GWS 103

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the follicles in the (1) begin to mature because of the FSH and LH secreted by the (2). In the ovarian cycle this phase is called the (3). the follicles produce increasing levels of (4). the most matured follicle is called the mature Graafian follicle which will be the follicle that will ovulate. ovulation is triggered by a spike in the pituitary hormone (5) as a result of a surge in (6) in the ovaries. the ruptured follicle is now called the (7) and produces high levels of (8) as well as estrogen. this phase in the ovarian cycle is called the (9), and during this phase the high levels of progesterone have a negative feedback effect on the hypothalamus' production of (10). the phase after ovulation in the endometrial cycle is called the (11). about 10 days after ovulation the corpus luteum begins to regress, which causes the drop in levels of progest and estrogen. the time bw ovulation and menstruation is usually approx (12) days. the withdrawal of estrogen and progesterone signal the hypothalamus to start a new cycle by producing higher levels of (13). this hormone triggers the (14) to increase production of (15) and this will start the menstrual cycle again

(1) ovary (2) anterior pituitary (3) follicular phase (4) estrogen (5) mature Graafian follcile (6)LH (7) estrogen (8) corpus luteum (9) progesterone (10) luteal phase (11) GnRH (12) secretory phase (13) progesterone and estrogen (14) 14 (15) GnRH (16) anterior pituitary (17) FSH and LH

Which of the following is true about PCOS

(All of these): PCOS involves higher than typical testosterone levels and insulin resistance Between 10 and 20% of people with ovaries have PCOS Some people with PCOS publicly work to challenge gender norms

match the number labels with the anatomical term

(see GWS mod 2 pic on phone)

Which of the following are true about the DSM? Choose the 2 correct answers

-The neurodiversity movement frames autism very differently than its categorization in the DSM-V -For most of the DSM's editions, the majority of the committee members who sign off on its diagnostic categories have been white cisgender men

Match the contraceptive method with the BEST description of its mechanism of action.

-combined oral contraceptive: estrogen prevents ovulation, progestin thickens cervical mucus and inhibits endometrium growth -external condom: blocks sperm from entering vaginal cavity/uterus -IUD(copper): ions disrupt sperm motility; most effective form of emergency contracpetion -fertility awareness: avoids intercourse that could result in pregnancy during fertile window via monitoring BBT and cervical mucus changes

According to The Who guidelines, what 3 elements have to be in place for a self managed abortion to be safe? The person must be able to

-self assess completeness of procedure -self-assess eligibility -manage meds without direct medical supervision

which of the following are TRUE about the puerto rico birth control pill trials and their historical context

-the women who served as test subjects were not offered the opportunity to give informed consent -rather than identifying US colonization as a primary cause of poverty on the island, elites&experts blamed 'overpopulation' or the idea that poor Puerto Ricans were having too many children

According to Mia Mingus in her talk, "Access Intimacy, Interdependence and Disability Justice," the concept of "liberators access" means: Choose the 3 correct answers

-transforming the conditions that created the inaccessibility in the first place -the responsibility for access shifts from being an individual responsibility to a collective responsibility -the collective work of addressing inaccessibility and ableism as an opportunity for building deeper relationships with each other

The following matching questions are about hormones in the menstrual cycle, per content presented in lecture. Some answers will be used more than once. 1. Maturing follicles release increasing levels of - 2. Which pituitary hormone causes the follicles to mature during the follicular phase - 3. what hormone is responsible for building up the endometrium during the proliferative phase - 4. what relevant hormone is released by the hypothalamus in response to very. low levels of estrogen and progresterone- 5. what hormone is released in high amounts by the corpus lutem- 6. what hormone is responsible for preventing uterine contractions - 7. a spike in which pituitary hormone causes the mature Graafian follicle to burst during ovulation -

1. estrogen 2. FSH 3. Estrogen 4. gNRH 5. progesterone 6. progesterone 7. LH

According to the Guttmacher Institute, as of Sept 1 2019, how many states were considered hostile towards abortion rights


According to the Guttmacher Institute's 2014 research findings and projected data, 1 in every ___ women will have an abortion before the age of 45


medication abortion can be done as soon as ___ weeks from the last menstraul period through about 10 weeks of pregnancy


An individual who is HIV negative generally has between __ to __ CD4 cells (T-helper cells) per cubic mL of blood


in the film No Was Bebes, lawyers first became aware of the coercive sterilization practices happening at the USC medical enter bc of which of the following?

A whistleblower who was a med student wrote to different organizations to discuss the lack of proper safeguards in regards to informed consent for Latina mothers

according to the lecture, what are the 3 ways that contraceptives are commonly classified

Accessibility, method&frequency of use, mechanism of action

according to Sarah Deer's lecture on 'Historical Resilience', which of the following is true

All of these: -sexual violence has been central to colonialism since Columbus -Historically in Muskogee Creek tribal law, a woman who experienced violence herself was given the authority to set the perp's penalty -vast majority of perps of SV against indigenous women are non-indigenous

Milo identifies as a queer nonbinary person & has been in a relationship w a woman partner who has been emotionally, physically and sexually violent with them for years. According to Queering Sexual Violence, what are some reasons why they might not seek help from existing organizations and institutions

All of these: -women's shelters routinely deny access to trans women and Milo suspects they would also be denied access -given prevailing hetero- and cis- normative stereotype of queer and trans people as deviant, some in queer communities fear that disclosing violence in queer relationships will confirm those punishing steroetypes, resulting in further marginalization -most survivor support spaces cater principally to white cis hetero women as quintessential victim or 'perfect survivor' & presume that cis men are always the perp

According to Cutcha Risling-Baldy in the video, Honoring Women: Reclaiming Coming of Age Ceremony; CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY

European colonizers imposed period stigma and shame on her people the Flower Dance is important for teenage boys in the Hoopa Valley Tribe as well as the girls entering menarche

Which of the follwing is false about STIS?

F: All STIs cause the infected person to present symptoms (T: chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI, about 1 in 5 people have an STI, STI incidence is the # of new cases in a given time period)

Which of the following is false about viruses

F: Viruses are curable with antibiotics (T: viruses invade living cells and use the cells to multiply and produce viruses like themselves, viruses can sometimes be prevented with vaccination, viruses that result in STIs include HPV and HIV)

T/F: According to Sabrina Strings article, "Fear of Fat Planet," Europeans have always thought of fat bodies as unattractive


T/F: According to this week's materials, Ilhan Meyer's Minority Stress Theory was initially formulated into order to describe the mental health impacts of oppression on immigrant communities


T/F: CJ recently went through experience of SA. Tell friend what happened. Best way for friend to support CJ is to take initiative and report his SA to the authorities right away


T/F: HPV is commonly referred to as genital warts bc all strains of the STI provoke this external symptom


T/F: If left untreated, chlamydia tends to go away by itself with no long-term effects


T/F: In "Fear of Fat Planet," Dr. Sabrina Strings commends both first-wave and second-wave feminists for highlighting the links between fat phobia and anti-Blackness


T/F: In "Racism and mental health equity: history repeating itself," authors Mensah, Ogbu-Nwobodo and Shim applaud the field of psychiatry for having consistently centered racial equity at both interpersonal and institutional levels since the 1970s


T/F: In the piece "How Microdosing testosterone changed my life," Alyze Enriquez's personal reflection on transitioning was most centrally focused on the physiological dangers that non-binary folks will face when they attempt to decide what dosages are most appropriate for them personally, regardless of binary and "standard" methods of transition


T/F: the use of Long-acting reversible contraceptives decreased dramatically from 2002-2012


This is a spongy area of nerves and tissue that changes with arousal. It is found in the anterior wall of the vagina.


According to lecture, which of the following best describes the terms violence against women and gender-based violence (GBV)

GBV and violence against women are both umbrella terms that include physical, sexual, and/or psychological abuse

Homologous structures

Glans of clitoris- glans of penis Labia majora - scrotum Labia minora - shaft of penis Urethreal and vaginal openings - no homologue

(Select the 3 statements that are true). According to the assigned reading HAES Approach, which of the following are TRUE about HAES?

HAES asks people to confront their biases to end weight discrimination HAES encourages people to accept and respect the inherent diversity of body shapes and sizes and reject the idealization or pathologizing of specific weights HAES supports physical activities that allow people of all sizes, abilities and interests to engage in enjoyable movement

Which of the following is known to be the most common STI in the US


LARCs include which 2 of the following methods

Implant, IUDs (all types)

According to InterACT's "Affiriming Primary Care for intersex people", Compassionate, trauma-informed & affirming care might include:

Listening with sensitivity to their patients, acknowledgment that variations in sex characteristics are an expected and natural outcome of sex development, emphasize comphrehensive informed consent when recommending any procedure or treatment

This general viral infection, otherwise known as the "kissing disease" can be spread through the sharing of glassware, silverware or droplets sprayed through a cough


(Select the 4 statements that are true): According to Byrne's article about weight and COVID-19, which of the following are TRUE statements about why research and official messaging on weight and COVID-19 has some limitations

None of the studies control for quality of care The CDC's pro-weight loss messaging does not take into account the fact that intentional weight loss has been shown to lower energy expenditure and increase appetite The CDC;s pro-weight loss messaging does not consider that most people who lose weight do not keep it off long-term

According to the materials on chronic illness, which of the following is NOT a common issue related to chronic illness and gender

Overreacting to women's pain by ordering exhaustive diagnostic tests

Each of the following factors is required for "typical male" fetal development

SRY gene, secretion of testosterone, an XY chromosomal pairing, NOT high levels of progesterone

Along with Leroy Moore, Patty Berne is the co-founder of

Sins Invalid

Which of the following best represented a finding that Dr. Alexander presented in the guest lecture?

Study participants reported that clinicians would stress the importance of looking a certain way rather than focusing on how they would feel or improving their actual health; Dr. Alexander termed this "the picture of health"

According to the short documentary clip Examined Life, featuring theorists Sunaura Taylor and Judith Butler, one of the most significant components of conversation is centered around what principle idea in examination of disability:

That physical access for disabled people, such as curb cuts, accessible buildings and transportation, and more, have increased social access, visibility and acceptance of disability in public spaces

According to this week's materials, which of the following is NOT a principle of the Social model of disability?

The medical system is the only appropriate venue to address disability. (Wrong, but correct answers): Access and accommodation can address many disabilities and enable independence An impairment is a physical or mental trait inherent to an individual Disability is located in the interaction between an individual's impairment and the built and social environment

Internal condoms are more protective against some STIs because:

They cover more genital surface area

Match each STI with the type of organism

Trich - Protozoan Syphilis - Bacteria Gonorrhea - bacteria herpes - virus Hep B - virus HIV - virus

T/F: According to lecture as well as this module's embedded activity materials, the most commonly prescribed antidepressant medications, SSRIs, function by blocking the reabsorption of serotonin into the neurons


T/F: According to this week's materials, it was only in 2013 that the language of Gender Identity Disorder shifted to Gender Dysphoria, but some folks still critique the new term due to the fact that dysphoria describes a sense of discontent or discomfort, unhappiness, stress or anxiety.


T/F: Many people report that stigma is the greatest challenge of living with HIV


T/F: People who become sexually active with a new partner should receive STI screenings even when experiencing no symptoms


T/F: SSRIs are called selective because they mainly affect serotonin, not other neurotransmitters


T/F: chromosomal sex determined at the moment of conception


T/F: congenital adrenal hyperplasia is an intersex variation that only occurs in individuals with XX chromosomes


Match the pre-structure with the differentiated structure

Wolffian duct- vas defferens Mullerian duct - Fallopian tupe

Which of the following factors are needed for typical female development

XX chromosomal pairing, with lower relative levels of testosterone

According to lecture and reading material on medical transition, when one is transition from AFAB towards a desired masculinization of their bodies, the utilization of masuculizing hormones such as testosterone could result in all of the following secondary sex characteristics changes:

body hair growth, deepening of the voice, body fat redistribution, cessation of menses

This has the highest concentration of nerves in any body.


How is "accountable" defined in the reading Learning Good Consent?

engaging in work to address harm you've committed, participate in pathways for healing, and commit to changing your behavior in an effort to make sure you don't commit harm again

which of the following is true about androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)

external structures develop into typically female parts but the uterus doesn't develop internally, testosterone is present during sexual development but cell receptors are insensitive to testosterone, diagnosis usually occurs during puberty

T/F: Cervical fluid ferrying occurs mostly during the secretory phase of the endometrial cycle


T/F: In "trans and intersex children: forced sex changes, chemical castration & self-determination," Cary Costello presents Bodily autonomy as the right of parents to define what is better for their intersex child, even if it goes against medical advice


T/F: In the film Ours to Tell, common themes that emerged from the four interviews include regret and disappointment


T/F: Next to the urethral opening are the Bartholin's glands, which are the source of the fluids secreted with so-called "female ejaculation" or squirting.


T/F: according to the Guttmacher Institute, the majority of people who get abortions in the US have not had children yet


Sex differentiation takes place on three levels:

gonadal, genital, chromosomal. NOT adrenal

People who identify as intersex most commonly:

have bodies that are not considered "typically" male or female

Which group is most likely to orgasm with a sexual encounter?

heterosexual cis men

This is a small, insignificant membrane that may partially cover the vaginal opening.


Which of the following is true about STI testing

in general, bacterial STI tests are diagnostic, while viral STI tests are screening tests

Which of the following statements does not support Victoria Law's argument against using the police and prisons to resist gender-based violence

in order to address the problems within the police and prison systems, many feminist groups push for more women to enter professions in the criminal justice system, such and police officers and prison gauards

According to lecture and reading material on medical transition, when one is transition from AFAB towards a desired masculinization of their bodies, the utilization of masuculizing hormones such as testosterone could result in all of the following secondary sex characteristics changes except

increased scalp hair growth

These folds of skin enclose the urethral and vaginal openings. They have no pubic hairs but do contain sebaceous glands.

inner labia

What is NOT one of the major critiques of Masters and Johnson's model?

it is too focused on sex between white homosexual men

Josie has been in an abusive intimate relationship for a little over a year and is experiencing high levels of anxiety and chronic digestive issues. If her situation is like most other Intimate partner violence situations, then she is most likely to be experiencing which of the following health issues

mental health effects such as chronic stress and fear

which of the following is true about medication abortion

misoprostol softens the cervix and makes the uterus contract

Which of the following are advantages of barrier methods of contraception (select all that apply)

no exogenous hormones, most are obtainable without a prescription, protects against STIs

Anne had a safe, elective abortion several years ago. she is now pregnant for the second time and she intends to carry this pregnancy to term. which complications should Anne be concerned about due to her previous abortion

none of the above

These folds of skin protect and cover the inner parts of the vulva and are sensitive to estrogen. Their outer surface is covered with pubic hair.

outer labia

These glands are suspended in the pelvic cavity. They lie just below the opening to the fallopian tubes.


Story: taking birth control at diff times, gets pregnant! illustrates

perfect use v typical use

What is a major argument in the interview "From 'Me Too' to 'All of Us': organizing to end sexual violence, without prisons" with Mariama Kaba and Shira Hassan

prisons cannot be the answer to ending sexual violence because sexual violence is endemic in jails and prisons

According to the "LARC statement of principles" by SisterSong & the National Women's health network, what is the primary concern about LARCs

providers are partaking in a present-day form of eugenics when they push LARCs aggressively onto poor women of color

which of the following are known to result from regular masturbation

relief of menstrual cramps, anxiety relief/alleviate depression, increased circulation

According to the S.E.X reading about human sexual response (according to Masters and Johnson's framework), the final stage where a muscular and psychological relaxation occurs, blood recirculates throughout the body, and it is normal to experience lethargy and a rush of dopamine is referred to as the ________ stage.


during the ____ phase, the hormone progesterone is produced by the corpus lute in the ovary, which helps prepare the lining of the uterus to nourish and house an egg should an ovum become fertilized


Which of the following are the 2 most common forms of contraception in the US

sterilization via tubal ligation and birth control pills

which of the following is FALSE about androgen insensitive syndrome (AIS)

the body has no estrogen receptors

Which of the following does NOT occur as a result of increased blood flow during sexual arousal?

the cervix opens slightly

What is a major argument of the Violence on the Land, Violence on our bodies report?

the honoring of free, prior and informed consent of over Indigenous lands is inseparable from the ways that consent is supported around Indigenous people's bodies

medication abortion is best characterized by

the ingestion of a sequence of pills to induce miscarriage

which of the following is an example of positive feedback within the hormonal cycle

the large increase in estrogen just before ovulation stimulates the hypothalamus to increase secretion of GnRH (which in turn stimulates a spike in LH and FSH)

According to Heather Corinna's S.E.X. Chapter 11, "Harm's Way: abuse and assault". which of the following best reflects a dispelling of common myths surrounding the concept of 'stranger danger' and risk prevention of abuse and assault

the most prevalent risk of abuse or assault isn't posed by strangers statistically, but rather by people we know: friends, family, partners, acquaintances and more

Which of the following is NOT true about the labia minora

they contain sebaceous glands, sweat glands and hair follicles

Of the following concerns, which is a common serious health concern related to the utilization of exogenous testosterone?

thickening of the blood, putting one at risk for stroke and heart attack

Which of the following is NOT a way to support a friend or loved one who is a survivor

threaten to do serious bodily harm to the perpetrator

T/F: According to Byrne's article about weight and COVID-19, the evidence linking higher weights to greater risk of complications from COVID-19 is shaky, but fear and stress felt by those in larger bodies is absolutely warranted


T/F: According to Dr. Alexander's lecture about experiences of weight bias in healthcare, some participants noted that they encountered LESS weight bias in medical appointments over video chat during the pandemic than they had previously experienced during in-person appointments


T/F: According to Dr. Alexander's lecture, a participant in her study reported delaying healthcare services during the pandemic in order to avoid being stigmatized at a medical visit


T/F: According to Dr. Alexander's lecture, diet culture can be understood as equating thinness to personal health and value and promoting weight loss as the solution and path to wellness


T/F: According to the article "The Wage Gap Correlates with anxiety and depression and women, and it's just one of the many ways that societal gender roles are hurting us," women within the study were found to be four times more likely to experience anxiety when they were victims of the wage gap


T/F: HIV-positive people can safely carry a pregnancy with minimal risk of vertical transmission if they take antiretroviral treatment to suppress their viral load to undetectable levels


T/F: In the US, the abortion rate reached a historic low in 2017


T/F: In the article: "How any why weight stigma drives the obesity 'epidemic' and harms health," A. Janet Tomylama and her coauthors argue that weight stigma actually increases the likelihood of further weight gain, along with poor metabolic health and mental health impacts


T/F: In the video "How to Stop Victim Blaming," the speaker described a 2016 study that narrated hypothetical crime scenarios. the study concluded that when they changed the sentence structure and focused on the person who caused harm, people were significantly less likely to blame the person who was harmed


T/F: The vulva is the name for all of the external, visible genitalia that surround the vaginal opening.


T/F: about 60% of people who get an abortion are already parents


T/F: according to "Induced Abortion in the US", from the Guttmacher Institute, abortion rates are on a declining trend overall, while the use of medication abortion is slowly increasing


T/F: according to Jennifer Patterson in Queering Sexual Violence, white women in the anti-sexual violence movement have often demanded space and made executive decisions for marginalized groups of people, all the while relying on assumptions that harm these same marginalized groups


T/F: having a legal abortion within the first 16 weeks of pregnancy is statistically safer than continuing the pregnancy and delivering a child


T/F: majority of people who have abortions report a religious affiliation


T/F: most health issues related to intimate partner violence are not injuries due to physical battering, but rather the impacts of chronic stress and fear, such as anxiety/depression, PTSD, migraines and headaches, high blood pressure, digestive problems and substance abuse


T/F: people in marginalized social locations such as trans folks, disabled people, undocment immigrants are more vulnerable statistically to experiencing abuse and assault than their privileged peers


T/F: while varying options of IUDs exist, an IUD can be in place anywhere from 3 to 12 years of highly effective, easy and user-independent contraception


the age group with the highest rate of abortion in US is:

women in their 20s

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Chapter 27: Drug Therapy to Enhance the Adrenergic Response

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SOCIO15: Midterm (ch. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7)

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