Government Exam 3 Ch. 9-12 and 15

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During the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush,________ federal agencies or programs were terminated


There are___federal Government departments and each is led by a___who is a member of the president's cabinet

15; secretary

Marbury v. Madison was decided in


Under normal rules of oral argument, each lawyer has___to present his or her case before the Supreme Court

30 minutes

Approximately___percent of the___bills introduced in a typical congressional session die in committee

85; 10,000

How many justices currently serve on the Supreme Court?


Each year, the Supreme Court receives about___appeals and hears about___of them in full court

9,000; 80

There are _____ U.S. District Courts


More than______ percent of all cases in the United States are heard in state courts


The impeachment process is

A partisan exercise

_________ occurs when a criminal case is resolved through a negotiated agreement before a full trial is completed

A plea bargain

How can Congress override the president's veto?

A president's veto can be overridden with a 2/3 vote in both chambers

Which of the following statements about federal courts is MOST accurate?

Although the federal courts hear only a small fraction of all of the civil and criminal cases decided each year in the United States, their decisions are extremely important because they interpret the Constitution and the federal laws that govern all Americans

Which of the following is a government corporation?


Who were the only two presidents to be impeached by the US House of representatives?

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton

The main political value of the vice president is too

Bring the president votes in the election from a group or region that would not otherwise be a likely source of support

The___is the informal designation for the heads of the major federal government departments


During the 19 century,___was America's dominant institution of government


The concept of oversight refers to the efforts made by

Congress to make executive agencies accountable for their actions

Occurring in the midst of the progressive era, the Oklahoma constitutional convention delegates were overwhelmingly___


The___oversees the Coast Guard, the US immigration and customs enforcement, the US Secret Service, and the federal emergency management agency

Department of Homeland Security

___occurs when the federal government passes authority to administer a program to state or local governments


The Oklahoma State senate 48 members each serve___years staggered terms, with___of the senate up for reelection every even-numbered year

Four; one-half

Oklahoma's constitutional convention met in the town of___.


___was the first First Lady to seek public office on her own

Hillary Clinton

The office of the presidency was established by article___of the constitution


The number of vetoes issued by the president each year

Is typically higher when Congress is controlled by the opposite party

What is the government corporation?

It is an agency that performs and charges for services usually provided by the private sector

Through the exercise of___, the Supreme Court has held actions or laws of the executive and legislative branches unconstitutional

Judicial Review

Oklahoma's current governor is___, which one the gubernational election in 2018 over Democratic nominee Drew Edmondson

Kevin Stitt

One of the major differences between the federal and Oklahoma constitution is the___of the Oklahoma constitution, reflecting Oklahomans' mistrust of government


The single most visible and powerful person in state government is the governor. Oklahoma's first female governor was___, who was first elected in 2010 and reelected in 2014

Mary Fallin

President Clinton was unusual among modern presidents because he left the White Houe

More popular than when he entered

The first female Speaker of the House was

Nancy Pelosi

Lawmaking body is at the state level are similar to one another and to the US Congress, which generally includes a bicameral arrangement that exists in 49 states (only___'s legislature is a unicameral body).


Oklahoma is currently ranked number___for female incarceration per capita in the US


If Vice President Pence were to resign from office

President Trump could nominate a replacement, but that replacement would have to be confirmed by a majority vote of both houses of Congress before taking office

What is the general tendency for a president's popularity?

Presidents usually start out popular and decline over the next four years

The chief justice of the Supreme Court

Presides over the Court's public sessions and private conferences

The last several election cycles have caused Oklahoma to be labeled "- - - -" state in America


After the president and vice president, which office is next in the line of succession?

Speaker of the House

The___is established by the constitution and cannot be abolished by a congressional law

Supreme Court

How is the Speaker of the House determined?

The elected leader of the majority party is the Speaker of the House

Which of the following would be an example of how federal bureaucrats make rules while engaging in implementation?

The environmental protection agency requires that, under the clean air act, the average fuel economy for new vehicles must be at least 35.5 miles per gallon

Why has partisan conflict surrounded federal judicial appointments in recent years?

The federal courts play and increasingly important role in shaping American law and politics

How many presidents have been impeached throughout American history?


Which of the following cases would always be heard in federal court?

a case involving the state of New York suing the state of New Hampshire over state highway maintenance

A single lawsuit involving thousands of smokers suing a tobacco company would be an example of

a class- action suit

The Oklahoma House of representatives is currently controlled by

a super majority of Republicans

Cases in which the US government is a party are

always heard in a federal court

Marbury v. Madison (1803) is an important case because the justices

authorized the supreme court to exercise judicial review over laws passed by Congress

In the last few decades, executive orders have

become routine instruments of presidential governance rather than emergency wartime measures

In recent years, federal court appointments have

been characterized by intense partisan and ideological efforts to support or defeat the candidate.

Congress is a _________________ legislature with ____________ total members.

bicameral; 535

The written document in which attorneys explain why the court should rule in favor of their clients is called a(n)


The Civil Service Act of 1883 attempted to pattern government hiring after practices found in


The primary constitutional task for the vice president, besides succeeding the president in case of death, resignation, or incapacitation, is to

cast the tie-breaking votes in the Senate

When a private individual brings a suit against a company for breaking a contract, this is an example of ______ law


In______ cases, the losers cannot be fined or incarcerated by the state

civil law

The government is always the plaintiff in________law


The Senate and House Appropriations Committee are important because they

decide how much funding various programs will receive and how the money will be spent

A member of Congress who votes for a bill with which he or she disagrees because a majority of his or her constituents favor it is acting as a


The Supreme Court struck down state laws in the case of Brown v. Board of Education and Pavan v.Smith because the statutes in question

denied citizens equal protection of the law

Trial courts in the federal judicial system are called

district courts

Oversight can best be described as

efforts of Congress to supervise the manner in which its laws are implemented by the executive branch

Activist judges believe that federal judges should

go beyond the words of the constitution or statute to consider the broader societal implications of their decisions

Since 1950, compared with the entire workforce, the number of federal employees has

gradually declined

The number of cases filed in the Supreme Court

has increased drastically since 1940

Impeachment offenses are charged by the

house and tried in the Senate, with the chief justice presiding and a 2/3 vote needed for conviction

If someone is an advocate of the philosophy of judicial restraint, he or she believes

in looking only at the words of the Constitution in order to understand its meaning

The number of state and local government employees has

increased since 1950

A senator or representative running for re-election is called the


The jurisdiction of standing committees

is defined by the subject matter of legislation, which often parallels the major cabinet departments or agencies

Roe v. Wade is a good example of

judicial activism because it was based on a constitutional right to privacy that is not found in the actual words of the Constitution

Public bureaucracies are powerful because

legislatures, chief executives, and the people delegate vast power to them to make sure a particular job is done

The goal of the War Powers Resolution was to

limit the power of the president to commit American troops to military action without authorization from Congress

Gerrymandering refers to the

manipulation of electoral districts to serve the interests of a particular group

The frequency with which they must seek reelection makes members of the US house of representatives

more responsive to the needs of local interest groups in the district they represent

Compared to the rest of American history, recent congresses have been___polarized and___productive in terms of passing laws

more; less

Once the president has formally nominated an individual for a federal judgeship, the nominee

must be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee and be confirmed by a majority vote in the full Senate

One example of___is the fact that a lawsuit filed by California against Nevada over river pollution goes directly before the Supreme Court

original jurisdiction

The National Park Service is

part of the Department of the Interior

Prior cases whose principles are used by judges to decide current cases are called


A filibuster allows members of the Senate to

prevent a vote on a bill by speaking continuously on the floor

If the federal government decided to hire Google to provide email services to all of its employees rather than maintaining its own, in-house email services, this would be an example of


Privatization is a way to

reduce government costs by relocating government programs to private groups or corporations

In his attempt to manage the federal bureaucracy, the president can use all of the following tools EXCEPT

replacing low-level civil service employees with people loyal to the president

Which of the following statements best describes the representation of women and minorities in the US Congress?

representation of women and minorities has increased during the past two decades but is not comparable to their proportions in the general population

A US senator has a ______-year term


An iron triangle is the

stable relationship between a bureaucratic agency, a clientele group, and a legislative committee

A number of states have responded to concerns about partisan gerrymandering by

taking redistricting power away from their state legislature and giving it to independent commissions

Conference committees are

temporary, involve members from both houses of Congress, and are charged with reaching a compromise on legislation once it has been passed by both the House and the Senate

___States that the vice president assumes the presidency in the event of the chief executive's death or incapacity

the 25th amendment

Who has the MOST real power in the Senate?

the majority and minority leaders

What is cloture?

the process by which three-fifths of the senate can enter a filibuster

Before the Civil Service Act of 1883, government appointments were made

to political supporters as part of the spoils system

The first court to hear a criminal case involving a violation of state law is called a(n)______ court


A member of Congress who feels only loosely constrained by the policy preferences of his or her constituents and empowered to make the decisions he or she thinks best is acting as a


The MOST visible indication of oversight is the

use of public hearings before congressional committees and subcommittees

Under the original Constitution, senators

were appointed by state legislatures

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