HE (enumeration)

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Availability to Students

- A great stressor! - The reality is that, teachers usually have many other students or patients they are working with and he/she cannot be in many places at once. - Learners should be told at the beginning of the instruction what they should do if they need assistance and instructor is not available at the time.

3 Different Models of Learning According to Schema Theory

- Accretion - Tuning - Restructuring

definition of STYLE in the world of teaching

- An outgrowth of teacher's personality and character. - It goes beyond having certain skills or behaviors. - It is a blending of certain ways of talking, moving, relating and thinking. - It is more than the ability to entertain (sense of humor)

Importance of Adequate Literacy

- As nurse educators, we provide educational materials to our clients. - When clients do not understand what you are teaching, they may make a guess about what is taught causing possible disastrous results for their health. - Low literacy contributes to the increasing cost of health care because they "put off disease-prevention actions and to wait longer before seeking medical help.

Example of PEMS

- Brochures - Pamphlet - Instruction sheet

Evaluation Practices

- Clearly communicating expectations, providing timely feedback on student progress, correcting students tactfully, being fair in the evaluation process. - If learners do not meet the teacher's expectations, they should be made aware of it, as soon as possible. - Fairness in evaluation is a subjective phenomena.

Kolb's Theory of Experiental Learning

- Concrete Experience (CE) Abilities - Reflective Observation (RO) Abilities - Abstract Conceptualization (AC) Abilities - Active Experimentation (AE) Abilities

Grogorc's Cognitive Style Model: Four Mediation Channel

- Concrete Sequential Learners - Concrete Random Learners - Sequential learners - Abstract Random Learners

Kolb identified 4 possible learning styles

- Converger - Diverger - Accommodator - Assimilator

Factors that influence learning

- Culture - Age - Emotional Status - Socioeconomic Level

Teaching Practices

- Defined as the mechanics, methods, and skills in classroom and clinical teaching. Presenting subject matter in such a way a skill can be learned. NOTE: We have all been subject to teachers who, although brilliant, organized, and even clear, lack the ability to present the class material in anything but a boring manner. - Material must be presented logically

Essential Components of Motivation and Behavior Change Theories

- Health Belief Model - Transtheoretical or Stages of Change Model - Theory of reasoned action - Social Cognitive Theory - Self Efficacy Theory - Behavior Modification Theory - Attribution Theory

Organizational Factors

- Include a short but descriptive title - Use brief headings and subheadings - Incorporate only 1 idea per paragraph, and be sure that the first sentence is the topic sentence. - Divide complex instructions into small steps - Consider using a question-answer format -Reinforce main points with a summary in the end.

Common Concepts in Cognitive Theory

- Learning - Metacognition - Intelligence - Memory - Transfer

Witkin Field Independent

- Mathematical reasoning may be strong - Analyzes the elements of the situation - Recognizes and recalls details - More task-oriented - Forms attitudes independently - More pronounced self-identity

Witkin Field Dependent

- More difficulty in mathematical reasoning - Analyzes the whole picture; less able to analyze the elements - Does not perceive details - More people-oriented - Attitudes guided by authority figures or peer groups - See themselves as others see them

Clues for Assessing Literacy

- Not even attempting to read the printed material - Asking to take printed educational materials at home to discuss with significant other - Claiming that eyeglasses were left at home - Stating that they cannot read something because they are too tired or not feeling well - Avoiding discussion of reading material or not asking question about it - Mouthing words as they try to read

In developing PEMS, one must consider the

- Organization of information - Linguistic - Appearance

Teaching with Low Literacy Skills

- Set realistic objectives for the person's level of understanding - Choose the information that - Keep instructions simple will meet the objectives - If possible, use more than one teaching method to reinforce the learning. - Use repetition at appropriate times - Be creative in the way you evaluate the learning.

Types of Learning (8)

- Signal Learning - Stimulus-response Learning - Verbal Association - Chaining - Problem Solving - Rule Learning - Concept Learning - Discrimination Learning

Personal Characterestic

- Students value these personal qualities: authenticity, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, self-control, patience, flexibility, sense of humor, good speaking voice, self-confidence, and caring attitude. - Teachers must aim for high standards of behavior.

2 basic categories of Teaching style

- Teacher-centered - Student-centered

Introduction to Good Teaching: Insights

- The effective teacher does not become so just by imitating former good teachers, although following a good role model can be helpful. - Those less endowed with natural talents can still become good teachers if they have the desire to succeed. - Willingness and knowledge of educational theory

Hallmarks of Good Teaching: Professional Competence

- The teacher who enjoys nursing, shows genuine interest in patients and displays confidence in his/her professional abilities. - Maintains skills and knowledge through reading, research, clinical practice, and continuing education. - Becomes a positive role model for learners.

Appearance Factor

- Use simple diagrams or graphics that are well-labelled. - Use upper and lowercase letters appropriately. - Used 12-14 font size - Place emphasized words in bold or underline them, but do not use capital letters. - Use lists when appropriate - Try to limit the line length to no more than 50-60 characters

Transtheoretical or Stages of Change Model

- precontemplation - contemplation - action - maintenance - termination

Interpersonal Relationship with Students

-Being sensitive to the feelings/problems of the leamers by conveying respect, alleviating their anxieties, being fair and accessible in conferences, and permitting learners to express their points of view. - Avoid misgivings such as "getting too involved in students." - Studies indicate that students learn more in settings where teachers are student-oriented and emphatic.

Interpersonal Relationship with Students: Approaches

-FIRST: Teachers must listen to learners and try to see the world through their eyes. - SECOND: Accept learners as they are; whether or not you like them. - THIRD: Honest communication. -FOURTH: Openness

Linguistic Factor

-Keep the reading level at grade 5-6 to make the material understandable to most low-literate persons. - Use short sentences, - Define technical terms if they must be used. - Use words consistently throughout the text. - Avoid the use of idioms. - Use graphics and language that are culturally and age-relevant for the intended audience. - Use active rather than passive voice. Ex. "Take Rifampicin before meals." - Incorporate examples.

Theory of reasoned action intention to change the behavior is the result of the ff:

1. A person's attitude toward the behavior 2. Subjective norms 3. Behavioral control

Learning Preposition With Which Most Psychologist Will Agree

1. Behaviors which are rewarded are more likely to re-occur. 2. Sheer repetition without indications of improvement or any kind of reinforcement is a poor way to attempt to learn. 3. Threat and punishment have variable and uncertain effects on learning (either to lessen the mistakes or cause avoidance tendencies) 4. Reward, to be most effective in learning, must follow almost immediately after the desired behavior and be clearly connected with that behavior in the mind of the learner. 5. Learners progress in any area of learning only as far as they are needed in order to achieve their purposes. 6. Forgetting proceeds rapidly at first. 7. Learning from reading is facilitated more by time spent recalling what has been read than by rereading.

We should bother to study learning styles because:

1. If we hope to study how individuals learn, we can intervene when they are having difficulty. 2. We can enhance effective learning to make it even better. 3. If students become aware of their own learning styles, they can be helped to learn how to learn.

Self-Efficacy Theory 4 variables

1. Performance accomplishments 2. Vicarious experience 3. Verbal persuasion 4. Physiological state

Characterestic of Effective Teaching

1. Simplicity and clarity 2. Positive attitude 3. Can inspire and motivate students 4. Hard work 5. Concerned not only with what the students know, but also students' beliefs, values, and relationships. 6. Committed and creative 7. Unsparing gift of self

Learning Principle

1. Use several senses 2. Actively involve the patients or clients in the learning process 3. Provide an environment conducive to learning 4. Assess the extent to which a leamer is ready to learn. 5. Determine the perceived relevance of information. 6. Repeat information. 7. Generalize information 8. Make learning a pleasant experience 9. Begin with what is known: move toward of what is unknown. 10. Present information in an appropriate rate

Learning Theories

Behaviorist Cognitive

Students value these personal qualities:

authenticity, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, self-control, patience, flexibility, sense of humor, good speaking voice, self-confidence, and caring attitude.

Theory of Reasoned Action

based on the person's intention to do something: intention to change the behavior is the result of the ff: 1. A person's attitude toward the behavior 2. Subjective norms 3. Behavioral control

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