Gross Final 1 (quiz questions)

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During a gross anatomy laboratory session, a professor demonstrates a large back muscle that inserts onto the floor of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus. Which of the following structures is most likely the vertebral origin of the muscle that the professor is demonstrating? A) Spinous processes of T7 to L5 B) Spinous processes of C7 to T12 C) Transverse processes of C1 to C4 D) Spinous processes of T2 to T5 E) Spinous processes of C7 and T1

A: spinous processes of T7 to L5

Last weekend, gaylord fell from a ladder, with his weight impacting on the heels of his feet. Radiographic examination reveals comminuted calcaneal fractures. After the injury the contraction of which one of the following muscles could most likely increase the pain in the injured foot? A: Gastrocnemius B: Tibialis anterior C: Peroneus Brevis D: Popliteus

A: Gastrocnemius

A 45 year old man is admitted to the hospital because of severe pain in the back and lower limb. Radiographic examination reveals spinal canal stenosis syndrome. Which of the following conditions is most likely to be confirmed by a MRI examination? A: Hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum B: Hypertrophy of supraspinous ligament C: hypertrophy of anterior longitudinal ligament D: Hypertrophy of nuchal ligament

A: Hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum

A 34 year old women crashes into a tree during a snowboard lesson and is brought to the hospital with muscle injuries to the dorsal primary rami of several spinal nerves. This damage will affect the function of which of the following muscles? A: Iliocostalis B: lavator scapulae C: Trapezius D: Rhomboid Major

A: Iliocostalis

A 65 year old man complains of severe back pain and the inability to move his left lower limb. Radiographic studies demonstrate compression of nerve elements at the intervertebral foramen between vertebrae L5 and S1. Which structure is most likely responsible for this space-occupying lesion? A: Nucleus Pulposus B: Anterior Longitudinal ligament C: Ligamentum flava D: anulus fibrosis

A: Nucleus Pulposus

If very tight, which one of the following muscles can cause serious pain and tingling down the leg because it can increase pressure on the sciatic nerve? A: Pyriformis B: Gemelli C: obturator internus D: gluteus minimus

A: Pyriformis

Racheals baby decided to arrive all at once. The baby presented in the breech position, and considerable traction was used during delivery. A drawing of the newborn is shown (Hand like a waiters hand). Which of the following structures was most likely damaged? A: Upper trunk of the brachial plexus B: ventral ramus of T1 C: Radial nerve D: lower trunk of the brachial plexus

A: Upper trunk of the brachial plexus

A 24 year old women received a small caliber bullet wound to the popliteal fossa from a drive-by assailant. The patient was admitted to the ER where the surgeons recognized that the bullet had severed the tibial nerve. Such an injury would most likely result in which of the following? A: a dorsiflexed and everted foot B: total inability to flex the leg at the knee joint C: a plantar flexed and inverted foot D: foot drop

A: a dorsiflexed and everted foot

During the assessment of a clients integumentary status the clinician notes "vitiligo present bilateral hands." Which analysis of this information is the most appropriate by the clinician? A: abnormal loss of. melanin in patches B: dark asymmetrical colored patches C: nodules with ulcerations D: grouped vesicles

A: abnormal loss of melanin patches

Harlan was trying to impress the new blonde from California. He paused in the hallway while talking to his buddy and flexed his arm slightly while simultaneously clenching his fist. She was rather grossed out because it caused the _______ on his arm to bulge out. A: cephalic vein B: brachial artery C: radial artery D: median cubital vein

A: cephalic vein

Loss of eversion and dorsiflexion of the foot, i.e. foot-drop, is the result of injury to: a. common peroneal nerve b. tibial nerve c. gastrocnemius d. plantaris

A: common perineal nerve

A 69 year old woman visits her physician due to severe neck pain. Radiographic studies reveal bony growths (Osteophytes) in the intervertebral foramen between vertebrae C2 and C3. Which of the following muscles would be most likely affected by this condition? A: Diaphragm B: Serratus Anterior C: Levator Scapulae D: Latissimus Dorsi

A: diaphragm

annette demostrates weakness in abduction and medial rotation of the thigh. which of the following muscles is likely damaged? A: gluteus minimus B: gluteus Maximus C: pyriformis D: Quadratus Femoris

A: gluteus minimus

A 20 yr-old man fell from the parallel bar during the olympics trail. A neurologic examination reveals that he has a lesion of the lateral cord of the brachial plexus. Which of the following muscles is most likely weakened by this injury? A: Pectoralis Major B: Teres Major C: Latissimus Dorsi D: Subscapularis

A: pectorals major

Dupuytren contracture refers to: A: shortening and thickening of the palmar fascia of the hand, resulting in partial flexion of the digits B: an abnormal spasticity in the flexor digitorum profundus tendons C: tightening of the flexor retinaculum that results in carpal tunnel syndrome D: a tightening of the anterior skin of the hand, resulting in reduced mobility and an increase depth in the skin creases

A: shortening and thickening of the palmar fascia of the hand, resulting in partial flexion of the digits

Which of the following statement concerning the thoracic cage is NOT true? A: there are 12 intercostal spaces and 12 intercostal nerves B: The space below the 12th rib is called the subcostal space C: the costal groove paralleling the inferior border of the rib contains the intercostal nerves and vessels D: true ribs are also called vertebrosternal ribs

A: there are 12 intercostal spaces and 12 intercostal nerves

What characteristics do the following muscles have in common? Gracilis, semitendinosus, semimembranous, Popliteus, sartorius A: they can all medially rotate the knee B: they all help move the hip joint C: they all originate from the ischial tuberosity D: they are all innervated by the sciatic nerve

A: they can all medially rotate the knee

Which of the following regions of the spinal cord follows typical segmenting without mixing roots? A: Thoracic B: :Lumbar C: Cervical D: Sacral

A: thoracic

The nerve to the posterior compartment of the leg is which of the following? A: Tibial B: Common Peroneal C: Obturator D: Femoral

A: tibial

The denticulate ligaments _______.

Anchor the spinal cord to the dural sac

While waiting in his car at a stop sign, a 28 year old man was rear ended by a van, resulting in neck hyperextension. He was admitted to the ER and a whiplash was diagnosed. the next day his neck was stiff and painful. Which structure was most likely damaged to cause the pain?

Anterior longitudinal ligament

The most widely distributed type of sweat gland on the body is the _____ sweat gland.


Inferior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint may lead to a loss of external or lateral rotation due to the loss of which nerve?


The contents of the axillary sheath include:

Axillary vein, artery and the brachial plexus

Which of the following wound NOT be associated with a complete section of the ulnar nerve at the wrist? A: Clawhand B:inability to flex MCP while extending IP joints of the 2nd digit C: loss of all sensation on the palmar aspect of the little finger D: inability to abduct the little finger

B: inability to flex MCP while extending IP joints of the 2nd finger

Adolescents in vigorous athletic activities such as soccer are susceptible to avulsion fractures involving the hamstring's origin from the: a. ischial spine b. ischial tuberosity c. pubic symphysis d. anterior inferior iliac spine

B: ischial tuberosity

Which of the following would NOT be associated with a complete section of the median nerve at the elbow? A: Loss of sensation on the lateral aspect of the palmar surface of the hand B: Loss of ability to adduct the thumb C: inability to flex both the PIP and DIP joints of digits 2 and 3 D: greatly weakened pronation

B: loss of ability to adduct the thumb

A 54 year old female marathon runner presents with pain in there right wrist that resulted when she fell on her outstretched hand. Radiographic studies indicate an anterior dislocation of a carpal bone. Which of the following bones is most likely dislocated? A: Trapezoid B: Lunate C: Scaphoid D: Pisform

B: lunate

Radiographs of a 12-year-old girl with midback pain reveal a hemivertebra of the lower thoracic spine. Which additional finding would most likely be demonstrated on the radiographs? A) Osteoporosis B) Scoliosis C) Hyperlordosis D) Spondylolisthesis E) Sacralization

B: scoliosis

The only point of articulation between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is at the: A: coracoid process of the scapula B: sternal end of the clavicle C: acromion end of scapula D: acromion end of clavicle

B: sternal end of clavicle

Which of the following covers the external surface of the lungs? A: pleural pericardium B: visceral pleura C: pleurisy D: Parietal pleura

B: visceral pleura

Which is the correct order of structures in the cubital fossa from lateral to medial?

Biceps Tendon, brachial artery, median nerve

The radial and ulnar veins fuse to form the ____ vein?


The cords of the brachial plexus are named for their relationship to which artery?

Brachial Artery

Muscles that flex the elbow include:

Brachioradialis, pronator Teres, brachialis

Dr. Kincaid stares at his first ER patient, a young man who was jaywalking and was hit by a truck. He notes that the patients chest is moving INWARD during inspiration and OUTWARD during expiration. What is this injury called and what is it caused by?

Flail Chest; multiple rib fractures

The flexor digitorum superficialis functions in:

Flexion of the wrist and middle phalanges

The palmar interossei, dorsal interossei, and lumbricals together can produce _____ at the MCP joints and _____ at the IP joints.

Flexion, Extension

The primary flexor of the PIP joint of the fingers is the ____.

Flexor digitorum superficialis

A postitive trendelenburge sign indicates weakness of which muscle?

Gluteus medius

What are the three main components of connective tissue?

Ground substance, fibers, and cells

Gracie H. a 61 year old women comes in complaining of pain and says that she has the measles and it hurts like the dickens. Upon examination you see a single strip of skin across her side and back that has a raised vesicles. What would your first question be?

Have you ever had the chicken pox?

a condition in which a person is missing a large anterior axio-appendicular muscles and also has some abnormalities is known as _____ syndrome.


Which muscle unscrews a locked knee, which initiates flexion?


What nerve is an extension of the deep branch of the radial nerve after it emerges distal to the supinator? It is responsible for innervation of several muscles in the extensor compartment of the posterior aspect of the forearm, including extension of the MCP joints.

Posterior interosseous nerve

A brachial plexus in which the most cranial nerve fibers arise from C4 is referred to as a ______ plexus.


The _____ carry (carries) oxygen rich blood between the lungs and heart.

Pulmonary veins

Posterior upper limb muscles are innervated by the ____?

Radial Nerve

Stephanies 12yo daughter watched too many horror flicks over halloween and has been having bad dreams. She fell asleep curled up by her mom, her head resting on Stephanie's arm. When Stephanie awoke in the morning, she was unable to extend her wrist or fingers. Movements of her shoulder joint appeared normal. Which nerve most likely compressed, producing the symptoms?

Radial nerve

Which terminal branches of the brachial plexus receive input from the spinal roots C8 and T1?

Radial, Ulnar and median

The client is visiting the healthcares providers office with complaints of discoloration of her hands. The client states "My fingertips turn whitish and then later get really red." Which disorder does the nurse anticipate the client will be diagnosed with?

Raynauds Disease

A 41 yo executive sees her physician because of a chronic spasm of the scalene muscles. They physician tells her that she has thoracic outlet syndrome. The scalene muscle spasms are affecting which region of the brachial plexus?


Spinal nerves exiting the cord from the level of L4 to S4 form the ________.

Sacral plexus

Facets in the most of the lumbar region are generally oriented in the ___ plane to increase flexion.


The lumbar and cervical curves of the VC are called ____curves.


Injection of a tumor in the breast tissue will lead to late in a lymph node. This node will be designated a(n) _____ node.


A maternal serum sample with high alpha-fetoprotein alerted the obstetrician to a possible neural 10 defect. Ultrasound diagnosis revealed a myelomeningocele protruding form the back of the child. Which is the most likely diagnosis?

Spina Bifida cystica

A 53 year old is admitted to the ER due to severe back pain. MRI examination reveals an anterior dislocation of the body of the L5 vertebra upon the sacrum. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Fractures of the clavicle result in an upward displacement of the proximal fragment due to the acton of which muscle?


Name the five layers of epidermis. (External to internal) Which layer is found only in thick skin?

Stratum Corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, Stratum spinosum, stratum basale Stratum lucidum

A needle used in a spinal tap must be inserted until its tip is in the

Subarachnoid space

The joint between the costal cartilage of the first rib and the lateral borders of the manubrium is classified as a ____ joint.


The principal nerve root to supply the motor muscles of the palm is ______.


Sensory receptors: Light touch: Deep pressure or vibration

Tactile corpuscles Lamellated corpuscles

Edema in which of the following structures could NOT cause compression of the median nerve, and the ensuing effects of carpal tunnel syndrome, because it does not pass through the flexor retinaculum? a)Tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus B) Tendon of the flexor pollicis longus C) tendons of flexor digitorum superficiale D) Tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle

Tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle

Which stretch reflex is the most appropriate to test when attempting to diagnose damage to the radial nerve? A) the knee jerk B) the ankle jerk C) the biceps tendon jerk D) the brachioradialis tendon jerk E) the triceps jerk

The Triceps jerk

Administration of caudal epidural anesthesia uses what landmark to locate the proper injection site?

The corneal of the sacral hiatus

A burn that affects the epidermis and dermis and extends into the subcutaneous tissue, is ___ degrees.


A patient exhibits a lack of medial adduction and rotation as well as extension of the humerus. Which nerve may be damaged?


A 62-year-old man is admitted to the ER. Radiologic examination and the available data indicate the likelihood of a transient ischemic attack. During physical examination the calcaneal or ankle jerk reflex is absent. What nerve is most likely to be responsible for the reflex arc?


A 10 year old girl is admitted to the ER after falling from a tree in which she was playing with her friends. Radiographic and physical examination reveal osgood-schlatter disease. Which bone structure is chiefly affected?

Tibial tuberosity

A construction worker is hit on the leg with a concrete block and is subsequently unable to plantar flex and invert his foot. Which muscle is likely damaged?

Tibialis posterior

The _____ muscles have a weak expiratory function and are a continuation of the innermost abdominal muscle.

Transverse thoracis

The muscle that extends the arm while doing push-ups is the

Triceps brachii

You are assisting in the emergency room when the attending physician examines a patient after an elbow injury. the physician holds the PIP joint of the little finger and asks the patient to flex the distal phalanx. this procedure tests the functionality of what nerve?


The skin over the dorsal of the hand (not the digits) is supplied by branches of which two nerves?

Ulnar and superficial radial

____ are fine like hairs that lack pigment and cover much of the body surface

Vellus Hairs

Small tendinous structures that attach ligament of flexor digitorum profundum to the middle and distal phalanges are called ___?


Lumbar spinal stenosis refers to-

a narrowing of the vertebral (spinal) canal in one or more of the lumbar vertebrae

You examine a baseball pitcher who complains of weakened elbow flexion and has a rounded soft protuberance on the anterior surface of the distal part of his arm. Your most likely diagnosis is:

a ruptured long head of the biceps tendon

Milk production is an example of what types of secretion?


the occipital condyles of the skull articulate with the ____.


After passing the first rib, the subclavian artery becomes the ________ artery.


The muscle that allows the thumb to be drawn across the palm to touch the tip of any finger is the ______.

Opponens pollicis

The squamous suture is the boundary between which bones?

Parietal and temporal

a bony portion of the nasal septum is formed by the

Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and vomer bone

Muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg act to _____ the digits of the foot.


The disease osteomalacia causes calcium loss from the skeleton, which would result in bones that are

weaker and more flexible

The term "Shin splints" refers to pain associated with which group of muscles in the anterior compartment of the lower leg?

Extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus, Tibialis anterior

The pediatric nurse conducts a follow up phone call for a mother who as discharged with her newborn several days ago. The mother tells the nurse that she thinks her newborn is jaundice. Which question by the nurse will help support the mothers statement?

"Does your baby's skin an mucous have a yellowish color?"

The following stages in the regeneration of skin following an injury 1. Blood clot/scab formation 2. Epidermis covers scar tissue 3. Cellular migration 4. epidermis covers granulation tissue

1, 3, 2, 4

As Carl assesses his pregnant client, the client states that she sometimes feels like she has difficulty breathing. The client has reached the 36th week of her pregnancy . What can be the reason for this symptom.

Fetus is pushing the diaphragm upwards

Joe is playing in an intramural football game when he is tackled so hard that he breaks a rib. He can actually feel a piece of the rib sticking through the skin, and he is having a difficult time breathing. Joe probably is suffering from

A peumothorax

The ventral root of a spinal nerve transmits _____ information _____ the spinal cord. A: Sensory, Towards B: Sensory, Away C: Motor, towards D: Motor, Away

D: Motor, away

A 17 year old boy is injured in an automobile accident. He has a fracture of the shaft to the humerus. Which of the following nerves is most likely damaged? A: Ulnar B: Musculocutaneous C: Axillary D: Radial

D: Radial

The origins of the extrinsic muscles of the hand are the A) carpals and metacarpals. B) humerus, radius, and ulna. C) scapula and humerus. D) ulna and radius. E) flexor retinaculum.

B: Humerus, radius and ulna

Which one of the following muscles is NOT active in the motion dorsiflexion at the ankle? A: Tibialis anterior B: Plantaris C: flexor hallicus longus D: flexor digitorum longus

B: Plantaris

Following damage to the radial nerve, supination is still possible due to action of which muscle? A: brachoradialis B: Biceps Brachii C: triceps Brachii D: Anconeus

B: biceps Brachii

Following several days of 12 hour daily rehearsals of the orchestra for a performance of a Wagerian opera, the 52 yo male conductor experienced such excruciating pain in the posterior aspect of his right forearm that he could no longer conduct. When the maestros forearm was palpated 2cm distal and posteromedial to the lateral epicondyle, the resulting pain caused him to grimace. Injections of steroids and rest were recommended to ease the pain. Which of the following injuries is most likely? A: compression of the ulnar nerve by the flexor carpi ulnaris B: compression of the deep radial nerve by the supinator C: compression fo the superficial radial nerve by the brachoradialis D: compression of the median nerve by the flexor digitorum superficialis

B: compression of the deep radial nerve by the supinator

Carly falls to the floor and hurts herself during a dance practice session before opening night. She sustains an injury to the thoracodorsal nerve that would probably affect the strength in which movement? A: abduction of arm B: extension of arm C: lateral rotation of arm D: elevation of scapula

B: extension of arm

What spinal nerve root contribute to the formation of the Median nerve?

C5, C6, C7, C8, T1

The middle trunk of the brachial plexus is formed by anterior rami of which spinal cord segments?


During a shoulder separation injury, which of the following structures is most likely to be damaged? A: Glenohumeral B: Sternoclavicular lig C: Acromioclavicular D: coracoacromial

C: Acromioclavicular

Which association is NOT correct? A: Elbow-Hinge B: IP joint- Hinge C: MCP joints: Planar D: Trapezium and metacarpal 1: Saddle

C: MCP joint: Planar

Considering the atlantoaxial joint, which of the following is true? A: the greatest motion is flexion B: The least motion is rotation C: the greatest motion is rotation D: None of the above is true

C: The greatest motion is rotation

A 21-year-old man injures his right arm in an automobile accident. Radiographic examination reveals a fracture of the medial epicondyle of the humerus. Which of the following nerves is most likely injured as a result of the accident? A: Radial B: Axillary C: Ulnar D: Musculocutaneous

C: Ulnar

The proximal radio-ulnar joint is stabilized by which of following that anchors the head of the radius to the radial notch of the ulna? A: tendon of biceps brachii B: Deltoid ligament C: Annular ligament D: lateral collateral ligament

C: annular ligament

Which of the following statements best describes interstitial growth? A: fibroblasts give rise to chondrocytes that differentiate and form cartilage B: unspecialized cells from mesenchyme develop into chondrocytes, which divide and form cartilage C: chondrocytes in the lacunae divide and secrete matrix, allowing the cartilage to grow from within D: growth occurs in the lining of the long bones

C: chondrocytes in the lacunae divide and secrete matrix, allowing the cartilage to grow from within

the deep intrinsic muscles of the back are innervated by which one of the following groups of spinal nerves? A: Dorsal roots. B: Ventral roots C: dorsal Rami D: ventral rami

C: dorsal rami

A 42 year old women complains of pain and stiffness in her neck. She was injured sliding into second base headfirst during her company's softball game. Radiographs reveal no fractures of her spine. However, upon physical examination, her right shoulder is drooping and she has difficulty in elevating that shoulder. If you ordered an MRI, it would most likely reveal soft tissue damage involving which of the following nerves? A: thoracodorsal B: spinal accessory C: dorsal scapular D: greater occipital

C: dorsal scapular

Which of the following associations is incorrect? A: Diaphragm: primary muscle of respiration B: Serratus posterior superior: potentially can elevate superior ribs C: External intercostal muscles: attach to the sternum D: Intercostal vessels and nerve : travel between internal and innermost intercostals muscles

C: external intercostal muscles: attach to sternum

The cervicoaxiallary canal ____ A: forms the base of the axilla B: conducts the subclavian artery C: is bounded by the first rib, clavicle and superior edge of the scapula D: Leads to the quadrangular space

C: is bounded by the first rib, clavicle and superior edge of the scapula

Pregnancy can cause which of the following abnormal curvatures of the back? A: scoliosis B: kyphosis C: lordosis D: all are correct

C: lordosis

A 16 yr old boy fell from a motorcycle and his radial nerve was severely damaged because of a fracture of the mid shaft of the humerus. Which of the following conditions would most likely result from this accident? A: Weakness in pronating the forearm B: Inability to abduct the finger C: loss of wrist extension leading to wrist drop D: Sensory loss over the ventral aspect of the base of the thumb

C: loss of wrist extension leading to wrist drop

Archie fell from a cliff when he was hiking in the mountains. He broke his fall by grasping a tree branch, but he suffered injury to the C8 to T1 spinal nerve ventral rami. Sensory tests would thereafter confirm the nature of his neurologic injury by the sensory loss in the part of the limb supplied by which nerve? A: median nerve B: lateral brachial cutaneous nerve C: medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve D: musculocutaneous nerve

C: medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve

The tectorial membrane is continuous with which of the following? A: anterior longitudinal ligament B: ligamentum flavum C: posterior longitudinal ligament D: dura mater

C: posterior longitudinal ligament

A man is brought to the ER after a stack of laundry detergent fell on him at work. His second cervical vertebra is crushed. Which of the following structures will be intact? A: Alar Ligament B: Semispinalis cervicis C: Rectus capitis posterior minor D: Obliquus captifs inferior

C: rectus Capitis posterior minor

A male firefighter is admitted to the hospital after blunt trauma to his right axilla. Examination reveals winging of the scapula and a partial paralysis of the right diaphragm. Which of the following regions of the brachial plexus has been injured? A: divisions B: trunks C: Roots (Ventral rami) D: cords

C: roots (Ventral Rami)

Which nerve is derived from the dorsal rams of C1 and contains primarily efferent fibers? A: greater occipital nerve B: Lesser occipital nerve C: Suboccipital nerve D: Third occipital nerve

C: suboccipital nerve

A 20 year old male hiker suffers a deep puncture wound during a fall. Physical examination reveals a lesion between the trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles on the right lateral side of his back. Upon admission to the hospital, physical examination reveals weak adduction and medial rotation of his arm. Which of the following muscles is most likely injured? A: trapezius B: infraspinatus C: teres major D: supraspinatus

C: teres Major

A patient has a torn rotator cuff of the shoulder joint as the result of an automobile accident. Which of the following muscle tendons is intact and has normal function? (A) Supraspinatus (B) Subscapularis (C) Teres major (D) Teres minor (E) Infraspinatus

C: teres Major

Spinal nerves extending distal to the conus medullaris are collectively referred to as:

Cauda equina

The planar joints between the heads of the ribs and the corresponding and supradjacent vertebral bodies are called ____

Costovertebral joints

The partial, temporal, frontal and occipital bones are part of the


Mary is 50 years old and has entered menopause. During a checkup, a bone scan reveals the beginnings of osteoporosis. Her physician suggests hormone therapy. What hormone might she prescribe for her patient? A: Vit. D B: Vit. C C: dairy products D: calcium supplements E: all are correct

E: all are correct

the therapist is examining a client who is diagnosed with a fracture of one floating rib. Of the following ribs, which does the therapist suspect to be fractured? A: 1 B: 5 C: 9 D: 12

D: 12

A 25 year old male body builder complains of difficulty moving his right shoulder for the past two weeks. Upon physical examination the muscles of the left upper back and shoulder were notably larger than the right side. There was a notable decrease in muscle power on his right sided upper back and shoulder muscles when he was asked to pull the shoulder blades towards the middle of the back against resistance. Nerve conduction examination confirmed neurapraxia (decreased conduction) in the nerves supplying the rhomboid major and minor muscles. In which of the following functions will the bodybuilder most likely also demonstrate weakness? A: Abduction of the right arm from 0 to 15 degrees B: Extensions, adduction, and medial rotation of the right arm C: Abduction of the right arm above the horizontal level and protraction of the scapula D: Elevation of the scapula and inferior rotation of the right shoulder

D: Elevation of the scapula and inferior rotation of rat right shoulder

A 45 yo man is admitted to the hospital after accidentally walking through a plate glass door in a bar while intoxicated. Physical examination shows multiple lacerations to the upper limb, with inability to flex the DIP joints and the four and fifth digits. Which of the following muscles is most likely affected? A: interossie B: lumbricals C: flexor digitorum superficialis D: flexor digitorum profundus

D: Flexor digitorum profundus

Functional components found in the terminal branches of the brachial plexus include: A: GSE fibers only B: GSE and GVA fibers C: GSA fibers only D: GSE, GSA, GVE fibers

D: GSE, GSA, and GVE fibers

Vitamin D3 formed within the skin has all of these effects on other organ systems, except that it A: is essential for absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the digestive system B: Functions as a precursor for the hormone calcitriol in the endocrine system. C: is essential for bone maintenance D: a thickened stratum basale in the area of the injury E: increased number of fibroblasts in the injured area

D: a thickened stratum basale in the area of the injury

The large soft spot on the top of an infants head: A: is one of several fontanels in an infants skull B: occurs where the partial and frontal bones have not yet grown together C: is covered in fibrous connective tissue D: all is correct

D: all is correct

The iliotibial band ______. A: Inserts on gerdy tubercle B: resists laterally bending of the femur C: is inserted upon by the tensor fascia latae D: all of the above

D: all of the above

The papillary layer of the dermis: a: contains capillaries and sensory neurons B: has dermal papillae that protect between the epidermal ridges C: consists of loose connective tissue D: all of the above

D: all of the above

The police bring in a murder suspect who has been in a gunfight with a police officer. The suspect was struck by a bullet in the arm; his median nerve has been damaged. Which of the following symptoms is likely produced by this nerve damage? (A) Waiter's tip hand (B) Claw hand (C) Wrist drop (D) Ape hand (E) Flattening of the hypothenar eminence

D: ape hand

One of the sequelae of carpal tunnel compression may be A: atrophy of the hypothenar muscles B: inability to adduct the thumb C: loss of sensation on the 4th and fifth digits D: atrophy of the thenar muscles

D: atrophy of the thenar muscles

Problems with proper growth of the skull can be caused by A: ossification of the bony processes that form the temporomandibular joint B: retarded ossification of the fontanels C: expansion of the brain D: early closure of the sagittal and coronal sutures

D: early closure of the sagittal and coronal sutures

A 21 yo female softball pitcher is examined in the ER after she was struck in the arm by a line drive. Plain radiographic and MRI studies show soft tissue injury to the region of the spiral groove. With Trauma to the radial nerve. which of the following muscles would be intact after the injury? A: extensor carpi radialis longus B: extensor indicis C: brachioradialis D: flexor carpi ulnaris

D: flexor carpi ulnaris

which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the vertebral artery? A: it transverses the transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae. B: if partially occluded, it can cause dizziness upon turning the head C: It transverses the sub occipital triangle D: It transverses a groove on the posterior arch of the atlas E: it only has branches that supply the brain

D: it transverses a groove on the poster arch of the atlas

The largest of the paranasal sinuses is located within which of the following bones? A: Frontal B: sphenoid C: ethmoid D: maxillae

D: maxillae

the primary adductors of the shoulder include which of the following muscles? A: sub scapular B: axillary C: dorsal scapular D: suprascapular

D: suprascapular

Given the various regions and the transitional segments of the VC, which of the following is the most stable with regards to intersegmental involvement? A: Cervical B: Thoracolumbar transition C: Lumbar D: Thoracic

D: thoracic

During the preparation of an evening meal a female PT student dropped a sharp, slender kitchen knife. The blade pieced the first web space of her foot, resulting in numbness along adjacent sides of the first and second toes. Which nerve was most likely injured?

Deep Peroneal

Darrly fell off the back of his pickup when his hound dog Charlie bumped into him. X-rays revealed that he broke his hamate and pisiform bones. which of the following nerves is most likely injured? A: Reccurent Median B: Radial C: Anterior Interosseous D: Deep Ulnar

Deep Ulnar

The Pia mater is connected to the dura mater to anchor the spinal cord in place at structures called _____.

Denticulate ligaments

Increase the area of basement membrane Strengthen attachment between epidermis and dermis

Dermal Papillae

Inflammation of the papillary layer, Caused by infection, radiation, mechanical irritation or chemical Characterized by Itch or pain


Sensory input and motor innervation of the deep back muscles is supplied by the ____.

Dorsal rami of spinal nerves

In severe intractable pain, a rhizotomy may be preformed. In this procedure, the surgeon will cut the entire group of axons relaying pain (As well as other sensations) at a particular spinal level. What structure is ablated?

Dorsal roots of a spinal nerve

Respiratory muscles that become active when the depth and frequency of respiration must be increased markedly include the ______. A: sternocleidomastoid, serratus anterior and scalenes B: external and internal interocostals C: diaphragm D: Transversus throacis, abdominal obliques and rectus abdominis E: all of the above are correct

E: all of the above are correct

The obstructive lung disease in which elastic fibers are lost, leading to collapse of alveoli and bronchioles, is called


Your great uncle suffered a right posterior hip dislocation. He motions you over at a family dinner and complains that he can no longer climb stairs or rise unaided from a chair. When you examine his movement, you notice that he leans his trunk posteriorly when his right heel hits the ground. What nerve is most probably damaged?

Inferior gluteal

A 22 year old man is thrown through a plate glass wall in a fight. Radiographic examination reveals that the lateral border of his right scapula is shattered. He is admitted to the ER and physical examination reveals difficulty laterally rotating his arm. Which muscle is probably injured?


Major branches of the subclavian artery include the ______ artery(ies).

Internal thoracic

The therapist is performing a skin assessment on an African American client and notes an elevated, irregular band go jagged tissue on the clients left arm. Its been there for a while and keeps getting bigger. What term would be used to describe this finding?


the vertebral arch is formed by the pedicles and the ____.


Unilateral contraction of the erector spinal muscle group results in which motion (S) of the VC?

Lateral flexion

Winging or the scapula is most likely due to damage of which nerve?

Long thoracic nerve

In this region of the vertebral column, flexion, extension, and lateral rotation are permitted but not rotation:


Avulsion of the extensor digitorum longus tendon from the distal phalanx can result in _____.

Mallet fiinger

Which action does the pectorals major perform?

Medial rotation and flexion of the arm at the glenohumeral joint

Allie is experiencing severe pain and weakness on pronation of her dominant hand. Sensory testing reveals a loss of sensation on the palmar surface of the thumb and the first and second digits. Which of the following nerves is most likely compressed? A: Median B: Deep Ulnar C: Posterior interosseous D: Radial


The medial brachail cutaneous nerve and the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve arise from the ____. A: lateral cord B: posterior cord C: median cord D: median nerve

Median Cord

An 18 year old man is brought to the ER after injury while playing rugby. Imaging reveals a transverse fracture of the humerus about 1 inch proximal to the epicondyles. Which nerve is most frequently injured by the jagged edges of the broken bone at this location?

Median Nerve

Cells in the stratum basale that are used as sensory receptors are called ___

Merkel Cells

Which muscles arise from the sacrum, ilium, and transverse processes and insert on spinous processes? They are innervated by dorsal rami of spinal nerves and are best developed in the lumbar region.


Muscles that extend the elbow are attached to the ____.


Gesturing "no" with the head depends on the structure(s) of which cervical vertebrae?

both the atlas and axis

A surgical incision parallel to the lines of cleavage____

closes and heals with little to no scaring

When the body is erect, pleural exudate can collect in the region:

costodiaphragmatic recess

The physical mechanism responsible for blushing is ______

dilation of superficial blood vessels

Folds of the dermis that cause fingerprints are called

epidermal ridges

The glenoid labrum is a:

fibrocartilage that increases the depth of the glenoid cavity

What does contraction of the diaphragm cause?

increase in the volume of the thoracic cavity and therefore a decrease in intra-alveolar pressure

Scar tissue is the result of

large numbers of collagen fibers and relatively few blood vessels in the injured area.

Wrinkles in elderly individuals are the result of

loss of elastic filaments in the reticular layer of the dermis.

A nerve that carries sensory information from the teeth and gums of the lower jaw passes through the

mandibular foramen

a cleft palate is malformation of which bone?


Daneil received a knife wound in the forearm that damaged a nerve. When asked to make a fist, his second and third digit do not flex inward and remain extended. *The hand of Benediction*. What Nerve has been damaged and at which location?

median nerve at elbow

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium ciliated variety line _____.

most of the respiratory tract

The single most important risk for skin cancer is ________

overexposure to UV radiation

low level calcium ion in the blood stimulate the secretion of the hormone

parathyroid hormone

A radiograph of a patient following a knife wound to the left side of his neck showed elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, narrowing of the left intercostals spaces and displacement of the trachea to the left. You suspect :

pneumothorax due to knife penetration of the cervical pleura

The _____ is located deep between the distal ends of the radius and ulna.

pronator quadratus

The iliac crest is the origin of the

quadratus lumborum

The process of normal tissue repair is called ____.


A 22 year old women sustained a chest injury upon impact with the steering wheel during a car crash. Upon admission of the patient to the hospital, physical examination revealed profuse swelling, inflammation and deformation of the chest wall. A radiograph revealed an uncommon fracture of the sternum at the manubriosternal joint. Which ribs would most likely also be involved in such an injury?


"Wrist-Drop" is associated with:

section of the radial nerve at the mid-humeral level

What becomes more abundant deeper into the conducting zone (From brachii to bronchioles) and is innervated by the autonomic nervous system?

smooth muscle

Which bone contains the foramen ovale?


A 1 year old girl is brought to the clinic for a checkup. The child appears normal except for a dimpling of the skin in the midline of the lumbar region with a tuff of hair growing over the dimple. What is the relatively common condition that results from incomplete embryologic development?

spina bifida occulta

Why is the skin capable of repair, even after serious damage?

stem cells persist in both the epidermis and dermis

Injections made under the skin are called

subcutaneous injections

scapulohumeral rhythm refers to ___.

the relationship between movements at the glenohumeral and scapulothoracic "joints" during humeral abduction.

the temporomandibular joint is

the site of the articulation between the cranium and the mandible

How do hormones regulate the pattern of bone growth?

they change the rates of osteoblast and osteoclast activity

a type of intercellular connection in which the outermost lipid portions of the two cell membranes is fused is termed a

tight junction

Ribs 1-10 articulate with the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae and the:

transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae

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