Google Chrome Shortcuts
Backspace key (in Google Slides & Drawings)
Deletes an object
Ctrl + D (in Google Slides & Drawings)
Ctrl + F
Find in page
Ctrl + ▢||
Full screenshot
Ctrl + Alt + G (in Google Slides & Drawings)
Arrow keys
In Google Slides - nudge an object In Google Sheets - move up, down, left or right through your spreadsheet
Ctrl + K
Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl + I
Italicize text
Tab key (in Google Sheets)
Moves your cursor to the next cell on the right
Enter key (in Google Sheets)
Moves your cursor to the next row down
Alt + 🔍
Turns on/off Caps Lock
Ctrl + U
Underline text
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + + (Plus sign)
Zooms in
Ctrl + - (Minus sign)
Zooms out
Ctrl + H
opens the History area
Ctrl + M (in Google Slides only)
Adds a new slide
Ctrl + B
Bold text
Ctrl + D (in web browser)
Bookmarks a tab
Ctrl + Shift + E
Centers your text
Ctrl + \
Clears formatting
Ctrl + W
Close a tab or window
Ctrl + W
Close the current tab or window
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + T
Open a new tab
Ctrl + J
Open the Downloads area
Ctrl + Shift + ▢||
Partial Screenshot
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + R
Ctrl + Shift + T
Reopens the tab you last closed; works multiple times
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + A
Select all
Awesome Box
Selects everything on a Google Sheet
Ctrl + Shift + B
Show/hide the bookmark bar