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at what are are the highest fatality rates involving driving



60-year-old accountant feels satisfied with the life choices she's made even though she's still open to making changes in the future. Which of the five pathways in the Rochester Adult Longitudinal Study best describes her?


63-year-old man has never felt that he could settle on a career, and has explored three completely different areas of work since completing his medical degree at age 30. This man would fit which life pathway as described from research on the RALS?

how many stages does eriksons theory have?


is focused on achieving stability and attempt to remain within the same job

A 25yearold man with a bachelor's degree in English recently started working in a publishing firm that specializes in news magazines. In Super's theory, he would be characterized as being in the Establishment stage because he:


A 34-year-old woman is struggling to overcome her extreme anxiety that her friends will desert her, so she tends to stay away from making new friendships. According to the attachment style perspective, she would be considered to be _________ in her attachment style.


A major emphasis of psychodynamic theory is understanding the use of ________________ in adulthood.


According to ___________ theory, retirees maintain a sense of identity and therefore do not experience retirement in a negative manner


According to the correspondence principle, personality __________ is enhanced over adulthood because people selectively experience life events that reinforce their existing personalities.

redemptive self

Adults who are currently involved in developing their sense of generativity may be concerned not only about others, but about their own legacy, a process referred to as:


After several years at his current job as a sales manager, a 50yearold man decides he would rather remain a sales manager than do anything else because it suits his personality and interests. Based on the RIASEC model, you would expect that his score on a measure of career _________ would therefore be higher than would someone else's score who did not desire a career change.

an elder (Mr. Nino)

Al Nino is a man in his 70s who is receiving rehabilitation following his recent hip surgery. Luckily his physical therapist avoids elderspeak because she refers to him as:


As of 2015, the average monthly benefit for Social Security was approximately $________:

security emotionally and physically

Attachment theorists propose that older adults seek relationships in which they can experience a "safe haven," which includes such sources as:


Being able to find a ________________ career, in which people are not tied to a particular company or organization, might be difficult during times of a tight economy.

what says Less likely to judge, and more likely to appreciate individuality

Berlin wisdom paradigm

what says Wisdom is a form of expert knowledge in the pragmatics of life

Berlin wisdom paradigm


Beth is a middle-aged woman is quite annoyed with her boss, who is constantly asking that she complete time-consuming tasks right before the end of the day. Without realizing it, Beth finds herself completing the tasks, but doing so with occasional mistakes that her boss doesn't even notice. According to Vaillant, Beth is using what type of defense mechanism?

cognitive tasks

Brinley plots illustrating the slowing of reaction time in older adults typically involve which type of data


During working memory tasks, older adults have difficulty ___ the brain's default network, meaning that they are less able to focus on incoming information

this is a factor that contributes to the preservation of language that involves the usage of the right hemisphere more, (left is typically used for speech)

Harold model

self efficacy

In the workfamily enrichment framework, the psychological resources category includes which component?

parallel processing

On simple search tasks, where targets stand out relatively easy from distractors, older adults perform at higher levels, because these tasks require:


On the Marcia Identity Status Interview, emerging adults who are actively exploring alternatives in their commitment to important life areas would be in which identity status?

career plateauing

Reaching a point in your vocational development where you no longer feel that you are growing might keep you at the:

true self

Super's theory, unlike Holland's, assumes that people strive to express their __________ in their vocation.

socioemotional selectivity theory

Supporting the theory known as ____________, Isaacowitz's research on eye movements showed that older people prefer to look at the happy parts of a face.

ego maturing

The "ego" in ego psychology approaches to adult development and aging refers to the fact that these theories emphasize:

dependent on others

The "predicament" in the communication predicament model of aging and language refers to the fact that older people, because they appear to be in need of care, are talked to by others in ways that cause them to become:

changes in the nervous system

The General Slowing Hypothesis proposes that older adults become slower primarily because of:


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that, in 2012, the highest fatality rates were for drivers ages:

openness to experience

The Seattle Longitudinal Study (SLS) showed that people least likely to retain their intellectual abilities in later adulthood were low on the personality factor of:


The ______ theory is a process that results in changes in brain function through strengthening of existing connections, formation of new connections, and disuse of connections that become weak?

executive functioning

The abilities to plan, use working memory, allocate mental resources to incoming tasks, and inhibit information are included in the cognitive skill known in psychology as:

possible self

The idea of what you could become at some point in the future is known as your:


The idea that people are able to draw on their physical, psychological, and social capabilities to allow them to adjust to retirement is referred to as the ________ model.

life story

The inner narrative that people create of their experiences up to the present point is called the:


The quality of _______________ refers being able to the ability to recover from stress.


The quality of resilience, in terms of coping, refers to an individual's ability to:

gender gap

There is complete parity between men and women in terms of full-time wages within what occupational classification?

age-complexity hypothesis

This hypothesis proposes that older adults are disproportionately slower on tasks that are more difficult

slow-wave sleep

Unlike younger adults, neither middle-aged nor older individuals show a benefit to memory of having a greater amount of ___ sleep

mixed findings

Was past research consistent or were there disagreements on whether or not working into the later years was good or bad for individuals?

usual, decision for retirement does not involve family new mode- spruce and family play role in retirement decisions and adjustment

What differentiates the "new mode" approach from the "usual" mode of retirement?


What was cited as the average age of retirement in the United States (citation was from 2007)?

Is working in later life good or bad for health

What was the objective (the purpose) of the study performed by Dr. Wickrama and colleagues?

comprehension-knowledge domain-specific knowledge reading and writing quantitative knowledge

Which ability fits within the CHC model of intelligence under the category of acquired knowledge of systems?


While checking in on an older adult patient whose husband is visiting her in the hospital, a nurse's aid finds them holding hands and kissing. The aide immediately laughs and says "That's so cute!" What is the aide's behavior referred to in the psychology of aging?

crystallized intelligence rises throughout adulthood into the 70s

While playing words with friends, with her 72 y/o grandmother, Fran is shocked to find that she is losing badly because her grandmother just seems to know so many more words. Fran's grandmother is illustrating the fact that:


Workers who fail to develop as optimally as possible are, in Holland's theory, referred to as:


Your college degree (in the U.S.) will earn you approximately $____ per week beyond the wages of a high school graduate.

type a (hostility)

a cardiologist/Dr. Al Fresco/ sees many middle-aged and older patients who suffer from heart disease and all seem to share a certain personality trait. Based on longitudinal research on adults from college through midlife, which personality trait is this likely to be?

self-regulate (which type of driving areas they should avoid) wear seat belts

a factor in the driving behavior of older adults is that, compared to younger adults, they are more likely to:


a large meta-analysis of research on six major personality traits showed the largest and steadiest increase on which trait?


a middle-aged man, currently unattached, finds himself constantly longing to be as close as possible to his romantic partners. Eventually, his partners always leave him because he seems to be so clingy. Which type of attachment style does this man seem to have?

inhibit distracting information allocating mental resources to one task

a middle-aged psychologist is concerned about his father's driving because he worries that his father seems to be showing slips in his executive functioning. This means that the father is having the most difficulty in which aspect of driving?

assess the situation

a technical repairperson is trying to determine the cause of a recent outage. The first step in the problem-solving is needed to repair the damage is for the repairperson to:

perform worse

according to research on stereotype threat, when older adults are made to feel aware of their age in a memory study, they will:


according to research on this type of memory, older adults are able to remember distinctive historical events as well as do younger adults

conjunction visual

according to the age complexity hypothesis, this type of search task would present the greatest challenge to a normally-aging older adulg

inhibitory deficit hypothesis

according to this hypothesis about the effects of aging on attention, older adults take longer to respond because they are unable to ignore distracting or interfering stimuli

high in commitment and exploration


on the Marcia identity status interview, emerging adults who are balanced and are actively exploring alternatives in their commitment to important life areas would be in which identity status?


what theory says Early relationships set the stage for later development and relationships

adult attachment

in the Seattle longitudinal study Changes in intelligence were reflected by effects of what 3 things?

age, cohort, and time of measurement

what hypothesis for reaction time slowing says as tasks become more complex older adults perform more poorly because processing resources are becoming more and more stretched thin


get along with others (part of the big 5)


reminiscence bump

although you may not realize it right now, the years of your late adolescence and early adulthood are likely to be best remembered by you in the future due to the phenomenon known as:

presbyopia (sensitivity to glare)

an older adult's ability to drive may be affected by which normal age-related changes in vision?

Older adults are less likely to experience ______ attachment


gerativity (quiet ego(

as people get older they should, according to Bauer, care less about themselves and more about others, an increase in what he calls:


as pointed out in socioemotional selectivity theory, people who value the _________ function of their relationships are likely to seek advice and practical tips from the people with whom they spend time.

info from prior experience

as shown in research on decision-making, one advantage that older problem-solvers seem to possess involves their greater ability to make the most out of:

this is the ability to concentrate on a portion of an experience while ignoring other features of that experience


what theory says older adults have fewer resources and have a greater difficulty with attention tasks.

attentional resources theory

this pathway achieves solid identity commitments through exploration and change

authentic road

this form of memory does not decline with age and is for recalling information from the past (happy)


the predicament in the communication predicament model of aging and language refers to the fact that older people, because they appear to be in need of care, are talked to by others in ways that cause them to become A. Overly independent B. Less able to care for themselves C. Depressed about their future D. Medically unstable



based on a study carried out in The Netherlands on verbal fluency and working memory, you would be most likely to preserve these important cognitive skills if you became a:

make better decisions about what to purchase

based on what researchers have discovered about the attraction effect, it is likely that in considering their behavior as consumers older adults should be more likely to:

what wisdom model says Wise people are experts in the pragmatics of intelligence, they can apply knowledge to solutions for real life problems

bates wisdom model

traits guide....


excutive functioning

bilingual adults benefit because the task-switcbing required by monitoring two languages strengthens their:

Changes in vision and reaction time is an example of what part of the biopsychosocial view of driving and aging


researchers use this to help see the variance of reaction times for cognitive tasks

brinley plot


by 2024, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that approximately ___% of the labor force will be 55 and older.

gestures and facial expressions

by interpreting the paralinguistic elements of speech, such as ___, older adults can compensate for not hearing every word spoken to them in a conversation


by using this to guide them, older adults can compensate for age-related changes in memory and speed when comprehending language

Research on prospective memory shows that older adults have more difficulty when the task involves which type of mental activity? A. Recalling someone's name B. Solving a crossword puzzle C. Planning a future event D. Remembering a past event


based on what researcher have discovered about the attraction effect, it is likely that in considering their behavior as consumers older adults should be more likely to: A. Buy products marketed with traditional logos B. Prefer commercials that have softer music C. Make better decisions about what to purchase D. Waste money by giving into false advertising


while playing words with friends with her 72 year old grandmother, Sarah is shocked to find that she is losing badly because her grandmother seems to know so many more words. Sarah's grandmother is illustrating the fact that: A. Older adults are superior to younger adults in inductive reasoning B. Later life is associated with much faster response speed C. Secondary abilities improve but primary abilities decline later life D. Crystallized intelligence rises throughout adulthood into the 70s


working memory

changes in which type of memory are most likely to affect the ability of an older adult to put words together in a sentence to convey the intended meaning?

this refers to the way the mind works


what is the most widely studied topic in agin

cognitive processing

what are some behavioral patterns of a type A personality?

competitive, urgency, achievement oriented

this is a way to study attention that involves serial processing. The object differs in more than one way from the distractors.

conjunction search

attention to detail, older adult grow the most in this (part of the big 5)



consistent with this model of aging and neuroplasticity, older adults are able to compensate by using the right hemisphere in processing language instead of the left

actions taking to relieve stress


what Explains how personality and experiences interact? personalities affect life choices, which in turn affect personalities

correspondence principle

confusing signs/pedestrians

crowded intersections pose a particular risk for older adults not only because of the many cars, but because they often have difficulty:

this type of intelligence is the acquisition of specific skills including language, knowledge and culture


what type of intelligence do you use to Solve problems with prior learning and past experience


older adults who eat a diet that includes food rich in _____ are likely to experience some cognitive benefits. A. Beta carotene B. Ginko biloba C. Red meat D. Omega 3


event-related potentials (ERPs)

data from studies measuring the brain's electrical activation to stimuli, also known as this, show that older adults are less able to inhibit irrelevant information

this form of memory is a circuit in the brain that remains active while the brain is at rest

default network

Recognition that truth is not always a given, or 100% accepted

dialectal thinking

low in commitment and exploration


this pathway shows self-defeating behaviors and poor decisions

downward slope

Infantilizing and patronizing speech

elder speech

what type of coping involves crying about a sitution, drinking, screaming,.... etc

emotion focused

older adults care more about which type of relationship?


what is it called when the ego develops in a way that builds upon previous life stages?

epigenetic principle

memory used for events


who's developmental theory says The ego matures throughout an individuals life by building upon previous life stages

eriksons psychosocial

metabolic syndrome

even in the absence of a neurocognitive disorder, people at risk of which medical condition are more likely to experience significant memory loss?

higher order cognitive skills needed to make decisions, plans, and allocate mental resources to a task

executive functioning

what grows by being bilingual?

executive functioning

outgoing and sociable (part of the big 5)


memories from distant past are not better than from the present

findings on the effects of age on memory for events from the long-ago past, or remote memory, show that:

this form of memory does not decline with age and is for important and distinct memories (sad or happy)


this type of intelligence is used with memory, problem solving and basic knowledge


what are 2 type of intelligence

fluid crystalized

High in commitment and low in exploration


the ability of adolescents and adults to use logic to arrive at a solution of a complex problem

formal operations

what hypothesis for reaction time slowing says its caused by a general decline of information processing speed within the nervous system?

general slowing

what stage involves caring for or investing in the future of other generations?


this theory describes the degree of commitment and exploration of an individual

identity status

this form of memory does not decline with age and is for recall of information that you didnt mean to store like trivia


perceived femininity

in a longitudinal research on ego development in women conducted by Helson and her colleagues at Mills College, the results showed that during the years of adulthood, women decreased in:

name earlier items presented in a series

in an n-back task, used to assess working memory, participants are asked to:

fluid intelligence

in research on the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm by Grossman and colleagues, the older adults who were seen by others as wise had lower scores on a measure of:

desirability (attraction)

in research on the attraction effect in problem solving, the findings suggest that older adult consumers are less likely to be influenced by:

focus on important factors instead of irrelevant ones (e.g. attraction effect)

in solving everyday problems, older adults typically show which pattern of performance compared to younger adults?


in the Berlin Wisdom paradigm, working memory would be considered to represent the ___ of intelligence

what causes loss of desire to be self-sufficient, social, self-fulfilling consequence, dementia


relationships serve what 2 functions?

informational, emotional

this is turning off one response while performing another for example the word blue colored red.

inhibitory control

what hypothesis says Aging reduces ability to tune out irrelevant information

inhibitory deficit

complex and vague

instruction manuals that use terms that are ___ are particularly challenging for older adults

this isan assessment of an individuals overall cognitive status along a set of standardized dimensions it Allows clinicians to evaluate cognitive strengths and weaknesses, establish a diagnosis of neurological or psychological disorder

intelligence tests

what does Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences call the knowledge of self and others

interpersonal intrapersonal

high consciences and neuroticism

lower levels of IL-6 were associated in research on the MIDUS with which FFM personality trait?

stereotype threat

making older adults conscious about their age during a memory test is likely to trigger the condition known as, in which their performance actually becomes worse

this pathway fails to settle on a course in life and constantly searches for identity

meandering way

the confidence that you have in your memory

memory self-efficay


mixing up who said what in a conversation that happened in the past is an instance of ___ memory failure, a problem that affects older more than younger adults

lack of commitment but high in exploration


the general slowing hypothesis proposes that older adults become slower primarily because of

nervous system changes

Gathering information about a clients brain functioning from a series of standardized cognitive tests Can be tailored to target a specific area in the brain

neuropsychological assessment

tendency to worry (part of the big 5)


what ego is highly self centered?


episodic source prospective tip-of-the-tongue (retrieval induced forgetting) remote

older adults are more susceptible to losing which type of memory?

Omega 3 and flavonoids

older adults who eat a diet that includes food rich in ___ are likely to experience some cognitive benefits

memory self-efficacy

older adults who have a low sense of ___, the feeling that they cannot perform well on a memory test, are likely to have poorer scores when their memory is actually tested

identity accommodation

older adults who have a sense of low memory controllability because they believe that memory decline is inevitable can also be thought of as high in:

working memory (Stroop task)

older bilingual speakers show performance deficits on which measure of executive functioning?

willingness to entertain new ideas. (part of the big 5)


inhibitory control

performance of older adults on the Stroop color-word task provides evidence of effects of aging on:

A persons characteristic way of feeling or behaving


what theory says Individuals view of the self guides the choice and pursuit of future endeavors?

possible selves theory

Ability of adults to structure thinking above and beyond that of an adolescent

post-formal operations

older adults use which form of coping more often?

problem focused

type of coping that involves finding a solution through time management or social support

problem focused

Evaluating older adults ability to handle situations such as finances, monitoring their debts, instrumental activities of daily living

problem solving

are most familiar (clear end Goal and strategies)

problems in everyday life that are the easiest to solve for older adults are those that:

this form of memory does not decline with age and is for recall of actions


amount of time it takes for an individual to analyze incoming information from senses and then prepare a response

processing speed

type of memory for recall of events that you must do in the future

prospective memory

what perspective focuses on unconscious motived and impulses that express them selves in peoples personalities or behaviors

psychodynamic perspective

Internal distractions causing anxiety are examples of what part of the biopsychosocial view of driving and aging


what ego is more focused on those around you, and less about self


the measure of processing speed

reaction time

type of memory with information from the distant past

remote memory

smoking behaviors

research conducted by Lodi-Smith comparing personality and preventive behaviors found that observer-rated personality traits were correlated with which measure relevant to health?

experience deficits in working memory

research examining the relationship between memory and stress found that people who experience daily stresses, regardless of age, are also likely to:

car crash

research from the Institute of Highway Safety shows that older drivers in the US faced with the challenge of making a left-hand turn while driving in a busy intersection are most likely to experience which outcome?


research on identity in emerging adults suggests that those who are most likely to engage in delinquent and drug-related behaviors are in which identity status?

planning a future event

research on prospective memory shows that older adults have more difficulty when the task involves which type of mental activity?

sustained attention

research on video game training in young adults shows that these games have the effect of improving:


researchers have established that when older adults are given an___ memory test, or one in which they don't know they're being tested, they perform as well as young adults

decline in abilities

researchers have shown that when spoken to by the young with "elderspeak," older adults experience:


scaffolding theory in the area of cognitive aging comes closest to which concept in the area of aging and the nervous system?

this form of memory does not decline with age and is for recalling word meanings and factual information


this is a way to study attention that uses parallel processing to pick which one is different from the rest. (only one difference)

simple search



driving is necessary to live independently is what part of the biopsychosocial view of driving and aging


what theory says as individuals age people structure the nature and range of their relationships to maximize gains and minimize risks

socioemotional selectivity

where or how information is acquired, more detailed aspects of memory

source memory

Being influenced by social attitudes towards aging

stereotype threat

this pathway maintains consistent life pattern and is defensive about change

straight and narrow way

what occurs when a Situation that is perceived as overwhelming and you doubt your ability to manage it?


this is a response when a certain target appears in continuous stream of stimuli and you pick out visual cues (video games)

sustained attention

reserve capacity

testing the limits is a method used in studies of aging and cognition to demonstrate which principle related to plasticity?


the Five Factor model of personality fits into which overall category of psychological theories?


the ________________ principle would predict that, over time, a highly agreeable person would be more liked by other people, which would further increase that person's agreeableness over the years of adulthood.

useful field of view

the ability to respond to stimuli in the periphery, relevant to the driving skills of older adults, is called:

what is the most accepted trait theory

the big five

hippocampus (parietal and temporal lobes cingulate cortex prefrontal cortex)

the brain's default network, which processes internally-generated stimuli, includes which structure?


the communication predicament model is associated with which type of language directed toward older adults


the effects of aging on working memory may be due to changes in which structure of the brain?

smoked abstained from alcohol didn't exercised consumed low amounts of fruits and vegetables

the findings on executive function and lifestyle factors from Whitehall II showed that people whose abilities declined the most also tended to:

crystallized intelligence (specifically vocabulary)

the highest scores for older adults, and lowest age-related declines, are shown on which primary mental ability

plasticity model

the idea of reserve capacity in research on aging and intelligence is very similar to the concept of ___ in the nervous system


the majority of retirees are said to experience a(n) ______________ retirement, because they typically do not exit the labor force in an allornothing fashion.

internal distractions causing anxiety

the model of self-regulation and driving predicts that if an older adult will continue to drive depends on the psychological factors of:

problem-solving abilities

the pragmatics of intelligence, in the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm, emphasizes which type of abilities?

neuroticism and conscientiousness

the psychologist testing a 78-year-old new client administered the NEO-PI-R as part of a neuropsychological assessment. She noted that the client has markedly high scores on an Alzheimer's screening test. According to research on the Five Factor Model and Alzheimer's disease risk, which scale of the NEO-PI-R is likely to be abnormally high?

keep information temporarily available and active in consciousness

the role of the central executive in working memory is to:

inhibit irrelevant information

the tendency to ramble may be especially likely to occur in the speech of older adults who experience "mental clutter" or an inability to:

what theory says changes in defense mechanisms used to cope with problems change as you grow older

theory of defense mechanisms

type of memory that you are unable to remember information that you knew at one time

tip of the tongue

give meaning to information (such as using in a sentence)

training older adults to use "deep processing" to encode information more fully would involve having them flow which procedure?

the five factor model of personality fits into which overall category of psychological theories?


this pathway includes overcoming challenges. resilient

triumphant trial

verbal memory (long term)

virtual reality memory training, in which older adults stimulated walking through various places, was found to benefit which type of cognitive ability?

this requires that an observer locates a specific target among a set of distractors to study attention

visual search tasks

semantic memory

vocabulary, factual information, and historical knowledge fall into the category of ___ memory, a process not affected by aging

less women in professional work (higher paying jobs)

what is the main macros accounting for the gender gap in earnings?

compensatory effect

what says work provides an opportunity for cognitive stimulation and benefits from work (ex social and advice from coworkers)

role theory

what theory ays work roles provide resources to buffer against effects of stress?

activity theory

what theory says engagement enhances positive beliefs about self and improved mental and physical health

Scaffolding theory

what theory says scaffolding can help protect cognitive functioning in older adults by strengthening existing neural connections

default network

while you are at rest, this is at work in the brain, which processes information that you generate internally

attention tasks

with the help of this, researchers in the area of cognitive aging are able to calculate the extent of attentional slowing in older adults

this form of memory Keeps information temporarily available and active in consciousness.


feared self

you're having a chat with your older cousin who, at age 35, believes that he may never be able to get the kind of job for which he feels qualified. He sees himself as on his way to a dead-end career. Your cousin's beliefs fit into the concept of:


your best friend's grandparent always seems to have great advice whenever you are struggling in your relationship. This is because wise people are considered, in the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm, to be high in the ____ of intelligence

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