Great Gatsby Exam

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subjective-though nick's perspectives & distance of time-writing from the perspective of two monthes having passed; not enough time to emotionally heal for full objectivity

There is a man with "owl eyes" in gatsby's library. what is this man surprised by?

that the books are real

what did tom tell wilson in the hours before gatsby was killed?

the car belonged to gatsby

what song does klipspringer play?

the love nest

what does gatsby offer nick in exchange for arranging a meeting between him and daisy?

the opportunity to make some money

atagonist; has a profound affect on nick; paradox-so vividly portrayed but really dont know anything forsure about him; single objective is to get daisy


A party is thrown at the beginning of the chapter. Where does the party take place?

gatsby's house

Tom decides he doesn't like daisy going out alone, so he joins her when she attends what event?

gatsby's party

myrtle's husband; owner of run-down autoshop at edge of valley of ashes; kills gatsby then kills himself; lacks drive/motivation or any kind of personality; goes crazy when wife does


What sport does Jordan Baker play?


where is daisy the morning after gatsby has been killed?

gone with tom with no forwarding address

why did gatsby fire his servants?

he thinks they gossip too much

what did gatsby write out as a child?

he was going to help build up the country & little schedules & resolves

what was it that fascinated gatsby so much about daisy?

her wealth

what does gatsby hardly ever drink alcohol?

his best friend was an alcoholic

what does gatsby show daisy and nick in his bedroom?

his expensive shirts

why is this day important for nick? what is today?

its his30th birthday

what do nick and the owl-eyed man agree about?

its horrible how hundreds came to his parties but no one came to his funeral

whats gatsby's real name?

james gatz

"I hate careless people. That's why i like you."


antagonist; charming but very judgemental; believes if youre like her youre a good person & if not, youre not


after shooting gatsby, what does george wilson do?

kills himself

what does nick suggest gatsby do after the car accident that killed myrtle?

leave long is lance until its quieted down

what is daisy's voice full of?


tom's lover; married to george; dies in car accident



new york city 1920s

when gatsby tells nick about meeting daisy five years ago he describes her as "the first ____ girl he had ever known."


"theyre a rotten crowd. youre worth the whole damn lot put together."


protagonist; observer/commender; finds past as an illusion & trying to recreate it ends in heartache & sorrow; realizes overemphasis on pleasure leaves you empty


at which university does gatsby claim he was educated?


___ tense point of view


Why did Myrtle marry George Wilson, & why does she regret it now?

she thought he was a gentleman; he borrowed a suit from a friend to wear to the wedding & wasn't wealthy

why, according to nick, has the green light lost its meaning?

since daisy is now there with gatsby there is no more mystery significance

divide the characters into those who drink and those who don't. what are the main differences between these two groups?

the better/decent people dont drink & are "better" an the others

what does it symbolize that this party is even more aggressive and rowdy than the last one Nick attended?

the upsoming conflict

why did gatsby really go to oxford? how did he end up there?

there was a clerical error when he got out of the war & thats where he ended up

What are some of the huge relationship problems between Tom & Myrtle?

they're both married

what is the current situation between nick and jordan?

they're not talking

jordan asks nick for a favor on behalf of gatsby. what does gatsby want nick to do for him?

to arrange a surprise metting with daisy

what does nick tell daisy when inviting her to tea?

to not bring tom

According to Tom, where does George Wilson think his wife is going during the periods that she is actually visiting Tom?

to see her sister in New York

what is the message of the party and the accident? in other words, why does fitzgerald include all this fighting, drinking and lying?

to show the difference between the "new rich" & "old rich" & that they aren't good people

"its up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out, or these other races will have control of things."


antagonist; emotionally & physically abusove; self righteous; controlling & destructive; unable to see how awful his attitude/being is


by the end of the chapter, has gatsby won daisy or has tom?


gatsby seems uncomfortable & embarrassed when nick introduces him to whom?


What is the name of the dreary, ashen, barren place half way between West Egg & New York?

valley of ashes

what is the turning point for nick's feelings towards Jordan?

when she tells him she doesn't like careless people

tom doesn't believe that gatsby is an "oxford man." is tom right?

yes; he didn't graduate from there

how does gatsby claim he made his money?

he came from a wealthy family

Name one rumor about Gatsby that Nick hears at the party/

he once killed a man in cold blood

why does george wilson want to make some money quickly?

him & myrtle are gonna leave town & move west

which of gatsby's family members comes to his funeral?

his father

Why do you think we keep hearing about Gatsby but we haven't actually met him yet?

bc hes an important character & the author's giving a little background into him

why do you think Daisy doesn't drink?`

bc of her wedding ever incident & bc of she's supposed to be seen as special and angelic

name one thing tat jordan baker accuses nick of.

being dishonest

tom says that gatsby is "newly rich". how does he think that gatsby earned so much money?


how did gatsby really make his money?

by participating in unorganized crime; distributing illegal alcohol & trading stolen securities


coming of age, truth vs. lies, past vs. illusion, the perversion of the american dream


complex, central forward-moving narrative, chronological

although the day is pouring rain, Gatsby sends someone over to Nick's house to do what?

cut his grass

"I'd like to get one of those pink clouds & put you in it and push you around."


antagonist; self-centered; arrogant with entitlement; indulgen; irresponsible


According to Catherine, why wont Tom divorce Daisy & marry Myrtle Wilson?

daisy is catholic & doesn't believe in divorce

whom is the person that gatsby is surprised to meet, and never believed existed until now?

daisy's daughter

What essential piece of advice did Nick's father give him?

"Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, remember that not all people in this world have had the advantages you've had."

What can you infer about Fitzgerald's motives for dressing Daisy in white and giving her a peculiar, little voice?

Because she is supposed to be seen as so special, she is given a unique way of talking, and because she is supposed to be so angelic, she is dressed in all white.

what sport event did meyer wolfsheim supposedly "fix"?

1919 world series

"she really ought to get away from him [...] They've been living over in that garage for eleven years. And tom's the first sweetie she ever had."


What differences exist between Daisy and Jordan?

Daisy seems to wish that she, too, was a "beautiful little fool." She feels like the victim in her life. Jordan is a professional athlete who is unmarried and seems to take care of herself more.

how does gatsby react when nick tells him "you cant repeat the past"?

disagrees & says "why of course you can!"

"can't repeat the past? Why, of course you can."


"If he'd of lived, he'd of been a great man. A man like James J. Hill. He's of helped build up the country."

Mr. Gatz

"I married him because I thought he was a gentleman. I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn't fit to lick my shoe."


What differences exist between Nick and Tom?

Nick is described as a man who listens to other people's problems and doesn't judge. Tom is described as a brute who is very aggressive and has affairs.

What is Nick's family's socio-economic background?

Nick's family comes from a line of prominent, well-to-do families in the Midwest for 3 generations

gatby met daisy several years before they meet each other again on long island. how long ago did they meet?

five years ago

How does Nick know Daisy?

They are cousins

can you tell why jordan and nick want to help gatsby get together with daisy?

for her happiness & want to meddle

Name one negative thing we learn about Tom in this chapter.

Tom bruised Daisy's hand (she calls him a "brute"); he believes white people are the "dominant race"; Tom is having an affair

What is the difference between West Egg (where Nick lives) and East Egg (where Tom and Daisy live)?

West Egg is less fashionable and expensive than East Egg

"I understand youre looking for a business connection."


Nick goes on a drive with Jordan Baker. according to nick, what kind of driver is Jordan?

a bad driver

What does Tom buy Myrtle in this chapter?

a dog

"somebody told me they thought he killed a man once."

a party guest

what does wilson find in myrtle's drawer?

an explosive dog collar

how do the police describe wilson?

as a mad man

why would gatsby " pick" Oxford as his alma mater?

as a status symbol

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