H.A in Nursing Ch19 Assessing Thorax and Lungs
AUSCULTATING VOICE SOUND Bronchophony egophony whispered
"ninety-nine" "E" "1-2-3"
NORMAL BREATH SOUNDS Bronchial Bronchovesicular Vesicular
Fine Crackles
High-pitched, short, popping sound pneumonia and CHF
a "crackling" sensation
Sternal Angle
a bony ridge located at the point where the manubrium articulates with the body of the sternum
a decrease in oxygen, increases respiration but is less effective than a rise in CO2 levels
Pectus excavatum
a markedly sunken sternum and adjacent cartilages funnel chest
alveolar sacs
contains alveoli
visceral pleura
covers the external surface of lungs
dec rate and depth breathing pattern overdosage of narcotics
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
decreased chest expansion
deep breathing pattern
difficulty breathing when lying supine
disorganization of breathing pattern, irregular and varying depths of respiration extreme expression of Biot's
fast breathing pattern
Sibilant wheeze
high-pitched musical sound heard in cases of ACUTE ASTHMA and CHRONIC EMPHYSEMA
Air trapping
inc in difficulty in getting breath out chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
increase rate and depth CNS disorders overdosage to salicylate sever anxiety
Biot's respiration
irregular pattern, seen with meningitis or severe brain damage -impending sign of death
is elicited in cases of trapped air such as Emphysema or Pneumothorax
passage ways
pectus carinatum
pigeon chest forward protrusion of the sternum
alveolar ducts
place where bronchioles are terminated
rapid, deep, labored breathing pattern type of hyperventilation associated with DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS
cheyne-stokes respiration
regular pattern, altering periods of Deep, Rapid breathing followed by periods of apnea result of inc. intracranial pressure
Are slightly above the clavicle
the apex of each lung is located at
near diaphragm
the base of each lung is located at the
the clavicles extend from the acromion of the scapula to the part of the the sternum is termed..
the lining of the trachea and bronchi, which serves to remove dust, foreign bodies, and bacteria is
the percussion tone elicited over normal lung tissue
SEVENTH cervical vertebra
the spinous process termed the vertebra prominens is in which cervical vertebra
the strongest stimulus to breathe, under normal circumstances
parietal pleura
the thin-double layered serous membrane that lines the chest cavity is termed
very labored and noisy breathing pattern with occasional coughing collapse or incomplete expansion of chest
Sonorous Wheeze
Low-pitched snoring or moaning sounds
Coarse Crackles
Low-pitched, bubbling, moist sound Pneumonia
Pleural friction rub
Low-pitched, dry, grating sounds
Suprasternal notch
U-shaped landmark