Google Ads Test

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video campaign benefits

Simpler, more intuitive workflows help you accomplish tasks quickly. Relevant business insights are easier to uncover. Video campaign creation and management that's simpler than ever. Goal-based campaigns designed to ease decision-making with recommended settings and features to help your campaigns succeed. The same Google Ads performance you're used to, so your campaigns continue to run the same way you're familiar with. It's easy to switch back to the previous version of Google Ads if you need to.

shopping campaign

Simpler, more intuitive workflows to help you accomplish tasks quickly. Same performance you're used to, so your campaigns continue to run the same way you're already familiar with. And, you can always switch back to the previous version of Google Ads if you get stuck. Shopping campaign management that's easier than ever.

Where ads might show on the Display Network

Your ads appear on the Display Network depending on the type of targeting you use in your campaign. This article explains your targeting options.

Use ad extensions to enhance your ad:

Take advantage of ad extensions to show extra information about your business.

ad auction

The ad auction is how Google decides which ads to show and how they're positioned.

5. ad rank factor

The expected impact from your ad extensions and other ad formats - When you create your ad, you have the option to add additional information to your ad, such as a phone number, or more links to specific pages on your site. These are called ad extensions. Google Ads estimates how extensions and other ad formats you use will impact your ad's performance.

A Search Network campaign: Ads in a Search Network campaign appear near Google search results and other Google sites when people search for terms that are relevant to your ad's keywords. For example, say you run a local music school. A Search Network campaign lets you show your text ads to high-potential customers right when they're searching for "guitar lessons."

The goals to use when creating Search Network campaigns are: Sales Leads Website traffic

2. ad rank factor

The quality of your ads and landing page - Google Ads also looks at how relevant and useful your ad and the website it links to are to the person who'll see it. Our assessment of the quality of your ad is summarized in your Quality Score, which you can monitor—and work to improve—in your Google Ads account.

how budget changes take effect:

The same calculation applies as the one for changing your budget mid-month.

Historical Quality Score columns

These historical columns let you see past data for all 4 Quality Score columns: Qual. Score (hist.), Landing page exper. (hist.), Ad relevance (hist.), and Exp. CTR (hist.). Historical columns will reflect the last known score for the reporting period. If you apply the "Day" segment to your keyword reports, Google Ads will report daily values that reflect what your score was at the end of each day. Note that historical data won't be available in these columns for dates earlier than January 22, 2016. However, if you previously used a third party or scripts to download historical Quality Score data, these should remain unaffected and this data will still be available.

Focus on clicks on your ads.

This is known as a cost-per-click, or CPC bid. We recommend the CPC bidding method if you want to drive traffic to your website.

Focus on viewable impressions, or the number of times your ad shows in a viewable place.

This is known as a cost-per-thousand viewable impressions, or vCPM bid. We recommend the vCPM bidding method if you want to increase awareness of your brand. Note that vCPM bidding is available for Display Network campaigns only.

Your ad's expected clickthrough rate

This is partly based on your ad's historical clicks and impressions (adjusting for factors such as ad position, extensions, and other formats that may have affected the visibility of an ad that someone previously clicked)

Show your ads on the first page:

To increase the chances of your ads showing on the first page, make sure your bids meet or exceed the first page bid estimates. Bidding competitively is an important part of getting your ads to show in the most visible spots.

website actions

Website actions: Purchases, sign-ups, and other actions that customers complete on your website.

Target your ads with keywords

When you advertise alongside search results on the Google Search Network, you select keywords to help target your ads to people searching for related terms. You can also choose to show your ads at certain times of day, and specify a location and language.

Get specific about your target audience

When you advertise on websites and mobile apps that show Google ads (called the Google Display Network) and YouTube, you can get even more specific by choosing the age of the people you want to reach, the types of sites they visit, and their areas of interest.

Tip: Use the campaign type selector

You can use the campaign type selector to switch easily between reporting views by campaign type, like Shopping or Display Network. This option appears as a drop-down menu next to All campaigns in the side navigation menu if you have more than one campaign type in your account. You'll only be able to select a given campaign type if your account actually contains that type of campaign.

Advanced filtering and sorting

allow you to filter on segmented metrics (e.g., mobile clicks) and sort by multiple columns.

where your ads appear

google search and search partner sites, google display network, google play

conversion tracking

is a free tool that shows you what happens after a customer interacts with your ads -- whether they purchased a product, signed up for your newsletter, called your business, or downloaded your app. When a customer completes an action that you've defined as valuable, these customer actions are called conversions.

Custom charts

let you quickly visualize the patterns and trends in your data.

When you create your ad, you'll choose a set of keywords

the words or phrases that will trigger your ad to show. Then, when people search using the words or phrases you picked, your text ads can appear alongside or above search results.

Targeted ads on display network

-Choose keywords and topics related to what your offer -Choose specific websites or pages -Choose specific audiences based on their interests, demographics, or whether they've visited your website before.

The Display Network

-is a collection of websites, including specific Google websites like Google Finance, Gmail, Blogger, and Youtube—that show ads. This network also includes mobile sites and apps. -If you've ever seen an ad on your favorite news site or in your Gmail account, and wondered how it got there, now you know: websites like these are part of the Google Display Network.

Use bid adjustments to increase or decrease your bids:

A bid adjustment represents a percentage change in your bids. You can increase or decrease every bid in your campaign to bid more or less across devices, locations, and time of day.

Keep it simple and specific:

Focus on 1-2 selling points for stronger impact. If you try to pack too many selling points in your ad text, your message can get lost.

Ad position

Higher quality ads often lead to higher ad positions, meaning they can show up higher on the page.

Advertising with Google Ads starts with

creating a campaign

Highlight the customer benefit:

Give customers more incentive to purchase by conveying how they'll benefit by choosing your business.

Make your ads appeal to potential buyers

A successful ad is relevant and impactful. It delivers the right message at the right moment, motivating your customer to purchase with a strong call-to-action.

Your campaign data

An individual campaign has its own budget and settings that determine where your ads appear, and is made up of a collection of ad groups. Each of your campaigns is listed in the side panel of your Google Ads account, and they also appear when you click the Campaigns tab in the middle of your screen.

App installs and in-app actions:

App installs and in-app actions: Installs of your Android or iOS mobile apps, and purchases or other activity within those apps.

Align keywords with your product offerings:

Be sure to include your core products as keywords. When your customers are ready to buy, they'll be searching for a specific product, so things like product names and models can make for high-performing keywords.

Use title case:

Capitalizing the first letter of every word can help boost clickthrough rates.

Track statistics for mobile ads on high-end devices

Click the Segment icon Segment and select Device to see the data in your campaign segmented by device. This allows you to compare statistics such as clicks, impressions, or conversions for desktop computers and high-end mobile devices. Segmenting your data can help you identify which campaigns, ad groups, ads, or keywords are driving the best performance for a particular type of device, especially for campaigns combining desktop computer and mobile devices.

How conversion tracking works

Conversion tracking starts with you creating a conversion action in your Google Ads account. A conversion action is a specific customer activity that is valuable to your business. You can use conversion tracking to track the following kinds of actions:

Run seasonal ads:

Customize your ads to fit the season and the promotion you're running. Take advantage of seasons (summer, winter, "back to school") and specific holidays (Valentine's Day, Halloween, etc.) to promote your products.

Better ads mean better Ad Rank

Every time someone does a search that triggers an ad that competes in an auction, we calculate an Ad Rank. This calculation incorporates your bid and auction-time measurements of expected CTR, ad relevance, and landing page experience, among other factors. To determine the auction-time quality components, we look at a number of different factors. By improving the following factors you can help improve the quality components of your Ad Rank:

To help you get comfortable tracking data for your ads running on the Search Network, we suggest monitoring the clicks and impressions of your ads and keywords.

Find these statistics listed in columns in your account's statistics table. If you don't see them, click the Columns icon Columns, choose Modify columns, and then select the columns you'd like to enable.

Security and privacy for website tracking

Google's security standards are strict. Only pages containing the Google conversion tag are tracked through this program. We use data encryption and secure servers. Please ensure you're providing users with clear and comprehensive information about the data you collect on your websites, and getting consent for that collection where legally required.


Import: Customer activity that begins online but finishes offline, such as when a customer clicks an ad and submits a contact form online, and later signs a contract in your office.

Track statistics based on your campaign goals

It's always important to keep your own campaign goals in mind when you look at your account statistics. Depending on what you want to achieve, certain statistics will be relevant and helpful to you, while others may not be as useful. Choose a goal from the list below to see more suggestions of what to track: Return on investment Brand awareness Traffic to your website Sales and conversions

Local Actions:

Local actions: Actions that are counted whenever people interact with an ad that's specific to a physical location or store.

Use negative keywords

Negative keywords let you filter out clicks that are less valuable to you. There are two main tools that you can use to find negative keywords—the Keyword Planner and the search terms report. For example, you might discover that the name of one of your products is also the name of a musical group. In this case, you can add negative keywords such as concert, ticket, lyric, album, or mp3.

phone calls:

Phone calls: Calls directly from your ads, calls to a phone number on your website, and clicks on a phone number on your mobile website.

Why use conversion tracking

See which keywords, ads, ad groups, and campaigns are best at driving valuable customer activity. Understand your return on investment (ROI) and make better informed decisions about your ad spend. Use Smart Bidding strategies (such as target CPA, enhanced CPC, and target ROAS) that automatically optimize your campaigns according to your business goals. See how many customers may be interacting with your ads on one device or browser and converting on another. You can view cross-device, cross-browser, and other conversion data in your "All conversions" reporting column.

Ad performance

State: The very left hand column of the statistics table on the Ads & extensions page displays symbols that show whether your ads, ad groups, or campaigns are running or paused. Ad relevance: From the Keywords page, add the "Ad relevance" column. You'll see a keyword status that measures how closely your keyword relates to your ads. If it's below average, it may mean that you could update your ad text to more closely relate to your keywords, or that you could split your ad group into multiple ad groups in which ads might more closely relate to your keywords. For overall good ad performance, don't spend too much time on analyzing your ads at a granular level. Instead, follow these best practices: Set your ad rotation setting to Optimize Have at least three ads in your ad groups Enable at least three ad extensions

Keyword performance

State: The very left hand column of the statistics table on the Ads & extensions page displays symbols that show whether your ads, ad groups, or campaigns are running or paused. Keyword status: The "Status" column of the statistics table on the Keywords page tells you whether each of your keywords is eligible to run. Hover over a keyword's status to see a summary of that keyword's status. Or, click the Keyword details drop-down button, then select Diagnose keywords to see multiple keyword statuses at once. Quality Score: This column helps you monitor the Quality Scores of your keywords. The column is not visible by default in new accounts' statistics tables, but you can make it appear by clicking Keywords in the page menu on the left, clicking the Columns icon Columns, and then choosing Modify columns from the drop-down. Next, click Quality score, and then check the box next to "Quality score.". Search terms: You can see the actual search terms that drove traffic to your ads on the Keywords page. Click Search terms at the top of the page, and then click Search terms in the drop-down that appears. You can use this information to identify which keywords are the most successful and to find new keywords to add to your account. If you see that irrelevant terms are triggering your ad, you can add these as negative keywords to prevent your ad from showing on these terms.

the report editor

The Report Editor is an analytical tool that allows you to engage with your data through multi-dimensional tables and charts.

Understand the research and buying process:

Try to understand what stage of the buying cycle a user might be in. To target serious buyers, you can try keywords that include words like buy or purchase. If you want to filter out research-oriented searches, you can add negative keywords like review, rating, compare, or comparison.

Set your ad apart from your competition:

Use the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool to see which ads are showing for a particular search. Your ad text should quickly convey how your business stands out, so featuring competitive prices and special promotions can be especially effective.

Use the right match types:

Using broad match (or broad match modifier) allows you to capture a wide range of search queries, while using exact match or phrase match gives you more precise targeting. If you know that a specific query is being used frequently, adding it as an exact- or phrase-matched keyword can help you manage traffic for it.

Adjust your bid manually for closer control

With manual CPC bidding, you can fine-tune your maximum CPC bids. If you find that certain keywords are more profitable, you can bid more strategically on those keywords. Here are a couple ways to do so:

The conversion tracking process works a little differently for each conversion source, but for each type besides offline conversions, it tends to fall into one of these categories:

You add a conversion tracking tag, or code snippet, to your website or mobile app code. When a customer clicks on your ad from Google Search or selected Google Display Network sites, or when they view your video ad, a temporary cookie is placed on their computer or mobile device. When they complete the action you defined, our system recognizes the cookie (through the code snippet you added), and we record a conversion. Some kinds of conversion tracking don't require a tag. For example, to track phone calls from call extensions or call-only ads, you use a Google forwarding number to track when the call came from one of your ads, and to track details like call duration, call start and end time, and caller area code. Also, app downloads and in-app purchases from Google Play, and local actions will automatically be recorded as conversions, and no tracking code is needed.

Your ad group data

Your ad group contains a set of similar ads and the words and phrases, known as keywords, that you want to trigger your ads to show. When you click on a campaign, Google Ads will show you a view of the campaign's performance broken out by its individual ad groups. You can also see ad group data by clicking the Ad groups tab in the middle of your screen.

Use a landing page that drives sales:

Your ad should bring people directly to a page where they can buy the specific product you're advertising. Think of it this way: The connection between your ad and landing page is the bridge between a potential customer and a purchase. The stronger they're connected, the more likely you are to generate sales.


is associated with a unique email address, password, and billing information. For reporting purposes, though, it's helpful to think of your account as a collection of campaigns. If you want to see performance data for your entire account, click All campaigns in the side panel of your Google Ads account. Totals for all of the rows are listed at the bottom of your statistics table.

A simple drag-and-drop interface

lets you quickly build and manipulate multi-dimensional tables and charts, reducing the need to download your data for deeper analysis.

Multi-segment analysis

lets you slice and dice your data with finer granularity in your tables and charts.

Choosing a bidding strategy based on your goals

Every time someone searches on Google, Google Ads runs an auction to determine which ads will show on the search results page, their rank on the page, and whether any ads will show at all. To place your ads in this auction, you first have to choose how you'd like to bid. Try choosing a bidding strategy based on your goals, like whether you want to focus on getting clicks, impressions, or conversions.

tip for fine-tuning your bids

Put your bidding on autopilot with automated bidding. Set a daily budget, and Google Ads will help adjust your CPC bids to receive the most possible clicks within your budget.

Quality Score is based on past performance data

Quality Score is an aggregated estimate of how well a keyword has performed overall in past ad auctions. Based on this data, each of your keywords gets a Quality Score on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest score and 10 is the highest. Null Quality Scores, designated by "—" in the table, appear when there aren't enough impressions or clicks to accurately determine a keyword's Quality Score.

about quality score

Quality Score is intended to give you a general sense of the quality of your ads. The 1-10 Quality Score reported for each keyword in your account is an estimate of the quality of your ads and the landing pages triggered by them. Three factors determine your Quality Score:

Measure your ad's performance

Quickly track your ad's effectiveness and easily make changes to improve results.

Google display network reach

"Reach" is the number of 'possible impressions' who fit within your targeting settings. Generally each time you add a new layer of targeting, you further narrow the potential reach of your ads. For example, if you set up targeting for women actively looking to buy a house (that is, "Demographics:Gender:Female" "Audience:In-market: Real Estate"), you'll have your ads will have a narrower reach than if you target all people in-market for real estate. However, adding additional items within a given targeting type will broaden your reach. For example, if you have targeting for New York and then you add targeting for San Francisco, your reach expands. Learn more

Eligibility for ad extensions and other ad formats

Ad Rank determines whether or not your ad is eligible to be displayed with ad extensions and other ad formats, such as sitelinks.

Google search sites

Ads can appear above or below search results on Google Search. They can appear beside, above, or below search results on Google Play, Google Shopping, and Google Maps, including the Maps app.

Google search partners

Ads might appear with search results on websites of Google search partners. For text ads, search partners include hundreds of non-Google websites, as well as Google Video, and other Google sites.

What's different Audiences: Unifying interests and remarketing We've made improvements to streamline targeting workflows across campaign types. Interest targeting and remarketing features are now unified in one place, under "Audiences." The new "Audiences" page in the new Google Ads experience includes:

Affinity audiences and in-market audiences (located under the "Interests" tab in the previous AdWords experience) Custom affinity audiences, which now can be created directly within your video campaigns with an updated custom affinity builder Remarketing and similar audiences (located under the "Remarketing" tab in the previous AdWords experience)

Empower customers to take action

Are you selling something? Tell people what they can buy. Are you offering a service? Tell people how to contact you. Calls to action like purchase, call today, order, browse, sign up, or get a quote make clear what the next steps are.

Even if you don't deliberately change your daily campaign budget, the following actions are considered budget changes (for computing the maximum amount you'll be charged within a calendar month):

Changing your campaign end date. Changing your delivery mode (standard delivery or accelerated delivery). Choosing a different time zone for your Google Ads account.

Advertise across platforms

Connect with customers no matter where they are—on their computers, tablets, mobile phones, even in apps.


Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding means that you pay for each click on your ads. For CPC bidding campaigns, you set a maximum cost-per-click bid - or simply "max. CPC" - that's the highest amount that you're willing to pay for a click on your ad (unless you're setting bid adjustments, or using Enhanced CPC).


Create three to four ads for each ad group, and use different messages for each to see which does the best. Google Ads rotates ads automatically to show the best-performing ads more often. Learn more about ad rotation.

Automatic targeting

For targeting that quickly and automatically optimizes, use automatic targeting. With automatic targeting, you don't need to manage each aspect of targeting—just let Google's systems discover what strategies work best for you.

Highlight what makes you unique

Free shipping? Dazzling variety? Tell people! Showcase the products, services, or offers that make you competitive.

google ads calculates ad arank

Google Ads calculates Ad Rank for every ad in the auction. Ad Rank determines your ad position and whether your ads are eligible to show at all. Generally speaking, the ad with the highest Ad Rank gets to show in the top position and the ad with the second-highest Ad Rank gets to show in the second position (assuming the ads clear the relevant thresholds), and so on.

How costs are calculated in Google Ads

Google Ads gives you control over your advertising costs. There's no minimum amount that you have to spend (although your Ad Rank must be high enough for your ads to show). Instead, you set an average daily budget and choose how you'll spend your money.

quality score

Google uses a measurement called Quality Score as an estimate of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing page are to a person seeing your ad. Higher Quality Scores typically lead to lower costs and better ad positions. How can you improve your Quality Score? Make sure that you choose high-quality keywords and create relevant ads. Here are a few tips to help you get started: Choose keywords that are terms or phrases your customers would use to describe your products or services. High-quality, relevant keywords can help you reach the customer you want, when you want. Create ads that are relevant to your keywords and what you're advertising. Relevant ads tend to earn more clicks, appear in a higher position, and bring you the most success.

Match your ad to your landing page

Have a look at the page that you're linking to from your ad (the landing page), and make sure that the promotions or products in your ad are included there. People might leave your website if they don't find what they expect.

Your actual cost-per-click (CPC)

Higher quality ads can often lead to lower CPCs. That means you pay less per click when your ads are higher quality.

Your ad's relevance to the search

How relevant your ad is to what a person searches for

The quality of your landing page

How relevant, transparent, and easy-to-navigate your page is

Example of controlling your costs-average daily budget

If the budget for your ad campaign remains at $10 per day throughout an entire month, the maximum amount you would be charged for that campaign for that month is $304 ($10 x 30.4 average days per month). Recall that because of overdelivery, your daily cost might be more or less than your $10 daily budget on days when traffic is higher or slow.

In selected locations or languages

If you have text ads, you can choose to show them to customers in an entire country, a certain geographic location, and even to customers who use names of locations in their searches. To better reach your potential customers, you can also target your campaigns to the languages they speak. And if your customers speak multiple languages, you can create separate campaigns to manage ads and keywords for each of those languages.

example of how key words work

If you sell frisbees, you can add "buy frisbee" as a keyword in your Google Ads campaign. When people type "buy frisbee" on Google search, your ad might appear on the search results page. In addition, your ad could also appear on websites about ultimate frisbee.

Google Ads use the basic CPC bidding strategy, which means they accrue costs based on the number of clicks they get on their ads.

If you use the CPC bidding strategy, the amount you're charged per click depends in part on the maximum cost-per-click bid you set in your account, also called "max CPC" bid. This represents the highest amount that you're willing to pay for a click on your ad (unless you're setting bid adjustments, or using Enhanced CPC). In fact, the most you'll pay is what's minimally required to hold your ad position and any ad formats shown with your ad (including any applicable service fees that may apply to Display Network campaigns). So you'll often pay less than your maximum bid. The actual amount you pay is called your actual CPC.

fine-tune your bids

If you use the cost-per-click bidding strategy, you set a maximum CPC bid for your ads. You can always lower your bid amount, but if you do, it might cause your ads to show up in a lower position on the first page of search results, to move from above to below the search results, or to be removed from the first page of search results. In general, a higher maximum CPC bid can allow your ad to show at a higher position on the page.

How it differs from auction-time ad quality

Important: Your Quality Score is not used at auction time to determine Ad Rank. Ad Rank is calculated in the instant someone does a search that triggers your ad to compete in an auction. For Ad Rank, we take into account real-time signals such as the query and user context (Ex: type of device, language preference, location, time of day, the nature of the search terms, the other ads and search results that show on the page, and other user signals and attributes) to calculate more precise measurements of expected CTR, ad relevance, and landing page experience. Quality Score, on the other hand, is a more general estimate based on your average past performance. It also differs from Ad Rank in that it's keyword-based.

Check for common ad text mistakes

In order to make sure all ads are high quality, every ad must meet high professional and editorial standards. That means no extra spaces, sTrAnGe CAPITALIZATION, or unclear URLs, to name a few. The following information only applies to standard text ads. To learn more about expanded text ads and get tips on how to write them, visit our guide.

tip: choose your keywords carefully

Include terms or phrases that your customers would use to describe your products or services. Make sure your keywords directly relate to the theme of your ad and the page you're directing your customers to. Keywords of two or three words tend to work most effectively.

about keywords

Keywords are words or phrases that are used to match your ads with the terms people are searching for. Selecting high quality, relevant keywords for your advertising campaign can help you reach the customers you want, when you want. This article explains how keywords work, where your ads will show, and how much they cost.

Include at least one of your keywords

Keywords in your ad text show your ad's relevance to what people want. For example, if you've included digital cameras as a keyword, your ad headline could be "Buy Digital Cameras." Learn how to build the best keyword list.

example of campaign budget

Let's say you normally spend $304 per month on advertising. To figure out your daily budget, you'd divide $304 by 30.4 and would get a daily budget of $10. Using this example, here's how you'd figure out your daily budget: 304 / 30.4 = $10 per day (Monthly budget / Average number of days per month = Daily budget) You can also create shared budgets, which let you allocate budget across multiple campaigns.

example of CPC bidding strategy

Let's say you've set a maximum CPC bid of US$1 for your ads. The most you'll pay when a customer clicks your ad is $1 (unless you're using automated bidding).

example of quality score

Let's say your maximum CPC bid is $2. Meanwhile, your competitor has a maximum CPC bid of $3 but the quality of his ads are below average. Because of the higher quality of your ads, your ad could actually show in a higher spot on the page, even though your bid is lower.

tip: pick the right number of keywords

Most advertisers find it useful to have somewhere between 5 and 20 keywords per ad group.

Null Quality Scores

New keywords initially get a null Quality Score, designated by "—" in the table. As your ads run, your keywords accumulate performance data and your Quality Score may change. You may see changes in your Quality Score once you've had enough impressions. Occasionally, you may see keywords getting a lot of impressions, but still see a null Quality Score. This could happen when your keywords don't have enough exact match impressions. Exact match impressions refers to ads showing on searches for terms that are an exact match of your keyword. So if there haven't been enough times your ad showed for searches that were an exact match of your keywords, you could see a null Quality Score. Also keep in mind that keywords need recent exact match impressions to maintain a Quality Score. If a keyword doesn't have enough recent traffic, its Quality Score may also turn back to null.

Your targeting options

On the Display Network, you can use ad group targeting to help get your ads seen by certain types of people or in certain contexts or content. When you focus your targeting on certain types of people, you can aim to get your ads seen by certain audiences (ex: people who've visited your site, or people that are likely to be in the market for a given product) or demographics (ex: young men). When you focus your targeting certain moments, you can specify keywords or topics to get your ads seen in the context of certain kinds of content (ex: bicycle-related content) or on certain websites (ex: a managed placement on

tip about ad rank

On the Search Network, if you want to understand the location of your ads on the search engine result pages (SERPs), you can use the top and absolute top impression rate metrics "Impr. (Abs.Top) %" and "Impr. (Top) %." If you want to bid on page location, you can use the top and absolute top impression share metrics "Search abs. top IS" and "Search top IS". To do this, you can use the Target Impression Share bid strategy with the option to target the top or absolute top of the page. Bidding by average position is not recommended because, sometimes, average position may decrease as bids increase. This happens as higher bids sometimes allow you to enter more competitive auctions in a worse position.

Ad auction eligibility

Our measures of ad quality help determine the Ad Rank thresholds for your ad, and therefore whether your ad is qualified to appear at all.

video campaign features

Overview (This is your account's home base, available exclusively in the new Google Ads, where you'll find Google-generated performance insights.) Campaign creation and management Video ad creation and management TrueView ads (in-stream and video discovery ads) and bumper ads Outstream ads Companion banners Location targeting Ad scheduling Demographic, placement, keyword, and topic targeting Audience targeting, including video remarketing and custom affinity audiences Creation and management of remarketing lists in the audience manager Campaign, ad group, and video ad analytics Content exclusion settings Change history Report downloads (most features available)

key features in shopping campaign

Overview (This is your account's home base, available exclusively in the new Google Ads, where you'll find Google-generated performance insights.) Campaign creation and management Product group editing and creation Products tab Ad scheduling Critical account alerts Keyword creation and management Location targeting

Include prices, promotions, and exclusives

People often use Google search to make a decision about something. Give them what they need to decide. If you have a limited-time discount or stock an exclusive product, say so.

Appeal to customers on mobile

People seeing your ads on mobile are more likely to want to know where you are, or to call you. Show your location and phone number with location extensions and call extensions. Also, consider creating ads devoted to people on mobile devices, using the mobile version of your website as a landing page, and offering specials suited to a mobile audience. Keep in mind, your text ads can appear differently on mobile.

keyword planner benefits

Research keywords. Need help finding keywords to add to a new campaign? Or, maybe you want to find additional keywords to add to an existing campaign. You can search for keywords based on terms that are relevant to your product or service, website, or landing page. Get historical statistics and traffic forecasts. Use statistics like search volume to help you decide which keywords to use for a new or existing campaign. Forecasts, like predicted clicks and estimated conversions, can give you an idea of how a list of keywords might perform for a given bid and budget. These forecasts can also help guide your decision on which bids and budgets to set.

goals of campaign

Sales Leads Website traffic Product & brand consideration Brand Awareness & reach App promotion

Different Quality Scores for the same keyword

Sometimes, you may see different Quality Scores for the same keyword across campaigns or ad groups. This is because the three components that make up Quality Score--expected clickthrough rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience--depend on the creatives, targeting, landing page, and other factors which can vary between ad groups. So if the ad groups are not exactly the same, the same keyword could have different Quality Scores across ad groups or campaigns.

3. ad rank factor

The Ad Rank thresholds - To help ensure high quality ads, we set minimum thresholds that an ad must achieve to show in a particular ad position.

4. ad rank factor

The context of the person's search - With the ad auction, context matters. When calculating Ad Rank, we look at the search terms the person has entered, the person's location at the time of the search, the type of device they're using (e.g., mobile or desktop), the time of the search, the nature of the search terms, other ads and search results that show on the page, and other user signals and attributes.

Quality Score status columns

These status columns show you the 4 Quality Score values: Quality Score, Landing page experience, Ad relevance, and Expected clickthrough rate (CTR). These optional columns can be added in your keyword reports. You're also able to see these scores in the text that appears when you hover over the keyword status icon speech bubble "(Ad disapproval bubble)".

Focus on conversions, or when people take a specific action on your website after clicking on one of your ads.

This is known as a cost-per-acquisition, or CPA bid. We recommend the CPA bidding method for seasoned Google advertisers who are interested in conversions, like purchases or signups.

Write successful text ads

To effectively reach potential customers, your text ads should be specific, relevant, attractive, and empowering. This article shares best practices for writing successful text ads and common mistakes to avoid.

how keywords work

To get your ads to appear when people search for your product or service, the keywords you choose need to match the words or phrases that people search for.


To increase the impact of a particular targeting setting, adjust the bid for it. For instance, if showing your ad to parents is particularly valuable to you, use bid adjustments to increase your bid for parents.

how to exclude searches

To prevent your ad from showing for particular searches, you can also add negative keywords. Negative keywords can help you reduce costs by making sure your ad shows just to the audience you want

tip; group similar keywords

Try grouping your keywords into themes. These themes can be based on your products, services, or other categories. For example, if you sell rings, you can have a group of keywords for "engagement rings" and another group of keywords for "wedding rings." Then you can create separate ad groups for these groups of keywords and have specific ads for "engagement rings" and specific ads for "wedding rings."

tip-keyword planner

Try using Keyword Planner, a free Google Ads tool, to help guide your decision on which bids and budgets to set. Keyword Planner shows you traffic estimates, like estimated clicks, to help you get an idea of how a keyword list might perform for a given bid and budget. Note that Keyword Planner gives you estimates for the Search Network only.

universal app campaigns

Unlike most Google Ads campaigns, you don't design individual ads for Universal App campaigns. Instead, we'll use your ad text ideas and assets from your app's store listing to design a variety of ads across several formats and networks. All you need to do is provide some text, a starting bid and budget, and let us know the languages and locations for your ads. Our systems will test different combinations and show ads that are performing the best more often, with no extra work needed from you.

about targeting for display network campaigns

When you advertise on the Google Display Network—which has over 2 million sites and reaches over 90% of people on the Internet—your ads can appear across a large collection of websites, mobile apps, and video content. Within the vast reach of the Display Network, meet your advertising goals by focusing your campaign. To do so, use settings and targeting, which can get your ads seen by the people most important to your business. This article gives you an overview of Display Network targeting methods.

A high-quality ad in action example: Let's say that you own a website that specializes in socks, and Sam, a customer, is looking for striped socks. Here's how your ad (and high Quality Score keywords) connects Sam with what he wants.

When Sam searches Google for "men's striped socks," he sees your ad. (Your ad has "[striped socks]" as a keyword.) Sam clicks the ad and lands right on your website's "striped men's socks" page. The page loads quickly and is easy for Sam to use. Sam buys several pairs of striped socks. That's what we consider a great user experience. Beyond a potentially higher Quality Score in most cases, relevant ads tend to earn more clicks, appear in a higher position, and bring you the most success.

how budget changes take effect: mid-month

When you change your budget during the month, your spend for the rest of the month won't exceed your new average daily budget multiplied by the remaining days in the month. For example, let's say you have a daily budget of US$5, and as of November 24 you've spent US$113. On the same day, you change your daily budget to US$10. The maximum you'll be charged for the month of November will be: $113 spent so far + ($10/day X 7 days remaining) = $183

How to decide on a daily budget

With Google Ads, you choose a daily budget for each campaign based on your advertising goals and the general amount you're comfortable spending each day.

On websites that your customers visit

You can also choose to show your ads to people as they browse the web. Your text, image, and video ads can appear on the Google Display Network.

On different devices

You can show your ads to people as they search or visit websites on the go: Your text ads can appear when people search on Google from their mobile devices and tablets. Your text, image and video ads can appear on Google Display Network websites when people visit these sites from high-end mobile devices, such as iPhones, Android devices, or tablets. Your ads can also appear on mobile apps, which are considered part of our Display Network.

Only pay for results

You decide how much you want to spend, and pay only when someone interacts with your ad, like clicking your text ad or watching your video ad. You base your bids on whatever is best for your business.

how budget changes take effect: multiple times a day

You'll be charged based on the highest daily budget that you chose for that day.

Control your costs- average daily budget

Your average daily budget is the amount you're willing to spend each day, on average, for each ad campaign in your account. The size of your budget is entirely up to you and you can edit this amount whenever you like. Recall that when you set your max CPC bid, the amount you're charged for a click on your ad in a given auction could be less than your max. This means the amount you pay for a click on your ad - your actual CPC - will likely vary from auction to auction. Even though your actual CPCs may vary, your daily budget puts a limit on how much you can accrue in click costs from day to day. Your spend may exceed your average daily budget by 2 times. We call this overdelivery. Overdelivery can help make up for days when traffic is slow and your ads don't get as much exposure. However, in a given billing period, you're never charged more than the average number of days in a month (30.4) times your daily budget.

1. ad rank factor

Your bid - When you set your bid, you're telling Google Ads the maximum amount you're willing to pay for a click on your ad. How much you actually end up paying is often less, and you can change your bid at any time.

How budget changes take effect: mid-day

ampaigns will typically spend around 50% of their budget in the day's first half and the remainder in the day's second half. However, if demand for your ads happens to be greatest early in the day, you might spend 70% of your daily budget in the morning. If you made a budget change around noon, you might spend an additional 50% of your new daily budget in the afternoon, which could result in a total spend for the day which is slightly greater than either of the daily budgets which were in effect that day. This results from the fact that the system is designed to make up for low traffic days by slightly exceeding your daily budget on higher traffic days, as long we never exceed your monthly charging limit.

ad group

contains one or more ads which target a shared set of keywords. You set a bid, or price, to be used when an ad group's keywords trigger an ad to appear. This is called a cost-per-click (CPC) bid. You can also set prices for individual keywords within the ad group. Use ad groups to organize your ads by a common theme, such as the types of products or services you want to advertise.

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