Government and Real Estate

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The space of land between a building and the property line is referred to as __________. A setback An easement The road frontage The right of way

A. A setback is the distance from the edge of a road or sidewalk where improvements may be built.

When a zoning ordinance creates an undue hardship, the owner may request a/an _________. Variance Non-conforming use Setback Exception

A. A variance provides relief from a zoning ordinance.

Agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial are terms used by zoning boards to describe __________. Classifications of land use Taxation categories Zoning covenants Buffer zones

A. Agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial are terms which are classifications of land use.

At the last zoning meeting, the decision was made to change an entire city block from residential use to a commercial use. The homeowners are allowed to continue using the property for residential purposes for a stipulated time. The residential property is classified as a/an __________. Conforming use Residential use Non-conforming use Commercial use

C. A non-conforming use allows an owner to continue with a land use that existed previously but no longer conforms to the current zoning.

It was determined that the sewer lines needed to be replaced in a subdivision. The property owners will pay a _________. Sewer assessment Mechanic's assessment Special assessment Property assessment

C. A special assessment is paid for improvements to an owner's property such as sewer lines, water lines, and curbs

After a new building has been inspected and it complies with local codes, which of the following documents will be issued to show compliance? Certificate of deposit Certificate of purchase Certificate of title Certificate of occupancy

D. A certificate of occupancy is issued after the building is inspected and it complies with local codes.

The government (federal, state, and local) can regulate the use of private property through a number of measures. This right is called __________. Police power Tax power Government Power Eminent Domain

A. The government (federal, state, and local) can regulate the use of private property through a number of measures. This right is called police power. Police power allows the government to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

After obtaining a permit, inspectors will __________. Set a minimum standard for construction material Monitor compliance with zoning codes Evaluate street width Verify there are easements for utilities

B. A building permit allows local zoning regulators to monitor compliance with zoning codes.

The Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act requires sellers and landlords of homes built prior to what year to disclose known lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards to potential buyers and tenants? 1976 1978 1988 1992

B. Disclosures must be made on properties built prior to 1978.

Bree and John own property inside the city limits. The city is planning construction for a new school. The funding for this will likely come from a/an __________. Special assessment tax General assessment tax Excise tax Sales tax

B. Schools, public libraries, public services, and waste management are examples of items paid for through a general assessment tax. Special assessment taxes are collected to support improvements which benefit certain properties and are only collected on the benefiting properties.

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act is also known as the __________. Hazardous Substance Act Superfund Environmental Protection Act National Priorities Act

B. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) is also known as the Superfund.

To pay for the clean-up of environmental hazards, the Superfund levied a tax on the __________. Agricultural industry Chemical and petroleum industries Automobile industry Computer industry

B. The Superfund created a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries.

Barry sold his house in Seattle, Washington. He paid an excise tax of 1.78%. What is the excise tax that was charged by the city of Seattle? 0.4% 0.5% 1.28% 1.78%

B. The Washington State excise tax is 1.28%. The local government collects any amount charged above that. In this case, Seattle collected 1.78 - 1.28 = 0.5%.

The term __________ is used to describe the formal act of transferring title from a private owner to the government. Police power Condemnation Eminent domain Seizure

B. The formal act of transferring title from a private owner to the government is condemnation. Eminent domain is the power that the state exercises to seize that property.

Alice owns 3 acres of land near the freeway. The Washington Department of Transportation seizes the property to put in a park and ride. Alice receives just compensation for the property. The Department of Transportation has exercised what power? State rights Eminent domain Seizure rights Public interest

B. The power exercised by the Department of Transportation is eminent domain.

Zoning has determined that 5 homes may be built on a half-acre of land. The decision refers to the concept of ________. Buffers Density Variance Non-conforming use

B. Zoning determines the density or the number of building units per acre of land.

The greatest potential hazard for contamination of groundwater is from __________. Radon Oil companies Underground storage tanks Nuclear waste

C. About 680,000 underground storage tanks (USTs) store petroleum or hazardous substances. Leaking USTs are the greatest potential for contamination of our groundwater supply.

The environmental hazard created when excessive moisture or water accumulates indoors and the moisture problem is left unaddressed is ________. Carbon monoxide Radon Mold PCBs

C. Mold grows when excessive moisture or water accumulates indoors and is unaddressed.

The Revised Codes of Washington do not include the following exemption for excise tax: __________. A transfer by gift, devise, or inheritance The assignment of property or interest in property from one spouse or one domestic partner to the other spouse or domestic partner The assignment of property sold to a neighbor The assignment by appropriation or decree in condemnation proceedings brought by the United States, the state, or any political subdivision thereof

C. The assignment of property sold to a neighbor is not an exemption. A transfer by gift, devise, or inheritance, the assignment of property or interest in property from one spouse or one domestic partner the other spouse or domestic partner, and the assignment by appropriation or decree in condemnation proceedings brought by the United States, the state or any political subdivision thereof, or a municipal corporation are all legitimate exemptions.

Ron owns property bordering a commercial office building. He wants to build an office building on his property as well. The county declines his request. The right of the government to regulate his property is known as? Regulatory power Zoning Police power Comprehensive planning

C. The right of the government (federal, state, and local) to regulate the use of private property is called police power.

The State of Washington is authorized to levy an excise tax on all sales of real estate based on the full selling price, including the amount of any liens, mortgages, and other debts given to secure the purchase at a rate of __________. 1.76% 2.9% 1.28% 1.9%

C. The state of Washington is authorized to levy an excise tax on all sales of real estate based on the full selling price, including the amount of any liens, mortgages, and other debts given to secure the purchase at a rate of 1.28%. A locally imposed tax is authorized but varies in rate depending on the levy passed by each county or city.

The odorless, colorless, tasteless, radioactive gas that can seep into homes and build up to dangerous levels is __________. Carbon monoxide Gasoline Mold Radon

D. Radon is a radioactive gas that kills an estimated 20,000 people every year.

Judy's property has just become the beneficiary of a new sewer line installed by the county along her street. Payment for this would be collected through a/an __________. ad valorem tax general assessment tax deferred payment special assessment tax

D. The payment is made through a special assessment tax. Ad valorem (according to value) and general assessment taxes are synonymous and are used as a broad tax. The special assessment tax is for benefiting properties to an improvement such as a sewer line. While a tax is a type of deferred payment, the collection is done by special assessment.

A congregation wants to build a house of worship in a residential community. Which of the following would they need to secure from the local zoning board in order to build the house of worship? A house of worship permit A non-conforming use A variance A conditional-use permit

D. They would need to secure a conditional-use permit or a special use permit. This permit is for properties that are built for the good of the public (e.g. houses of worship, hospitals, libraries, etc.).

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