What were the Gainesville State players' expectations before they arrived to play Faith Academy in football? (Chose the best answer.)

They assumed people at the game would see them only as criminals. They expected that opposing teams and their fans would be afraid of them. They did not expect to see anyone cheering for them or calling them by name.

In the story that Patty related about her mission work, she commented on how important her family church was to her. She especially appreciated one thing they did for her. What was that one thing?

They prayed for her.

Provide correct details about Abraham by choosing the correct answer from those provided. Abraham's home city was Abraham's religion before God called him was Abraham's wife was Abraham's miracle child was Isaac Abraham was commended for his

Ur of the Chaldees polytheistic Sarah Isaac faith

Who has been called the "Father of Modern Missions"?

William Carey

The Great Commission in Matthew 28 was meant for...

all followers of Christ

Imagine that you are preparing to teach or preach this passage to others and need to prepare an outline. Summarize it by filling in the blanks below. 1. All has been given to Jesus. 2. Go and make . 3. Jesus will be with His followers

authority disciples forever

Fill in the blanks. Gamaliel offered two possibilities in regards of the disciples: it was either a plan of _______ or a plan of ________.


When Mike Barnett said, "Nineteenth-century optimism ran full-faced into the ugly realities of a modern world gone wrong," he meant:

People started giving up on the idea that the world was always becoming better. Even Christian missions was no guarantee against global wars and other problems. Humanity, even with all its learning and technology, was still sinful.

In the period between A.D. 500 and 1500, what became the biggest problem of the church?

Power and wealth

Which of the following two descriptors did John the Baptist use to describe himself?

Friend of the bridegroom Voice

After His resurrection Jesus met His disciples in ____________ and that is where He gave them the Great Commission.


Why did God ask Abraham to leave his home country?

God wanted Abraham to break away from his old life and begin a new life of faith.

This week's study used Jonah as an example to show that "God doesn't need us." So why did God continue to work with Jonah to send him to Nineveh?

God wanted to bless Jonah with the opportunity to help in saving others.

Which of the following groups was not a major factor in how the gospel was spread in the first centuries?

Government Leaders

Which of the following were favorable circumstances for the amazing rise of the Christian church in the first few centuries? (Check all that apply.)

Greek language and culture The Diaspora of Jews across the world The Pax Romana

Which of these statements best describes authoritative prayer:

Commanding something that God wants done

Which of these statements are true?

A person may be saved by Christ and be called specifically into His service at the same time. Jesus commends those who believe in Him without requiring overwhelming eviden

Read Hebrews 11:1-6 (Links to an external site.) It is very clear from this passage that faith is important to God. According to this passage, what is faith?

A belief in something that remains unseen for now. A confidence that God exists and will reward those who seek Him. A conviction that what we hope for will truly happen one day.

How should this quote be completed? "If all people are lost and without hope by virtue of their sinfulness; if there is a God who has determined to save, if there is one atonement, if there is a God who actually makes alive and saves, if he keeps to the end those who are his—in short, if we are convinced that there is but one hope and one way—_______________________.

"We will not be silent, nor will we be still."

Which of these are the three ways that John the Baptist has modeled missions for us?

A gospel centered lifestyle A message of judgment and repentance A testimony to the greatness of Christ

To which prophecies did the Gospel writers and Jesus refer in describing the work of John the Baptist? (Choose all that apply.)

"A voice cries, 'In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God'" (Isaiah 40:3). "Behold, I am going to send My messenger, and he will clear the way before Me" (Malachi 3:1).

Which of these qualities are necessary to fulfill the role of an ambassador of Christ? (Choose all that apply.)

A life-changing encounter with Christ. An acceptance of the responsibility to extend God's reconciliation to others. A desire to serve Christ out of love.

Based on this week's study, how would you refute these three objections to missions in the modern area? Write at least two sentences for each. 1. God does not need our help. 2. Some places are too hard or dangerous for missions. 3. The mission is already finished.

1. God will get things done whether we do it for him or not, that is true, but it is our responsibility as Christians to share the Gospel with others. Every Christian has been called to be a part of the Great Commission. If God had called us to go, we should be obedient to Him. 2. God has a plan for everything, He would not want to harm us, and cause anything bad to happen to us. If He had called us to go to a dangerous or hard place, He is faithful and will provide for all needs, emotional, physical, spiritual and mental. With God, we are able to overcome any difficulty or hardship. 3. As long as there are people in the world that do not know God, the mission is not finished. It is God's will that everyone tongue, nation and tribe know Him. Until the day we day, or the day that God comes again, the mission is not finished and we should play our part in the Great Commission.

Which of these is considered "the Great Century" of Protestant missions?


President John F. Kennedy made the famous statement, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." It's a motto that could apply to church, but it needs an additional clause: "Since Christ has loved you and continues to do so, ask not what your church can do for you, but what you can do for your church." Based on today's study, which of the situations below reflect a "Christ-centered" versus a "me-centered" attitude toward church? Angela joined her sister at college and the two are now roommates in an apartment just off campus. Many of their friends attend a popular campus church, but they explored all the options and found a church that ministers to international students, They quickly joined in to help in its efforts to reach these students. Jody disagrees with the pastor's style of preaching. He thinks the pastor tells too many stories and fails to bring enough Scripture into his sermons. As a protest, Jody has stopped attending worship services. He still participates in a Sunday School class from time to time, but mainly to voice his complaints about the pastor. Jordan's dad was formerly a staff member in a church in another city, but was "down-sized" and lost his position when the church faced financial difficulties. Jordan and his family had to move when his dad found work in a Christian school. A year later, Jordan is still angry and hurt, and refuses to join his family in their involvement in a new church. Marshall also struggles with his pastor's approach to preaching. The sermons are interesting but seem rather superficial and rarely address the differences between biblical truth and secular values. Marshall has prayed for several weeks over his concerns and has scheduled a private meeting to share these with the pastor. Brian and his family have a long way to go to recover from a house fire where they lost almost all their possessions. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and many people have come alongside to help them start over and rebuild. As tough as things have been, Brian goes to church with a thankful heart because he sees God bringing his family together closer than ever and teaching him about the things that really matter in life.

Answer 1: Christ-centered Answer 2: Me-centered Answer 3: Me-centered Answer 4: Christ-centered Answer 5: Christ-centered

Read Hebrews 12:18-24 (Links to an external site.) Here is a contrast between two mountains, one being Mt. Sinai from the Old Testament, and the other, Mt. Zion, the place of the temple in the New Testament. In this passage, the two mountains symbolize the difference between how God presents Himself, one as requiring absolute holiness, and the other as providing mercy and grace. In the list below, identify each mountain with what it symbolizes. A vision of God that causes fear and trembling. A vision of God that invites love and worship. The holy God who cannot abide sin and impurity. The holy God who has made people sinless. Separation between God and sinful people. Unity between God and righteous people.

Answer 1: Mt. Sinai Answer 2: Mt. Zion Answer 3: Mt. Sinai Answer 4: Mt. Zion Answer 5: Mt. Sinai Answer 6: Mt. Zion

Where did God want Jonah to go? To where did Jonah try to flee? What problem did Jonah encounter while on the ship? Where did the sailors put Jonah when they discovered he was running from God? What did Jonah find himself in for three days? What did he do to get out? How many days would it take to walk through the city of Nineveh? What did the people in the city put on to show their remorse? What did God do as a result of the people's repentance? How did Jonah feel as a result of God's mercy toward the city? angry What did God appoint for Jonah to provide him some comfort?

Answer 1: Nineveh Answer 2: Tarshish Answer 3: storm Answer 4: overboard Answer 5: a huge fish Answer 6: prayed Answer 7: three Answer 8: sackcloth Answer 9: relented Answer 10: angry Answer 11: a plant

Paul gave instructions about observing the Lord's Supper , and he provided the analogy of the unity of the church by comparing it to a body made of many members with one purpose .

Answer 1: the Lord's Supper Answer 2: a body made of many members with one purpose

Answer these questions to demonstrate your understanding of church as a community of shared loyalty and identity. Which of these statements are true in regards to Christians and church?

Answer these questions to demonstrate your understanding of church as a community of shared loyalty and identity. Which of these statements are true in regards to Christians and church?

Match the following churches with their role in Paul's mission ministry Sent Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey. Paul served here for three years; they grieved when he left. Gave sacrificially to Pauls' needs and ministry. Paul served here for at least 1½ years and considered himself a "father" of this church. Paul labored to "give birth" to this congregation. .

Antioch Ephesus Philippi Corinth Galatia

How do you know if someone really loves you? You could ask them, of course, but then it would be just their words. You could demand that they do loving things for you, but you would not know if they really cared. More importantly, you could observe their voluntary actions and see if they love you in deed. So why would the Bible say, "without faith it is impossible to please God"?

Because it is our chance to show that we really love and trust God.

Which of these examples is the best example of "being chosen" to become part of a special group for the purpose of "being sent?"

Brett was thrilled that he was finally going to live his dream. He was the new firefighter-paramedic at Station 11. He had completed all his certifications, a three-year apprenticeship, and a grueling exam, but with several others applying for the position, the fire department board still had to decide who got the job. With excitement, Brett prepared to start work Monday with the crew, ready to go out whenever a call came.

Paul helped to start and/or encourage churches in several cities in Greece, Macedonia, and other areas in the Middle East. Choose four cities from the list below that are associated with Paul and his missionary journeys.

Corinth Ephesus Colossae Philippi

What is the main message intended for the readers of Revelation by the scene of a multitude in heaven worshipping God?

Encouragement: "You are not alone." (

What kind of man was John? Mark the following statements as true or false. John called himself "the bridegroom." (John 3:29). John was bold in confronting leaders like Pharisees and Sadducees in their hypocrisy. (Matthew 3:7-9) When sinners like tax collectors and soldiers showed up, John would have nothing to do with them. (Luke 3:12-14) John saw himself as merely a slave in comparison with the greatness of the Messiah. (John 1:27) When more people went to Jesus to be baptized, John became jealous. (John 3:26-29) John refused to allow people to believe that he was the Messiah. (John 1:20) John diverted attention from himself and pointed people to Jesus. (Luke 3:15-16)


Why did Jonah resist God's call and refuse to go to Nineveh?

He hated the Ninevites because they were enemies of his people.

In your own words, explain why Saul of Tarsus was an unlikely candidate to become a follower of Jesus.

He was an unlikely candidate as he had not experienced God and had a deep hatred for Christians. Saul imprisoned many Christians, and approved of the stoning of Stephen. He did many things against God and His people, he was considered ruthless because of his action. He would not follow as his heart was hardened towards God and Christianity. His heart was something that only God could've changed.

Until He returns, what is the way that Christ has chosen to bring His kingdom to earth? (Choose the best answer.)

Heart transformation.

According to Gamaliel, why was killing the disciples a bad idea?

If God wasn't with the disciples, their movement would die out like all the others. If God was with the disciples, nothing would stop them. The Sanhedrin might find themselves fighting against God.

Define the meaning of the term "indigenous church" and explain the three principles advocated by Venn and Anderson.

Indigenous churches are churches which are run by local people and are made to fit local cultures. The three principles advocated by Venn and Anderson are self-propagating, self-supporting, self-governing. Self propagating is when the church does indigenous missionary work, where they only do missionary work in their land. Self supporting is when the church is financially independent from foreigners, so all their funds comes from their own people. Self governing is when the church is independent from other churches(unlike how some churches used to be connected to the English or Roman churches), the church functions through their own people, everything is lead by the people in the church.

Start with a biblical perspective of God as absolute King and Monarch. What images and impressions does the Bible give us regarding God's authority, attitudes, and power over the world? Look up these scripture passages and match each to the quality or description of God as King it describes. Psalm 2, 24:1, 33:6-9, 93:1-2,115:2-9 Isaiah 40:15-17, 27-28 Lamentations 3:21-23 God is so immense that the nations are like nothing before Him. God is constantly aware of everything that is happening to us. God is not intimidated by evil and will one day rise up in terrible anger against all rebellion. Everything in the world belongs to God. God has such power that He merely speaks and things happen. God reigns always—from everlasting to everlasting. God, unlike a helpless idol, does what He pleases and is worthy of our trust. God is always at work providing His mercy and kindness.

Isaiah 40:15-17 Isaiah 40:27-28 Psalm 2 Psalm 24:1 Psalm 33:6-9 Psalm 93:1-2 Psalm 115:2-9 Lamentations 3:21-23

What was the significance of the Student Volunteer Movement to modern missions?

It championed the motto, "The evangelization of the world in this generation." It led to at least 20,000 students serving in overseas missions. It helped Protestant missions move beyond the coastlands to the inland areas.

How is Faith coach Kris Hogan's statement, "You are just as valuable as any other person on Planet Earth," true to the gospel?

It is a message of good news based on God's favor It is the conviction that everyone deserves a chance to encounter the love of God. It recognizes that sin does not have to have the final say in a person's life

In your own words, explain why God is actually the main character in the story of Jonah.

It is because it shows the most important theme, which is God's mercy and His kindness. He has the first and last word and in the story, it shows the contrast between God's faithfulness and Jonah's disobedience.

Which statement below best explains "the scandal of particularity"?

It is the resistance many people have to the idea that God would enter human history in a very localized way.

Put yourself in the place of the disciples gathered with Jesus right before He ascended into heaven. What question would you ask of Him? Look at Jesus' answer in Acts 1:7-8. Which statements below are true of His response? (Choose all that apply.)

Jesus did not provide a timetable for the final restoration of the kingdom. Jesus pointed to the manner in which the kingdom would come.

Choose from the list below leaders instrumental in the protest against Rome and the pope during the Protestant Reformation.

John Calvin Martin Luther John Hus John Wycliff

Check your knowledge of the life of John the Baptist by answering the following questions. 1. Who came first in preaching and baptizing as recorded in the Gospels? 2. What one keyword summarizes the message John the Baptist preached? 3. John said he was not worthy to of the Messiah. 4. As Jesus began His ministry, John said, "He must ___________, but I must __________."

John the Baptist repent untie the sandals increase...decrease

How does Jonah the prophet compare with Eric Liddell, the "Flying Scotsman"? (Choose the best answer.)

Jonah and Eric are opposites in regards to their first response to God's call to mission.

Which one of the following statements is not true?

Jonah was the only person God could use to warn Nineveh.

See a sample of how the Spirit worked in the lives of people by looking up the following passages and matching the characters with how the Spirit transformed and enabled them. Scripture References: Genesis 41:11-16, 38-40 Exodus 31:2-5 Deuteronomy 34:9 Judges 6:11-4, 34-35; 15:14-16 1 Chronicles 12:16-18 Micah 3:8

Joseph Bezalel Joshua Gideon Samson Amasai Micah

Use a Bible concordance or an online Bible search engine and find at least five verses in the Old Testament that confirm God's plan to include people from all the nations in His mission. Copy and post each verse and its reference below. (Hint: A good search word is "nations.")

Joshua 4:24 - "He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God." 1 Kings 8:43 - "..then hear from heaven, your dwelling place, and do whatever the foreigner asks of you, so that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as do your own people Israel, and may know that this house I have built bears your Name." Psalm 22:27 - "All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him,.." Psalm 67:2, 3 - "..that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Isaiah 52:10 - "The LORD will lay bare his holy arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God."

What world religions share Abraham as a major figure in their history? (Choose all that apply.)

Judaism Islam Christianity

From this discussion of the body of Christ, how would you counter the argument from someone who says, "I don't need the church; I can worship and serve God just as well on my own"? (Use at least two sentences in your response.)

Just as God didn't create men to be alone(which is why God created Eve), He didn't create us to serve God on our own. He gave us a community to work with, to support you, to help you in difficult times. As much as we have our own calling to serve God, being a part of the church is essential to living a life that would please God. We all have the same goal, the same responsibility to bring others to Christ, it would be easier and better to serve with others than by ourselves.

What was the most important Christian belief that Martin Luther reintroduced to the world?

Salvation comes through faith in Christ alone.

What led the Anabaptists to take the Great Commission seriously when other Protestants minimized it?

They recognized the connection Jesus made between going and baptizing.

Why did they do it? Why did the Faith Academy players and fans go to all this trouble for a prison team? (Keep in mind that this is a Christian school.)

They saw it as a chance to share the blessings and love of God that they had experienced.

Which of these are essential qualities of ambassadors for Christ? (Check all that apply.)

They truly know Christ as their Lord and King. They bring the good news of God's reconciliation. They have the presence of Christ in their lives.

Why was the dispersion of Jews across the Empire a favorable condition for the spread of the gospel? (Choose all that apply.)

They were looking forward to a messiah. They had already introduced monotheism and the belief that God was personal.

What is Jesus' main intent in this declaration? (Choose the best answer.)

To authorize the multiplication of His faithful followers.

Match the eras of modern missions with their focus. First Missionary Era Second Missionary Era Third Missionary Era

To the coastal areas To the inland areas To the unreached people groups

Bible scholar Joel Williams has said, "The key word 'all' pervades Jesus' teaching throughout this passage." Complete his thought by filling in the blanks below: "Because Jesus has all , His followers can accept the mission given to them with hope and confidence. The task is to make disciples of all , teaching them to obey all the things commanded by Jesus . [a4] concludes with a promise to be with his people all the days to the of the age."1

authority nations obey Jesus end

How might the 21st century be very similar to the first century, and the opportunity to spread the gospel today similar to the first Christians? Match these four favorable circumstances from the first century to their counterparts in the 21st century. English has become the universal language of commerce and education. While much of the world is multilingual and most people groups will continue to embrace a heart language, the younger generations recognize English-speaking as essential and one of the keys to their success in the world. High-speed travel, instant communications, and worldwide trade have broken down the barriers of time and distance, as well as nearly eliminated the isolation of almost all people groups. The internet has also become a dominant, globalizing factor with easy access to information, social media, and personal expression. Religious pluralism is growing across the world. Various religions used to be confined to specific geographical regions, but now no longer, and followers of any particular belief can be found most anywhere. While many countries still remain opposed to religious freedom, their people are experiencing a growing spiritual hunger. The world's population is moving to the cities. In 1800, 97% of the world's population lived on farms or in small villages. By 2100, nearly 90% of the population is expected to live in large cities. Urbanization is bringing the peoples of the world together so that the future of missions is in the cities.

greek language pax romana religious freedom/decline of paganism prominence of cities

What were the three objections related to missions in today's study? Fill in the blanks to identify them. (Remember, in the weekly quiz you will provide a response to them.)

help dangerous finished

In the example of the rocky shore and the life-saving group, after a while the life-saving group became...

just a social group centered on their own interests.

In response to the Pharisees and others as they questioned Jesus about when and where the kingdom of God would appear, Jesus said, "the kingdom of God is in the..."Luke 17:20-21.

midst of you

What is the difference between belief and trust? At first it seems to be a difficult thing to judge, but consider how the following story contrasts the two: "When famed French tightrope walker Charles Blondin crossed Niagara Falls on a high wire in 1860, carrying his trembling manager Harry Colcord on his back, the nineteen-year-old Prince of Wales Edward Albert was there to watch. Before the stunt, Blondin asked the prince, 'Do you believe that I can carry a man across the Falls on a tightrope?' Edward replied that he did. So Blondin asked: 'Will you be that man?' (The prince declined.)" A belief in Blondin's ability was not difficult—he had already proven many times over in his career that he could perform such feats. To ride on his back across the Falls, however, required trust. Apply this understanding by identifying the following Scripture passages as either an example of inadequate belief or sincere trust: "You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!" (James 2:19 ESV). "But Peter and John answered them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard." (Acts 4:19-20 ESV) "When he [Jesus] had entered Capernaum, a centurion came forward to him, appealing to him, 'Lord, my servant is lying paralyzed at home, suffering terribly.' And he said to him, 'I will come and heal him.' But the centurion replied, 'Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed'" (Matthew 8:5-8 ESV). "And he said to him, 'Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth.' And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, 'You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.' Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions" (Matthew 10:20-22 ESV). "And Peter answered him, 'Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.' He said, 'Come.' So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus" (Matthew 14:28-29 ESV).

nadequate belief sincere trust sincere trust inadequate belief sincere trust

The kingdom of God is both and not .

now ; yet

Instead of creating confusion or competition between evangelism and social ministry, Jesus modeled a _________ and ________ approach to His ministry.


What three principles did Venn and Anderson use to describe an indigenous church?

self-propagating self -supporting self-governing

What were the two images Jesus used to illustrate the need to pray to the Father for workers?

sheep without a shepherd harvest field

Complete the following sentence: "One of the problems with a mission-less Christianity is that it _______________ people and the price Jesus Christ paid to obtain their __________________.


Match the three themes from the Lausanne Congress to their explanation: Churches from all over the world are needed to participate in the Great Commission. The mission involves both the proclamation of the Word and the meeting of other human needs. The gospel must be taken to cultures and people groups, not just countries.

whole church whole gospel whole world

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