Health Assessment Exam 3 - Neurological

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1. Reflexes will be normal.

A 21-year-old patient has a head injury resulting from trauma and is unconscious. There are no other injuries. During the assessment what would the nurse expect to find when testing the patient s deep tendon reflexes? 1. Reflexes will be normal. 2. Reflexes will not be able to be elicited. 3. All reflexes would be diminished but present. 4. Some would be present depending on the area of injury.

4. Complete neurologic examination

A 50-year-old woman is in the clinic for weakness in my left arm and leg for the past week. The nurse will perform which type of neurologic examination? 1. Glasgow Coma Scale 2. Neurologic recheck examination 3. Screening neurologic examination 4. Complete neurologic examination

D. parasympathetic

A client reports resting and skipping exercise during a holiday from work. Which part of the nervous system is controlling this client's behavior? A. central B. cranial nerves C. sympathetic D. parasympathetic

B. Slow speech with appropriate meaning

A nurse cares for an elderly client with right side hemiplegia and expressive aphasia. Which deficit should the nurse expect to find in the client? A. Rapid speech with no meaning B. Slow speech with appropriate meaning C. Inability to recognize familiar objects D. Trouble remembering familiar faces


The nurse has just completed an examination of a patient's extraocular muscles. When documenting the findings, the nurse should document the assessment of which cranial nerves? A) II, III, VI B) II, IV, V C) III, IV, V D) III, IV, VI

An oral contraceptive

The nurse is assessing a 39-year-old woman who has a 20-year history of cigarette smoking. When reviewing the client's current medication administration record, what drug would the nurse identify as increasing the woman's risk of stroke?

B. Increased or brisk, but not pathologic

A nurse is reviewing a client's health record while interviewing her. The nurse sees in the patient's record a score of 3+ on the biceps reflex test from her previous visit. The nurse understands that this finding indicates which of the following? A. Present but decreased B. Increased or brisk, but not pathologic C. Exaggerated; indicator of possible upper motor neuron lesion D. Normal

B) XI; asking the patient to shrug her shoulders against resistance

A patient comes to the clinic complaining of neck and shoulder pain and is unable to turn her head. The nurse suspects damage to cranial nerve (CN) _____ and proceeds with the examination by _____. A) XI; palpating the anterior and posterior triangles B) XI; asking the patient to shrug her shoulders against resistance C) XII; percussing the sternomastoid and submandibular neck muscles D) XII; assessing for a positive Romberg sign

C) the presence of dysdiadochokinesia.

A patient is not able to perform rapid alternating movements such as patting her knees rapidly. The nurse should document this as: A) ataxia. B) astereognosis. C) the presence of dysdiadochokinesia. D) loss of kinesthesia.

B) damage to the trigeminal nerve Facial sensations of pain or touch are mediated by cranial nerve (CN) V, which is the trigeminal nerve.

A patient is unable to differentiate between sharp and dull stimulation to both sides of her face. The nurse suspects: A) Bell's palsy. B) damage to the trigeminal nerve. C) frostbite with resultant paresthesia to the cheeks. D) scleroderma.

a. dorsiflexion of the big toe and fanning of all toes

A positive babinski sign is: a. dorsiflexion of the big toe and fanning of all toes b. plantar flexion of the big toe with a fanning of all toes c. the expected response in healthy adults d. withdrawal of the stimulated extremity from the stimulus

C. The nurse must differentiate between age-related changes and the signs and symptoms of dementia.

A woman has accompanied her 80-year-old husband to a scheduled clinic visit and expresses concern about subtle declines in his cognition. Which principles would guide the nurse's assessment of the client's mental status? A. The nurse should first explain to the couple that senility is expected among adults over age 80. B. The nurse must explain that the results of the assessment will be used to determine if admission to long-term care is necessary. C. The nurse must differentiate between age-related changes and the signs and symptoms of dementia. D. The nurse must modify the cognitive assessment to exclude assessments requiring reading or writing.

Inability to recognize familiar objects is called agnosia


C. paresthesia.

An abnormal sensation of burning or tingling is best described as: A. paralysis. B. paresis. C. paresthesia. D. paraphasia.

A. the basal ganglia.

Automatic associated movements of the body are under the control and regulation of: A. the basal ganglia. B. the thalamus. C. the hypothalamus. D. Wernicke's area.

Bell's palsy is associated with CN VII damage.

Bell's Palsy is associated with damage to which Cranial Nerve?

c. coordination-hop on one foot

Cerebellar function is assessed by which of the following tests? a. muscle size and strength b. cranial nerve examination c. coordination-hop on one foot d. spinothalamic test


Checking the patient's ability to hear normal conversation checks the function of which cranial nerve?

Wernicke's aphasia

Clients with____________ have rapid speech with no meaning.

B. set of rapid, rhythmic contractions of the same muscle.

Clonus that may be seen when testing deep tendon reflexes is characterized by a(n): A. additional contraction of the muscle that is of greater intensity than the first. B. set of rapid, rhythmic contractions of the same muscle. C. parallel response in the opposite extremity. D. contraction of the muscle that appears after the tendon is hit the second time.

D. "Clench your teeth together tightly."

The nurse is assessing CN V (trigeminal nerve) in a newly admitted client. What instruction should the nurse provide to the client during this phase of assessment? A. "Open your mouth wide and say 'ah.'" B. "Look straight at me while I shine this light in your eye." C. "Close your left eye and look at me with your right." D. "Clench your teeth together tightly."

c. ability to feel a vibration in the joint

During the neurologic test for vibratory sensation, which normal finding is expected? a. ability to feel a vibration in the muscle b. ability to feel a vibration on the skin c. ability to feel a vibration in the joint d. ability to feel a vibration radiating through the limb


Having the patient stick out the tongue checks the function of which cranial nerve?

b. reinforcement

During a neurologic examination, the tendon reflex fails to appear. Before striking the tendon again, the examiner might use the technique of: a. two-point discrimination b. reinforcement c. vibration d. graphesthesia

2. Increased intracranial pressure

During an assessment of a 22-year-old woman who has a head injury from a car accident 4 hours ago, the nurse notes the following change: pupils were equal, but now the right is fully dilated and nonreactive, left is 4 mm and reacts to light. What would finding this suggest? 1. Injury to the right eye 2. Increased intracranial pressure 3. Test was not performed accurately 4. Normal response after a head injury

4. This is a very ominous sign and may indicate brainstem injury. These findings are all indicated of decerebrate rigidity, which is a very ominous condition and may indicate a brainstem injury.

During an assessment of a 32-year-old patient with a recent head injury, the nurse notes that the patient responds to pain by extending, adducting, and internally rotating his arms. His palms pronate and his lower extremities extend as well with plantar flexion. Which of the following statements about these findings is accurate? 1. This indicates a lesion of the cerebral cortex. 2. This indicates a completely nonfunctional brainstem. 3. This is a normal response and will go away in 24 to 48 hours. 4. This is a very ominous sign and may indicate brainstem injury.

2. Motor component of VII

During an assessment of the cranial nerves, the nurse finds the following: lack of blink in right eye with corneal reflex; intact ability to sense light touch on face; loss of movement with facial features on right side. This would indicate dysfunction of which of the following cranial nerves? 1. Motor component of IV 2. Motor component of VII 3. Motor and sensory components of XI 4. Motor component of X and sensory component of VII

B) astereognosis.

During examination, the nurse finds that a patient is unable to distinguish objects placed in his hand. The nurse would document: A) stereognosis. B) astereognosis. C) graphesthesia. D) agraphesthesia.

D) stimulated by cranial nerves III, IV, and VI.

During ocular examinations, the nurse keeps in mind that movement of the extraocular muscles is: A) decreased in the elderly. B) impaired in a patient with cataracts. C) stimulated by cranial nerves I and II. D) stimulated by cranial nerves III, IV, and VI.

D. Cerebellar ataxia

During the Romberg test, a client is unable to stand with the feet together and demonstrates a wide-based, staggering, unsteady gait. The nurse would identify this as which of the following? A. Spastic hemiparesis B. Scissors gait C. Parkinsonian gait D. Cerebellar ataxia

4. Before testing, the nurse would assess the patient s mental status and ability to follow directions at this time.

During the history of a 78-year-old man, his wife states that he occasionally has problems with short-term memory loss and confusion: He can t even remember how to button his shirt. In doing the assessment of his sensory system, the nurse would do which of the following? 1. The nurse would not do this part of the examination because results would not be valid. 2. The nurse would perform the tests, knowing that mental status does not affect sensory ability. 3. The nurse would proceed with the explanations of each test, making sure the wife understands. 4. Before testing, the nurse would assess the patient s mental status and ability to follow directions at this time.

A) vertigo.

During the history, a patient tells the nurse that "it feels like the room is spinning around me." The nurse would document this as: A) vertigo. B) syncope. C) dizziness. D) seizure activity.

1. vertigo.

During the history, a patient tells the nurse that it feels like the room is spinning around me. The nurse would document this as: 1. vertigo. 2. syncope. 3. dizziness. 4. seizure activity.

c. balance maintained with slight swaying

In a patient with normal cerebellar function, which finding is expected when the patient performs the Romberg test? a. balance not maintained b. balance regained after swaying c. balance maintained with slight swaying d. balance maintained with significant swaying

Hyperreflexia Hyperreflexia, diminished or absent superficial reflexes, increased muscle tone or spasticity can be expected with upper motor neuron lesions.

In a person with an upper motor neuron lesion such as a cerebrovascular accident, which of the following physical assessment findings would the nurse expect to see? 1. Hyperreflexia 2. Fasciculations 3. Loss of muscle tone and flaccidity 4. Atrophy and wasting of the muscles

c. slow, monotonous

People who have Parkinson's disease usually have which of the follow characteristic styles of speech? a. a garbled manner b. loud, urgent c. slow, monotonous d. word confusion

b. rigidity and weakness of voluntary movement

Senile tremors may resemble parkinsonism, except that senile tremors do not include: a. nodding the head as if responding yes or no b. rigidity and weakness of voluntary movement c. tremor of the hands d. tongue protrusion

cerebellar disease

Slow clumsy movements and the inability to perform rapid alternating movements occur with _______ disease

C. reflex arc at specific levels in the spinal cord.

Testing the deep tendon reflexes gives the examiner information regarding the intactness of the: A. corticospinal tract. B. medulla. C. reflex arc at specific levels in the spinal cord. D. upper motor and lower motor neuron synaptic junction.

CN III, IV, and VI

Testing the eyes for nystagmus or strabismus is done to check which cranial nerves?

The parietal lobe has areas concerned with sensation.

The _________ lobe has areas concerned with sensation.


The _________ lobe is concerned with hearing, taste and smell.


The _________ lobe is responsible for visual reception.

3. spinal cord.

The area of the nervous system that is responsible for mediating reflexes is the: 1. medulla. 2. cerebellum. 3. spinal cord. 4. cerebral cortex.

d. The hypothalamus

The control of body temperature is located in: a. Wernicke's area b. The thalamus c. The cerebellum d. The hypothalamus

b. is positive when the ipsilateral testicle elevates upon stroking of the inner aspect of the thigh

The cremasteric response: a. is positive when disease of the pyramidal tract is present b. is positive when the ipsilateral testicle elevates upon stroking of the inner aspect of the thigh c. is a reflex of the receptors in the muscles of the abdomen d. is not a valid neurlogic examination

a. difficulty speaking

The medical record indicates that person has an injury to broca's area. When meeting this person you expect: a. difficulty speaking b. receptive aphasia c. visual disturbances d. emotional liability

A. Eye opening, and appropriateness of verbal and motor responses.

The nurse assesses a client using the Glasgow Coma Scale. Which of the following indicators will be used to determine the score? A. Eye opening, and appropriateness of verbal and motor responses. B. Ability to recall recent and remote memories, and to use abstract reasoning. C. Naming of objects, recall of three words, and ability to redraw a design. D. Assessment of the 12 cranial nerves.

2. A positive Babinski's sign, which is abnormal for adults

The nurse is assessing the neurologic status of a patient who has a late-stage brain tumor. With the reflex hammer, the nurse draws a light stroke up the lateral side of the sole of the foot and inward, across the ball of the foot. In response, the patient s toes fan out, and the big toe shows dorsiflexion. The nurse recognizes this as which of the following? 1. A negative Babinski's sign, which is normal for adults 2. A positive Babinski's sign, which is abnormal for adults 3. Clonus, a hyperactive response 4. The Achilles reflex, an expected response

C) Level of consciousness, motor function, pupillary response, and vital signs

The nurse is caring for a patient who has just had neurosurgery. To assess for increased intracranial pressure, what would the nurse include in the assessment? A) Cranial nerves, motor function, and sensory function B) Deep tendon reflexes, vital signs, and coordinated movements C) Level of consciousness, motor function, pupillary response, and vital signs D) Mental status, deep tendon reflexes, sensory function, and pupillary response

3. Dysfunction of the cerebellum

The nurse is doing an assessment on a 29-year-old woman who visits the clinic complaining of always dropping things and falling down. While testing rapid alternating movements, the nurse notices that the woman is unable to pat both her knees. Her response is very slow and she misses frequently. What might the nurse suspect? 1. Vestibular disease 2. Lesion of cranial nerve IX 3. Dysfunction of the cerebellum 4. Inability to understand directions

3. Peripheral neuropathy

The nurse is performing a neurologic assessment on a 41-year-old woman with a history of diabetes. When testing her ability to feel the vibrations of a tuning fork, the nurse notes the following: unable to feel vibrations on the great toe or ankle bilaterally; is able to feel vibrations on both patellae. Given this information, what would the nurse suspect? 1. Hyperalgesia 2. Hyperesthesia 3. Peripheral neuropathy 4. Lesion of sensory cortex

C) CN VIII The nerve impulses are conducted by the auditory portion of CN VIII to the brain

The nurse is reviewing the function of the cranial nerves. Which of the cranial nerves is responsible for conducting nerve impulses to the brain from the organ of Corti? A) CN I B) CN III C) CN VIII D) CN XI

3. Plantar reflex present

The nurse is testing superficial reflexes on an adult patient. When stroking up the lateral side of the sole and across the ball of the foot, the nurse notices the plantar flexion of the toes. How would the nurse document this finding? 1. Positive Babinski sign 2. Plantar reflex abnormal 3. Plantar reflex present 4. Plantar reflex 2+ on a scale from 0 to 4+

1. ask the patient to lock her fingers and pull.

The nurse is testing the deep tendon reflexes of a 30-year-old woman who is in the clinic for an annual physical examination. When striking the Achilles and quadriceps, the nurse is unable to elicit a reflex. The nurse s next response should be to: 1. ask the patient to lock her fingers and pull. 2. complete the examination and then test these reflexes again. 3. refer the patient to a specialist for further testing. 4. document these reflexes as 0 on a scale of 0 to 4+.

4. Moves the head and shoulders against resistance with equal strength

The nurse is testing the function of cranial nerve XI. Which of the following best describes the response the nurse would expect if the nerve is intact? 1. Demonstrates full range of motion of the neck 2. Sticks tongue out midline without tremors or deviation 3. Follows an object with eyes without nystagmus or strabismus 4. Moves the head and shoulders against resistance with equal strength

D) moves the head and shoulders against resistance with equal strength.

The nurse is testing the function of cranial nerve XI. Which of these best describes the response the nurse should expect if the nerve is intact? The patient: A) demonstrates ability to hear normal conversation. B) sticks tongue out midline without tremors or deviation. C) follows an object with eyes without nystagmus or strabismus. D) moves the head and shoulders against resistance with equal strength.

1. 6 A fully alert, normal person has a score of 15, whereas a score of 7 or less reflects coma on the Glasgow Coma Scale.

The nurse knows that which of the following scores would indicate that a patient is in a coma on the basis of the criteria of the Glasgow Coma Scale? 1. 6 2. 12 3. 15 4. 24

C) VII. Facial muscles are mediated by cranial nerve (CN) VII; asymmetry of palpebral fissures may be due to CN VII damage (Bell's palsy).

The nurse notices that a patient's palpebral fissures are not symmetrical. On examination, the nurse may find that there has been damage to cranial nerve: A) III. B) V. C) VII. D) VIII.

B) Astereognosis

The nurse places a key in the hand of a patient and he identifies it as a penny. What term would the nurse use to describe this finding? A) Extinction B) Astereognosis C) Graphesthesia D) Tactile discrimination

-tremors -muscular rigidity -short, shuffling steps

The older adult is newly diagnosed with Parkinson disease and demonstrates which objective signs? select all that apply -tremors -numbness of legs -muscular rigidity -muscle soreness -short, shuffling steps

b. can identify figure drawn on palm

The patient has an intact sense of graphesthesia as evidence by which finding? a. can identify where touched on arm b. can identify figure drawn on palm c. can identify object placed in palm d. can identify being touched on the arm in one point or two points

c. 2+

The patient is found to have active, expected deep tendon reflexes. Which score represents the expected deep tendon reflex finding? a. 0 b. 1+ c. 2+ d. 3+

D. gray matter.

The portion of the brain that rims the surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres forming the cerebral cortex is the A. diencephalon. B. brainstem. C. cerebellum. D. gray matter.

A) frontal

The wife of a 65-year-old man tells the nurse that she is concerned because she has noticed a change in her husband's personality and ability to understand. He also cries and becomes angry very easily. The nurse recalls that the cerebral lobe responsible for these behaviors is the _____ lobe. A) frontal B) parietal C) occipital D) temporal

b. stroke the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot from heel to the ball

To elicit a Babinski reflex: a. gently tap the Achilles tendon b. stroke the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot from heel to the ball c. present a noxious odor to a person d. observe the person walking heel to toe

c. place a coin in the person's hand and ask him or her to identify it

To test for stereognosis, you would: a. have the person close his or her eyes, then raise the person's arm and ask the person to describe its location b. touch the person with a tuning fork c. place a coin in the person's hand and ask him or her to identify it d. touch the person with a cold object

Stereognosis is the person's ability to recognize objects by feeling their forms, sizes, and weights.

What is stereognosis?

B. Communication

What should the nurse assess to test the function of the frontal lobe? A. Ability to read B. Communication C. Tactile sensation D. Impulses from the ear

Damage to Broca's area, which control motor speech.

What would cause expressive aphasia?

-gait is smooth and rhythmic -arm swing is smooth and symmetric -trunk posture sways with gait

When a patient's normal gait is being evaluated, which findings are expected and considered normal? select all that apply -gait is smooth and rhythmic -arm swing is smooth and symmetric -trunk posture sways with gait -trunk posture stays stationary -arms stay stationary at sides

C. Dominant side will be more coordinated than nondominant side

When assessing a client's coordination by asking the client to touch the nose with the finger, what should a nurse keep in mind about a client's movements? A. Most clients will hesitate before touching the nose to check their position B. Uncoordinated movements can be expected in the elderly C. Dominant side will be more coordinated than nondominant side D. As the client repeats the maneuver, movements will be less accurate

A) sternomastoid and trapezius.

When examining a patient's cranial nerve (CN) function, the nurse remembers that the muscles in the neck that are innervated by CN XI are the: A) sternomastoid and trapezius. B) spinal accessory and omohyoid. C) trapezius and sternomandibular. D) sternomandibular and spinal accessory.

C) parotid and submandibular

When examining the face, the nurse is aware that the two pairs of salivary glands that are accessible to examination are the _____ glands. A) occipital and submental B) parotid and jugulodigastric C) parotid and submandibular D) submandibular and occipital

4. positive Romberg s sign.

When the nurse asks a 68-year-old patient to stand with feet together and arms at his side with his eyes closed, he starts to sway and moves his feet further apart. The nurse would document this finding as a(n): 1. ataxia. 2. lack of coordination. 3. negative Homan s sign. 4. positive Romberg s sign.

B) 2+

When the nurse is assessing the deep tendon reflexes (DTRs) on a woman who is 32 weeks pregnant, which of these would be considered a normal finding on a 0 to 4+ scale? A) Absent DTRs B) 2+ C) 4+ D) Brisk reflexes and the presence of clonus

D) Flexion of the forearm

When the nurse is testing the biceps reflex, what is the expected response? A) Flexion of the hand B) Pronation of the hand C) Extension of the forearm D) Flexion of the forearm

C) Extension of the forearm

When the nurse is testing the triceps reflex, what is the expected response? A) Flexion of the hand B) Pronation of the hand C) Extension of the forearm D) Flexion of the forearm

Cranial nerve XII is tested by asking the patient to stick out his or her tongue.

Which cranial nerve is assessed by asking the patient to stick out their tongue?

-sense of sight -sense of smell -sense of hearing

Which cranial nerve senses may be diminished in the older adult? select all that apply -sense of sight -sense of touch -sense of smell -sense of hearing

Cranial nerves IX and X are tested by eliciting the gag reflex.

Which cranial nerves are tested by eliciting the gag reflex?

-smile -show teeth -puff out cheeks -raise eyebrows

Which facial movements are expected on assessment of the facial nerve (CN VII)? select all that apply -smile -show teeth -stick out tongue -puff out cheeks -raise eyebrows

a. flexion of elbow

Which finding is considered normal during assessment of biceps reflex? a. flexion of elbow b. extension of elbow c. pronation of forearm d. plantar flexion of foot

b. tongue thrust is midline without fasciculations

Which finding is considered normal during assessment of the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)? a. gag reflex is positive b. tongue thrust is midline without fasciculations c. uvula and soft palate move midline and symmetrically with phonation d. face moves symmetrically through various facial expressions

b. testicle and scrotum rise on the stroked side

Which finding is considered normal on evaluation of the cremasteric reflex? a. testicle and scrotum rise on the unstroked side b. testicle and scrotum rise on the stroked side c. both testicles and scrotum remain stationary when stroked on either side d. both testicles and scrotum tense when stroked on either side

d. ability to recognize object in palm of hand

Which finding reveals that the patient has intact cortical sensory function of stereognosis? a. ability to identify light touch on palm b. ability to identify sharp sensation on palm c. ability to recognize figure drawn on palm d. ability to recognize object in palm of hand

b. plantar flexion of the toes

Which finding suggests a normal adult plantar reflex? a. fanning of the toes b. plantar flexion of the toes c. plantar flexion of the foot d. pronation of the foot

b. weak tongue thrust

Which finding would the nurse note as abnormal when evaluating the facial nerve (CN XII)? a. inability to close eyelid b. weak tongue thrust c. decreased pain sensation in face d. corneal reflex absent

-sound from tuning fork is heard equally in both ears -air conduction of sound is greater than bone conduction of sound -individual is able to correctly repeat words whispered in both ears

Which findings are considered normal on assessment of the acoustic nerve (CN VII)? select all that apply -sound from tuning fork lateralizes to the right ear -sound from tuning fork is heard equally in both ears -air conduction of sound is greater than bone conduction of sound -bone conduction of sound is greater than air conduction of sound -individual is able to correctly repeat words whispered in both ears

-palpebral fissures are symmetric -both pupils constrict with accommodation -both pupils constrict in response to light directly and consensually

Which findings are considered normal on assessment of the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens cranial nerves? select all that apply -palpebral fissures are symmetric -both pupils constrict with accommodation -bilateral peripheral vision is intact -optic disc has well-defined margins on ophthalmologic examination -both pupils constrict in response to light directly and consensually.

c. plantar flexion of the foot

Which movement of the foot is expected when the Achilles reflex is evaluated? a. supination of the foot b. pronation of the foot c. plantar flexion of the foot d. plantar extension of the foot

-cognitive impairments -persistent primitive reflexes -exaggerated deep tendon reflexes

Which objective data suggest a child has cerebral palsy? select all that apply -cognitive impairments -exposed meningeal sac -persistent primitive reflexes -exaggerated deep tendon reflexes -rapidly increasing head circumference

c. bilateral nares patent and able to identify odor

Which of the following is considered normal during assessment of the olfactory cranial nerve (CN I)? a. absence of ptosis in both eyes b. tongue able to discriminate sweet taste c. bilateral nares patent and able to identify odor d. air conduction greater than bone conduction of sound bilaterally

C. Altered mentation and decreasing level of consciousness

Which of the following is usually the first sign of neurological deterioration? A. No response to painful stimulation B. Posturing C. Altered mentation and decreasing level of consciousness D. Dilating pupil

B. Rapid alternating movements

Which of the following procedures is associated with testing cerebellar function? A. Muscle strength B. Rapid alternating movements C. Rhomboid maneuver D. Superficial pain and touch

4. The peripheral nerves carry input to the central nervous system by afferent fibers and away by efferent fibers.

Which of the following statements about the peripheral nervous system is correct? 1. The cranial nerves enter the brain through the spinal cord. 2. Efferent fibers carry sensory input to the central nervous system through the spinal cord. 3. The peripheral nerves are inside the central nervous system and carry impulses through their motor fibers. 4. The peripheral nerves carry input to the central nervous system by afferent fibers and away by efferent fibers.

2. The hypothalamus controls temperature and regulates sleep.

Which of the following statements is accurate concerning areas of the brain? 1. The cerebellum is the center for speech and emotions. 2. The hypothalamus controls temperature and regulates sleep. 3. The basal ganglia are responsible for controlling voluntary movements. 4. Motor pathways of the spinal cord and brainstem synapse in the thalamus.

D) Ask the patient to say "ahhh" and watch for movement of the soft palate and uvula.

Which of these techniques best describes the test the nurse should use to assess the function of cranial nerve X? A) Observe the patient's ability to articulate specific words. B) Assess movement of the hard palate and uvula with the gag reflex. C) Have the patient stick out the tongue and observe for tremors or pulling to one side. D) Ask the patient to say "ahhh" and watch for movement of the soft palate and uvula.

b. shorter steps with less lifting of feet

Which statement describes the expected gait in an aging adult? a. shorter steps with more lifting of feet b. shorter steps with less lifting of feet c. longer steps with less lifting of feet d. longer steps with more lifting of feet

b. finger-to-nose movement is accurate and smooth

b. finger-to-nose movement is accurate and smooth Which finding is expected when the finger-to-nose test is performed by a patient who has no neurologic deficits? a. finger-to-nose movement is slow with a few tremors b. finger-to-nose movement is accurate and smooth c. finger-to-nose movement is accurate with a few tremors d. finger-to-nose movement is mostly accurate and smooth

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