Gospel of Mark 10-12 - Bible Experience 2012

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According to Mark 11:29 Jesus answered the question about his authority with a question, what was it?

Was John's baptism from heaven or from men?

According to Mark 10:38-39 What answer did James and John give Jesus when he asked if they could drink of the cup he was to drink of?

We are able

According to Mark 10:3 Jesus answered the Pharisees question on divorce with a question, what was the question?

What did Moses command you?

According to Mark 12:28 The scribes came to Jesus with a trick question, what was it?

Which is the first commandment of all?

According to Mark 10:32 On the road going up to Jerusalem Jesus took the twelve aside and began to teach them what?

what would happen to Him

According to Mark 12:16 Whose image and inscriptions is on a denarius


According to Mark 12:17 Fill in the blank "Render to Caesar the things that are ______ and unto God the things that are _____."

Ceasar's, God's

According to Mark 11:4-6 True or false no one questioned the two disciples who took the colt.


According to Mark 10:18 Who is the only one that is good?


According to Mark 10:26-27 What is impossible for me is possible with who?


According to Mark 12:26-27 What three examples did Jesus give to show there was a resurrection?

God is the God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob and he is not the God of the dead

According to Mark 10:6 Who made male and female and when?

God, the beginning of the creation

According to Mark 10:17 As Jesus was going out on the road one came running knelt before him and asked, what?

Good teacher, What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

According to Mark 12:12 Why did those in authority seek to lay hands on Jesus?

He spoke in parables against them

According to Mark 10:2 As Jesus was teaching the multitudes in the region of Judea the Pharisees came to test him, what was the question?

Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?

According to Mark 11:33 Since the chief priests and scribes would not answer Jesus question about the authority of John the Baptist, what was his answer to their question?

Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things

According to Mark 10:33 When Jesus said that He was going to Jerusalem and that he would be betrayed to whom?

The chief priests and to the scribes

According to Mark 11:21 Who commented to Jesus about the fig tree withering away?


According to Mark 10:21 Jesus told the man who wanted to inherit eternal life to do what?

Sell all he had, give the money to the poor and follow Jesus

According to Mark 10:23 True or false It is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God.


According to Mark 10:4 True or False Moses permitted man to write a certificate of divorce and dismiss his wife.


According to Mark 12:31 What is the second commandment?

You shall love your neighbor as yourself

According to Mark 11:2 Jesus sent two disciples to get what that was tied and no one had ridden?

a colt

According to Mark 12:15 What did Jesus ask the Pharisees to bring him to answer their question about taxes?

a denarius

According to Mark 10:29-30 If a person leaves all; brothers, sisters, mother, father, children or lands for Jesus' sake, what will they receive?

a hundred fold in the age to come, eternal life

According to Mark 10:43 Whoever is to be great in the kingdom of God must be what?

a servant

According to Mark 10:11-12 when a person divorces their spouse and marries another what sin are they committing?


According to Mark 10:15 How are we to receive the kingdom of God?

as a little child

According to Mark 11:1 Bethphage and Bethany are where?

at the Mount of Olives

According to Mark 10:49 When Jesus command they bring him Bartimaeus what did the people tell him?

be of good cheer, rise he is calling you

According to Mark 12:3 What did the vinedresser do to the servant that was sent for some of the fruit?

beat him and sent him away empty-handed

According to Mark 10:5 Why did Moses allow divorce?

because of the hardness of their hearts

According to Mark 11:9-10 As Jesus rode into Jerusalem some cried out Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Where were they?

before Jesus and following

According to Mark 11:24 How are we to pray?

believing we will receive

According to Mark 10:16 Jesus took the little children up in his arms and laid hands on them and the he did what?

blessed them

According to Mark 10:46 When they came to Jericho, who was by the road begging?

blind Barimaeus, son of Timaeus

According to Mark 11:27-28 The chief priests and scribes and elders came to Jesus and asked him a question the day after he drove the money changes from the temple. What did they ask?

by what authority are you doing these things

According to Mark 12:9 What did Jesus say the vineyard owner would do after they killed his son?

come and destroy the vinedressers and give the vineyard to others

According to Mark 10:14 Fill in the blank "Let the little children ______ to me, and do not ______ them; for of such is the ______________ of God"

come, forbid, kingdom

According to Mark 11:18 Even though the scribes and chief priest feared Jesus they sought to do what?

destroy him

According to Mark 11:15 When Jesus came from Bethany to Jerusalem and went to the temple he started doing what?

drive out those who bought and sold in the temple overturning table of the money changers

According to Mark 11:22-23 What does it take to move a mountain into the sea

faith in God with no doubt

According to Mark 10:52 Jesus told Bartimaeus his faith had made him well, what did Bartimaeus do?

followed Jesus on the road

According to Mark 11:25-26 For the father in heaven to forgive us we must first do what?

forgive anyone we have something against

According to Mark 12:38-40 What type of behavior did scribes have?

go around in long robes, get the best seat in the synagogues but devour widows houses and making long prayers

According to Mark 10:25 What is easier for a camel to do, than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

go through the eye of a needle

According to Mark 10:48 As Bartimaeus cried out many warned him to be quite, so what did he do?

he cried out all the more, "son of David have mercy on me"

According to Mark 10:22 Why was the man who wanted to inherit eternal life sad?

he had great possessions and Jesus had told him to sell it all and give the money to the poor

According to Mark 10:1 When ever a multitude gather Jesus had a custom, what was it?

he taught them

According to Mark 12:29-30 Fill in the blanks: The first of all commandment is: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your ___ and all you ____ and all your ____and with all your _____."

heart, soul, mind, strength

According to Mark 12:6 Who did the vineyard owner send because he thought they would show him respect?

his one son

According to Mark 11:30-32 Why did the chief priests and scribes not like either answer to Jesus question on whether John's baptism was from Heaven or from men?

if John was from heaven then they would have to believe John, if from men they feared the people.

According to Mark 12:14 What trick questions did the Pharisees ask Jesus about taxes?

is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar

According to Mark 12:10 What happens to the rejected stone?

it becomes the chief cornerstone

According to Mark 10:19-20 What had the man who wanted to know how to inherit eternal life done since his youth?

kept the commandments

According to Mark 10:31 But many who are first will be what?


According to Mark 10:47 What did Bartimaeus want of Jesus?


According to Mark 10:33-34 Jesus would be condemned to death and be delivered to the Gentiles and they would do what to him?

mock him, scourge him , spit on him and kill him

According to Mark 12:25 Is there marriage in heaven?


According to Mark 10:9 Who is allowed to separate a man from his wife?

no man

According to Mark 10:45 the Son of man did not come to be what? But to do what?

not to be served but to serve to give his life a ransom for many

According to Mark 10:7-8 a man is to leave his mother and father and join his wife the two become what?

one flesh

According to Mark 12:1 What are some of the things a vineyard keeper does to his vineyard?

plants the vineyard, set a hedge around it, digs a wine vat and builds a tower

According to Mark 11:17 Fill in the blank Is it not written my house has be called a house of _____ for all ______ but you have made it a den of __________

prayer, nations, thieves

According to Mark 11:14 Since Jesus found no figs on the tree for it was out of season, what did he do?

said to the tree "Let no one eat fruit from you ever again"

According to Mark 12:19-23 How many husbands did the woman in the story the Sadducees asked Jesus have?


According to Mark 12:44 Why was the amount the widow gave more than what the rich people gave?

she gave her whole livelihood

According to Mark 11:8 As Jesus road the colt into Jerusalem what did the people do to the road?

spread their clothes on the road and leafy branches from the trees

According to Mark 10:13 Why did people bring children to Jesus?

that He might touch them

According to Mark 11:3 If someone asked why the disciples were taking the colt, what were they to say?

the Lord had need of it

According to Mark 12:13 Who did they send to catch Jesus in His words?

the Pharisees and Herodians

According to Mark 12:18 Who were the Jews that did not believe in the resurrection?

the Sadducees

According to Mark 11:20 In the morning after Jesus talked to the fig tree what did the Disciples find?

the fig tree dried up from the root

According to Mark 12:24 Jesus told the Sadducees they did not know the scriptures on what?

the power of God

According to Mark 12:33-34 Jesus saw that the scribe had answered wisely and paid him a complement, what was it?

the scribe was not far from the kingdom of God

According to Mark 11:11 When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on the colt, he went first where?

the temple

According to Mark 10:34 On what day would Jesus rise again?

the third day

According to Mark 12:43 According to Jesus who put more the treasure the rich people or the widow?

the widow

According to Mark 11:7 What did they put on the colt so Jesus could ride it?

their clothes

According to Mark 12:5 What happen to the third servant and other servants the vineyard owner sent?

they killed the third and beat and killed the others

According to Mark 10:24 Why is it hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God

they trust in the riches

According to Mark 10:41 What did the ten disciples feel when they heard that James and John had asked to sit on the right and left hand of Jesus?

they were greatly displeased with James and John

According to Mark 10:40 Who is to decide who sits on the right and left hand of Jesus?

those for whom it is prepared

According to Mark 12:4 the vineyard owner sent a second servant what happened to him?

threw stones wounded him in the head and sent him away shamefully treated

According to Mark 11:4 where did the two disciples find the colt?

tied to the door outside on the street

According to Mark 12:7 What plot did the vinedressers have for the vineyard owner' son?

to kill the heir so they could inherit

According to Mark 12:32 What is more than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices one can do?

to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength

According to Mark 10:50-51 What did Bartimaeus want of Jesus to do for him?

to receive his sight

According to Mark 12:2 Why did the vineyard owner send the servant to the vinedresser at vintage-time?

to receive some of the fruit of the vineyard

According to Mark 10:35-37 James and John wanted a request from Jesus, what was it?

to set on the right and left sides of Jesus in the kingdom

According to Mark 12:41-42 While Jesus was sitting opposite the treasury in the temple a widow came what did she give?

two mites which makes a quadrans

According to Mark 11:16 Jesus would not allow people to carry what through the temple?


According to Mark 11:11 Since the hour was late when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on the colt, what did he do after going in the temple?

went out with the twelve to Bethany

According to Mark 11:12-13 In the morning when Jesus left Bethany he was hungry. What did he do?

went to see if a fig tree having leaves had figs

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