HDFS 3710 Global Trivia Quiz

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What proportion of the world's countries have a public old-age security program?

3/4 -- of the 227 countries/areas of the world with populations of at least 5,000; 167 report having some form of old age security

Approximately what percent of the private sector labor force in the United States is covered by a private pension plan (as opposed to, or in addition to, public Social Security)?


The world's elderly population is increasing by approximately how many people each month?


Japan has the highest life expectancy at birth among the major countries of the world. How many years can the average Japanese baby born in 2000 expect to live?

81 years, up from 52 years old in 1947

What is a Blue Zone?

A demographic region of the world where people live measurably longer lives. Blue Zones include: Sardinia, Italy, Ikaria, Greece, Okinawa, Japan, Nicoya Costa Rica, Loma Linda California

China has the world's largest total population (more than 1.2 billion people). Which country has the world's largest elderly (65+) population?

China also has the largest elderly population, numbering nearly 88 million in 2000

What are the leading killers of elderly women in Europe and North America?

Circulatory diseases - heart disease and stroke typically are the leading cause of death as reported by WHO. In Canada 44% of women over 65 die from heart disease. % was virtually the same for elderly men.

True or False: More than half of the world's elderly today live in the industrialized nations of Europe, North America, and Japan.

False - 59% of old people live in developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, The Caribbean, and Oceania

True or False: Elderly women outnumber elderly men in all developing countries.

False; although there are more elderly women than elderly men in the vast majority of countries, there are exceptions - India, Iran, and Bangladesh

True or False: Current demographic projections suggest that 35 percent of all people in the United States will be at least 65 years of age by the year 2050.

False; in 2050 it is projected to be a little over 20%

True or False: In developing countries, older men are more likely than older women to be illiterate.

False; older women are less likely to be illiterate. In China in 1990 only 11% of women could read and write compared of 1/2 of men

More than one-third of the world's oldest old live in which three countries?

India (6.2%), China (11.5%), US

Of the world's major countries, which had the highest percentage of elderly people in the year 2000?

Italy with 18.1% of all people ages 65+ ; Monaco is 22% of ages 65+

Which of the world's developing regions has the highest aggregate percent elderly?

The Carribbean -- 7.2% of all people aged 65 and older

In which country are elderly people least likely to live alone?

The Philippines-collectivist- more elderly people in developing countries live with their families than in developed countries

True or False: The number of the world's "oldest old" (people aged 80 and over) is growing more rapidly than that of the elderly as a whole.

True - the oldest old are the fastest growing component of many national populations - 1999-2000 3.5% worlds elderly population was 2.2%

True or False: In the year 2000, children under the age of 15 still outnumbered elderly people (age 65 and over) in almost all nations of the world

True; children still outnumber older people in all nations but 6 -- Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan and Spain

True or False: Today in some countries life expectancy at birth is less than 40 years.

True; some African (Malawi, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe) countries where HIV/AIDS epidemic is particularly devastating average life expectancy is 25 years lower than it otherwise would be in the absence of HIV/AIDS

There are more older widows than widowers living alone in virtually all countries because:

women live longer than men, women typically marry men older than themselves, men are more likely to remarry after divorce or death of spouse

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