Health and medicine

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bone replacement

ongoing replacement of old bone tissue by new bone tissue

hand down a tradition

pass sth from generation to generation

be infused with

to be filled with a particular feeling or quality

have a good eye for sth

to be good at noticing sth


to eat dinner


to eat quickly


to eat something noisily

go off the deep end

to get very angry about something or lose control of yourself

throw in the towel

to give up

to mill

to grind

live hand to mouth

to have just enough money to live on and nothing extra

put a finger on

to identify; to understand / recall

shunt the liquid

to move blood or other fluid by means of shunt

not lift a finger

to not make any effort

wrap sb round your little finger

to persuade sb to do anything you want

put foot in it

to say something by accident

from ear to ear

to smile happily

be neck and neck

being at the same level as the competition

below par

below the usual standart

cash in on

benefit or make money on something, especially if done unfairly

be on the ropes

doing badly and likely to fail

back sb up

to support

put shoulder to the wheel

to work hard

hand in hand



calmed down using medicine

unsound judgement

can't be trusted, not acceptable, not good enough

ailing economy

economy in a bad state (sick)

home-grown food

edible crops grown in our own country

full-bodied wine

wine with a strong taste

to no avail

without success

undue inducement

Proposing an offer that is "too good to refuse" — an offer that, in light of the other party's situation, is so good that the other party's sense of autonomy is undermined,

make a mockery of

To make something appear useless, worthless, ridiculous

thirst-quenching drink

a drink that makes u stop feeling thirsty

a dose of

a measured amount of something such as medicine

a rash of

a number of similar things happening at the same time

slipped disc

a painful condition caused when one of the discs between the bones of the spine in a person's back moves out of place

writer's cramp

a painful stiffness in the hand that people suffer from if they have been writing continuously for a long time


a platform at a height above ground or floor level; a platform used for beheading or hanging rusztowanie

eye strain

a slight pain in your eyes, e.g. from reading a lot

have a craving for

a strong feeling of wanting something

splitting headache

a very bad pain in your head

barrage of

a very large number of

shoulder the burden of

accept a difficult task

let nature take its course

allow something to develop without trying to influence it

be left to chance

allow sth be settled by fate

an ear infection

an ear infection occurs when a bacterial or viral infection affects the middle ear.

time out

an extinction process in which a person is removed from the situation that provides reinforcement for undesirable behavior, usually by being placed in a quiet corner or room away from possible attention and reinforcement opportunities


anything causing great suffering (dręczyć dokuczać)

tongue in cheek

as a joke

back to square one

back to the beginning

put you in an early grave

be a result or cause of premature death

play by the rules

be fair

have an ear for sth

be good at hearing, repeating, understanding sth

have a head for figures

be good at mathematical calculations

be pushed for time

be in a hurry

head an investigation

be in charge of

fly in the face of nature

be the opposite to what most people think is reasonable and normal

be a front runner

be the person who seems most likely to win sth

come naturally to somebody

be very easy for sb to do

be clued up about

be well informed, have a special knowledge

be shunted out of alignment

become disturbed, unbalanced

reach fever pitch

become very excited


biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow


bloody, violent, repulsive

fresh off a vine

brand new, newly born


calm; quiet

improve on nature

change natural beauty

move the goalposts

change the rules

soft-centred chocolates

chocolate with liquid in the center

cheek by jowl

close together; side by side

flake off

come off in small pieces łuszczyć się, odpryskiwać


corpse; dead human body

give sb a sermon on

dać komuś kazanie

die of natural causes

death caused solely by disease or natural process

deal sb a knock-out blow

defeat sb, stop sb from achieving what they want

against better judgement

despite the knowledge that something is a bad idea

debilitating disease

disease that make you weak


eat greedily

free-range eggs

eggs produced by birds which can move around freely in large areas.

egg on


plethora of

excess; overabundance of, nadmiar

revival of interest

feeling of wanting to give attention to sth

polish off

finish quickly

wind up with

finish, end up with

toe the line

follow, obey the rules

home-made food

food that has been prepared at home

make provision for

foresee sth, prepare for sth

can't put one's finger on

hard to explain

have a nose for trouble

have a natural ability to get into trouble

have eye on sth

have interest in sth

have a pen to hand

have sth available



be a severe blow to

humiliation, shame, loss of reputation

at a pinch

if necessary

turn a blind eye

ignore / pretend not to notice



torn ligament

injury to soft tissue that connects muscle and joint, result from twist, lifting heavy object, or fall

be devoid of

lack of

cast eye over

look at / check

get off on the wrong foot

make a bad start to a relationship

back the wrong horse

make a wrong or inappropriate choice

move sb to tears

make sb cry

allay fears

make someone feel less afraid, worried

score an own goal

make things worse rather than better

hit sb very hard

make you upset

squeeze in

manage to see someone or to do something when you are very busy and do not have much time available

sedative, sedation

medicine used to help a person settle into a state of calmness

elbow through the crowd

move using this part of the body to clear your way

Incidence of

number of cases of


offensive; arousing disapproval

from head to toe

over all her body

tennis elbow

painful swelling near the elbow that is caused by repeatedly twisting the hand and arm

foot the bill

pay the bill

appeal to sb's better nature

persuade someone by reminding them it is a good or fair thing to do


pertaining to cells


planned, happening, in progress


present at birth, innate // compulsive (liar)

ward off disease

prevent, protect from disease

crowd out

replace / force sb out of place

take your hat off to sb

respect somebody very much for something they have done

sun-dried tomatoes

ripe tomatoes that lose most of their water content after spending a majority of their drying time in the sun

in the same league

same level

mouth platitudes

say things that you do not really believe

nose into someone else's business

show too much curiosity about someone else's life

shoulder to cry on

someone who is willing to listen to your problems and give you sympathy, emotional support

pie in the sky

something that you hope will happen but is very unlikely to happen

be second nature to sb

sth you do without thinking



get a grip on oneself

take control of one's feelings


tissue destruction

face the music

to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done

see eye to eye

to agree

have a chip on one's shoulder

to be constantly angry

be frowned upon

to be disapproved of, not acceptable

enthuse over

to be excited about

be thrown in at the deep end

to start a new and difficult job or activity without having help or preparation

bow out

to stop taking part in an activity or not do sth you have promised

have a good grasp of sth

to understand a problem deeply and completely

put foot down

to use your authority to stop something happening

finger the goods on display

touch items on display

inject fun

try new activities together

sprained ankle

twisted ankle; rolled ankle; pain caused by having moved one's ankle in an unusual way

be stumped for an idea

unable to come up with an idea

wafer-thin slices

very thin slices

all fingers and thumbs

very, very clumsy


weakness, disadvantage, defect, failing 결점, 단점

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