health final study guide

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Which of the following are characteristics of Good Mental Health?

feels capable of dealing with the normal, day-to-day situations Able and willing to seek help for overwhelming emotions.


the sum of all traits (biological characters) passed on from parents to their children.


the sum of your total surroundings


A natural oily or greasy substance found in animal tissues and oils in vegetables. Supports cell growth, protects organs/joints, absorbs vitamins, stores and provides energy, produces hormones.


A strong conviction of something (an idea, philosophy, feeling, or opinion) that a person accepts and considers to be true


Ability to harness those emotions & apply them to tasks like thinking & problem solving

Emotional Awareness

Ability to identify and name one's own emotions

What is Empathy?

Ability to identify and understand what other people feel (emotions), see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place.

Emotional Management

Ability to regulate one's own emotions when necessary and help others to do the same

Considering the Skill Cues for Analyzing Influences, Which cue is represented by the following statement: "My friends are a negative influence because they a pressuring me to drink alcohol"

Analyze the influence

When using the skill cues for evaluating valid and reliable information, products and services, the first "S" of the A.C.C.E.S.S. acronym asks you to consider "What Situations is it (the information, products, or services) best used in?" ... What does the other "S" in the A.C.C.E.S.S. acronym ask you to consider?

Are claims or information Supported?

multicultural wellness

Awareness and understanding of others. Recognizes that each person brings a diverse set of experiences that shapes their view of health and well-being. Recognizes the importance of tolerance, acceptance, and justice. All individuals deserve access to health and health services.

A unit of heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food is called a...



Commonly found in animal products (meat/eggs/dairy products) and other sources. Growth and repair of body cells and tissues.

The D.E.C.I.D.E. acronym is a skill cue used to help you effectively go through the decision-making process. Identify the helpful cues the D.E.C.I.D.E model provides.

Determine the decision Examine the options Consider the consequences Identify values and possible influences that may affect the situation Decide on the healthiest option and act on the decision Evaluate the outcome

What is the A.C.C.E.S.S. acronym best used for?

Evaluating the validity and reliability of information, products and services.

What are the skill cues for Analyzing Influences?

Identify the influence Analyze the influence Evaluate factors and impact Consider an action plan

Select the step of the Decision-making process that is represented by the statement: "My friends are really encouraging me to have a drink. They say one won't hurt, a lot of people I know say they drink. I'm not sure I will even like it, but I might since my Dad is an alcoholic. If my Mom found out she would be so disappointed in me. How am I going to get home?"

Identify values and influences

Social Wellness

Interactions within one's community and with others. This includes being aware of social surroundings, friendships, managing conflict, social networks, participation in groups or clubs, and sharing common interests with others.

What question does the "A" in the A.C.C.E.S.S acronym ask you to consider when evaluating valid and reliable information, products, and services?

Is it Accurate?

The two "C"s of the A.C.C.E.S.S acronym ask you to consider what about a source?

Is it Credible? Is it Current?

What question does the "E" in the A.C.C.E.S.S. acronym ask you to consider when evaluating valid and reliable information, products, and services?

Is it Easy to use and access?

Physical Wellness

Maintaining health and well-being of the physical body. This includes a variety of behaviors that maintain and enhance health as well as reduce health risks. Behaviors may include diet, physical activity levels, sleep, injury prevention, proper medication usage, drug and alcohol use, and regular visits to a health care provider

What is a key factor of Emotional Intelligence?

Self awareness Self management Social awareness


Something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable.

Match the SMART goal acronym

Specific Realistic Measurable Timely Attainable


Sugars, starches, and fiber found in foods such as fruits, grains, grain products, vegetables, and milk products. The body's main source of energy.

Occupational Wellness (vocational)

The level a person engages in, receives satisfaction from, and pursues career opportunities or "vocational callings" in line with values and desired goals. This includes finding a meaningful calling, the drive to succeed, physical and emotional working conditions, personal mastery to perform job functions, satisfaction with work role, and learning new skills that will benefit future opportunities.

Intellectual Wellness

The value of learning and critical thinking over the lifespan. Includes a person's desire and quest to attain new information, explore beliefs and values, make reasoned decisions, and understand current events to improve their outcomes and global awareness.

Which of the following is an Impact of Stigma?

They experience worthlessness and Hopelessness by making them feel as though they are less valuable or not valuable compared to others. Self-isolation They may decide not to get help or participate in treatment (even knowing they would benefit) out of fear of being teased or viewed negatively

Which of the following represents an effective SMART goal?

Tommy will improve his grades to have all A's and B's by the end of the semester

Stigma is a set of negative beliefs and prejudices about a group of people, as well as negative behaviors towards groups of people.


emotional intelligence

Understanding of and attention to the variety of feelings and emotions within each person. Emotionally well people have high self-esteem, ability to positively express feelings, a positive view of their body, and ability to cope with life challenges.

Select the step of the Decision-making process that is represented by the statement: "If my Mom found out I would be grounded forever. If the cops show up, I would get in trouble for breaking the law. I might not like it. I could get sick. I might get intoxicated and act like a fool."

consider the consequences


the customs and traditions, and the beliefs of the family, community, and/or group of people.

Why is it important to Evaluate the outcome of your decisions?

to continue making good-decisions in the future to avoid making similar mistakes to understand what could be done differently

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