Head and Spinal Injury

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When skull fractures occurred and what may occur?

-It occurs when energy applied to the skull causes bone break, making it more likely that there'll be also damage to the brain. -Raccoon eyes and battle signs bruising of the mastoid process of the temporal bone. It is a sign of basilar skull fracture (break of a bone in the base of the skull). Also, rhinorrhea or CSF otorrhea.

Assessing the level of consciousness:

1-Assess a casualty's level of consciousness using the AVPU scale. (Alert, voice, pain and unresponsive). 2-• Check the casualty at regular intervals as condition may improve or deteriorate at any time.

What are the signs & symptoms of head injuries(minor head injury)?

1-Bump may appear on the head. 2-Brief period of impaired consciousness. 3-Scalp wound. 4-Dizziness, nausea, headache and confusion. 5-Loss of memory of events at the time of, or immediately preceding the injury.

In case of severe head injury what to do?

1-Call 911 for emergency. 2-Maintain an open and clear airway. Do this in the position the casualty was found and try not to move him because of the additional risk of spinal injury. 3-If there is a spinal injury use the jaw thrust method to open the airway. 4-Regularly monitor and record vital signs—breathing, pulse, and level of response, while waiting for help to arrive. 5-Watch especially for changes in his level of response.

What are the two types of head injuries?

1-Closed head injury: It is any injury that doesn't break the skull. 2-Opened head injury (penetrating): It is one in which there is obvious wound due something breaks the scalp and skull and may enters the brain, like gunshot or sharp object.

What are the signs & symptoms of head injuries(severe head injury)?

1-Deteriorating level of response. 2-Loss of consciousness. 3-Leakage of blood or blood-stained watery fluid from the ears or nose. 4-Unequal pupil size. 5-Vomiting, seizures, or both. 6-Impaired balance and coordination.

What are the cautions of spinal injury?

1-Do not move the casualty from the position in which you found him/her unless he/she is in immediate danger. 2-If the casualty who has a suspected spinal injury has to be moved, use the log-roll technique.

What are the causes of head injuries?

1-Fall 2-Motor vehicle accident 3-Assaults 4-Sports or recreation-related accidents

What are the causes of spinal injury?

1-Falling awkwardly, for instance, while doing gymnastics or bouncing on a trampoline. 2-Diving into a shallow pool and hitting the bottom. 3-Falling from a height, such as a ladder. 4-Falling from a horse or motorcycle. 5-Sudden deceleration in a motor vehicle. 6-A heavy object falling across the back. 7-Injury to the head or the face.

What are the signs and symptoms when the spinal cord is damaged?

1-Loss of control over limbs movement. 2-Loss of sensation, or abnormal sensations such as burning or tingling; a casualty may tell you that his limbs feel stiff, or heavy. 3-Loss of bladder and/or bowel control. 4-Breathing difficulties.

First aid for unconscious casualty in spinal injury:

1-Open the casualty's airway using the jaw-thrust technique. 2-Place your fingertips at the angles of jaw. 3-Gently lift the jaw to open the airway. 4-Take care not to tilt the casualty's neck. 5-Check the casualty's breathing (If breathing, continue to support the head). 6-If the casualty is not breathing, begin CPR. If you need to turn the casualty, use the log-roll technique. 7-Monitor and record vital signs—breathing, and pulse, level of response, while waiting for help.

What are the signs and symptoms when the vertebrae are damaged?

1-Pain in the neck or back at the injury site. 2-Irregularity or twisting in the normal curve of the spine 3-Tenderness and/or bruising in the skin over the spine.

What is the log roll technique?

1-Position the casualty with arms crossed over chest. 2-Direct your helpers to roll the casualty in the agreed-upon direction. 3-Keep the casualty's head, trunk, and legs in a straight line at all times; the upper leg should be supported in a slightly raised position to keep the spine straight.

First aid for conscious casualty in spinal injury:

1-Reassure the casualty and advise him not to move. 2-Call 911 for emergency help, or ask a helper to do this. 3-Kneel or lie behind the casualty's head. Rest your elbows on the ground or on your knees to keep your arms steady. 4-Grasp the sides of the casualty's head (Spread your fingers so that you do not cover his ears, so he can hear you). 5-Steady and support his head in this neutral position, in which the head, neck, and spine are aligned. 6-Ask a helper to place rolled up blankets, or towels on either side of the casualty's head and neck, while you keep his head in the neutral position. 7-Continue to support the casualty's head until emergency services take over, no matter how long this may be. 8-Get the helper to monitor and record vital signs breathing, and pulse, level of response, while waiting for help to arrive. 9-Do not move the casualty from the position in which you found him unless he is in immediate danger. 10-If the casualty has to be moved, use the log-roll technique.

First aid for head injury:

1-Sit the casualty down and give him a cold compress to hold against the injury. 2-Assess the casualty's level of consciousness using the AVPU scale. 3-Treat any scalp wounds by applying direct pressure to the wound. 4-Monitor and record vital signs—breathing, pulse and level of response regularly. 5-Watch the causality especially for changes in his level of response.

What you have to know about head injuries?

1-They are potentially serious because they can lead to damage to the brain. 2-The casualty may be fully conscious if he/she has a minor injury such as a bruise or scalp wound. 3-If he has suffered a more serious blow to the head, consciousness may be temporarily impaired. 4-A serious head injury is likely after a high speed motor collision or a fall from a height.

What could brain edema leads to?

A pressure buildup in the brain, causing the brain to press against the skull.

What is brain edema?

Any brain injury can lead to edema, or swelling of the surrounding tissues, but it's more serious when it occurs in the brain.

What hematoma could do?

Hematoma can be very serious as it can cause building up of pressure inside the skull and damage the tissues of the brain.

What are the suspicions of spinal injury?

If abnormal forces have been exerted on the back or neck, and particularly if a casualty complains of any changes in sensation or difficulties with movement.

When you must assume that the casualty has a spinal injury?

If the incident involved violent forward or backward bending, or twisting of the spine.

Cautions in spinal injury conditions:

If you are alone and you need to leave the casualty to call for emergency help, and if the casualty is unable to maintain an open airway, you should place him in the recovery position before you leave him.

What is spinal injury?

Injuries to the spine can involve one or more parts of the back and/or neck: vertebrae, disks of tissues that separate the vertebrae, surrounding muscles, and ligaments or the spinal cord and the nerves that branch off from it.

What is a hematoma?

It is a collection of blood or clotting outside the blood vessels.

What is a hemorrhage?

It is a uncontrolled bleeding. There can be bleeding in the space around the brain, or bleeding within the brain tissue, called intracerebral hemorrhage. •The severity of hemorrhages depends on how much bleeding there is.

What is definition of Traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

Its any trauma to the scalp, skull, or brain produced by mechanical forces that cause damage to neurological structures.

What happens when someone gets a concussion?

Often, people lose consciousness few minutes or less. They may become confused or be unable to recall events (amnesia) that occurred shortly before or soon after the injury.

When to seek medical advice for head injuries?

Seek medical advice if you notice signs of a worsening head injury such as: 1-Increasing drowsiness. 2-Dizziness or balance problems. 3-Difficulty speaking and walking. 4-Vomiting episodes after the injury. 5-Double vision. 6-Persistent headache and confusion. 7-Memory loss and seizure.

What is the most serious risk associated with spinal injury? What damage could happen?

Spinal cord damage. Such damage can cause loss of power and/or sensation below the injured area. If the cord is partly or completely severed, damage may be permanent.

What is a concussion?

The brain lies inside the skull, cushioned by fluid and can therefore be shaken by a blow to the head.

Who will give the command to roll once everyone is in proper position?

The person securing the head.

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