Government 3 Practice Test

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this number is the sum total of the members of congress


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican favored a weak national government and stronger state governmnts


began using scientific polling method during the 1930s

Elmo Roper and Archibald M. Crossley

T/F A house member cannot serve more than four terms


In the presidential campaign of 1800, ________ was hoping to be elected to a second term

John Adams

When ____________ is not in attendance, the president pro tempore presides in the Senate.

Vice President

people who call, write, or visit their legislator


T/F the two major political parties in the United States have little in common


charge of misconduct by the house against a federal official


casting ballots for candidates who are all from the same party

straight party voting

During a presidential election year, the Democrats and Republicans hold their conventions in different cities at separate times during the:


T/F the democrats and republican each have a national committee to helps raise funds and elect their party's canidates


The 19th Amendment gave ______ the right to vote


prohibits states from denying a citizen the right to vote because of race

15th amendment

The 26th Amendment changed the voting age for all state and national elections from 21 to:


In a typical national poll, interviews are conducted with between 500 and:

2,000 people

In order to become a member of the House of Representatives, a person must be at least ____ years old


The Democratic and Republican national conventions take place every:

4 years

The Democratic-Republican candidate for Vice President was __________

Aaron Bur

Decide which of the following parties is being described below criticized governemnt welfare programs, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and a "no win" policy in Vietnam War

American Independent Party

Promoting the conservation of land and the protection of endangered wildlife are goals of the National _________ Scoiety


people vote in private inside of a screened booth

Australian Ballot system

may refuse to support legislation that the president wants passed


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican criticized Jay's Treaty for not halting the impressment of American seamen by the Brisithsh


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican opposed the financial program that raised money for the government through a tariff and an excise tax


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican sided with the french in the conflict between great Britain and france


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican thought the government should represent the interests of the "common man"


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican was strongest in the southern states


T/F Candidates in nonpartisan primaries- such as those involving school board elections- must make public their party membership


T/F During the 1800s, two third party candidates were elected President


T/F In 1948, polls predicted that President Harry S. Truman would deg=feat Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York


T/F In the United States, other parties besides the Republicans and Democrats often win a significant share of votes in major elections


T/F Mail surveys of voters taken before a presidential election will consistently provide accurate polling results


T/F Most candidates now depend chiefly on large donations from the wealthy


T/F Most of the bills introduced each year eventually become new laws


T/F New York City is the headquarters for both the Democratic and Republican national committees


T/F Over half of American voters who identify with a political party consider themselves Republicans


T/F People who are away from home on Election Day Cannot vote


T/F Political parties are active on a national level, but not at the state and local levels.


T/F Political parties have strict requirements for membership, including the annual payment of dues


T/F Political parties in foreign countries spend more money on election campaigns than U.S. parties.


T/F The President is always from the political party that controls the Congress


T/F The Socialist Party and American Communist Party were organized to defend the American way of life


T/F The caucus is used in more than half the states to choose delegates to party conventions


T/F The democratic and republican parties are the best known third parties in the United States


T/F Third parties are only found in nations with multiparty system


T/F Today, about 85 percent of voters in the United States say they were democrats or republicans


T/F Today, party leaders and bosses have great influence over the way people vote


T/F Tracking polls, which are taken as people leave voting places, are used to collect information and help interpret the results of a n election.


T/F Whistle-stop tours and bus tours are the most important ways for candidates to visit many places in one day


T/F all of the polling in the United States is conducted by either private companies or the governemnt.


T/F ballots in all elections in the United States are printed only in English


T/F federal law requires people to register to vote before each election


T/F no third party has been formed to help a single group of people


T/F the population of a country determines whether it has a one-party, two-party, or multiparty system


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican successfully ended the Whisky Rebeliion


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican though the best-educated people should run the government


George Washington's ideas on governemnt were most closely associated with those of the _________ Party


In 1936, the magazine Literacy Digest incorrectly predicted that governor Alfred M. Landon of Kansas would defeat President _______________ , who eventually won in a landslide.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

For many years, polls in the United States have been carried out by The _______ Organization


The _____ elects the President if no candidate receives a majority of the electoral votes


Recommended impeachment charges against President Richard M. Nixon

House Judiciary commity

in the election of 1800, the candidates of the Federalist party were _________ for President and Charles Pinckney for Vice President

John Adams

provides its subscribers with polling results

Louis Harris and Associates

The American ______ Association represents medical professionals in Congress and sets standards for medical schools and hosptials


The interest group which works to limit drug- and alcohol- related automobile accidents is _______ Against Drunk Drivers


Decide which of the following parties is being described below farmers' alliances, labor, and reform groups joined together to form what was also called the People's Party

Populist Party

The election campaign that draws the most attention in the United States is the one for:


president impeached by the house in 1868

President Andrew Johnson

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, grandfather clauses were used to restrict blacks from voting in several:

Southern States

presides over meeting of the House of Representatives

Speaker of the House

A major campaign expense is television and radio advertising


T/F As a general rule, the closer a poll is taken to election day, the more accurate it will be.


T/F Both republican and democratic parties are organized at the local, state, and national level


T/F Each lawmaker receives a salary as well as a special allowance for various job-related expenses


T/F In a primary election, candidates from the same political party run against each other to see who will represent the party in the general election


T/F In an indirect primary, party members vote for delegates to party conventions, where candidates are chosen


T/F In general, third parties have had a limited amount of political success


T/F Leaders of the major political parties in the House are chosen at the Democratic caucus and Republican conference


T/F Many proposals first put forth by third parties were later adopted by the republicans and democrates


T/F Most canidates today run for office after winning a primary election


T/F Rural areas generally support Republican Party candidates


T/F Since the mid-1900s, the presidential candidate of each party has been selected in the months before the national convention ebgins


T/F The heads of congressional committees are from the majority party


T/F The position that a group holds on a single issue has led to the founding of certain third parties


T/F The right to vote is denied to people serving prison sentences for committing certain crimes


T/F The two major parties each have a county committee in most counties of the United States


T/F The use of poll taxes in state and local elections was outlawed by the Supreme Court


T/F Through the years, the Democrats and Republicans have at times dominated election results in various regions of the country


T/F Volunteers play an important role in the success of an election campaign


T/F some third parties were formed by groups that broke away from the two major parties


T/F some third party candidates for President have won enough votes to prevent one of the major parties from winning the election


T/F thousands of election campaigns at the federal, state, and local levels take place during the year


Congress meets and makes laws in the city of _________


The 23rd Amendment gave citizens living in _____________ the right to vote in national eletions

Washington D.C.

The League of _______ Voters educates the public on political matters and urges participation in government.


A few states allow voters to choose candidates from different parties in a:

a blanket primarty

a meeting in the House chamber attended by senators

a joint session

Compared with Senate the House of Representatives has:

about the same amount of pwer

If the people responding to a pollster's questions are carefully selected, their opinions will usually:

accurately reflect the opinions of the entire group

Specialists who make the arrangements for a candidate's visit to a community are called:

advanced people

A person is more likely to vote if they:

are well-educated

On election day, volunteers observe the voting and the counting of ______ to discourage fraud


The American Civil Liberties Union tries to protect the basic freedoms guaranteed in the ______________________

bill of rights

Certain Southern States once denied the chance to vote to ________ and poor whites who could not afford to pay a poll tax


subscribe to election data such as that compiled by the Gallup Poll

broadcasting stations and newspapers

heads the candidate's organization and coordinates all activites

campaign director

consists of paid staff members and consultant, and unpaid volunteer

campaign organization

in a process called _______, voters are contacted to determine which candidates they favor


the senate, like the house, meets in a separate chamber in this building


Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election in the early 1800s, political parties selected nearly all of theur candidates in closed meetings of party members


Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election political bosses hand-picked candidates, making questionable deal to win votes


meeting commonly held in the early 1800s at which a small group of party leaders chose candidates for office


sometimes called a conference, it is the meeting of each party before every new session of Congress


an official condemnation by Congress of its own members


The system of ________ and balances prevents one branch of government- legislative, executive, or judicial- from becoming too powerful.


have the closest contact with th voters

city ward and precinct organization

The NAtional Association for the Advancement of Colored People wants full _________ eights for African Americans and an end to racial discrimination


these groups of people prepare bills to be voted on


________ are used by campaign workers to track voter trends, oversee voter-contract activities, and review records


In major campaigns, a candidate who is considering running for office can determine his or her possible support by:

conducting a poll

works out any differences between the House and Senate version of many major bills

conference committee

two words for the part of a state a house member represents

congressional districts

it gives Congress "all legislative powers" of the federal government


Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election Delegates from all the states meet to choose their party's candidate for president.


Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election Voters complained that it was undemocratic and open to corruption


Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election a huge crowd is in attendance, including magazine,newspaper, radio, and television reporters


Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election both major parties began using it in the late 1820s to choose presidential candidates


Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election reforms of this system have led to greater representation of minority groups and women among party deleagtes


In the early 1900s, laws were passed in several states requiring that primary elections be used to select:

convention delegates

specific powers of congress, also called expressed powers

delegated powers

Democrats/Republicans favor a higher minimum wage and greater regulation of business


Democrats/Republicans have traditionally won the most votes among less education peopl


Democrats/Republicans tend to win a majority of the votes in large urban areas


Democrats/Republicans are more likely to propose new social prgorams


Democrats/Republicans are strongly supported by blacks, Puerto Ricans, and Americans of Mexican, Irish, and Slavic descent


usually only one political party is allowed- the one that controls the governemnt


Federal law requires that each House seat have its own congressional:


a series of operations designed to win votes for a certain candidate or party

election campaign

The federal government gives presidential candidates matching funds, an amount of money _______to the total raised through small donations from individuals


The number of percentage points that a poll could be above or below its reported findings is called the sampling _____


An important factor that helps determine success in an election is the candidate's:


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican supported by the rich, the old aristocratic families, large landowners, and wealthy businessmen


Which Party? F for Federalist, DR for Democratic-Republican was founded by Alexander hamilton


T/F Citizens generally have little interest in issues related to their health, welfare, or financial security


T/F George Washington was the presidential candidate of the federalist party of the election of 1789


T/F Most public officials today's belong to either the Federalist party or the democratic-republican party


T/F People who want to join the Democratic Party or Republican Party are required to pay membership dues.


T/F Public opinion refers only to the views of people on the subject of politics


T/F a common opinion that develops in a group as a result of discussion among many people is called a consensus


T/F democrats and republicans do not seek the votes of people whose views are outside of the political center


T/F equally informed individuals interpret facts in the same way and share the same opinions


T/F public opinion does not include the different opinions held by individuals


T/F state and local politicians are required to follow the national part platform


T/F the democrats and republicans spend most of their time trying to win the votes of conservatives and liberals


T/F the entire population is surveyed during a public opinion poll


T/F the federalists and democratic- republicans had similar views on most issues


T/F the fifth amendment assures freedom of speech, press, and assembly, which give Americans the opportunity to present heir views.


T/F the first two political parties were organized by John Adams and James Madision


T/F the silent majority is made up of peop;e who frequently speak out on controversial issues


T/F to join either of the major parties, formal approval must be given by the party organization


T/F About one out of every four Americans belongs to an interest group\


T/F People with different ideas and attitudes come together to form an interest group


T/F When a group focuses on a single issue, it tends to disappear within a few years


T/F all interest groups are able to gain the attention of key public officials.


T/F the government hires lobbyists to limit the power of interest groups


T/F the size of an interest group does not affect the success that it has achieving its goals


The United Farm Workers of America tries to improve worling conditions and wages for ______ workers in the United States


The United States Constitution gives the House and Senate all legislative powers of the:

federal government

Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate each choose a ____________to direct party activities during debates on proposed legislation


Decide which of the following parties is being described below opposed the extension of slavery into the territories

free soil party

The purpose of Common Cause is to urge citizens' involvement in ________


use polls for guidance in operating and evaluating their programs

government agencies

Decide which of the following parties is being described below supported the printing of large amounts of paper money in hope that it would bring prosperity, especially to farmers

greenback party

Government regulation of the manufacture, sale, and possession of handguns is the the goals of _________ Control, Inc.


The House of Representatives can ________- charge with misconduct- United States governemnt officials


The elastic clause gives Congress these powers to deal with matters not specifically mentioned in the Constituion

implied powerd

Decide which of the following parties is being described below meetings were held in secret; members would not answer questions from outsiders

know-nothing party

Decide which of the following parties is being described below was against immigration and the appointment of Roman Catholics and the foreign-born to office

know-nothing party

Decide which of the following parties is being described below first party to draw attention to the slavery issue

liberty party

Many states denied the right to vote to citizens who were unable to pass a ______ test


in the senate and in the House, this is the term for the party- Democrats or Republicans- with the most members

majority party

members of Congress help young people get appointed to these schools

military acadamies

is from the major political party with the fewest House members

minority leader

In U.S. elections:

more women vote than men

one party rarely wins enough seats in the legislature to form a governmet

multiparty nation

During presidential elections, directs the party's fund-raising and other activities in the national campaign

national chairman

consists of party representatives from across the country; acts for the party between conventions

national committee

party meeting held once every four years to nominate candidates for President and Vice President

national convention

Public opinions polls are most often taken in:

nations with democratic governments

some of the groups which use opinion polls are the _______ media, politicians, and government agencies.


Most candidates announce that they are running for office at a:

news conference

in the mid- and late- 1800s, delegates at this meeting were often told or paid to vote for candidates favored by party bosses and political machines

nomination convention

no state can have fewer than this number of House members


This fraction of the Senate is elected every two years

one third

campaign collects voluntary conrtibutions from the organization's employees or members and gives the money to candidates it favors

political action comittee

hire polling groups to conduct private polls for their own use

political candidates and elected officials

A _________________ is a group of people with similar ideas about how the government should be run

political party

Collecting money for election campaigns is one of the duties of a:

political party

a candidate and his or her advisers may write series of statements called ___________ that explain the candidate's views on the issues

position papers

four words referring to Congress's control over taxing and spending

power of the purse

tries to make sure that all members of their party are registered to vote

precinct captain

In the United States, each county, township, or ward of a state is divided into voting districts called:


The ___________ helps organize the government by choosing a Cabinet and appointing people to public office.


after congress adjourns, this person can call its members back to Washington for a special session


official chosen by the House when here is no electoral college majority


may involve hundred of staff members and millions of volunteers

presidential campaign

Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election it is considered "closed" when each voter must declare a choice of party, either when registrering to vote or when voting

primaery election

Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election most state and local officials today are nominated by this method

primary election

Decide whether each of the following descriptions refer to a caucus, convention, or primary election voters- not party leaders or delegates- decide which candidate will represent the party in the general election

primary election

voters choose party candidates to run for office

primary election

Decide which of the following parties is being described below many republicans left their party in 1912 and formed what was nicknamed the Bull Moose Party; backed Theodore roosevelt

progressive party

Decide which of the following parties is being described below has long campaigned against the use of alcoholic beverages in the United States

prohibition party

Decide which of the following parties is being described below its efforts helped lead to the passage of the 18th amendment

prohibition party

_____________ that are not fairly worded can affect a poll's reliability


One of the functions that political parties have is to:

raise funds for election campaigns

allows voters to remove elected officials from office before the end of their term


an election in which voters can approve or reject a proposed law


the process by which a person's name is added to the list of qualified voters


Members of the House are usually called:


Democrats/Republicans receive the backing of business and professional groups


Democrats/Republicans their candidates usually do well in the West and Midwest


Democrats/Republicans southern states are often won by their presidential canidated


Democrats/Republicans usually attract the support of wealthier Americnas


Democrats/Republicans want less governemnt spending and fewer taxes


In a public opinion poll, the group of people actually questioned is called the:


the congress of the united states consists of these elected bodies

senate and house of representatives

as each one begins, both parties in the House of Representatives and Senate elect officer and committee members

session of Congress

The chief factor in the reliability of a poll is the:

size of the sample and how it is drawn

The House of Representatives elects the ______, the body's presiding officer.


considers bills that have been introduced in the House

standing committee

organizes and manages campaigns for state offices and assists in local campaigns

state committee

The majority of candidates get most of their campaign funds from:

supporters, friends, and family members

almost a fourth of them fail to win Senate confirmation

supreme court nominees

In the House of Representatives:

the number of representatives from each state varies according to the state's population

voting for candidates from more than one party


The International Brotherhood of Teamsters supports the interests of _______ and dock workers


T/F A majority opinion is a point of view shared by over half the people in a group


T/F Gun control and abortion are controversial issued that quickly arouse public opinion


T/F Magazines, newspapers, radio, and television are agencies of public opinion


T/F One of the factors affecting the accuracy of a public opinion poll is the quality of the interview questions


T/F Public opinion is more likely to be expressed by the portion of the population that is most visable and outspoken


T/F The two parties are flexible in their ideologies, unlike political parties in many other countries


T/F an election offers the public a chance to voice political opinions.


T/F both Democrats and republicans will sometimes change their policies in order to attract more voters


T/F both parties have members from different income groups


T/F decisions made by the government are sometimes influenced by public opinion


T/F major historical events can have an effect on the development of public opinion


T/F most Americans strongly believe in free election, due process of law, and majority rule with minority rights


T/F public opinion is a means by which citizens of a democratic country can communicate their feelings and concerns to the governemnt


T/F radio talk shows allow callers to express their views on local, state, and national matters


T/F the first real political campaign in American history took place in 1800


T/F the point of view that people have is influenced by their attitudes and values


T/F An interest group tries to influence public policy in a way that favors its own agenda.


T/F There are interest groups which represent labor uniforms, agricultural interests, business groups, and professional associations.


T/F group members sometimes write letters and make telephone calls to legislators, urging them to vote a particular way on an issue.


T/F group members try to influence decision-makers in government


In the House of Representatives and the Senate, both Democrats and Republicans have leaders called whips who:

try to persuade members to vote along party lines

Representatives are elected in even-numbered years ti serve +++-year terms


each state sends this many senators to Washington, D.C.


fraction of senators needed to approve treaties

two thirds

In a direct primary, candidates for public office are chosen by:


In order to prevent people from depriving other of their rights to vote, Congress passed the ______________ of !965

voting rights act

In the United States, membership in political party is:


urges representatives ti support their own party's policies


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