Group Dynamics Midterm (quiz 7)
Types of contracts do not usually include
The member and his or her family
If the worker has been successful in a previous group that focused on similar concerns,
The worker can mention this success
An opening exercise where members are asked to write down one thing about themselves that they would not usually reveal to new acquaintances is called
Top secret
In an opening exercise known as ________, members are asked to write down one thing about themselves that they have not or would not ordinarily reveal to new acquaintances.
Top secret
An opening exercise that requires members to find out two or three facts about each of the other group members is called
Treasure Hunt
The opportunity for members to share common concerns and issues with one another and realize that they are not alone with their problems is a phenomenon called
Agendas for task groups often include columns indicating if the item on the agenda is for
Members' motivation in the group is not usually affected by
Whether members have a friend in the group
In the agenda for a task group, reports from standing committees usually occur before
Work in new agenda items
When helping members to feel that they are a part of the group they should not
answer is confusing, he has it as: Protect members by correcting misinformation
An exercise that can help uncover ambivalence is
A force field analysis
Assessing readiness to change does not include
Addressing ambivalence and resistance early in the group does not usually include
Confronting members
Discussion of emotionally charged issues should be
Discouraged in the beginning of the group
Anticipating obstacles does not usually include
Facilitating a discussion of strengths
In the beginning of a therapy group, communication is usually
Helping the group to define a purpose does not include
Having members discuss the purpose while the leader excuses himself or herself from the discussion
Promoting prosocial behaviors does not include
Ignoring the behaviors and moving on to others who display prosocial behaviors
Discussing confidentiality is particularly important
In residential settings
Objectives in beginning the group do not include
Introducing intervention strategies
In working with a previously formed group, the new worker should not
Learn from the group instead of records or the previous worker
Factors affecting members' goals do not include
Members' assessment of their families' strengths
An opening exercise that requires members to disclose something about themselves or their family of origin is called
My name
In the group opening exercise known as ________, members volunteer to discuss their problems or concerns openly before the group.
Problem swapping
A group procedure in which members take turns speaking is called
Round robin