Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts

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Viktor Krum

Durmstrang student, Bulgarian Quidditch Seeker, participated in the Triwizard Tournament.

Modesty Barebone

Eight year old girl, known as a witch


Elf who helped Newt escape

Fleur Delacour

French student who participated in the Triwizard Tournament representing Beauxbatons, later married Bill Weasley.

Hermione Granger

Friend of Harry Potter

Percival Graves

Gallert Grindelwald in disguise

Professor McGonagall

The Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts


The name of the house elf who tells Harry to never return to Hogwarts in his 2nd year.

Queenie Goldstein

Tina's sister, can read minds

Barty Crouch Jr.

Took Polyjuice Potion to to represent Alastor Moody

Peter Pettigrew

Voldemort's cowardly traitorous servant.

Remus Lupin

Werewolf who helped Harry with his Patronus charm

Mary Lou Barebone

Woman who was killed by a forceful blast

Dolores Umbridge

In Harry's 5th year, the defense against the dark arts teacher, a personality like poisoned honey.

Bellatrix Lestrange

One of the Death Eaters, murder and cousin of Sirius Black, sister to Narcissa Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy

Harry's nemesis at school, his father is a Death Eater.

Ronald Weasley

Harry's other best friend. Son of Molly and Arthur Weasley, younger brother of Bill, Fred, George,and Charlie. Older brother of Ginny, later becomes a husband to Hermione.

Nymphadora Tonks

A Metamorphagus Auror, who marries Lupin, has a small baby, but dies at the end of the seventh book.

Horace Slughorn

A former Potions master and Head of Slytherin for several decades prior to Harry's birth, Slughorn agrees to come out of retirement and return to these functions at the beginning of Half-Blood Prince. He stays in the job after Voldemort's takeover but sides firmly with the Hogwarts staff against him in Deathly Hallows.

Neville Longbottom

A pure-blood Gryffindor student in Harry's year, described as round-faced and "short and plump and blond". Throughout the series, he is often portrayed as a bumbling, disorganized character and a rather mediocre student, though he is highly gifted at Herbology.

Leta Lestrange

Accidentally killed Corvus Lestrange


Along with eleven other hippogriffs, is introduced during one of Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures classes. Hagrid explains that hippogriffs are very calm, powerful, proud creatures, but are sensitive and demand respect. Harry successfully approaches Buckbeak, who allows him to ride him around the paddock.Draco, in an arrogant attempt to show up his school nemesis, endeavours to approach Buckbeak as well. It becomes obvious that Draco neither listens to nor cares about Hagrid's warnings about the hippogriffs' sensitivity, as he makes contemptuous remarks about Buckbeak. Quickly angered, Buckbeak slashes Draco's arm with his claws. Pretending to be injured much more severely than he truly is, Draco persuades his father, Lucius Malfoy, to use his political power to sentence Buckbeak to death. Hagrid's numerous appeals fail, and members of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures come to Hogwarts to execute Buckbeak. With the use of a Time-Turner, Hermione and Harry free Buckbeak (they believed him earlier to have been executed, but it was revealed the executioner only swung his axe into the fence in anger, in the film he does this to a pumpkin) and rescue Sirius from the tower in which he is being held before being handed over to the Dementors. Sirius escapes with Buckbeak and flies to safety. During most of Harry's fourth year, Sirius and Buckbeak hide in a cave in the mountains above Hogsmeade. After this, they move to Number 12 Grimmuald Place, whereupon Buckbeak stays in Sirius' mother's former room. When Kreacher wants to lure Sirius away briefly, he wounds Buckbeak.In Half-Blood Prince, Harry inherits Buckbeak, and allows Hagrid to look after him again. To avoid suspicion from the Ministry of Magic, he is given the alias "Witherwings". A fiercely loyal creature, Buckbeak chases Severus Snape away from Harry by slashing his claws at the end of the book. Buckbeak also features in the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of the Deathly Hallows leading the Hogwarts' Thestrals against Voldemort's giants.

Newt Scamander

Author of "Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them".

Angelina Johnson

Black girl with long black braided hair who is two years older than Harry Potter. She has been a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team since her second year, and replaces Oliver Wood as team captain in Harry's fifth year. She proves to be at least as demanding of her team as Oliver had been, but attributes her hard-driving attitude to the stress of the job and regrets having been so hard on Oliver during his stint as captain. In Goblet of Fire, she unsuccessfully attempts to enter the Triwizard Tournament and attends the Yule Ball with Fred. she joined Dumbledore's Army in her seventh year. At the end of Deathly Hallows, she returns to Hogwarts for the final battle. J.K. Rowling revealed that after the War she marries George and has two children, a son called Fred Jr (after George's late twin) and a daughter named Roxanne.

Lavender Brown

Gryffindor student in Harry's year. She is a close friend of housemate Parvati Patil; they seem to enjoy the same classes, especially Divination, and share many common interests. The two also seem to have a reasonably close relationship with Professor Trelawney, comforting and supporting her in her various crises. she is one of the few students who help round up the Blast-Ended Skrewts after a disastrous Care of Magical Creatures class, and she attends the Yule Ball with Seamus Finnigan in their fourth year. She initially believes the Ministry's smear campaign against Harry, but is among the original members of Dumbledore's Army.In Half-Blood Prince, she becomes Ron's first girlfriend for several months; he relishes the opportunity to make Hermione jealous and prove that he can "snog" or kiss people whenever he wants. It becomes increasingly evident that Ron is not particularly enamoured with she and actually finds her irritating. becomes jealous of Ron's friendship with Hermione, and finally splits up with him when she sees them leaving Harry's dormitory together, as she is under the impression that they had been alone together, not realizing Harry was there under his Invisibility Cloak. In Deathly Hallows, during the battle for Hogwarts, she is attacked by Fenrir Greyback; she dies in the film, whereas in the book she is saved by a crystal ball hurled by Professor Trelawney.

Lee Jordan

Gryffindor student two years ahead of Harry, and a close friend of Fred and George; he is as witty and fun-loving as the twins and a fellow Quidditch enthusiast. He wears his hair in dreadlocks and serves as Hogwarts' Quidditch commentator. Harry first encounters him at King's Cross as he attempts to smuggle a giant tarantula onto the train. Though he is a lively and astute commentator, he has a tendency to discuss off-topic subjects such as Harry's Firebolt or his own attraction to Angelina Johnson, his commentary is clearly biased in favour of his house, and his jovial tone often turns sarcastic whenever he talks about the Slytherin team. he also habitually swears in frustration whenever an opponent commits an infraction or scores against Gryffindor, often to the point where a frustrated Professor McGonagall attempts (unsuccessfully) to take away his megaphone. In his seventh year, he joins the D.A. and helps Fred and George with testing their merchandise on unsuspecting first years. He also becomes the only known victim, besides Harry, of Umbridge's detention quill. His Quidditch commentary suffers from lack of enthusiasm after the twins unexpectedly leave Hogwarts in the wake of the student uprising against Umbridge, during which he does his part by levitating two Nifflers through her office window. In Deathly Hallows, he becomes an undercover pirate radio anchor, broadcasting under the pseudonym of "River" on an anti-Ministry of Magic radio station called Potterwatch, which supports the activities of Harry and the Order of the Phoenix. He and George successfully take down Death Eater Yaxley in the Battle of Hogwarts.


Half-cat/half-kneazle belonging to Hermione Granger

Sirius Black

Harry Potter's godfather who went to azkaban for something he didn't do

Lord Voldemort

He who must not be named

Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts

Madam Maxine

Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, also a giantess

Seamus Finnigan

Is an Irish Gryffindor student in Harry's year who is described as having sandy hair. He is a huge Quidditch fan and supports the Kenmare Kestrels, and is best friends with housemates Dean Thomas and Lee Jordan. His mother is a witch and his father a Muggle, who only found out his wife's secret after their marriage; according to him, it was a "it of a nasty shock for him."he is seen in Goblet of Fire with his mother and Dean attending the Quidditch World Cup. He is one of the few students who help round up the Blast-Ended Skrewts after a disastrous Care of Magical Creatures class, and he attends the Yule Ball with Lavender Brown in their fourth year. The next year, he is initially influenced by the Ministry's smear campaign against Harry, and his mother nearly prevents him from returning to Hogwarts. He and Harry have a major falling out on the first night of the new term over the Daily Prophet's allegations that Harry is lying about Voldemort's return, but he later realizes his mistake, offers his apologies to Harry, and becomes a late addition to the D.A. In Half-Blood Prince, he refuses to allow his mother to take him home before Dumbledore's funeral. He is first mentioned near the climax of Deathly Hallows as one of many D.A. members sheltered in the Room of Requirement during Snape's reign as Hogwarts headmaster when Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville return from the Hog's Head before the Battle of Hogwarts. He enthusiastically greets Dean at the entrance, yet his face is bruised so badly after being punished by the Carrows that Harry initially fails to recognize him until he speaks. During the battle, he, Luna, and Ernie help Harry fight the Dementors by conjuring their respective Patronuses;his takes the form of a fox. He is last seen entering the Great Hall to take part in the final stage of the battle, when Harry shields him and Hannah Abbott from one of Voldemort's curses.

Rubeus Hagrid

Is introduced in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as a half-giant and half-human who is the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, the primary setting for the first six novels. In the third novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hagrid is promoted to Care of Magical Creatures teacher, and is later revealed to be a member of the Order of the Phoenix.He has a friendly, softhearted personality and is easily driven to tears, as seen in his very first scene, when he drops Harry off at the Dursleys' in Philosopher's Stone. He is very loyal to his peers, especially Dumbledore, to whom he refers as the greatest wizard in the world multiple times. As first seen in Philosopher's Stone, he becomes extremely angry whenever anyone insults Dumbledore around him (a mistake made by Vernon Dursley, who called Dumbledore a "crackpot old fool"). He is also very loyal to Harry, suffered several times during the series because of this loyalty, and had to go into hiding twice to avoid prison. Rowling says of Hagrid, "Hagrid was always supposed to be this almost elemental force. He's like the king of the forest, or the Green Man. He's this semi-wild person who lives on the edge of the forest"

Credence Barebone

Known as the Obscurus

Mad-Eye Moody

Missing an eye, leg, and part of his nose; Auror, thought of as mentally deranged, dies in 7th book

Jacob Kowalski



Pet rat belonging to Percy and later Ron Weasley; eventually revealed as unregistered Animagus Peter Pettigrew

Severus Snape

Potions master from Harry's first to fifth years, head of Slytherin House from Harry's first to sixth years and Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts). Snape serves as Headmaster in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, having been appointed by the Minister for Magic, Pius Thicknesse (who was controlled by Voldemort) until he is killed by Voldemort in the final chapters of the novel.

Madam Picquery


Cho Chang

Ravenclaw student one year above Harry, and plays Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. During the formation of Dumbledore's Army her parents wish her not to take part in any anti-Ministry relations. She is best known for being Harry's first kiss, is described as being "very pretty" with long dark hair and is frequently accompanied by a group of giggling Ravenclaw girls. In Goblet of Fire, Harry's crush on her intensifies and he works up the courage to ask her out to the Yule Ball, but she apologizes and replies that she had previously accepted Cedric Diggory's offer, leaving Harry to ignore his own date, Parvati Patil, and jealously obsess about the couple for nearly the entire length of the ball. Nonetheless, is still kind to Harry, much to his relief, and she refuses to wear one of Malfoy's "Potter Stinks" badges. She and Cedric maintain their relationship until his murder by Peter Pettigrew during the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament. is one of the first students to believe Harry's declaration of Voldemort's return in Order of the Phoenix, and when invited by Hermione to join the D.A., she joins because she is determined to fight against Voldemort and avenge Cedric's murder. she initiates a kiss with Harry after the last D.A. session before the Christmas holidays; much to Ron's amusement, Harry describes the kiss as "wet," but then explains that she was crying. Harry and she go out on a date on Valentine's Day, but her sustained grief over Cedric's death, her jealousy over Harry's friendship with Hermione, and Harry's lack of knowledge about girls all make for a miserable experience. Their relationship is damaged after the outing, and it ends permanently when Dumbledore's Army is exposed following Marietta Edgecombe's betrayal of the group to Umbridge. she defends her friend's actions by saying that Marietta simply made a mistake, and labels Hermione's secret anti-treachery jinxing of the group's list of names a "dirty trick". On the train back to King's Cross, Ginny reveals that she was now seeing Michael Corner. In the series finale, she demonstrates her loyalty to Hogwarts when she returns to join other D.A. members in hiding in the Room of Requirement prior to engaging in the Battle of Hogwarts; Harry and she, united by a common cause, appear on amicable and friendly terms. She shares with Harry the little information known about Ravenclaw's diadem (one of Voldemort's Horcruxes). She offers to escort him to the Ravenclaw common room to search for clues, but Ginny hurriedly suggests that Luna take Harry up instead. she marries a Muggle.

Luna Lovegood

Ravenclaw student one year younger than Harry. She is described as having straggly waist-length dirty blond hair, grey eyes and a "permanently surprised look".


Slytherin sidekick of Draco Malfoy

Pansy Parkinson

Slytherin student in Harry's year, school prefect, a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, Draco Malfoy's girlfriend for some time.


Son of Goyle, Slytherin student in Harry's year, Slytherin Quidditch Beater, member of the Inquisitorial Squad, Crabbe's best friend

Harry Potter

The Boy Who Lived

Madam Hooch

The Hogwarts flying teacher and the referee at all Quidditch matches

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