Hassel Final Exam Study Guide

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Who named Virgil the "official poet of the Roman Empire"?

Octavius (Augustus)

Why did Creon consider Polynices to be a traitor?

Polynices was in a civil war against Eteocles and was considered fighting again his homeland

What city was Aeneas (or at least his descendants) supposed to found?


Who describes Charlemagne as being old and childish?


The tribes from the North that pressured the Roman Empire where who?

Germanic tribes

Who does Achilleus vow that he will kill before he buries Patroklos?


Who was the greatest Trojan fighter in the Trojan war?


Who is Deiphobos?

Hektor's brother

Hektor's wife grieves most of all for whom?

Hektor's son

In Book VI, Hektor returns to Troy to find his brother, Paris, at home with whom?


Which god guides Priam to the tent of Achilleus to get Hektor's body?


Who is the seer who explains to the Greeks that they must do something to appease Apollo's anger?


Who is Hektor's son?


When Marsilion says that "if i want to redeem the life of my body, then i must send him my uncle, Algalife," in Canto 37, he is referring to the message Charlemagne sent him. the meaning of this quote has to do with the death of whom?

Basille and Bason

What city in Africa does Aeneas' ship land near?


On what day in AD 800 was Charlemagne declared King Charles?

Christmas Day

Who was Eurydice?

Creon's wife

What is the meaning of, "We're in the right, and these swine are wrong"?

Saracen (pig) is going to lose

Charles I had conquered all of the Islamic strongholds except which one?


Who is the accomplished liar that the Greeks left behind with the wooden horse?


By the time the Roman Empire fell, it had been divided into two distinct empires. What was the center of the Western Empire and the Eastern Empire?

West: Rome East: Constantinople

what leads to an inescapable disaster for the main character in a Greek tragedy?

a character's proud or willful choices

What was Virgil providing the Roman people by writing the Aeneid?

a national epic

What is stock epithet?

a noun adjective combination that describes someone

What was the skene on the ancient Greek stage?

a painted, wooden building behind which actors could change costumes and enter one of three stage doors

What does Chryses pray to Apollo to afflict the Greeks (Achaians) when Agamemnon refuses his request?

a plague

What is an invocation?

a prayer to the muse

What is an epilogue?

a section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment on or a conclusion to what happened

What did Juno create to make Dido and Aeneas be alone the day they went hunting?

a storm

In Canto 15, Ganelon tells the king to be concerned about the man who talks against making peace with Marsilion, implying that that man should be what?

a traitor and a fool

By giving Ganelon gifts, Marsilion is testing Ganelon's what?

ability to forgive

Among the gifts that King Marsilion offers to Charles the Emperor were what things?

bears, lions, dogs, camels, hawks, mules (but he must go to France and become Christian)

Who was Teiresias?

blind, long lived prophet of Thebes

What does the Turpin, the Archbishop, urge Roland and Oliver to do in Canto 132?

blow the horn

What is the finality of death in Canto 132 represented by?


What is Hektor's son afraid of when he sees Hektor?

crest on his helmet

What does Chryses, the priest of Apollo, ask Agamemnon?

daughter, Chrysis

What does the darkness at noon signify?

death of Christ (apocalypse)

What was Antigone's crime?

defied the king by burying her brother, Polnices

In Canto 58, Ogier of Denmark is chosen to lead the vanguard. what is the vanguard?

first and bravest wave of soldiers

After the visit of Mercury, what did Aeneas order his men to do?

get his ships ready

In Canto 59, Roland senses that Ganelon is betraying him, but he pledges to do what?

have Charles win no matter what

When Ganelon accepts the gifts from Marsilion in Canto 39, it verifies what?

he forgives Marsilion

What was the main cause of Creon's troubles?

he had false pride

What does Creon's son swear he will do if Antigone is put to death?

he will leave and never return

What is the real reason Roland does not want to sound the horn?

he's to proud to ask for help

What doe Teiresias predict for the immediate future in Creon's life?

his son, wife, and Antigone will die

During the 5th century BC the people of Greece considered the Iliad to be what?


In Canto 68, the list of Ganelon's gifts progress from familiar to exotic in each line. The familiar things were what?

horses and mules

What does Homer's name mean?


How did Dido kill herself?

hung herself

What does Roland mean when he says to Oliver, "shame on the heart gone coward in the chest"?

it is shameful for someone to be cowardly and their heart has been corrupted

Ganelon tells Marsilion that killing Roland would mean what?

it would ensure his power

How many years of his life did Virgil spend writing the Aeneid?

last 11 years of his life

What does Achilleus ask his mother to beg Zeus to do?

make the Trojans win

What does Hektor ask Achilleus to respect after his death?

proper burial, his body

Roland gives his men gifts to make them happy so that they will do what?

remain loyal to him

what is meter?

rhythm of a poem

What was the function of the chorus in the Greek drama?

sang/chanted and danced in slow movements; helped tell story

What does Creon finally decide to do to punish Antigone?

seal her in a cave

What does the chorus finally persuade Creon to do?

set Antigone free and bury Polynices

What does Achilleus have to get from Hephaistos before he can go back into battle?


In Canto 27, why does Ganelon insist he meet Marsilion alone?

so they can carry out their treachery

What is really inside the wooden horse?


How does Haemon die?

stabs himself

What does Agamemnon threaten to do if he must give up his prize?

take Achilleus' prize

What was the attempt by the Pope and the Christian kings of Europe to regain control of the Holy Land was called?

the crusade

Who does the chorus represent in the Antigone?

the elders of the city of Thebes

What is the setting of the Antigone at the beginning of the play?

the entrance of Thebes

one of the reasons the poet exaggerates events by telling that Charles did them even though they did not happen until 300 years after his death was to do what?

the soldiers would be familiar with the events and encourage them

In Canto 36, the horse is described four times, in four different ways. The saddle horse represents the best riding horse while the mules represent what?

the worst, the men that will be captured

When Ganelon and Blancandrin swear an oath why is it important?

they are showing an allegiance to each other

How did Ganelon and Roland feel about one and other?

they hate each other

What is the significance of the appearance of the archbishop?

to show God is with them and watching over them

Charlemagne's age is exaggerated in Canto 42 to signify what?

to show that he has fought a long time to get where Roland is and he still isn't there

The rich furs that Ganelon wears suggest that he has a desire for what?

wealth and vanity

Which god did the Ancient Greek drama honor?


What announcement does Creon make in regard to Polynices?

Eteocles will be honored and Polynices will not be

In Canto 80, who does Oliver, Roland's friend, talk against?


Which side of the Trojan War does Hera favor?


To whom is Antigone engaged?


Which of the main characters are dead at the end of the play?

Haemon, Antigone, Eurydice

What does the description of the hills, valleys and waters in Canto 138 imply about the journey for Charles to get Roland?

He must conquer natural obstacles; will be too long for him

To try to convince Achilleus to give back Hektor's body, who does Priam ask Achilleus to think about?

His father, Peleus

Who strongly influenced Virgil's life when he was about 11?

Julius Caesar

Who is the priest of Neptune who tried to warn the Trojans to destroy the wooden horse?


What was the Official language of the Western (Christian) Church?


Who is Hektor's wife?


In Canto 1 of the Song of Roland, it is revealed that Charles I had been fighting Spain for how long?

7 years

Although it is uncertain, the Iliad was probably composed late in what century?

8th century BC

What was the culture that contributed the epic into the emerging popular culture of the Middle Ages?


In the iliad, Homer concentrated on the rage, and the consequences of that rage of which character?


Who is Ascanius?

Aeneas' son with his wife Creusa

The leader of the Greek forces in the Trojan war was who?


In what way did the ancient Greeks refer to Homer (what did they call him)?

The Poet (or Ionian Bard)

Who is Achilleus' mother?


Which side of the Trojan War did Apollo favor?


Which side of the Trojan War does Aphrodite favor?


Who helped Diomedes steal a sacred statue of Pallas?


Who was Aeneas' mother?


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