Great Gatsby worksheet questions

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why does Nick say Gatsby "couldnt possibly leave Daisy until he knew what she was going to do. he was clutching at some last hope and I couldnt bear to shake him free"

He didnt want to leave everything until he knew what Daisy was feeling. it was over but Nick could not tell him

what is nicks view of repeating the past

it cannot happen

In what context do Dr. Eckleberg's eyes appear in this chapter

Wilson believes his eyes are God's eyes and demand revenge

In ch 5, what stages does Gatsby go through as he waits for and then meets with Daisy

at first he is overjoyed and then nervous and then showed up at Nicks very late drenched in rain, thinking the meeting was a mistake, it is very awkward but once he is with Daisy, he cannot stop talking to her

what does Nick's dream of the el Greco figures represent

it is a dream of the carelessness of the east

what are your insights into Tom and Daisy Buchanan's marriage

loveless marriage, infidelity started early

Knowing Tom as we do, how can we account for his comment about being "old-fashioned" and "women running around too much these days to suit him" ?

he is arrogant and turning Myrtle into what he doesnt like

Why do you suppose that Tom decides to let Wilson finally have the car he has been promising him

he is giving up on Myrtle to secure things with Daisy

what might have attracted Daisy to Tom Buchanan

money, distracted her from Gatsby, stability

what phrase does Gatsby repeatedly use to call Nick

old sport

what were Gatsby's parties like

people came when they werent invited, enormous parties lasting til midnight, orchestra plays, people dancing everywhere, Gatsby never fails to impress

At this point, why does Gatsby tell everything to Nick

he is vulnerable

What does Gatsby tell Nick about his family background

he says he is the son of some wealthy people in the middle west who are all dead now from San Francisco

How can Wilson's actions at the end of this chapter be explained

he thought Gatsby was having the affair with Myrtle because he was driving the car that killed her

When Gatsby says that he cannot make Daisy understand, what is it that he wants her to understand

he wants her and he did everything for her

Nick pauses from the story near the end of CH 3. what does he want the reader to know and why

he wants the reader to know that he is starting to fit in and he is a normal person unlike everyone else he has seen

what does young Jimmy Gatz's daily schedule say about him

he wants to always improve himself

why does James Gatz change his name to Jay Gatsby

he wants to make a new name for himself that fits the idea of who he wants to be

What did Gatsby tell Nick about his military service

he was awarded the valour extraordinary as a lieutenant and showed it to Nick

why is the young Gatsby drawn to Daisy

hes drawn to everything about her, he views everything through its value and she was wealthy

Why does Gatsby not get the 25000 left him in Cody's will

his mistress would not let him have it

As always, there is a grain of truth in what Gatsby says. In what sense is he an Oxford man?

his wealth and power

What does Fitzgerald mean when he says "compared to the great distance" between Gatsby and Daisy

realistically Gatsby's dream of Daisy is very far away

in the last three paragraphs of the book, Nick makes the symbol of the green light very concrete. what does the green light symbolize

rich dreams that people have

what does the last sentence of the story mean: "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past"

rowing against the current but not moving forward (Gatsby's dream of trying to reverse the past)

What were Daisy's assets as an 18 year old

she had everything: looks, charm, and wealth

what does Gatsby understand about Daisy's voice that Nick does not

she is a woman of wealth

What is Daisy's reaction to this news

she is startled by this

What is Jordan Baker like

she is very dishonest and is described as having a hard, jaunty body and she likes to gossip/tell secrets

why does Daisy have a tough time saying, as Gatsby wishes, that she never loved Tom?

she loved him once and if she says it, its final

why does tom make the point to Wilson that he just drove the coupe from New York and the yellow car is not his

so he thinks it wasnt him driving the car because Wilson thinks the person driving the car is having the affair with Myrtle

to young gatz, what does Dan Cody's yacht represent

"all the glamour and beauty in the world"

How do people behave at Gatsby's parties

"conducted themselves to the rules of behavior of an amusement park"

What did Gatsby tell Nick about his activities after college

After college, "I lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe"

How does Daisy react to the meeting with Nick (and later Gatsby)?

Daisy is a little confused at first and emotional because she sees what she is missing out on, but she is pleased

why does this scene suggest ill for Gatsby

Daisy may be going back to Tom and nothing draws people together more than tragedy

what happened the evening before Daisy's wedding

Daisy received a letter from Gatsby

what does the reader learn that Tom does not know

Daisy was driving

referring to the aftermath of Dan Cody's death, at the end of the first part of ch 6, Nick says, "He (Gatsby) was left with his singularly appropriate education; the vague contour of Jay Gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man." Explain Nick's two points

Dan Cody gave him the "tips" to become wealthy since he did not have anything to become wealthy, started out with nothing

What does Nick mean by when he says, " even that afternoon Daisy tumbled short of his dream-not through her own fault"

Gatsby had built up this amazing dream of Daisy and once he finally got it, Daisy did not fulfill the huge dream he had imagined

How does Nick meet Gatsby and what do they discuss

Gatsby thought he looks familiar from the war. They discuss Gatsby's time in war.

When Nick asks Gatsby what business he is in, Gatsby responds, "That's my affair," before he realizes that it is not an appropriate reply. Why does Gatsby give that answer and why is it not appropriate?

He gave the answer because he did not want to talk about the way he gets his money and is trying to make the impression that he has a lot of money. It was inappropriate because he had just asked Nick what Nick does and Nick replied but Gatsby didnt

Who is Owl eyes and what does he notice about Gatsby's books?

He is a "stout, middle aged man, with enormous spectacles." He is very drunk but notices all the books are real.

What does Gatsby tell Nick about his education

He is an Oggsford man and he has a picture from there

why does Nick not mind that Jordan Baker is dishonest

He says dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply

Why does Gatsby throw all his shirts on the table

He shows he is wealthy now and he is not the poor boy Daisy left anymore

What does Nick mean when he says, "I realize now that under different cirumstances that conversation might have been one of the crises of my life. But because the offer was obviously and tactlessly for a service to be rendered, I had no choice except to cut him off there"?

He was offended by Gatsby because he was offering him money for going to the meeting with Jordan about Daisy. He did not want to be Gatsby's "puppet"

What is Nick's "cardinal virtue"

I am one of the few honest people I have ever known

while the reader can have easily predicted Daisy and Tom's reactions to his party, Gatsby cannot. Why not?

It is all he has ever known

as he is leaving, why does Nick say to Daisy, "They're a rotten crowd.... You're worth the whole damn bunch put together"?

It is the first time he has ever given Gatsby a compliment

What is the significance of the wreck at the end of Gatsby's party

It shows that the party goers are careless, and it shows the ongoing theme of transportation and going back to the past because a person leaving the party shouted out that putting the car in reverse could fix it

What is significant about Owl Eyes' discovery of Gatsby's books

Many of the party goers think Gatsby only cares about appearance, but since he reads he may not. It is the expectation that Gatsby is also empty like the party goers

What indication is there that Tom means quite a bit to Myrtle

Myrtle does not want to move to the west egg

WHy does Nick feel responsible for getting people to the funeral

Nick is the only friend Gatsby has left

is nick surprised that Daisy has not sent a message of flowers?


What does Fitzgerald mean when he says, "Now it was again a green light on a dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one"

Now that Gatsby has Daisy, she is not an enchanted object he wishes he could have anymore

Nick states that Gatsby's parties are alive with "casual innuendo and introductions forgotten on the spot, and enthusiastic meetings b/w women who never knew each other's names." What does this reveal about the party goers

People are there to be seen and make an appearance for themselves. Many of the party goers are random people who come because they hear about it.

Obviously, Daisy, with all her money, is not going to cry over some shirts; why does she cry?

She cries because she realized she left Gatsby because he was poor but hes not anymore and did all this for her

What happens at the close of Gatsby's party?

There is a wreck

How did Daisy react after Gatsby left for military service

They corresponded with each other but she failed to say goodbye to him before he went to war because her mom wouldnt let her because he was a poor boy

Throughout the story, Nick has criticized the west. At this point, what is it about the middle-west that he appreciates

They have good morals and that they moved because they could not handle the east because of the people

Two girls gossip with Jordan Baker. What rumor do they spread and why is this incident important?

They heard Gatsby killed a man. It shows not many people know anything about Gatsby.

in what cars do the five of them travel into the city

Tom drives Gatsbys and Gatsby drives Tom (kind of a competition)

who said "he wore a pink suit" talking about who

Tom talking about Gatsby

How has Gatsby gotten some of his money, and what does Tom say that startles Gatsby

Tom talks about "the guy" that he has illegally bootlegged from and its not what Gatsby wants Daisy to know him as

Why does Daisy say that Tom is "Revolting"

Tom's cheating was only physical and Daisy's cheating is for love

why does Nick not wait for the taxi inside the Buchanan's house

doesnt want anything to do with the Buchanans

in what way is Gatsby's uniform an "invisible cloak"

everyone in uniform looks the same

How is the behavior of the characters linked to the hottest day of the summer in ch 7

everyone is uncomfortable

give one word to describe Gatsby's parties

extravagant, lavish

When wilson disappears for three hours, where do you guess he might have gone

find out who Gatsby was/ who was driving the car or he could have found out from Tom

How does Fitzgerald prepare the reader for Gatsby's death

foreshadowing and death references

what is the cause of the problem between Jordan and Nick

he already associates her with the Buchanans

what indication is there that Tom really is fond of Myrtle

he cries

Why does Wolfsheim not come to the funeral

he didnt want to be involved in any deaths because of his dangerous job

what does TOm discover that unnerves him, and how does he discover it

he discovers Gatsby and Daisy are in love because they cannot stop looking at each other

What is the scene that Nick observes taking place between Tom and Daisy in the kitchen

talking about fixing the relationship/Gatsby looking from the outside (symbolic; always looking from the outside as usual)

what is nick's final feeling about Tom and Daisy

they are careless people

WHat is daisy's opinion of Gatsby's parties

they are too much

who are Gatsby's parents and what is he leaving when he leaves home at 16

they are unsuccessful farm people, he is leaving the poor boy he was at home

what seems to have been the relationship between Daisy and Lieutenant Gatsby

they dated

why does Gatsby call Nick old sport

to befriend Nick

Why do so many uninvited people attend Gatsby's parties?

to make an appearance

Besides Myrtle, what other eyes "keep their vigil"


what does Nick mean when he says, "If that was true {that Gatsby might have realized Daisy was not going to call} he must have felt that he had lost the old, warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream"?

wasted all of his life wanting Daisy

why is it important to Gatsby that Daisy say she never loved Tom, only him?

when she says it, she becomes apart of his universe trying to recreate the past without Tom

what is Gatsbys opinion of repeating the past

you can if you have wealth and power

why is Gatsby's opinion of repeating the past unrealistic

you cant just put the car in reverse (like the wreck at Gatsby's party)

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