Government - Foreign Policy

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-Defeat of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan (successful) -After overthrowing the Taliban, supporting a new government we helped create -Supportive of Al-Qaeda -Force the Taliban to stop trying to overthrow the current government, rather join in a political party (not successful)


-Defeated ISIS and withdraw (seems to have succeeded) -Supported the Kurds, but not their desire for their own country -Prevent Hezbollah from remaining in their country to attack Israel -Oppose the Assad government for supporting the destruction of Israel.


-Help rid Somalia (Horn of Africa) of the terrorist organization al-Shabaad -Help rid Northern Africa of various al-Qaeda organizations -Help Nigeria rid West Africa of the terrorist organization Boko Haram


-Leader is President: Xi Jinping -Seek new trade more favorable to US -Object to or block -Chinese military expansion on disputed islands in the South China Sea -Get China to help us with North Korea

North Korea

-Leader is Supreme -Leader Kim Jong Un -Force/negotiate -North Korea give up building and get rid nuclear weapons -Lift economic sanctions -Resolve Korean War Armistice, but protect/support South Korea


-Leader is Vladimir Putin -Force Russia to stop meddling in Ukraine and return the Crimea through economic sanctions -Prevent Russian expansion into eastern Europe -Challenge Russia to live up to arms treaties -Work with Russia on peace in Syria

DOD: Secretary of Defense

-Nation's chief civilian military official, subordinate only to pres. -Made up of secretary of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. -Gen. Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. spoke with Croatian Chief of Defense Gen. Mirko Sundov

Central America

-Not allow human caravans reach US border


-Oil -After invading and overthrowing their dictator, they seek help to resolve it's political difficulties -Defeated ISIS and withdraw (seems to have succeeded, but may not withdraw) -Support the Kurds, but not their desire for their own coountry.


-Oil -Forced Mexico to sign a more favorable trade treaty (replace NAFTA with USMCA) -Build a border wall to stop illegal immigration


-Oil -Support opposition government against the current socialist government


-Support their independence above all


-Try and help them and Israel come to some kind of settlement -Consider Hamas as terrorists and will not work with them

What is meant by the Military-industrial complex "guns and butter" theory?

-a country's military establishment and those industries producing arms or other military materials, regarded as a powerful vested interest. - It demonstrates the relationship between a nation's investment in defense and civilian goods.

Saudi Arabia

-oil -Maintain friendly relations as they oppose Iran -Support their efforts to stop the spread of Iranian influence


-oil -Prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons or long-range missiles -Have placed economic sanctions on them until they do -Stop Iran from supporting anti-Israel terrorist organizations: Hamas, Hezbollah, and the -Assad government in Syria

What is our nuclear weapons policy?

-refers to the policies of the various agencies and departments of the American government at the Federal level with regard to biomedical, energy, emergency response, hazardous waste transport and disposal, military, use of radionuclides

What is our Counterterrorism policy?

4D strategy (After 9/11, US Nat Sec Council prepared National Strategy for Combating Terrorism to define victory over terrorism in terms of a world in which terrorism does not define the daily lives of Americans)

What are the roles of the CIA?

A US gov agency dedicated to intelligence gathering (analysis of info, counterintelligence, covert action) and covert operations. Analyzes activities of freeing countries and non-state actors. Prominent ODNI branch. Provide resources to pres.

State Department: Embassies

A diplomatic mission or foreign mission is a group of people from one state or an organization present in another state to represent the sending state/organization officially in the receiving state.

War Powers Resolution

A law passed in 1973 spelling out the conditions under which the president can commit troops without congressional approval.

Guns and Butter Theory: Foreign Policy Idealism

A perspective contending that the behavior of countries in the international arena is mainly intended to advance their values and principles.

Guns and Butter Theory: Foreign Policy Realism

A perspective contending that the behavior of countries in the international arena is mainly intended to protect their economic and security interests.

State Department: Internationalism--UN Security Council

A principle part of the United Nations, charged with authorizing peacekeeping operations, international sanctions, and military action in order to maintain global peace and security.

Trade Policy

A source of cooperation, competition, or conflict among countries. 3 types: protectionism, strategic trade, free trade.

State Department: Foreign Policy--Nationalism

A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

Trade Policy: Free Trade

A system of international trade that limits government interference on the sale of goods and services among countries.

Trade Policy: Protectionism

A trade policy wherein a country takes steps to limit the import of foreign goods through tariffs and subsidies to domestic firms.

Trade Policy: Strategic Trade

A trade policy wherein governments identify key industries that they wish to see grow and enact policies to support their development and success.

War on Terror

After 9/11, President George W. Bush declared a worldwide "war on terrorism" aimed at defeating international terrorist organizations, destroying terrorist training camps, and bringing terrorists themselves to justice.

Who makes up and what is the role of the National Security Council?

Agency within the White House, let by the national security advisor, which brings together key foreign policy actors to advise the pres. Advise and assist pres, particularly in crises. Provide resources to pres.

Iran Nuclear Deal

Agreement negotiated between the U.S. and five other world powers, it prevents a country from developing a nuclear weapon for 10-15 years in return for lifting harsh international sanctions. The deal has been sharply criticized by Republicans in Congress, Israel and the Arab gulf countries.


Director of National Intelligence


During the 19th century, industrialization spread significantly to new places in Europe, the United States, to Russia, and also to this East Asian country.

Nuclear Weapons Policy: Disarmament

Eliminates/reduces armed forces and weapons (the very things that cause conflict and hopes to secure peace).

Congress: War Powers

Makes formal declaration of war. (War Powers Resolution).

DOD: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Military advisor body that includes the Army chief of staff, the Air Force chief of staff, the chief of naval operation, and the Marine commandant.

What is the role of the Executive branch in making and conducting Foreign policy?

Most powerful in formulation and implementation. Pres is the most important person/preeminent. Greater access and control over info than anyone/anything else. Actions normally won't be countermanded. = policy in terms of president action. Relies on other people/orgs to help.

Paris Agreement

Most recent global agreement on climate change was result of COP 21 in Paris


National Security Agency

What is the role of the NSA?

National Security Agency

Trade Policy: Regionalism--NAFTA

North American Free Trade Agreement. Agreement that promotes free movement of goods and services among Canada, Mexico, and the US.


Department of Defense

State Department: Internationalism--NATO

North Atlantic Treaty Organization The first peacetime military treaty joined by the US; a collective security pact that includes the US, Canada, and parts of Europe. (USSR and others formed Warsaw Pact in response)

Who makes up the ODNI?

Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Director is the head of the intelligence community.

Congress: Appointments and Appropriations

Senate can reject the pres' nominees to high military and diplomatic offices. Can appropriate funds/controls when and where the US fights through its control of the budget.

State Department: Foreign Policy--Isolationism

The US policy of avoiding entangling alliances with foreign powers. (NOT avoiding participation in foreign affairs).

Counterterrorism: "4D Strategy"

The US will 1) Defeat terrorist orgs 2) Deny them support from rogue states 3) Work to diminish the conditions that give rise to terrorism 4) Defend the US, its citizens, and foreign interests from attack

Trade Policy: Regionalism--TPP

Trans-Pacific Partnership A proposed agreement between the US and 11 the nations on the Pacific Rim intended to substantially lower tariffs and protect intellectual property.

Nuclear Weapons Policy: Counterproliferation

action intended to prevent an increase or spread in the possession of nuclear weapons.

Treaties vs. Agreements

between the heads of government of two or more nations that has not been ratified by the legislature as ________ are ratified. Executive __________ are considered politically binding to distinguish them from which are legally binding.

Trade Policy: Globalism

the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.

State Department: Diplomatic Immunity

the privilege of exemption from certain laws and taxes granted to diplomats by the country in which they are working.

Congress: Treaties and Executive Agreements

Constitution gives Senate treaty-approving powers. President can avoid the treaty process by doing exec agreements w/ other countries, which don't require Sen approval.


Intelligence Community

Trade Policy: Globalism--IMF

International Monetary Fund International governmental organization designed to stabilize international currency transactions.

State Department: Consulates

While the United States has only one embassy and one ambassador in the capital of any foreign country, in large countries it may have several __________.

Trade Policy: Globalism--World Bank

international governmental organization created to provide loans for large economic development projects. Set up to help world recover from destruction of WWII and to help poorer countries prosper by providing loans for large economic development projects. (A.K.A. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

State Department: Ambassadors--UN Ambassadors

is a diplomatic official accredited to a foreign country or government, or in the case of the United Nations, an international organization, to serve as the official representative of his or her own country.

Nuclear Weapons Policy: Assured Mutual Destruction

is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender

State Department: Foreign Policy--Humanitarianism

is an active belief in the value of human life, whereby humans practice benevolent treatment and provide assistance to other humans, in order to better humanity for moral, altruistic and logical reasons.

Climate Change Policy: Kyoto Protocol

is an international treaty which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Current foreign policy

is its interactions with foreign nations and how it sets standards of interaction for its organizations, corporations and system citizens of the United States.

DOD: Secretary of the Army, Navy, and Air Force

is responsible for providing the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our country Patrick M. Shanahan

State Department: Foreign Service

is the primary personnel system used by the diplomatic service of the United States federal government, under the aegis of the United States Department of State.

State Department: Ambassadors

persons nominated by the President to serve as United States diplomats to individual nations of the world, to international organizations, and as _________-at-large.

State Department: Foreign Policy--Internationalism

refers to the idea that cooperation between different countries is beneficial for everyone. A government that adheres to the doctrine of _______________ works with other governments to avoid conflict and to cooperate economically.

Precent of money goes towards other countries Who receives the most?

-24% -Israel

Climate Change Policy: Paris Agreement

Brought together 196 developed and developing counties to resolve to bring down global greenhouse emissions ASAP to retain an existing target of keeping global warming at a good level and to aim for no further net increases in emissions from human activities. (Critics said it wasn't urgent, had incremental goals, provisions weren't legally binding, and commitments for new funding were too vague).

Who makes up DHS and what is its role?

Cabinet department created after 9/11 to coordinate domestic security efforts. Straddles line b/w foreign and domestic policy making. Focuses on territory of the US itself but also influences foreign and defense policies. Brought together many agencies and workers into one.


Central Intelligence Agency

Who makes up the DOD? (appointment, military or civilian)

Chief exec branch department responsible for formulation and implementation of US defense and military policy. Combination of War Department and Navy Department.

State Department: Foreign Policy

Area of policymaking that encompasses how one country builds relationships with other counties in order to safeguard its national interest. American policymakers must contend w/ leaders of other countries, the realities of power rivalries among global competitors, and the role of nonstate actors (multinational corps, transnational nongovernmental orgs, political and religious social movements, organized crime, terrorist groups).

Nuclear Weapons Policy: Arms Control

Attempts to find ways of reducing the chances that conflicts b/w countries will become deadly.

Guns and Butter Theory: Boots on the ground

Ground troops who are on active service in a military operation.

Congress: Oversight

Hold hearings to monitor agency activities, content, and conduct. Establish reporting requirements.

Trade Policy: Regionalism

In an attempt to globalization and incorporate a greater number of trading partners, presidents have turned to regional trade agreements. Involves more than 2 but as few as three states.

What is the role of the Legislative branch in making and conducting Foreign policy?

Influences and shapes it through oversight, treaty ratification and exec agreements, appointments and appropriations, and war powers.

What is our Climate Change Policy?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines climate change as "any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time

Trade Policy: Globalism--G8

The Group of Eight is a group made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia (suspended), the United Kingdom and the United States. The European Commission is also represented in the committee.

Trade Policy: Globalism--G20

The Group of Twenty is an international forum for the governments and central bank governors from 19 countries and the European Union.

Mutual defense agreement

The League of Nations can best be described as a... (Japan)

Ability of president to declare national emergency?

The National Emergencies Act is a United States federal law passed to stop open-ended states of national emergency and formalize the power of Congress to provide certain checks and balances on the emergency powers of the President.

Nuclear Weapons Policy: SDI "Star Wars"

The Strategic Defense Initiative was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons.

Trade Policy: Globalism--WTO

World Trade Organization An international organization that replaced GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) in 1995 to supervise and expand international trade. Process occurred through negotiating "rounds" or multiyear International conferences.


a committee in the executive branch of government that advises the president on foreign and military and national security; supervises the Central Intelligence Agency.

What is the role of the State Department?

functions as the diplomatic wing of the federal government, handling matters of foreign affairs with other nations and international bodies. Their primary job is to promote American foreign policy throughout the world.

DOD: Army, Navy, Air force Chiefs of Staff and the Marine Commandant

held by a four-star general in the United States Army. As the most senior uniformed officer assigned to serve in the Department of the Army, the CSA is the principal military advisor and a deputy to the Secretary of the Army. General Joseph Dunford

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