Glucose Testing Using a NOVA StatStrip Meter
Open StatStrip/Kit Expires
180 days same as 6months after opening or until manufacturer exp date, whichever comes first.
When using PDI Sani-cloth AF to disinfect, how many min the meter surface stay wet for?
3 mins than allow to air dry
How long should you let nova machine air dry when using PDI Sami Cloth AF?
3 minutes
When using clorox wipes to disinfect, how many min the meter surface stay wet for?
5 mins than allow to air dry
How long should you let nova machine air dry when using Clorox wipes?
5 minutes
How long does it take for the nova machine to read the results?
6 seconds
Random Sample
70 - 140 mg/dl
Fasting Value
70 - 90 mg/dl
Open QC Glucose Control SOLUTIONS Expires
90 days same as 3 months after opening or until manufacturer exp date, whichever comes first.
Critical Results
A comment must be entered for critical results.
When to comment
A comment must be entered for failed QC result and then repeat QC test. And critical results.
Glucose results ⬆️
Abnormal high result
Glucose results ⬇️
Abnormal low result
Blood Glucose results appear normal range in?
Specimen collection
Capillary blood
Which wipes do you use to disinfect C. Difficult isolation pt?
Clorox wipes
Glucose results ⬆️⬆️
Critical high value
Glucose results ⬇️⬇️
Critical low value
What do you do if a repeat QC failed again?
Do not use for pt testing. Call the POCT Coordinator for further guidance.
Documenting for Glucose
Document under Enter/Edit using smart phrase .WLA OR in Doc. Flowsheet
External QC
Every 24 hours check performance statstrip meter/whenever problems such has storage, operator, and instrument. Concerns of accuracy. 2 levels
True or False specimen from EDTA, citrate, I skate and sodium fluoride sample tubes acceptable
Prior to performing QC testing, what should you do to the solutions?
Generally Mix QC Solutions
How do you document nova blood glucose for outpatient in heath connect?
Go to Enter and Edit Results. Use the smart phrase .wlapoct
What's the glucose critical high value?
Greater than 400
What type of fresh whole capillary blood is preferred?
Heelstick or fingerstick. Venous or aerial blood may also be used.
What's the glucose critical low value?
Less than 55
Glucose Solution Levels
Level 1 is low& level 3 Is high.
What's the next step after QC has passed?
Proceed with pt testing.
Blood Glucose results appear Low or High range in?
RED with one arrow.
Blood Glucose results appear CRITICAL Low or High range in?
RED with two arrows.
What are the purpose of testing whole blood glucose by Nova Stat Strip?
Screening and monitoring purposes only.
Disinfecting Meter
Top, bottom, left, & right. A min 3x horizontally & 3x vertically avoiding bar code scanner, electrical connector.
Once opened, control solutions and test strips must be dated with open and expiration date. True or false?
Once opened, test strips are good for 180 days and control solutions are good for 90 days or until manufacturer's printed expiration date whichever comes first. True of false?
The test strip must fill completely upon touching the blood droplet. If the test strip does not fill completely, do not touch the test strip to the blood droplet a second time. Discard the test strip and repeat the test with a new strip.
Cleaning Meter
Wipe external surface between each pt w/locally germicidal wipe such as PDI Sani-cloth AF. 70% Isopropyl alcohol may be use.