Gov Unit 1-5 Question and answer

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___________ was a Ugandan dictator.


________ was born in Greece in 384 B.C.



Aristotle's definition of a good government run by the people

Which of the following are accomplishments of Aristotle? Select all that apply.

Assisting in the early education of Alexander the Great and Writing Nichomachean Ethics

Khmer Rouge

Communist regime in Cambodia that brutally seized power in 1975 and controlled the country until 1979

Marx wrote about his disagreement with the free enterprise system in

Das Kapital

An individual who disagrees or has a difference of opinion is referred to as a _____.


Choose the statement that is NOT true.

Engels edited Marx's The Condition of the Working Class in England.

Which of the following are houses of England's Parliament? Select all that apply.

House of Commons and House of Lords

The two houses of Congress are the _____ and the _____. Select the two that apply.

House of Representatives and Senate

The father of modern political science is considered to be _____.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Which of the following political writings are by John Milton? Select all that apply.

Of Reformation in England, The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Commonwealth, and The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates

Which work was attributed to Thomas Aquinas?

On Kingship

The leader in majority party in the House of Commons is usually the _____.

Prime Minister

The people of America do NOT vote for ____.

Supreme Court justices


a leader who has total control over a country, and is unrestrained by law


a learned person who in the study of thought and conduct

multiparty system

a political structure with a number of smaller parties, and not one strong ruling party

Which of the following relates to the term habeas corpus?

a prisoner's rights


a proposed law


a revival of art and learning arising from the 14th to 16th centuries


a service to the public such as gas, telephone, water, or electric power


a set of laws and guidelines laid out for the proper governing of a country

minority party

a smaller party with not as much political clout or election support


a supreme ruler with absolute power; usually a demanding and harsh ruler


a system of leaders who carry out the work of the government through the use of departments


a system of moral values and good conduct


a system providing welfare benefits after showing proof of working in a regular job

In the 1300's, the British Parliament presided over the ____________ of Edward II and Richard II.



action taken to strengthen or weaken a political ideal

Choose the answer that is NOT correct. A totalitarian government is characterized by _____.

allowing private business and free speech

Which of the following is an intangible way state government helps its citizens?

oversee business

House of Commons

oversees law and tax legislation; the more powerful of the two houses of Parliament

Select the tangible ways local governments helps citizens. Select all that apply.

parks, libraries and mass transit

Great Britain has a _____ form of government.


Which concepts are discussed in the political writings of John Milton? Select all that apply.

people's right to select and eliminate rulers, support for the Commonwealth, the citizens' desire to live without a monarchy and freedom of speech

A government that passes laws in order to protect the rights of its citizens is a(n) ____.


Which government passes laws in order to protect the rights of its citizens?


free enterprise system

political system in which the government allows citizens to own private businesses for profit


political system of collective ownership of property, population is of one class


power and/or right to enforce obedience and make decisions over a group


principle or ideal of what is right and wrong


privileged citizens or the upper class, often with inherited ruling titles

Which of the following actions are tangible evidence the federal government at work? Select all that apply.

protecting wildlife in our national parks, printing money and protecting the Florida coastline from illegal smuggling

foreign exchange student

pupils who go to another country to study its culture for a set amount of time, usually a year

Which of the following does the Communist Party do through its party organization? Select all that apply.

recruits members and leaders, develops policy, indoctrinates the people, and maintains discipline

The House of Lords powers are limited to _____.

reviewing and examining bills that are passed by the House of Commons

Friedrich Engels, though from a well-to-do family, established himself as a ___________


Select the items that match Aristotle's definitions of governments. Select all that apply

rule by a few called an aristocracy, rule by many called a polity, and rule by many called a democracy


basic rule or standard

The Communist Manifesto

book by Karl Marx urging workers to overthrow upper classes; textbook for communism and socialism

Das Kapital

book written by Karl Marx, promoting the working class uprising; a text for Marxism and communism

The California leadership considered a proposal that would build a canal to bring water to the southern part of the state. The system of California leaders who carried out the work of the state government is known as a:


Which is a system of leaders who carry out the work of government?


House of Lords

contains the High Court. Also called the "upper house"; composed of the lords temporal and spiritual

An autocracy gives the ruler the power to __________

control all branches of government

Human thought and lifestyle within a certain time period or place is known as a


Most one-party systems are often associated with ________



ejection of a bill passed by the legislature

Parliamentary general elections _____.

elect members of the house of Commons and House of Lords

The _______ government is the only level of American government that has the right to coin money.


The president is elected to serve for _______ year(s).


Aristotle's theory of a person's "function" said that ____.

great personal fulfillment is achieved when a person is given the freedom to pursue that person's dreams.

If ____________ did not exist, a person could spend an indefinite period of time in jail waiting for their case to go to trial.

habeas corpus

Most multiparty systems include a few left-wing parties, which hold __________ views, some center parties, which have _______ views, and a few right-wing parties, which support _________ views.

liberal moderate conservative

Members of the Supreme Court are appointed for _________


The members of the House of Lords who have been given seats through an honored achievement they have accomplished are called ______

life peers

electoral districts

local geographic boundaries within which the citizen votes

The three levels of government are ____, ____, and ____.

local, state and federal


rule by the people; originally an Aristotlelian term that meaning a poorly "people-run" government

Institutional Revolutionary Party

ruling political party in Mexico from 1929 to 2000


selfish group leadership, as defined by Aristotle

The Communist Party was the only legal party in the Soviet Union and approximately _______ percent of the people belonged to the party.



supremacy of rule; higher authority


system of authority over a group of people

judiciary system

system of courts and the upholding of the laws of the land


system where political power and property are to be shared by the whole population


systems of taxes placed on imports or exports of a country


the process of working in a unified intellectual effort on a joint project


the right to exercise authority


the study of religion

Governments are important because _____.

they enforce rules that control conduct within a population

_____ power enables the president to reject a bill passed by the legislature.


This leader has total control over a country, and is unrestrained by law:



is known as the father of political science.

habeas corpus

is the right to a speedy trial.

A Prime Minister differs from a President in which of the following ways? Select all that apply.

A President is elected by the general public, and a Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons, A President is elected every four years, whereas Parliamentary elections are held every five years, and A Prime Minister can be ousted by a vote of "no confidence" by her/his party's parliamentary ministers.

Louis XVI was an autocrat that ruled _____.


Select the five nations with a multiparty system of government. Conduct a brief search of secondary sources to find the answer.

France, Belgium, Sri Lanka, Denmark, and Japan

An example of a dictator is ____________

Idi Amin of Uganda

Which statement about the free enterprise system is true?

It allows the citizen to own and operate a private business for profit.

Which statements that are true about Machiavelli's The Prince? Select all that apply.

It approved of the use of force upon dissenters and It approved cruelty and deceitfulness in order to maintain the balance of power.

Of Reformation in England

John Milton's writing on the advantage of a commonwealth to a monarchy

Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.

Local governments help the citizen by creating libraries, such as in the town of Delmar, Delaware., Public utilities include telephone and electricity supplied to the citizen, Towns can create and maintain local parks and The state government has the right to make and enforce laws within their home state.

Which country had a one-party system for seventy-one years?


Select the two statements that agree with Mexican politics.

Mexico actually has several small political parties. and Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party was in control since the 1920s.

The 2000 elections in ___________ were significant because the Institutional Revolutionary Party (known as the __________ ) lost the presidency.

Mexico and PRI

Which government entity is the part of our checks and balances system that decides whether a law is within the guidelines of the Constitution?

Supreme Court


________ is known as the father of political science.


a body of elected officials that is empowered to make laws for a country

The Communist Manifesto encouraged the working classes by stating that _____. Select all that apply.

a classless society would come after a brief proletariat dictatorship, the government would provide all farm-workers with jobs and private education would be abolished.

welfare state

a country in which the government assumes a large share of the social caretaking of the people


a country whose government is controlled by the elected representatives of the population


a form of government where the public has input in the various areas of interest of the country

According to Aristotle, a polity is _____.

a good government run by the people


a government headed by a president, with two houses of Congress elected by the people


a governmental course of action


an appallingly wicked act

If George Washington had become "King of America," our government might have become _____.

an autocracy


an elected legislative body of a country

habeas corpus

an order to bring an arrested person to court and decide whether the imprisonment is legal

Choose the type of government style that best fits the example given below. A form of government where the leadership have little or no control over the populace.


One similarity between the Supreme Court and The House of Lords is that they _____.

are both appointed for life


at the time of the Middle Ages (about A.D. 500-1500)


authoritarian government requiring complete obedience and total submission of the people

In a totalitarian government, ______.

authorities maintain total control over the lives of the people

In this type of government, one person has control over all government branches:


One person has complete control over all branches of government is an example of a(n) _____.


There was some consideration to make George Washington the king of America. This would have made him a(n)


Which type of government best describes the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia?


During the 19th century the House of Commons moved away from the monarchy and became _____.


A(n) ____________ has complete control of the laws, rules, and affairs of a country.


Which of the following are utilities that serve the people? Select all that apply.

gas, telephone, electric power and water


goods brought into a country or state for the purpose of trade


government controlled by elected representatives


government formed by a union of smaller groups (states) in agreement


government formed by a union of smaller groups (states) in agreement


government with a prime minister and two houses of parliament elected by the people

A pluralistic society guards against one group taking over by ______.

having the constant mix of diverse groups enter into politics


hereditary rule by one person alone; usually a king, queen, or emperor


human thought and lifestyle within a certain time period or place


inflexible; refusing to yield

divine laws

instructions and guidelines for life, believed to have been delivered by God

The government has the right to restrict the number of people who visit the White House. This is an example of a government exercising its _______


The government has the right to restrict the number of visitors who visit Cape Canaveral for a space launch. The government has ________ over the base.



largest percentage of the whole body which, by vote, controls the direction of legislation

In a pluralistic society, special interest groups have a right to which of the following? Select all that apply

meet with Congressional leaders to ask for the protection of religious minorities, get a Senator to introduce legislation to ensure healthcare for Hispanic children and lobby the White House for a higher tax on the wealthiest 1%

Palace of Westminster

meeting site of both Houses of the British Parliament

Milton's involvement in the politics of the 1600s did much to promote radical reform against the _____.


According to Aristotle's definitions of government, which government would be considered a moral type of government?

monarchy of Queen Elizabeth I and aristocracy of ancient Greek city-states

The character of being in agreement with the standards of right conduct _____.


The character of being in agreement with the standards of right conduct is called ________


House of Representatives

one of the two houses of Congress found in a Presidential government


one person with complete control over all branches of government


one who disagrees or has a difference of opinion

social scientist

one who studies individual relationships within society and relationships to society


one who tries to create radical change in government and existing political, social, or business structures

The strange thing about Engels' writings is that, although they spoke of the uprising of the common worker, his writings were used by some of the most ________ governments of the last century.



that can be felt by touching, material


that can be felt by touching, material


that cannot be felt by touching, immaterial


the act of disobedience


the character of being responsible to the people; being answerable to others


the charging of a public official of a crime or misdeed before a judging body of officials

Prime Minister

the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons

general election

the people of the country voting for the members of the House of Commons


to control, adjust, or govern according to a system


to hate or abhor


to surpass a veto

Which government is known for the elimination of personal freedom?


NAFTA established a community to promote _______ among countries that have common economic and political interests in North America.


If the president vetoes a bill, it can still become law if Congress overrides the president's veto with a _________ majority.



unjust governmental authority; oppressive power

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