HAVC 60 Exam 2

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big chief tootie daryl montana

1880 yellow pocahontas tribe founded; joinds 8th ward hunters 1848; believes you make it yourself/ took battle and violence out of costume, and installed beauty


(Haida) 19th c. Great house


Tima Lotah Link// 22 years ago mastered coil and twine/ built house meant comm. effort


Village of the Tlingit in Alaska//rain spirit or raven who stole the sun, gift of rain

john paul rangel

silversmith and graphic designer// spanish, mestizo, and native american descent// jewlery reflects modernism, contemporary and native heritage influences


singular and adjectival form of Yup'ik, a subgroup of Inuit


wrapping of beaded string around legs and arms, difficult for sizes / inspired by body art

Jimmy Durham

1987; self portrait/ sculpture with text/ "consider myself an artist w no other label attached"'92// caliban codex/ wrote book from indigenous perspective/ misspelled anigram of cannibal-archetype savage, wildman/ gives voice to caliban who didnt have a voice in shakespeare/ what really happened/ talks about how dr. prospero built image of caliban because the colonizer has the voice

Jaime Gonzalez

A Mexican American high-school student living in Los Angeles, she recieves a grant to spend the summer in Queretaro


A Native American tribe in the southwest who were farmers, lived in pueblos, and were excellent builders and potters. Descendants of the Anasazi./central corn//agreement: masks should not be sold/traded; katsinam should not trivialized; non-pueblo people should not profit from the katsina market//not allowed to know how hopi men were initiated, were worshipped

Don Fransisco de) Arobe

Afro-Awa(african and ecaudorian)//w sons// don=used by nobles// descendant of escaped slaves// led independent awa and afro-awa comm. in esmeraldas// 1597 accepted spanish auth. and became christian//portrait commissioned by spanish gov. and painted in quito

mari lyn salvador

American anthropologist, known for her work on Panamanian molas, worn by Kuna women.//


An art form of Native Americans of the Southwest, the katsina doll represents benevolent supernatural ancestral spirits (katsinas) living in mountains and water sources.// season: periods in which katsina interact w pueblo people// winter underground, male dominance, aggression; spring &summer harmonious sprouting


Aztec nature god, feathered serpent, his disappearance and promised return coincided with the arrival of Cortes

Mardi Gras Indians

Black Carnival revelers in New Orleans, Louisiana, who dress up for Mardi Gras in suits influenced by Native American ceremonial apparel.// day before ash wednesday; on or after christian feasts of epiphany

Big/Great House

Home to individuals related by lineage. Generally relatively permanent settlements along the coast of the north west

(Theodore) Puhuyesva

Hopi cradle doll artist; borrowing; counter-acculturation ex. pumpkin heads and santa clause

Neil David

Hopi-Tewa American Indian artist and katsina carver.

mission indians

Indians that were adopted into Christian missions and taught Christianity and crafts/forced away from original homes/certain number of missions around california

Abya Yala

Indigenous name for the region known as the "Americas" or "Latin America"// old world of the americas


Macon, Ga -Best known for large Mississippian mounds -Earth Lodge -Used bird symbolism

Ester Hernandez

Made hundreds of posters that asserted chicano identity and denounced working conditions of Mexican-American laborers.//la virgin de guadalupe defendiendo los dereches de los xicanos//female in guad. format/ mma robe high kick//idea the woman is the champion of chicano people .


Meanings are in people/ one cannot not communicate/ messages, receiver

Medicine shield

Medicine Shields were sacred objects decorated with symbolic designs that reflected the personal vision and "medicine" or spirit-guided inherent power of Native American warriors. Medicine shields were not the kind that were used in battles - but every warrior had a medicine shield.//1870-1900/buckskin only


Native Tlingit who was hired by the Uni of Penn museum to obtain collectibles by going to Potlatches and taking things, and then selling them.

Santa Barraza

Nepantla '95 colorful clothing w guadalupe "has her back" // power of belonging everywhere/ deserts, lands, united states

crest pole

Pole that has the representation of a being whose past actions are significant to those who display it. Crests owned by male chiefs of lineages and correspond with rights to areas for hunting/fishing/gathering/residency.


Professor Walens shows that the Kwakiutl visualize the world as a place of mouths and stomachs, of eaters and eaten. His analyses of the social rituals of meals, native ideas of the ethology of predation, a key Kwakiutl myth, and the Hamatsa dance, the most dramatic of their ceremonials, demonstrate the ways in which oral, assimilative metaphors encapsulate Kwakiutl ideas of man's role in the cosmos

Richard H. Pratt

Set up the United States Indian Training and Industrial School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. They brought Indian kids from the reservations there to be taught English and assimilate into American society./ save man, kill indian

Alfred Kroeber

Started a huge program of writing down all the tribe's stories (Ishi)/received his Ph.D. under Franz Boas at Columbia University in 1901,

James Luna

The Artifact Piece// plays with stereotypes/ b4 columbus after columbus/ 12 min doc. "sitting on stories that are happening now"//"being whole, being able to cross statuses"


The Native American ledger artist who painted "Wo-Haw Between Two Worlds"//"beef-cow" artwork

Installation Art

The combining of elements into a singular artwork that is specifically located in one place; an artwork that exists only in the place in which it was/is installed, and is not able to be relocated like a painting or print.

cultural imperialism

The dominance of one culture over another.//


Whale house rain screen. depicted the Raven surrounded by raindrops. Shotridge was offered a lot of money for it, but the lineage refused to sell it. Stolen in 20th century but they went to court and got it back.

Fort Marion

Wo-Haw Between Two Worlds// fort marion prisoners=illustrated the most/ st. augustine, florida(oldest euro city in north america) Geranimos revolt


Yua (spirit) of the North Wind. often shown with a reference to the wind, a big tunnel on chin. one of the most powerful Yua ad has all of these appendages to indicate this


a communal village built by Indians in the southwestern United States// created katsina dolls/very specific agreements


a grassy plant that grows in wet places//work crews and weavers


a man of savage and bestial nature; the brutish side of human nature STEREOTYPE that jimmy durham tries to overcome in his text/ colonizer has created false image of such


a member of an indigenous people inhabiting northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and eastern Siberia, traditionally living by hunting (especially of seals) and by fishing.


a member of the Arctic native peoples of North America; once known as Eskimo

Ghost Dance

a religious dance of native Americans looking for communication with the dead// 1888-1890//resurrect native american killed by euro american// bring back bison herds// evict invading white settlers //dancing, fasting induced visions// visions meant symbols and replicated in garments


a technique in which shaped pieces of fabric are attached to a background fabric to form a design or picture//used for molas/ reverse app. / womens dress or blouse


african and spanish offspring

Andres Sanchez Galque

afro-awa=african and ecuadorian// mulatto gentlemen of esmeraldas// oldest signed and dated painting is south africa// indigenous artist from quito= sugar cane slavery


ancient indigenous group in LA They created the hubs, like DTLA, where lots of people live// or used for storing food; seed beater (strap across forehead) and waterbottle basket


archetypal scholar, civilized, colonizer /opp. of caliban archetype


are also known as Yupit or Western Eskimo.

bolz and sanner

authors of: native am art, the collections of ethnological museum berlin / 30,000 objects

kan and wierzbowski

authors? wrote/studied little rocks shield


awa territory/ border of ecuador and colombia/ painting: andres sanchez's Mulatto Gentlemen of Esmeraldas

juana basilia stimelelene and maria marta zaputimeu

basket makers

Constance Cortez

belonging both-wheres


between/neither/place of not belonging// between cultures// nahsatl/ 70s-present/ at intersection; both-wheres// place of power?

Black Indians

black slaves' best bet of escaping-going with indigenous peoples to places like new orleans

Estrada Courts

boyle heights in LA/ painted by mostly residents and muralists/ charles felix cat "we are not a minority"


carved and painted figure// made and given by initiated men to women and children// teach about attributes of specific katsinam

Miguel Cabrera

casta paintings: emphasis on skin color/ diff in hair texture/ diff in dress=social standing/ occupational diff/ women=apron and domestic/ further from mixed meant lower status/ new human types=new fruits and vegetables/ex. espanol+india= mestiza

Kay Walkingstick

cherokee; scotts-irish// we're still here 1992/ statement about land "recog. us " // talking leaves '93// "you're not an indian, you werent born on a reservation"

esther jackson

civil rights activist// one of the founders of freedomways : theoretical politcal journal


classroom at fort marion// howling wolf and self portrait/ 'howling wolf in indian costume'/ 4th of july=mix of anglos and indian costume


economy: hunting, fishing, craft prod. // ceramics and cloth "shaman tours" // textiles are not abstract, deep philosophy embedded// why things are like such: how diverse human races came to be and how usa came to dominate the world; based on shipibo experiences and how they think//inka: powerful, superhuman indigenous force/ jesus christ is bad inka!!!


elaborate redistribution ceremony practiced among the Kwakiutl of the Pacific Northwest//in great house// wealthy recognize animosity and redistribute resources// highest value of NW culture: self-sacrifice


encounter spirits in visions on people's behalf; communicate with spirit world for the community dances re-enact the visions they have// specialist "shaman"

Big Chief

exists in imagination; as an idea// black indians


film about injustices on native am treatment; people thought could be real because of realism//ramona lubo=wife of alesandro; made star basket in his memory


gold piercings and ornaments//seashell// necklace, tunic form//made hybrid form w euro: lace collars, battered shirts, sating fabs, felt hats,stell-tip on spears


group of native people in the Amazon that protested the Brazilian government's attempts at modernization and destruction of their home, used film to preserve their native culture// addictions of modernity/ why do we insist on binaries?// modern v. primitive; disappearance v. survival

Wild Tchoupitoulas

has record contracts because needed a way to reconcile with tourists' cameras; tribes publicize performances '92

howling wolf

honanisto/ pratt encouraged these drawings bc they were the indians' only source of happiness// classroom: real indians to the right looking ghostly


identification for mexican american// neither male nor female; other pronoun or both??


irrational system developed to sound rational// 18th c shift from cultural/physical traits and diff to: innate (in-born) character/physical traits

Ropni Metuktire

kayapo chief; typo with name so nickname is Raoni// in fact modern but also desirable by kayapo people//

Kuna yala

land of kuna speakers

Charles Felix Cat

lead artist for estrada courts; aztec god and warrior murals all around los angeles// work depicts chicano life and culture / nail-relief art


lineage/later race/ predict behavior and treatment/used to justify social standing/ racist/ sticking with own = decrease in poverty


linguistic group// guna


mask, request, prayer(dance)/ honoring past gifts and praying for the future//held in mouth and moves with head


means the people in navajo and apache// term for both of them


most treasured vital possession/ beaten metal (native or foreign)/ sheild-shape, body and soul, has a family crest/ human being is extension of crest/ non-utilitarian, stores wealth, symbol of surplus wealth/ value rises with each give-away, recording history (you always know who had it before you)


mother of jesus christ; catholicism; dominant image in the 70s


painted with willie herron// moratorium black and white mural; estrada courts

Elsie Allen

pomo basketweaver who taught girls outside of her family to try and keep the tradition going

queen rukiah

queens were mid 2000s


sex classifications// male, female, female-like-male, male-like-female//woman dress/blouse


southwest; not pueblo peoples // whiskey bottle collectives "made in phillipines"


spanish and indian offspring


spirit of which the angalkuq deal with

spy boy

standard tribal office/ makes sure the flag is safe

Cesar Martinez

standing by car// los mujeres "man who loves women"// disoriented perspective& expectations of women /sexualized v. lady of guadalupe


symbolized salmon fish// menstrual blood and the sun/fire; the color of life


takes away the sun; klukwan culture ; tlingit// bumps into trees because he cant see=wants the sun//


the theory that knowledge of a subject is inevitably partial and limited by the individual perspective from which it is viewed// different historical background prod. different realities //internet; global north move south


type of casta paintings: 14-16 interracial couples and offspring on a single panel or in a series

Willie Herron

used art education to get out of his situation// painted outside of lacma because no mexican artists were wanted ; murals; estrada courts


what patrons used to define people born in the americas

Yolanda alma lopez

whos the illegal alien, pilgrim?'78// guadalupe triptych// yolanda, mother and grandmother guad. format //serpent by hand, serpent pin cushion, flattened/resting serpent in hand

La Geraghty Loma

willie herron paints alleyway where little brother got beat up by gang members// wanted to reinvision the space


womens dress/blouse for Guna// fab decor. w applique, reverse app/derived from womens body art// missionary activity encourage covering of female upper body/ early molas buried w creators

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