Group & Team Quiz 2: Chp 3,16, 17

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Reward programs for Process (or work) team

-salary-based compensation -skill based pay -individual, team, and organizational rewards

Reward programs for parallel team

-team recognition awards -organizational rewards

Reward programs for a project team

-team recognition awards -team organizational rewards

Stages of Team Development

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning are the ______

INFLATION - causes people to rate others higher for fear of creating conflict. RECIPROCITY - people feel obligated to give positive scores because they got positive scores. HALO EFFECT - success gained by a team, failure cause by individuals

How do biases such as the team halo effect influence the evaluation process?

PARALLEL team - [team rec awards, organizational awards] for problem solving and improvement, temporary and partial commitment, so rewards are hard to do because they have mixed commitments to other main job and this team. PROCESS or WORK team - [salary,

How does the best type of reward program relate to the type of team?

Can create conflict and lead to dissatisfaction, but ideally it provides feedback for teams to improve processes and identify problems.

How does the performance evaluation system affect teamwork?

hidden agendas

Problems can arise from ______, which are unspoken individual goals that conflict with overall team goals.


Team _______ programs are used to develop the task-related skills of team members, increase awareness of the roles in the team, and provide skills to improve performance.


Team ______are the ground rules that define appropriate and inappropriate behavior in a team

Action Learning

The __________ approach is based on the belief that most learning occurs when people are dealing directly with real-life issues.


The act of developing a ______ helps the team identify and resolve conflicts and misunderstandings.


The group _________ process describes the changing relationship between a team and its members.

parallel team, process or work team, and project team

The three types of teams are...

interpersonal process skills

Types of team building programs include: goal setting, role clarification, cohesion building, problem solving and ______

team members can accurately evaluate a team member's role in the team, gets feedback from multiple sources

What are the advantages of using multi-rater performance evaluations?

Captures both team and organizational goals, measures should relate to stuff that the team has the ability to influence, measures should be quantifiable and not vague, should include team members in development of behavioral scales.

What are the characteristics of a good team performance evaluation system?

Temporary and partial commitment

What are the characteristics of a parallel team?

permanent and full commitment

What are the characteristics of a process or work team

temporary and full commitment

What are the characteristics of a project team

INDIVIDUAL - motivate high performers but discourages cooperation and teamwork. TEAM - motivates teamwork, may cause social loafing, and usually reduces motivation of high performers

What are the good and bad of individual vs team rewards?

INDIVIDUAL - rewards based on job description, which has salary range attached to it so base pay and skill based pay are the main ones. TEAM - should be large enough to notice a difference in pay, about 10% of salary, rewards should be split equally among

What are the main types of individual, team, and organizational rewards that are useful for teams?

Pay is a communication device to tell employees what is important and pay is usually based on individual performance

Why do organizations need to change their reward systems to support teamwork?


_______ building tries to create a team identity and improve social relations among team members.

Team building

________is described as the action or process of causing a group of people to work together effectively as a team especially by means of activities and events designed to increase motivation and promote cooperation.

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