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When using the Table of Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances, a small spill is considered one involving _________________________.

200 liters

Which energetic materials are common in the United States and are used for their controlled release of gas to cause damage


What type of attack should a first responder suspect if there is an unscheduled spray being disseminated outdoors in the middle of the night


What are the four components of the placard?

color symbol UN Hazard Class Number UN/NA Identification Number.

List the different types of fixed-site containers and their pressures.

(1) atmospheric - 0 to 5 psi. (2) low-pressure - 5 to 100 psi. (3) high-pressure - 100 to 3,000 psi. (4) ultra-high pressure - above 3,000 psi.

When an entry in the blue border or yellow border pages is highlighted in green like 1005 Ammonia, the green border pages should be consulted because the material is a ______________.

-Toxic Inhalation Hazard (TIH) - Dangerous water reactive material -Chemical warfare agent

The toll free number for CHEMTREC in the United States is ______________.


Generally speaking, there are two types of hazards. What are they?

physical and health

Type II devices

those devices concealed under, or worn as part of clothing, can be belts, vests, or even shoes.

Each "Guide" in the ERG is _____ pages long and contains a Potential Hazards section, a Public Safety Section and an Emergency Response section.


The pages organized numerically by the 4 digit ID number have a _____________

yellow border

Tertiary explosives

insensitive and usually require a booster from a secondary explosives to work.

<p>Denial of entry to a hazardous area for all unprotected people.</p>


The Guide which is identified for hydrogen is 115. The Guide indicates that when the commodity is involved in a tank fire, the responders should__________

-Use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles -Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety devices -Fight the fire from a maximum distance

The Guide which is identified for sodium hydroxide solution is 154. Guide 154 advises the responder to treat a victim who has been splashed with the solution by ___________________.

-flushing the skin or eyes for at least 20 minutes with running water -Removing the contaminated clothing -Moving the victim to fresh air

List the nine (9) hazard classes.

1 Explosives 2 Gases 3 Flammable Liquids 4 Flammable Solids 5 Oxidizers 6 Toxic Materials and Infectious Substances 7 Radioactive Materials 8 Corrosives 9 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods

The Guide which is identified for sodium hydroxide solution is 154. If there was to be a fire involving a tank truck delivering this commodity to the plant which involves the tank area, the Guide recommends to ISOLATE______________ in all directions.

1.5 miles

<p>Using the <span class="nolink">placard</span> below, determine which of the following is the minimum distance, in meters, to isolate the spill or leak area.</p> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/pe4-6.png" alt="Illustration of a 1076 placard" width="118" height="115" /></p>


The appropriate Guide for Oleum is___________.


<p>Using the <span class="nolink">placard</span> below, determine which of the following is the appropriate minimum <span class="nolink">evacuation</span> distance, in meters, if fire is involved.</p> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/pe4-6.png" alt="Illustration of a 1076 placard" width="118" height="115" /></p>


What guide in the ERG should be used if there is a suspected intentional or unintentional release of radiation


Fuming sulfuric acid is sometimes referred to as Oleum. The ID Number for Oleum is___________.


What are the routes of exposure

: inhalation, ingestion, absorption/contact, and injection.

<p>_______ occurs when there is contact with the skin or eyes and material passes through unbroken flesh.</p>


Exposure is defined as direct bodily contact with a substance. As identified in this course, there are three types of exposure: acute, subacute, and chronic. Define each of these types of exposure

Acute exposure is of short duration. Exposure measured in seconds, minutes, or even hours may be acute. Applied to ingestion, it means a single dose. Subacute exposures are a series of acute exposures with an interval of time in between. Chronic exposures are of long duration or prolonged or repeated exposures over hours, days, months, and years.

Type of Exposure

Acute exposure is that of short duration. Exposure to a substance for seconds, minutes or even hours may be considered acute. If the substance is ingested, acute means a single dose. An acute exposure may be a one time event. Subacute exposures are a series of exposures at moderate concentrations with an interval of time between exposures. Chronic exposures are long duration or repeated exposures that occur over hours, day, months or years.

Sites of non-natural incidents must be treated as scenes to be investigated. What are some roles of non-law enforcement responders at such incident scenes?

Become active participants in evidence preservation; don't touch anything that's not necessary to touch to save a life; conduct a scene size-up; identify potential witnesses and perpetrators; persuade potential witnesses to remain at the scene; adjust procedures for overhaul and cleanup; use fog patterns vs. straight stream; don't "souvenir hunt;" protect the scene from bystanders; consult with law enforcement prior to non-life safety actions; treat all materials as vital to the investigation.

The NFPA 704 placard is used at fixed facilities. What are the color diamonds, and what does each color represent?

Blue - Health Red - Flammability Yellow - Reactivity White - Special Hazards

Which legislation put the cost of cleaning up a chemical spill on the company responsible


What is not expected of a first responder at the scene of a hazardous material incident

Don protective gear to control the hazardous material.

There are two types of public protection options following a hazardous incident. What are they? Identify the process of each.

Evacuation and sheltering in-place. The latter is best when evacuation would cause exposure to hazardous atmospheres, or when persons are disabled, critically ill, critical personnel, or prisoners. Use a bullhorn or PA for initial evacuation. Those evacuated must not leave the scene. Incidents that go long-term or have severe threat of large quantity release or explosion may need secondary evacuation. Sheltering in-place requires "buttoning up" any openings, including air systems shutdown.

The first piece of legislation that required the federal government to develop a coordinated and effective action to minimize the damages resulting from oil and hazardous substance releases was the

Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act)

The Guide which is identified for hydrogen is 115. The Guide indicates that the PRIMARY hazard associated with the material is a_______.

Fire or Explosion Hazard

Chemical substances present two types of hazards:

Fire or Explosion hazards Health hazards

At the first responder awareness level, what is the level of protective clothing you should work in?

Firefighters' structural firefighting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)--"bunker gear," "turnout gear," etc. Includes hood, helmet, coat, gloves, pants, boots, Personal Alert Safety System (PASS), and positive-pressure Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). Bunker gear is designed to cover the body and respiratory system, providing a high level of protection against physical injury and limited, short-term protection against heat and toxic atmospheres. It's not made for direct fire entry.

What are the responsibilities of responders at the awareness level?

First responders at the awareness level are individuals who are likely to witness or discover the release of a hazardous substance. Their primary function is to notify proper authorities that a release has occurred and to initiate an appropriate response. They may also establish isolation areas. They work in a non-intervention mode.

two reasons for terrorism

First, the general public is scared by the thought of an uncontrolled release of a hazardous material into the environment. Second, hazardous materials can be easily purchased in virtually any community in this country.

<p>__________ occurs when a hazardous material is taken into the body by eating or drinking.</p>


<p>__________ occurs when <span class="nolink">hazardous materials</span> are brought into the body by breathing contaminated air.</p>


The rail industry classifies tank cars in three classes. What are they, what are their pressures, and what does each type typically transport?

High-pressure reailroad tank cars are pressurized from 100-600 psi. They carry liquefied compressed gases that may be flammable, such as poisons, oxidizers, and/or asphyxiants. Low-pressure railroad tank cars are pressurized up to 100 psi. They carry solids that can be liquefied by heating for on-loading or off-loading, which may include flammables, corrosives, poisons, oxidizers, or other materials, including some food products. Cryogenic railroad tank cars typically carry Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, and Argon.

Name two important aspects of SARA.

In 1986, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) was passed. Among other aspects, SARA: amended and reauthorized the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and established a national baseline with regard to planning, response, management, and training for chemical emergencies.

What are the differences between OSHA 1910.120 and EPA 40CFR.311?

In essence, OSHA 1910.120 and EPA 311 are identical regulations mandated by SARA. The reason both OSHA and EPA issued these regulations is that OSHA regulations apply only in states with their own OSHA agencies, while EPA regulations would apply to all other states. This allows the regulations to be enforced in all fifty U.S. states.

Routes of Exposure

Inhalation involves the breathing of a substance, leading to direct contact with the tissues in the respiratory tract (nose, throat, trachea and lungs). Inhalation is possible when the material exists as a vapor, has a significant vapor pressure or is present as a mist. Ingestion is the swallowing of a substance, resulting in contact with the digestive tract (mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach and intestines). Ingestion is possible when the hands are contaminated and touch food, when the chemical is sprayed into the mouth, or when contaminated fingers are placed in the mouth. Absorption/Contact involves direct contact with the skin. The material may destroy the skin or pass through the skin or eyes into the blood stream. Injection is the entry of a material through a break in the skin. A cut from a contaminated piece of metal is an example of injection.

Chemical warfare agents pose a grave danger to responders and are generally categorized into one of two broad categories. Name the first of these categories, the three subdivisions within the category, and the definitions of each subdivision.

Lethal agents - designed to kill or severely injury. Incapacitating agents - designed to disable victims for at least several hours (chlorine gas, LSD, Buzz). Harassing agents - designed to force people to retreat and can result in serious medical complications (tear gas, pepper spray, mace).

first category of chemicals

Lethal agents: Designed to kill or severely injure. Incapacitating agents: Designed to disable the victim for at least several hours. Harassing agents: Designed to force people to retreat and can result in serious medical complications.

What type of laboratory may be indicated by coffee filters with stains and crystals and propane tanks with blue fittings?


Name the NFPA consensus standards that apply to hazardous materials professional competencies.

NFPA 472 - Standard for Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents establishes knowledge and competenence levels needed to safely, effectively respond to hazardous materials incidents. In essence, it is the basic training manual for hazardous materials response. NFPA 473 - Emergency Medical Services Competency in Hazardous Materials Emergencies addresses competencies needed by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel to manage responders and victims at incidents.

second category of chemicals

Nerve agents (e.g., Sarin: absorbed through the skin or inhaled; in sufficient quantities may cause instant death). Blister agents (e.g., Mustard Gas: results in death if significant exposure; slight exposure causes severe burns and may result in secondary infections). Blood agents (e.g., Arsine: attacks the body through the respiratory system; in sufficient quantities, it acts almost immediately and cardiac arrest can occur almost instantly). Choking agents (e.g., Phosgene: damages tissues of the respiratory system and eyes if unprotected; heavy concentrations lead to serious medical conditions, secondary infections, and even death).

The ability of the awareness level personnel to use the ERG is mandated by__________.

OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.120, EPA 40 CFR 311

recognition and identification clues

Occupancy, location and pre-incident surveys Container/vehicle shape (size and configuration) Transportation placards, labels and markings Non transportation markings and colors Written resources, MSDS's Senses

OSHA regulations apply in which states?

Only in states with their own OSHA agencies.

What type of improvised explosive device includes backpacks and letters

Type I

Biological agents three types:

Pathogens: living, reproducing, disease-producing organisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi, genetically engineered pathogens). Toxins: non-living organic chemicals derived from living organisms (e.g., high molecular weight: snake venom, plant toxins; low molecular weight: marine toxins, fungal toxins). Endogenous Biological Regulators (EBRs): chemical substances produced in the body to regulate various body functions.

Indicators of Suicide Bombers and Improvised Explosive Devices.

Persons trying to get close to where a large group is congregated Someone taking pictures, videos, making notes, or looking through binoculars Someone dressed more warmly than the weather calls for Individuals with excessive sweating, or nervously looking around An individual who is unwilling to release his or her personal effects

Type I devices

Pipe bombs are the most common type of IED, other devices can be carried in boxes, drink cartons, backpacks or satchels and even letters.

Which energetic materials are not typically used in suicide bombings but are used in arson


<p>Protecting people by placing them inside a building until the danger passes.</p>

Shelter in-place

Looking up the _______________ is NOT one of the three methods of identifying the appropriate Guide number for a material in the NAERG.

Shipper's name

What is meant by the term "standard of care?"

Standard of care is the level of competency anticipated or mandated in the performance of a service or duty. The standard of care for any particular situation or profession is not static but dynamic. It can change with new knowledge or with changes in our moral or ethical outlook. Court rulings can also change the standard of care for a given field.


The FBI defines terrorism as the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

Name the levels of competency (or "five levels of training"), as defined in OSHA 1910.120.

The five levels of competency are: First responder at the awareness level First responder at the operations level Hazardous materials technician Hazardous materials specialist on-scene incident commander.

Which of the following best describes standard of care?

The level of competency anticipated or mandated during the performance of a service or duty

What is the intended purpose of the 2012 ERG?

The purpose of the guidebook is to aid in the "initial response phase," that period following arrival at the scene of an incident during which the presence and/or identification of dangerous goods is confirmed, protective actions and area securing are initiated, and assistance of qualified personnel is requested. It is not intended to provide information on the physical or chemical properties of dangerous goods

What are the gravest types of incidents facing responders

The types of criminal incidents posing the gravest challenge to emergency responders are those involving unconventional components; i.e., nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) elements, often collectively referred to as weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

The colored pages of the 2012 ERG help the first responder identify the various sections. List the sections and their appropriate color code.

To identify a material using the product name or four-digit ID number on placards or shipping papers, you should use the YELLOW pages. If you have a material's three-digit guide number, you would look in the BLUE pages. Once you found the material's guide number in the yellow or blue pages, you turn to the ORANGE section to find safety information for the substance. Those materials highlighted in either yellow or blue pages as poisonous by inhalation (PIH) will be referenced in the GREEN pages.

indicators of chemical attack

Unexplained animal deaths and/or a lack of wildlife Presence of equipment or materials not appropriate to the occupancy Odors or tastes that have no apparent reason Presence of mists, vapors or clouds that have no obvious source


Used for their controlled release of gas to perform work, the majority of IED's used in the U.S. have incorporated propellants in their design.

Type III devices

also called VBIED's or vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, are concealed in or part of a vehicle, the 1993 World Trade Center and Alfred Murrah bombings are the two most noted examples of VBIED's. More recent events have shown that aircraft can be IED's although they need no added explosive but rely on the fuel instead.


also referred to as high explosives, are designed to yield a near-instantaneous release of energy

The pages organized alphabetically by shipping name have a _____________

blue border

Materials which present a polymerization hazard are identified by the letter "P" after the Guide Number Listing in the ________________ pages

both the blue and yellow border

Sarin, Mustard Gas, Arsine, and Phosgene are examples of what type of warfare agents categorized by their physiological effects


The commodity which has the 4 digit ID number 1049 is _______.


<p>Movement of everyone from a threatened area to a safer <span class="nolink">location</span>.</p>


What type of clandestine laboratory causes doorknobs and fixtures to rust and sidewalks/pavement to discolor?


Which energetic materials are designed to yield a near-instantaneous release of energy


Primary explosives

extremely sensitive and require very small amounts, as small as a single grain. Almost all detonators use primary explosives.

Secondary explosives

far less sensitive and commonly used in bulk quantities, secondary explosives require tremendous energy to initiate.

The "List of Dangerous Water-Reactive Materials Which Produce Toxic Gases" pages have a

green border

The Table of Isolation and Protective Action Distances pages have a __________

green border

If unable to obtain the 4 digit ID number or the shipping name and a placard is not present then ______________ is used if the incident is believed to involve hazardous materials/WMD or dangerous goods.

guide 111

Thermal, mechanical, and corrosive are types of;

harm that may be caused by hazardous materials

The Guide which is identified for sodium hydroxide solution is 154. The Guide indicates that the PRIMARY hazard associated with the material is a_______


Identify the four modes of transportation, the appropriate name of the shipping paper for each, and where those shipping papers may be found for each mode.

highway -- bill of lading -- found in the cab of a truck or with the driver. rail -- consist or waybill -- found in the engine (or the caboose, if present) or with the crew. water -- dangerous cargo manifest -- found in the wheelhouse or a special container on a barge; found with the crew on ships. air -- airbill -- found in the cockpit or with the pilot.

The second category of chemical warfare agents groups agents based upon their physiological effects. Name the four types of agents within this category and some examples of the chemicals' effects on the human body

nerve - (Sarin) absorbed through skin or inhaled; in sufficient quantities may cause instant death. blister - (Mustard Gas) significant exposure causes death; slight exposure can cause severe burns and secondary infections. blood - (Arsine) attacks body through the respiratory system; cardiac arrrest can occur almost instantly. choking - (Phosgene) damages respiratory system tissue and eyes if unprotected; heavy concentrations lead to serious medical conditions, secondary infections, or death.

The Guide which is identified for sodium hydroxide solution is 154. If there was to be a spill involving a tank truck delivering this commodity to the plant, the Guide advises structural firefighters' protective clothing is____________________.

not effective in spill situations

The abbreviation n.o.s. in the ERG means_______________.

not otherwise specified

The phone number for CHEMTREC may be found __________________.

on the inside of the back cover

Which of the following best describes the term acute when used in relation to hazardous materials exposure

one time; short duration

The Guide pages have an _____________

orange border

First responders at the operations level are those who are

part of the initial response to a hazardous substance release for the purpose of protecting people, property, and the environment


produce smoke, heat and light, they are not typically used in suicide bombings but are used in arson and other bombings.

What are some additional ways non-law enforcement responders can assist law enforcement personnel?

serving as eyewitnesses. paying attention to details. recording observations. taking photographs and/or videotapes, if possible. making a record of the response for later reference.

What are some clues that an incident could include a biological agent

unusual number of sick or dying people and animals (e.g., birds that are usually present at outside trash bins are dead, no insects can be heard). unscheduled or unusual spray being disseminated. abandoned spray devices, such as the type of chemical sprayers used by landscaping crews.

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