Google Analytics Certification

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Your business objective is to maximize the number of sales through your website. What metrics would most directly help you measure performance against this objective?

Ecommerce conversion rate

What is an example of a session level interaction?

Ecommerce transaction, event, pageview, social interaction

In order to set up ecommerce tracking, you need to:

Enable ecommerce tracking in at least one of the views for a property. Add ecommerce tracking JavaScript to your receipt page of "transaction complete" page

It's important to have a clear measurement strategy to guide your implementation strategy and your data analysis. What business objective would be most relevant for content publishers?

Encourage engagement and frequent visitation

This is great way to know if users are engaging with your website and performing intended actions

Event tracking

You want to know whether button X is clicked more often than button Y. What would be most useful?


When does Google Analytics tracking code send a pageview hit to Analytics?

Every time a user loads a webpage

When does the Google Analytics tracking code send an event hit to Analytics

Every time a user performs an action with event tracking

What is an example of a hit-level scope?

Every time a user visited a particular page or performed a singular action

____ is the standard Analytics reports that includes a line graph and a data table, search and sort options, and secondary dimensions


What are the three different custom report types?

Explorer, Flat Table and Map Overlay

True or False: To collect mobile application data with Google Analytics, you should implement the exact same code you use for your website tracking


TRUE OR FALSE: Because segments are applied before sampling, segmented data will not be sampled


TRUE OR FALSE: Custom reports will only display data for the date range selected at the time the report is created


TRUE OR FALSE: Filters may be applied retroactively to any data that has already been processed.


TRUE OR FALSE: The same type of GA tracking code should be used for both a website and a mobile app


True of False: By default, Google Analytics can recognize returning users over multiple sessions from different browsers and devices


TRUE OR FALSE: For mobile applications, Google Analytics will use the same Javascript tracking code as websites

False. According to Google, instead of using JavaScript to collect data like you do on a website, you'll use an SDK, or Software Development Kit, to collect data from your mobile app.

True or False: Every metric may be combined with every dimension in Google Analytics.

False. According to Google, not every metric can be combined with every dimension. Each dimension and metric has a scope: users, sessions, or actions. In most cases, it only makes sense to combine dimensions and metrics that share the same scope. For example, Sessions is a session-based metric so it can only be used with session-level dimensions like Source or City. It would not be logical to combine Sessions with an action-level (or, hit-level) dimension like Page.

TRUE OR FALSE: When you share a link to a custom report, you share the data in the report

False: Sharing a link to a custom report only shares a template for the report

If you decrease the sample size for a report, more sessions will be used to calculate the report and it will take longer to generate

False; if you increase the sample size, you'll include more sessions in your calculation, but it will take longer to generate your report. If you decrease the sample size, you'll include fewer sessions in your calculation, but your report will be generated faster

To see data for users from the U.S. and Canada only in a view, which filter would be applied?

Filter 1: include U.S and Canada

What metrics would be most useful in measuring how many conversions were initiated by Paid Search?

First Interaction (click) Conversions

What attribution model would be useful for evaluating ads and campaigns that are designed to create initial awareness about a brand?

First Interaction Model

You've found that most of your customers initially learned about your brand via a display ad. What attribution models will give credit to display ads that introduced customers to your brand?

First Interaction attribution model, Position based attribution model and linear attribution model

____ is a static, sortable table that displays data into rows

Flat Table

How can you use goals to show ROI?

For each goal that you create, you can assign a monetary number to the goal that will help tell a campaign story in terms of revenue and ROI

What Audience reports would you use to see how often users return to your site?

Frequency and Recency Reports

Remarketing audiences can include:

General users who viewed your homepage or any category or product pages, users who viewed a search results page on your website, users who viewed product lists or product detail pages, users who abandoned their shopping carts, or users who previously converted

Specifying a goal value allows GA to calculate

Goal Revenue

These kinds of conversions only count one goal conversion per session

Goal conversions

These are great tools to prove your campaign's conversion contribution, revenue, and perhaps, ROI to your client. It is strongly encouraged for all properties to consider how this tool can enhance the ROI story


These enable you to measure your website activity against KPIs you set up in your campaign measurement plan


What happens when a user arrives on a page with tracking code?

Google Analytics creates a random, unique ID that gets associated with the user's browser cookie. Analytics considers each unique ID to be a unique user

What are sessions?

Google Analytics groups user hits based on the time in which they were generated. To measure these periods, Analytics uses a metric called "sessions"

What does excluding data do for you reports?

Helps you ensure that you are filtering out any audiences that are not relevant to your analysis or that can skew results. For instance, traffic from the company is likely to increase web activity and/or conversions as they are more frequently on the site or could even be testing the site.

When it comes to GA heat maps, darker blue indicates

Higher results

Custom Metrics can have which scopes?

Hit and Product

Custom Metrics can only have two scopes:

Hit or Product

What scopes can a dimension have?

Hit, Product, Session, User

Dimensions and metrics can have one of three scopes:

Hit-level, session-level, user-level

What AdWords reports would you use to investigate when you should modify your bidding during certain hours of the day to optimize conversions?

Hour of the Day. According to Google, if you're selling a service or product within a particular region or country, it may be advantageous to target your ads to specific hours of the day and/or to specific days of the week.

How are unique events calculated?

How many users have triggered the event

What types of data can be collected and reported in the Site Speed reports?

How quickly images load, button click response time, page-load time for a sample of page views on your site, how quickly the browse parses a page and makes it available for user interaction

If a user watches a video with event tracking three times in a single session, how many unique events will be counted?


A session in Google Analytics times out after how many minutes by default?

30 minutes

How many segments may be applied at once?


How many dimensions and metrics can you add to a custom report?

5 dimensions and 10 metrics

What is the maximum duration a user can be included in a remarketing audience?

540 days

User segments can span multiple sessions with a max date range of ___

90 days

What does Google Analytics call a URL that passes data parameters for reporting?

A Hit

What is an example of a macro conversion for an ecommerce site?

A completed sales transaction. A conversion can be a macro conversion or a micro conversion. A macro conversion is typically a completed purchase transaction. In contrast, a micro conversion is a completed activity, such as an email signup for your email newsletter or an account creation, that indicates that the user is moving towards a macro conversion.

What is an example of an unique event?

If someone clicks on the store's navigation for "bags" five times in a single session, the total number of link clicks for that event will be five, but the number of Unique Events will be counted as one

In what circumstance would you want to increase the default sessions timeout length in GA?

If the average length of videos on your site is longer than 30 minutes.

What is true of ROI?

If the cost is $5 and revenue is $5, your ROI is 0%. According to Google, ROI is how much profit you've made from your ads compared to how much you've spent on those ads. Return on investment (known as ROI) measures the ratio of your profits to your advertising costs. One way to estimate the ROI of your campaign is to take the revenue that resulted from your ads, subtract your overall costs, and then divide by your overall costs. ROI = (Revenue - Cost of goods sold) / Cost of goods sold Let's say you have a product that costs $100 to produce, and sells for $200. You sell 6 of these products as a result of advertising them on AdWords. Your total sales are $1200, and your AdWords costs are $200. Your ROI is ($1200-($600+$200))/($600+$200), or 50%.

During processing, Analytics will determine which scope gets applied to each dimension and metric. You can only pair metrics with dimensions in which situation?

If the dimensions and metrics are in the same scope

What metrics show the number of times your ads were displayed?


You run a heavy-machinery business and use your website to generate sales leads for high-priced items. Which of the following actions below would you consider the main "macro conversion" for your site?

A potential customer fills out and submits a lead form.

What is Bounce Rate?

According to Google, Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page sessions (i.e. sessions in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page).

The action the user took when they initiated the event. If you were tracking when users click a video play button, you might have a category called "videos" with an associated ___ of play


Measures the number of unique users who initiated sessions on your site over the last day, 7 days, 14 days or 30 days. Short-term drops in traffic may be due to negative press or social content, while long-term drops may signal new release problems or inability to grow your audience

Active Users Report

What report shows users who initiated sessions over 1-day, 7-day, 14-day, and 30-day periods

Active Users Report

What is a possible way to view the dimension "Ad Content" in your GA AdWords report?

Add "Ad Content" to the Campaigns report as a secondary dimension and switch the primary dimension in the AdWords Keywords report to "Ad Content"

In order to see data in the Events reports, what must you do in addition to implementing the standard Google Analytics tracking code on your site?

Add additional Event Tracking code to each action on your site that you want Google Analytics to track as an event

You can adjust sample size in GA by

Adjusting a control in the reporting interface.

When will Google Analytics end a default session?

After 30 minutes of inactivity or closes a browser window

When should you add Analytics tracking code to your site?

After implementation planning

Which report analyzes which web pages get the most traffic and highest engagement?

All Pages report

Why is it important that you maintain one unfiltered view when using filters with your Analytics account?

An unfiltered view ensures that the original data can always be accessed

To enable remarketing in Google Analytics, you need to first enable Advertising Features in your

Analytics property settings. 1. In the admin section, click on tracking info and then data collection 2. Then set remarketing and advertising reporting features to "on"

What technique would you use to exclude rows with fewer than 10 visits from a report table?

Apply a table filter

You want to explore traffic metrics by gender and age. What sections in Analytics will be most useful?


Allows you to target ads to those users


Once you've set up remarketing, you can create specific _____ that let you target groups of users based on common attributes


___ are made up of browser cookies from users that visited a site with GA implemented and the remarketing tracking code enabled


The reporting APIs can be used to:

Automate complex reporting tasks, retrieve GA data for use in your own applications, build your own dashboard with GA data

What should you manually tag with campaign tracking variables?

Banner ads, Non-AdWords CPC campaigns, Email campaigns

Where are event reports found under in GA?


You are interested in identifying the most popular content on your site. Which of the following sections will have this report information by default?


What metric would be most useful for optimizing landing pages?

Bounce Rate

What suggests a poorly performing landing page?

Bounce rate > 90%

Since website remarketing utilizes ____ _____, creating remarketing audiences in Analytics does not require any additional tagging on your website

Browser cookies

When defining a measurement plan, what is the order of steps?

Business objectives > Key actions > KPIs

What is the order of steps when defining a measurement plan?

Business objectives > key actions > KPIs

How is Google Analytics able to determine if a group of website interactions are all from the same user device?

By setting a unique ID for the device that is attached to each hit

This part of the UTM tag is the individual campaign name, slogan, promo code, etc. for a product


Which campaign tracking variables are required in order to ensure accurate data shows for your campaigns in the "All Traffic" report?

Campaign, Source and Medium. According to Google, when adding parameters to a URL, you should always use Source, Medium and Campaign. The parameters Term and Content are optional and can be used for tracking additional information

Lets you organize the events you track into groups. For your website, this might be videos or social shares


When a user performs an action on an element with event tracking, the event tracking code will pass four parameters along with the event hit. These parameters are:

Category, Action, Label and Value

What four parameters can be included with an event hit for reporting?

Category, Action, Label, Value

To see the bounce rate of a specific medium in an Acquisitions report:

Change the primary dimension in the Channels report to "Medium" and view the Bounce Rate metric; Change the primary dimension in the Source/Medium report to "Medium" and view the Bounce Rate metric

Channel X has an Assisted/Last Interaction Conversion value of exactly 1. What does this mean?

Channel X equally assists and completes conversions

This report shows data segmented by channel

Channels Report

What report shows data segmented by channel?

Channels Report

This report lets you examine specific groups of users and their behavior, to better inform your marketing

Cohort Analysis Report

What report groups an audience based on acquisition date and compares behavior metrics over several weeks

Cohort Analysis Report

___ determines the size of each cohort. You can group by day, week, or month of acquisition

Cohort Size

Lets you select a single dimension of cohort to report on.

Cohort Type

What are the four main parts of the Google Analytics platform?

Collection, Configuration, Processing, Reporting

What are the benefits of custom reports?

Configuring Custom Reports enables you to: 1. Use a custom dimension as your primary, rather than your secondary dimension 2. Include more than two dimensions per row, which can be helpful if you need to export the data table into another software for analysis 3. Report on any Custom Metrics you have collected

This part of the UTM is used to differentiate similar content, or links within the same ad. For example, if you have two call-to-action links within the same email message, you can use this to set different values for each so you can tell which version is more effective


What are configurations that permanently modify your data during the processing stage?

Content Groups, Goals, Filters, Channel Groups

What is the recommended parameter for identifying different versions of an ad?

Content. The parameter utm_content is used to differentiate similar content, or links within the same ad. For example, if you have two call to action links within the same email message, you can use utm_content and set different values for each so you can tell which version is more effective

Setting up goals allows you to see

Conversion Rates

Shows to goals you set for your business

Conversions menu

To view data in reports by user categories such as Bronze, Gold and Platinum status levels, what GA feature is needed to collect this data?

Custom Dimension

To collect the number of comments users posted to a website page, what feature would be used?

Custom Metric

Lets you collect metrics in GA that are specific to your business

Custom Metrics

These are similar to default dimensions expect that you define what they are and their value

Custom dimensions

Lets you combine this offline data to the hit data that Analytics collects from your website and will allow you to include your own business-specific data you collected independently to give you more context and insight in your reports

Data Import

What would you use to show two date ranges on the same graph?

Date Comparison

Segments already available in GA and show up under the System section

Default (or system)

What is the first step of analytics planning?

Define your overall measurement plan and business objectives

What should be the first step you complete during the analytics planning process?

Define your overall measurement plan and business objectives

Provides users' age, gender, interest categories and more, you'll need to switch on a feature in property settings. This lets Google Analytics collect anonymous demographics data with the standard tracking code and Google advertising cookies (when those cookies are present)

Demographics and Interests report

What characteristics can you segment by?

Demographics, technology, behavior, session dates, traffic sources, and ecommerce

You want to evaluate the landing pages you are using for AdWords ads. What dimensions would be most useful?

Destination URL. According to Google, the Destination URL report lets you see the URLs to which you've directed users from your AdWords ads, along with any campaign tagging in those URLs. This functions as a landing-page report exclusively for AdWords traffic, and given this information, you can see which of those pages is most effective in engaging your users and helping them make the conversions you want.

What reporting dimensions would be useful to reference if you were rebuilding a website?

Device category, browser, language

___ _____ is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from your business and the competition to drive a continual improvement of the online experience that your customers and potential customers have which translates to your desired outcomes

Digital analytics

_____ ______ is the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data from your business, a process of continual improvement of the online experience and the analysis of data from your business and the competition.

Digital analytics

Custom segments may be created using which of the following criteria?

Dimensions, metrics, session dates, sequences of user actions

AdWords and DoubleClick campaigns served on the Google Display Network are grouped into which channel?



Displays the data as visual subsets of the whole; useful when showcasing the comparative share of a metric


Displays the data in a simple "mini" chart; useful for taking a quick snapshot of the 2 most important metrics of a larger chart


Displays the data in simple bar graph format; useful for quick comparisons of up to 9 bars of data

Lets you target remarketing ads more precisely and enables you to target based on content or products users previously viewed on your site, related and top-performing content and products, and purchase histories and demographics

Dynamic remarketing

What metrics would allow you to assess AdWords campaign profitability?


What would most quickly allow you to determine whether the GA code snippet is working on a specific website page?


You need to immediately find out whether people are viewing the new content that you just added today. What is most useful?


If you have separate cookies set for a domain and a sub-domain, links between the two sites are counted as

Referral Traffic

Characters that you can use to identify matching text in order to trigger an action

Regular expressions (reg ex)

A powerful tool that lets you target ad content to users who have already visited your website.


What metrics would be the best KPIs for measuring the performance of an ecommerce business?

Revenue and average order value

What feature lets you aggregate data automatically from multiple properties into a new combined property

Rollup Reporting

To pair metrics with dimensions, what should they have in common?

Same scope

The number of session used to calculate the report is called the

Sample Size

The process GA uses to retrieve data from large, complex data sets faster is called:


What reporting tools would you use to show the dimension "city" next to the dimensions "source" in a report?

Secondary dimension

___ in Google Analytics is a way to view a subset of data in a report


The tracking code in GA does what?

Sends data back to your GA account for reporting, connects data to your specific GA account, identifies new and returning users

You want to see the percentage of sessions in which a specific button was clicked. What would be most useful?

Set up an event goal

A customer visits your site four times in a month before making a $100 purchase on your site. She first comes to your site by clicking on a search ad, then a social media ad, then another search ad, and finally a display ad. If you're using a linear attribution model, how much conversion credit could be assigned to the last display ad?

In the Linear attribution model, each touchpoint in the conversion path—in this case the Paid Search, Social Network, Email, and Direct channels—would share equal credit (25% each) for the sale.

What are possible uses of filters?

Include only traffic coming from a particular campaign, replace complicated page URLs with readable text strings, exclude visits from a particular IP address, report on only a subdomain or directory

Filters can modify the data in your GA reports by:

Including data, excluding data, changing how data looks in reports

If you have separate cookies set for a domain and a sub-domain, unique users to each are counted


What would you use to set up a custom alert?


You want to know whenever weekly revenue for your "spring sale" campaign increases or decreases by 10%. What would be most useful to you?

Intelligence Alerts

A session in Google Analytics consists of:

Interaction or hits from a specific user over a defined period of time

What could you use to set targets for your measurement plan?

Internal expectations from your business leadership, your site's historical site performance, third-party industry benchmark data

When is the effective date of goals?

It's important to note that goals are not retroactive. Thus, goal analytics will only track goals starting from the date that you created them

The code snippet for tracking websites with Google Analytics is written in


What would you use to send data from a website to GA?

JavaScript tracking code

Where is it recommended that you place the Google Analytics javascript tracking code?

Just before the closing </head> tag

An optional value used to further describe the element you're tracking like the name of a video. This can help you make your event reports more readable


Which Behavior reports would you use to identify the pages of your site that have the highest bound rate as the first page of a user's session?

Landing Pages

In a "last-click" attribution model, Google Analytics will attribute all of the conversion credit to which source(s)?

Last marketing activity

For Dynamic Remarketing, you need to:

Link your Adwords and Analytics accounts and enable Advertising features. Retail businesses will also need to link their AdWords accounts to their Google Merchant Center

When it comes to GA heat maps, lighter blue indicates

Lower Results

This is the primary reason you are sending someone to your website - to purchase a product, to sign up for an event, etc.

Macro Conversion

This occurs when someone completes an action that's important to your business

Macro Conversion

___ is a map of the world with regions and countries in darker colors to indicate traffic and engagement volume

Map Overlay


Maps the data based on location (only applicable if demographic reporting is turned on); useful to monitor where traffic is deriving from

Create a goal in the "Master Profile" for the website to match the following pages: What match type and URL pattern did you use to create the goal in your account?

Match type: Begins with; URL pattern: /thankyou According to Google, the "begins with" match type, matches identical characters starting from the beginning of the string up to and including the last character in the string you specify. Use this option when your page URLs are generally unvarying but when they include additional parameters at the end that you want to exclude. If your website has dynamically generated content, use a Begins with match filter and leave out the unique values. For example, a URL that a particular user went to might be In this case, the id varies for every other user. You could still match this page by using /checkout.cgi?page=1 as the URL and selecting Begins with as your match type.

Defines how to construct your hits using a customized tracking ID and send those hits to your designated Google Analytics account

Measurement Protocol

What could you use to send data from a web connected point-of-sale system to GA?

Measurement Protocol

This part of the UTM tag is the advertising or marketing medium. For example: cpc, banner, email newsletter, etc.


These are the smaller actions users take that lead to the macro conversion. For instance, if someone signs up for a newsletter or submits an inquiry via a contact form, this could imply that the user desires to stay engaged with your brand, which could later lead to a macro-conversion

Micro Conversions

What Audience reports would you use to see how your site performance differs between desktop, smartphone, and tablet users?

Mobile reports

What would help you determine the conversion value of a paid keyword?

Multi-Channel Functions

When do Google Analytics Terms of Service permit sending personally identifying information (PII) to Google?


What Audience report would you use to determine whether first-time visitors or repeat visitors spend more time on your site on average?

New vs. Returning reports

When you add dimensions and metrics, they will to be of the same scope or this will happen

No data will appear in the report

Your company has a website and a mobile app, and you want to track each separately in GA. How should you structure your account(s)?

One account, two properties

You want to see conversion rates for Windows visits coming from London. What dimension would you need to select?

Operating System, and City as a secondary dimension

What traffic mediums are automatically tracked by GA without extra tagging or account linking?

Organic, Referral or (non) when the traffic source is direct

During aggregation, Google Analytics:

Organizes the collected data within database tables

What would be the most useful for ranking pages according to revenue contribution?

Page Value

What are examples of dimensions?

Page name, traffic source, country

If you advertise using Google Search, that traffic gets group in what channel on the Channels Report?

Paid Search Channel

What type of reporting tools would you use to show two rows of data on the same graph?

Plot Rows

What Google Analytics data can be used to define a remarketing audience?

Pre-defined and custom segments

There are two kinds of filters:

Predefined and Custom

Filters that have already been created for you in Google Analytics and allow you to include or exclude data based on traffic from the ISP domain, IP addresses, subdirectories, or the hostname, and designate how the filter will match that information


What are the four main components of how the GA system works?

Processing, Reporting, Configuration, Collection

What could be measured by defining a goal in GA?

The percentage of session which contain 3 or more pageview, percentage of session during which users spend at least 2 minutes on the site, percentage of session that result in a site registration

You can retrieve Google Analytics reporting data through the following methods:

The reporting interface and an API

What do macro-conversions usually measure?

The tactics that support your various strategies

How are total events calculated?

The total number of interactions with the tracked element

What would prevent URL destination goal conversion from being recorded?

The tracking code is missing from the conversion page, no URL destination goals have been defined, there was a misspelling in the URL of the goal definition, the match type in the goal definition is incorrect

A visitor comes to your site but stops looking at pages and generating events. What will occur by default?

The visitor's session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity

What would be the most useful in measuring how many days passed between the first visit to a site and the eventual conversion?

Time Lag. According to Google, the Time Lag report counts the number of days from the first user interaction (e.g., impression, click, direct session) to conversion.

When configuring a goal, why is it useful to assign a goal value?

To attribute monetary value to non-ecommerce conversions

What is the purpose of the URL builder?

To generate a URL with tracking parameters

What are the possible uses of views within a single GA account?

To look more closely at traffic to a specific part of a site (a page or selection of pages), to limit a user's access to a subset of data, to look more closely at traffic to a specific subdomain

You want to measure the percentage of sessions during which the user clicks a "product detail" button. What would you need to do in order to see this information?

Track the button with an event and set up an event goal

What is the use of a destination goal?

Tracking conversions that are accompanied by a confirmation page. For instance, after a user purchases a product or fills out a form fill, it's standard for the user to be served a "Thank you for your purchase/form submission" confirmation page. Knowing that this page will only serve after a conversion takes place, you can set up a goal on this page to count each time this page is served - i.e. each time a conversion takes place

What are valid segments to consider when looking at data?

Traffic by time of day, marketing channel, geography, device

What are the different types of "hits" tracked by GA?

Transactions, Pageviews, Events

TRUE OR FALSE: It is possible to customize the default channels in the Channels report and create your own custom channels from scratch


TRUE OR FALSE: Once a view is deleted it can be restored using the trash can feature


TRUE OR FALSE: Once your Google Analytics data has been processed, it cannot be changed


TRUE OR FALSE: Rather than using the random numbers that the tracking code creates, you can override the unique ID with your own number


TRUE OR FALSE: The date range set for a Dashboard doesn't apply to Real-Time widgets since they only show data for current active users, not historical data


TRUE OR FALSE: Third-party data may be joined with the Google Analytics data collected via the tracking code


TRUE OR FALSE: To view data from two websites in aggregate using GA, you must use the same tracking ID on both sites


TRUE OR FALSE: You should include Google Analytics tracking code on every page of a website you want to track


True or False. In order to see data in the Multi-Channel Funnels reports you must first implement Goals or Ecommerce.


TRUE OR FALSE: If an app gets uninstalled and then reinstalled, Google Analytics will have to create a new unique identifier on the device instead of matching the session as coming from a returning user.

True. According to Google, if the app gets uninstalled, the Google Analytics SDK deletes the identifier. If the app is then reinstalled, a new anonymous identifier is created on the device. The result is that the user will be identified as a new user, not a returning user, but no other data in your Google Analytics reports will be impacted.

True or False: Similar to the JavaScript and mobile SDKs, you'll need to include a tracking ID with each hit collected by the Measurement Protocol.

True. According to Google, like the JavaScript and mobile SDKs which include a tracking ID with each hit, you must also add a tracking ID to every hit you send to Google Analytics through the Measurement Protocol. This will ensure that the data appears in your specific Analytics account and property.

What is the use of a duration goal?

Use if you want to track quality users as a goal based on how long they have been on your site. For instance, if your goal is to keep a user engaged on your site for at least 3 minutes, you can set this as a goal

What is the use of a pages/screens per session goal?

Use if you want to track quality users as a goal based on how many pages a user visits on your site per session. For instance, if you deem a user as a quality user after 4 page visits in a session, you can set this as a Goal.

Your ecommerce site sells colorful wrist watches that visitors can customize using a tool online. Which of the following represent(s) a micro conversion for your site?

Use of the "customize your watch" tool. A conversion can be a macro conversion or a micro conversion. A macro conversion is typically a completed purchase transaction. In contrast, a micro conversion is a completed activity, such as an email signup for your email newsletter or an account creation, that indicates that the user is moving towards a macro conversion.

To create a Custom Dimension for a membership status (i.e., rewards level), what scope should be applied?


What is the hierarchy of the GA data model?

User > Sessions > Interactions

What platforms is Google Analytics capable of tracking?

User activity on a mobile website, mobile application, website, gaming console, any digitally connected device

For each separate domain, the standard Analytics cookies determine two simple things:

User information (sessions counts) and traffic sources (referrals, searches, ad campaigns)

When GA processes data, one of the main tasks it completes is organizing hits into:

Users and Sessions

When Google Analytics processes data, one of the main tasks it completes is organizing hits into

Users and sessions


Showcases the data points across time in graph format; useful if you are trying to keep quick tabs on trends over time

2.1 Metric

Simply showcases the specific metrics and dimensions specified; useful if only one metrics needs to be displayed

What Behavior reports could you use to find new keyword ideas for your search advertising campaigns?

Site Search

What report allows you to identify the terms visitors use to conduct searches within your site?

Site Search Report

What is cross-domain tracking also known as?

Site linking

What are micro conversions.

Smaller goals that bring users closer to your main objectives such as signing up for an email coupon or a new product notification. They nudge users to your macro-conversions

This part of the UTM tag identifies the advertiser, site, publication, etc. that is sending traffic to your property. For example: google, newsletter, billboard


For each user who comes to your site, GA automatically captures which Traffic Source dimensions?

Source and Medium

Which campaign tracking variables should you always use when manually tagging a URL

Source, Medium, Campaign

This part of the UTM identifies paid search keywords. If you're manually tagging paid keyword campaigns, you should also use utm_term to specify the keyword


Uses the domain of the website you are tracking to define it as a "site" in your reports

The Analytics tracking code

A website that lets shoppers see your line and in-store inventory

The Merchant Center

How does Analytics calculate the pages per session?

The average of how many unique pageview hits the user generated during the session.

If a paid keyword has an Assisted/Last Click or Direct Conversion value of .5, which of the following is true?

The keyword played an assist role less often than it played a last click role. According to Google, the Assisted/Last Click or Direct Conversions and First/Last Click or Direct Conversions ratios summarize a channel's overall role. A value close to 0 indicates that a channel completed more sales and conversions than it assisted. A value close to 1 indicates that the channel equally assisted and completed sales and conversions. The more this value exceeds 1, the more the channel assisted sales and conversions. In this example the value is 0.5. That means for example 5 assists and 10 last click or direct conversions = 5/10 = 0.5. If the value would be about 1, the paid keyword played equally an assisted and completed role. If the value would be greater than 1, the keyword played an assisted role.

What are macro-conversions in a measurement plan

The main website actions users take that accomplish stated business goals

Which users could be targeted with Dynamic Remarketing to bring them back to a website?

Users who viewed a website search result page, product detail pages, and abandoned their shopping carts

Which remarketing audiences can be defined in GA?

Users who visited a specific page on a website, played a video on a website, or users who speak a particular language

What is an example of adding internal context to your data?

Using your site's historical monthly visits data to set a future monthly visits target.

Optional numerical value like the amount of time it takes a video to load or how much a specific event action is worth. You can use ___ to assign a specific dollar amount when a specific action occurs


What Behavior metrics shows the number of session that included a view of a page?


What metric measures traffic volume?


What types of traffic will show in the "Campaigns" report?

Visits from all links tagged with the utm_campaign parameter and from Google AdWords campaigns that have autotagging enabled

How is a pageview hit triggered?

When a user loads a webpage with the tracking code.

When does a session begin?

When a user navigates to a page that includes the Google Analytics tracking code and generates a pageview hit

What is remarketing in GA?

When users are shown targeted ads to bring them back to a website and encourage a conversion

Each query sent to the Reporting API must specify:

Which metrics to display, the start and end dates, the ID of the account view that the data should be retrieved from

What questions could you answer with the Ecommerce reports?

Which product category brings in the most revenue for my business? What are the ten most frequently purchased products on my site? What products did a visitor purchase together in the same transaction? What is the average order value of the transactions placed on my site?

Do you have to set up separate event tracking for each element or state you wish to track?

Yes. For example, if you want to track when videos are both played or paused, you will need to set up separate event tracking for the play and pause states of the button

How can you adjust the sample size in GA?

You can adjust the sample size using a control in the reporting interface or by specifying the size when you query the API

Your Multi-Channel Funnel reports have no data. What is the most likely reason?

You haven't implemented Goals or Ecommerce

What is required in order to see data for each page of a three-page conversion process in the Goal Flow report?

You must set up a goal for that conversion and you must set up each of the three pages as a funnel step in the Goal settings

When a custom dimension is active, which data will it affect?

You won't be able to apply it to data you have previously collected.

To add external data to Google Analytics using the Data Import feature, you must have:

a key that links the imported data with Google Analytics. According to Google, to import data into Google Analytics there must a "key" that exists both in the data that Google Analytics collects and in the data you want to import. The key is the common element that connects the two sets of data.

Audience lists will populate in AdWords and DoubleClick accounts that you link to Analytics. You can then use those products to:

create ad campaigns for those specific audiences

There are two types of segments:

default and custom

Both user and session segments can be built using:

dimensions, metrics, session dates and even sequences of user actions

The Site Search reports show:

how users search your site

Google Analytics can recognize returning users

on websites, iOS mobile apps, Android mobile apps

Audiences that include the Google Display Network's demographics dimensions of Age, Gender, interests are not eligible for:

search remarketing

The demographics and interest category information in Google Analytics comes from

the DoubleClick third-party cookie

In Google Analytics, conversions and Ecommerce transactions are credited to:

the last campaign, search, or ad that referred the user

Setting up goals activates the Multi-Channel Funnels Reports in Google Analytics. This report shows you ___

the path users took towards conversions across multiple visits

During data Processing, GA:

transforms the raw data from Collection using configuration settings

You have defined goal X such that any PDF download qualifies as a goal conversion. A user comes to your site once and downloads five PDFs. How many goal conversions will be recorded?

1 According to Google, there is an important difference between Goal conversions and ecommerce transactions. A Goal conversion can only be counted once during a visit, but an ecommerce transaction can be counted multiple times during a visit. Here's an example. Let's say that you set one of your Goals to be a PDF download and you define it such that any PDF download is a valid Goal conversion. And let's also say that the Goal is worth $5. In this case, if a user comes to your site and downloads five PDF files during a single session, you'll only get one conversion worth $5. However, if you were to track each of these downloads as a $5 ecommerce transaction, you would see five transactions and $25 in ecommerce revenue.

In a custom report, you must specify at least

1 dimension and 1 metric to save a Custom Report

An audience list for Google Search ads must have at least ____ users before it can be used


Person A and person B each visits your commerce site once. During her visit, person A buys one of your products. Then, before leaving the site, she makes another purchase. Person B buys nothing. What is your ecommerce conversion rate for these two visits?

100%. According to Google, the ecommerce conversion rate is the percentage of visits that result in an ecommerce transaction. In our example, it is calculated like this: number of transactions / visits = 2/2 = 1 = 100%

How many user cookies does an audience list require to be eligible for AdWords Search Ad remarketing?


Session segments are confused to user behavior within

A single session

What best defines a Destination goal in GA?

A website page viewed by the user once they have completed a desired action

Why might a site have a high Bounce Rate?

According to Google, a high bounce rate can be caused by one or many different factors, including: Single page site If you have only one page on your site, Google Analytics doesn't register multiple pageviews unless users reload that page. As a result, single-page sites tend to have high bounce rates. To find out how people use this type of site, implement other content tracking methods, like Events. Incorrect implementation If you're seeing a high bounce rate from a multiple-page site, check to see that you've added the tracking code to all your pages. See Verifying your setup for more information. Site design If all your pages contain the tracking code but you're still seeing a high bounce rate, consider: Redesigning the entrance (or landing) pages Optimizing those pages so they correlate better with the search terms that bring users to your site, with ads you're running, or with keywords you've purchased Changing the ads or keywords to better reflect page content User behavior Other factors may be solely attributed to user behavior. For example, if a user bookmarks a page on your site, goes to it, and leaves, then that's considered a bounce.

What are valid scopes for dimensions?

According to Google, dimensions describe characteristics of your users, their sessions and actions. Each dimension and metric has a scope: users, sessions, or actions.

What are some examples of sources?

According to Google, every referral to a web site has an origin, or source. Possible sources include "google" (the name of a search engine), "facebook" (the name of a referring site), "spring_newsletter" (the name of one of your newsletters), and "direct" (users that typed your URL directly into their browser, or who had bookmarked your site)

What are examples of default Mediums in Google Analytics?

According to Google, every referral to a website has a medium. Possible mediums include: organic (unpaid search), cpc (cost per click, i.e. paid search), referral, email (the name of a custom medium you have created), or none (direct traffic has a medium of "none")

What are some examples of mediums?

According to Google, every referral to a website has a medium. Possible mediums include: organic (unpaid search), cpc (cost per click, i.e. paid search), referral, email (the name of a custom medium you have created), or none (direct traffic has a medium of "none")

What GA dimensions are only available for AdWords traffic?

According to Google, manual tagging can provide data for only the following dimensions: Campaign, Source, Medium, Content, Keyword. When you use auto-tagging, however, you can see data for several additional dimensions, including: Query Match Type (How your keyword was actually matched to the search query) Ad Group (The ad group associated with the keyword/creative and click) Destination URL (AdWords Destination URL) Ad Format (text, display, video) Ad Distribution Network (Google Search) Placement Domain (the domain on the content network where your ads were displayed) AdWords Customer ID (the unique three-part number that's assigned to your AdWords account)

What is true about segmentation?

According to Google, segmentation allows you to isolate and analyze subsets of your data. For example, you might segment your data by marketing channel so that you can see which channel is responsible for an increase in purchases. Drilling down to look at segments of your data helps you understand what caused a change to your aggregated data.

Your web property is "". You set up a URL goal of "/thankyou" and a Match Type of "Begins with". Which of the following URLs will count as goals?

According to Google, the "begins with" match type, matches identical characters starting from the beginning of the string up to and including the last character in the string you specify. Use this option when your page URLs are generally unvarying but when they include additional parameters at the end that you want to exclude. If your website has dynamically generated content, use a Begins with match filter and leave out the unique values. For example, a URL that a particular user went to might be In this case, the id varies for every other user. You could still match this page by using /checkout.cgi?page=1 as the URL and selecting Begins with as your match type.

What Multi-Channel Funnels report would you use to see the most common sequences of marketing touch points that lead to conversions on your site or app?

According to Google, the Top Conversion Paths report shows the conversion paths that your customers took on their way to purchase.

What are some examples of channels?

According to Google, the default channels are: direct, organic search, referral, email, paid search, other advertising, social, display

What is part of the Default Channel Grouping?

According to Google, the default channels are: direct, organic search, referral, email, paid search, other advertising, social, display

What are the two methods of importing external data into Google Analytics using Dimension Widening?

According to Google, you can add data using Dimension Widening either by uploading a file or by using the Google Analytics APIs. Uploading a file, like a spreadsheet or .CSV, is easy, but it can be time consuming if you need add data often. To save time, you can build a program that uses the APIs to automatically send data into Google Analytics on a regular basis.

What is the hierarchical structure of a GA account from top to bottom?

Account > Property > View

You are interested in exploring metrics by campaign and traffic source. Which of the following sections will have this report information by default?


What can be answered by using the goal flow report?

Are there any steps in my conversion process that don't perform well on mobile devices compared to desktop devices? Is there a place in my funnel where traffic loops back to the beginning of the conversion process to start over? Are there a lot of unexpected exits from a step in the middle of my conversion funnel? Do visitors usually start my conversion process from the first step or somewhere in the middle?

Custom Dimensions can be used in what reports?

As secondary dimensions in Standard Reports and as primary dimensions in Custom Reports

What most accurately describes the concept of attribution in digital analytics?

Assigning credit for conversions. According to Google: An attribution model is the rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is assigned to touchpoints in conversion paths.

You've noticed that many users visit your site several times before converting and you want to understand in more detail how they arrive at your site. What metrics would be most helpful in showing you whether a keyword is part of a conversion path?

Assisted Conversions

How would Google Analytics credit a channel that contributed to a conversion prior to the final interaction

Assisted conversion

What is required to create a Custom Report?

At least one metric, report title and at least one dimension

To calculate ROI correctly, GA needs:

Cost and Revenue According to Google, ROI is how much profit you've made from your ads compared to how much you've spent on those ads. Return on investment (known as ROI) measures the ratio of your profits to your advertising costs. One way to estimate the ROI of your campaign is to take the revenue that resulted from your ads, subtract your overall costs, and then divide by your overall costs. ROI = (Revenue - Cost of goods sold) / Cost of goods sold

You want a second view of your data where you only see traffic to a specific subdirectory. What is the best way to set this up?

Create a duplicate view and add a filter: select "Include only traffic to a subdirectory "from the Filter Type drop down, and specify the subdirectory

To track website behavior data with Google Analytics, which steps will you need to complete?

Create an Analytics account and add the Analytics tracking code to each page of your site

In order to distinguish between users on web pages, Google Analytics:

Creates anonymous unique identifiers using first-party cookies

What should you NOT collect with the GA ecommerce JavaScript?

Credit Card Number

To collect data from two websites with different URLs using a single Google Analytics property, what feature must be set up?

Cross-domain tracking

Segments that you created and show up under the Custom section


What technologies or features can be used to add data to Google Analytics?

Data Import, Measurement Protocol. According to Google, the most common way to get data into Google Analytics is through your tracking code, but you can also add data from other sources. By adding data into Google Analytics, you can give more context to your analysis. There are two ways to add data into your Google Analytics account without using the tracking code: through account linking and through Data Import. Also, according to Google, the Measurement Protocol lets you send data to Google Analytics from any web-connected device. Recall that the Google Analytics JavaScript and mobile SDKs automatically build hits to send data to Google Analytics. However, when you want to collect data from a different device, you must manually build the data collection hits. The Measurement Protocol defines how to construct the hits and how to send them to Google Analytics.

You publish articles by many different authors on your site. You want to create a report that shows the total number of pageviews for each author. What features will allow you to add author information to Google Analytics?

Data Import. According to Google, you can add data to Google Analytics using the Data Import feature. This might include advertising data, customer data, product data, or any other data. Specifically, with Dimension Widening, you can import just about any data into Google Analytics. For example, if you're a publisher you might want to segment your data based on the author and topic of your online articles. While this data is not normally collected by Google Analytics, you might have it stored in an internal system.

You want to create a report comparing the performance of pages on your site and decide to use the following dimensions and metrics: Page Title, Avg. Visit Duration, Goal 1 Conversion Rate. What is true about this report?

Google Analytics will allow you to create this report, but the report does not make sense since you chose to combine session-level metrics with the hit-level dimension Page Title. According to Google, not every metric can be combined with every dimension. Each dimension and metric has a scope: users, sessions, or actions. In most cases, it only makes sense to combine dimensions and metrics that share the same scope. For example, Sessions is a session-based metric so it can only be used with session-level dimensions like Source or City. It would not be logical to combine Sessions with an action-level (or, hit-level) dimension like Page.

Remarketing can show relevant ads on which Google products?

Google Display Network, Mobile Apps, Google Search

You can adjust sample size by:

Specifying a control in the reporting interface, specifying the sample size when querying the API

You define a destination goal by:

Specifying the conversion page in your view settings within GA

TRUE OR FALSE: If the data for a report you request is stored in a standard aggregate table, it will never be sampled in Google Analytics


What reporting tools would you use to exclude any rows of a report with fewer than 50 visits?

Table Filter

What would you use to exclude rows with fewer than 10 visits?

Table Filter

True or False: The measurement protocol can collect and send user activity data to Google Analytics from any web-connected device, such as a ticket kiosk.

True. Also, according to Google, the Measurement Protocol lets you send data to Google Analytics from any web-connected device. Recall that the Google Analytics JavaScript and mobile SDKs automatically build hits to send data to Google Analytics. However, when you want to collect data from a different device, you must manually build the data collection hits. The Measurement Protocol defines how to construct the hits and how to send them to Google Analytics.

TRUE OR FALSE: The order in which filters appear in your view settings matter

True; filters are executed in order in which they appear

According to google, the campaign UTM parameters are:

UTM Source, Medium, Campaign, Term, and Content

What are some examples of metrics?

Unique visitors, average site duration, etc. According to Google, metrics are quantitative measurements.

The URL for the homepage of your site is You would like this to appear as "/home" in your Pages report. How can this be achieved?

Use a Search and Replace custom filter on the Request URI field where Search Strings is"/index" and Replace String is "/home"

Multi-channel Funnel reports can credit conversions across which channels?

Website referrals, Paid and organic search and custom campaigns

Google Analytics stores mobile app usage data locally on the device and sends it to the Analytics account later using a batch process called:

dispatching. According to Google, data from mobile apps is not sent to Analytics right away. When a user navigates through an app, the Google Analytics SDK stores the hits locally on the device and then sends them to your Google Analytics account later in a batch process called dispatching.

In the Linear attribution model,

each touchpoint in the conversion path share equal credit for the conversion

If you have Ecommerce tracking set up against the same goal, ____

each transaction (conversion) will be counted

You can combine a metric X with a dimension Y in Google Analytics

if X and Y have the same scope. According to Google, not every metric can be combined with every dimension. Each dimension and metric has a scope: users, sessions, or actions. In most cases, it only makes sense to combine dimensions and metrics that share the same scope. For example, Sessions is a session-based metric so it can only be used with session-level dimensions like Source or City. It would not be logical to combine Sessions with an action-level (or, hit-level) dimension like Page.

If you wish to design a more specific audience for your business, you can ___

import a segment to use as a basis for that audience

If you select product when creating a custom metric, it can

increment by whatever cost you assign the product

If you select hit when creating a custom metric, it will be

incremented with each hit sent over by the tracking code and totaled up in GA

How can you add data to Google Analytics from other sources?

use Cost Data Upload to import click and cost data from non-AdWords campaigns, link your AdWords account to GA to import advertising data, import a .csv file into GA to attach new dimensions to existing dimensions. According to Google, you can link various Google products directly to Google Analytics via your account settings. This includes: Google AdWords Google AdSense Google Webmaster Tools When you link a product, data from that product flows into your Analytics account. For example, if you link AdWords to Google Analytics, you'll see your AdWords click, impression and cost data in your Analytics reports. Also, with Dimension Widening, you can import just about any data into Google Analytics. For example, if you're a publisher you might want to segment your data based on the author and topic of your online articles. While this data is not normally collected by Google Analytics, you might have it stored in an internal system. With Dimension Widening, you could import author and topic as new dimensions for your content pages. You could use each article's page URL as the "key" that links the new data to your existing Google Analytics data. Once added, author and topic would be treated just like any other dimensions in Google Analytics — you could add these dimensions to custom reports, dashboards or segments. You can add data using Dimension Widening either by uploading a file or by using the Google Analytics APIs. Uploading a file, like a spreadsheet or .CSV, is easy, but it can be time consuming if you need add data often. Also, you can use the data import that is called Cost Data Import. You use this feature specifically to add data that shows the amount of money you spent on your non-Google advertising. Importing cost data lets Google Analytics calculate the return-on-investment of your non-Google ads. This is helpful when you want to compare the performance of your advertising campaigns.

The cohort type "Acquisition Date" groups cohorts based on

when users started their first sessions with your site

GA Goals lets you specify:

which interactions should be used to calculate conversions

What is an example of a valid tagged custom campaign?

For an event goal defined as playing a video, how many goal conversions will Google Analytics record if that video is played three times in the same sessions?


Analytics calculates the metrics that get grouped in various dimensions in two ways

1. Calculated in aggregate such as total sessions, users, or pageviews 2. Specific dimensions (like sessions or new users per country)

There are four types of goals in GA?

1. Destination (or pageview) goals are based on when a user views a particular page on your website. 2. Event goals are when a particular action defines as an event is triggered. 3. Duration goals are based on sessions that last over a set amount of time 4. "Pages or Screens per Session" goals are based on whether a user has viewed a set amount of pages in a session

What are the two reasons you might want to apply filters in GA?

1. You may need to transform the data that shows up in a view or 2. You might want to exclude any internal employee traffic from a view reporting on customer data

What is a "hit"

A URL String with parameters of useful information about your users. With each user interaction on your website, the Analytics tracking code sends a "hit" to Google Analytics

What does Google Analytics use to differentiate new and returning users?

A browser cookie and a randomly-assigned unique identifer

How does website data collection begin?

A snippet of JavaScript tracking code that's included on every web page of the site where you want to collect data.

Although some information passed in hits includes language and page title, GA widens that data using other sources such as IP address, server-log files, and other ad-serving data. Using this additional information, Analytics can understand things like:

A user's location, specifics about their browser, operating system and service providers, their age and gender, and the source/medium that referred them to a site

What is a measurement plan?

A way for you to align your business objectives with your Google ANalytics configuration settings.

What can page timing hits do?

Allow you to report on page timings, but the Pageview, Event, and Transaction hits are the three most common

What does the Google Analytics Core Reporting API do?

Allows you to build your own reporting tools or extract your data directly into third-party reporting tools

What should your measurement plan include?

An overall business objective, different strategies that support that objectives, and tactics that will help you achieve your strategies

What happens if a user clears or has blocked a cookie in their web browser?

Analytics will count that user as "new" rather than "returning"

What happens if you install the same default tracking code on pages with different domains?

Analytics will count these users and sessions separately.

What will happen if a user clears the Analytics cookie from their browser?

Analytics will not be able to associate user behavior data with past data collected by the tracking code and will set a new unique ID and browser cookie the next time a browser loads a tracked page

How fast does it take for a tracking code to send hits to GA?


How is bounce rate calculated?

By looking at users who only had one interaction on your site without a second interaction to calculate the session duration or time on page. If this occurs, the pageview of a bounced visit is assigned a session duration and Time on Page of zero

How does Analytics derive the "time on page"

By taking the timestamp of a pageview hit and subtracting that from the timestamp of the next pageview hit

Recognizes when a user navigates between related websites in the same session

Cross-domain tracking

What should you set up if you have two related websites with different URLs or subdomains that you want to track in a single property?

Cross-domain tracking

Filters that let you include or exclude hits from your data collection, format data to lowercase or uppercase, search and replace data collected in the hit.


These can be used as a secondary dimension in standard reports, a primary dimension in a Custom Report, or as a segment.

Custom Dimensions

Can be collected for any standard dimension or Custom Dimension that can't be measured by any predefined metric in Google Analytics

Custom Metrics

In GA, you can setup data configuration rules that determine how your data will be processed. This includes implementing features like:

Data filters, goals, data grouping, custom dimensions, custom metrics, and imported data that can help you better define and analyze the data in your reports

Which are goal types in Google Analytics: Destination, Shopping Cart, Pages/Screens per session, Duration

Destination, Pages/Screens per session, Duration

Custom dimensions and metrics can only be paired with ____

Dimensions or metrics from a similar scope

What four parameters does an event hit pass in the URL?

Event action, category, label and value which categorizes interactions in reports that are specific to your website

True of False: If data is excluded from a view using a filter, it may be recovered within thirty days


These can help you refine your data and make it more readable in your reports


What are the first few steps in with GA processes data?

First, Analytics determines new vs returning users. Then it categorizes hits into session (or periods in which the user engaged with the site). Next, it joins data from the tracking code with other data sources.

What happens once configuration settings have been applied to your data?

GA will transform the data into dimensions, calculate metrics associated with those dimensions, and store each dimension in its own aggregate database table for fast retrieval

What happens once a tracking code is installed in the domain of the website you are tracking?

Google Analytics will drop a cookie in the user's browser for that website and any related subdomains. This makes it easy to track traffic on a single website URL domain or subdomain by default.

What system can you use to manage Custom Dimension Tracking Codes more easily?

Google Tag Manager

What is an example of a product-level scope?

Grouping data associated with a particular product

What scopes can be used for dimensions and metrics?

Hit-level, session-level, user-level

How are custom dimensions powerful?

It enables you to report on particular characteristics of your users or their behavior within the Google Analytics data you've collected

When is a conversion counted?

It is counted once per session per configured goal (for example: if you have defined a goal of filling out a form, and the user fills out a form five times in one session, this action will only count as one conversion)

What happens if you break down the URL string?

It passes off useful information to Analytics about the user that triggered the hit (the language the user's browser is set to, the name of the page they're viewing, the screen resolution of the user's device, the Analytics ID that associated that hit to the correct Analytics account). The hit will also allow Analytics to differentiate between new and returning users

When does a pageview hit end?

It will end after 30 minutes if no other hits are recorded. If a user returns to a page after a session ends, a new session will begin

How do you collect data for a Custom Dimension>

JavaScript tracking code that's implemented on the page

What are macro conversions?

Key actions that users take on websites that fulfill your business objectives like making a purchase. They represent the broader goals of your business.

What do tactics include?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) that help you measure your macro and micro-conversions

What is an event hit?

Lets you track every time a user interacts with a particular element on your website (video play buttons, particular URLs, product carousel)

What can social hits pass?

Likes, shares, or tweet data

These filters will force the case to all lowercase or uppercase, thus eliminating duplicate data

Lowercase or Uppercase filter

This protocol lets you send data from any web-connected device like point-of-sale systems of web-connected kiosks to GA.

Measurement protocol

Are filters applied automatically to all data?

No. Remember that all filters, like all configuration settings, are not applied retroactively to your data. They are only applied from the moment you create them and can take up to 24 hours before being applied to your data.

Google Analytics accounts can have three different things associated with their account. What are they?

Organization, Account, Property

What is the most common type of hit?

Pageview since it occurs every time a user opens a page with the tracking code, a new pageview hit will be sent

What are the three most common types of hits?

Pageview, event, transaction

What additional ecommerce data can you receive if you've set up Enhanced Ecommerce with GA?

Product category, whether items have been added or removed from a shopping card, or how many times users viewed a product on a website

For every property, GA recommends you set up at least three views. What are the three views?

Raw Data, Test and Master

To send data to Google Analytics from a web-connected device like a point-of-sale system, what feature must be used?

The Measurement Protocol

How does Analytics calculate average session duration?

The average time spent from the first hit until the last hit before a user leaves the site or the session times out

During processing, when Analytics detects hit data for a goal, it calculates:

The goal completions, goal value (if you've indicated one), and goal conversion rate, and includes these in your reports

What is an example of micro and macro conversions for an online information and support site?

The macro-conversion might be completing a guide support flow to successfully solve an issue with a micro-conversion of rating a support article

What is an example of micro and macro conversions for a content publisher?

The macro-conversion might be engaging with a particular amount of content with a micro-conversion of click into an article

What is an example of micro and macro conversions for a lead generation site?

The macro-conversion might be filling out a contact form with a micro-conversion of following the site on social media

What is an example of micro and macro conversions for an e-commerce site?

The macro-conversion might be to purchase a product with a micro-conversion of subscribing to a newsletter

What do micro-conversions usually measure?

They are metrics that help you better understand the user behavior that leads to macro conversions

What do channel groupings let you do?

They let you organize your data into customized channels, while Content Grouping lets you aggregate metrics within reports based on the organization of your website

What is a transaction (ecommerce) hit?

This kind of hit can pass data to Analytics about ecommerce purchases such as products purchased, transaction IDs, and "stock keeping units" (or SKUs)

What is the goal of a tracking code?

Track each user interaction that occurs on your website. These interactions can be as simple as loading a page or something more specific like clicking a video play button or a link

If default Google Analytics tracking code is installed on pages with different domains, Analytics will count these users and sessions separately: True or False?


If you want to collect data from a system outside of Georgia, you must pass the data collection hits manually in a:

URL string

Google Analytics does not recognize users who visit your website from different devices by default and will count each device as a unique user. If you wish to track users across devices, then you'll need to turn on what?

User ID feature

What are dimensions?

Ways to categorize metric data like all the metrics for a specific "country" or "device type"

How does a Custom Dimension capture data?

When a user lands on that page of performs a specific action, the Custom Dimension will capture that data and send it over as an additional parameter attached to the existing hit

Can you upload your own data to Google Analytics?

Yes, including hit data, extended data that is stored in a Custom Dimension or Custom Metric, and Summary data that lets you sum up any uploaded metrics. Typically, this information is exported from an offline business tool like a content management system or customer relationship management system into text files.

Does the order of the filters matter?

Yes. Each filter passes filtered data to the next filter in sequence, so you'll want to be thoughtful about the order in which you apply your filters.

Each reporting view that you create adds the data (with filters and configuration settings applied) too "aggregate" data tables, which are processed daily. These aggregate tables are used to:

quickly display the standard reports in Analytics

Once GA has organized data by session, it can calculate a number of metrics that show up in your reports such as:

sessions, pages per session, average session duration, and bounce rate

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