health online starting from safe driving habits

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Which is a change that occurs in both males and females during puberty? an increase in height the production of semen the hips widening the beginning of menstruation


Use the drop-down menus to complete the paragraph about adolescent development and sexual maturity. (1) is when adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of (2) . During this time, physical and emotional changes occur and are influenced by the (3) system, which releases hormones into the bloodstream.

1- Puberty 2- reproduction 3- endocrine

Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences. The only way to prevent people from contracting both curable and incurable STIs that is effective 100 percent of the time is with (1) . The risk of contracting hepatitis is lowered when a person receives (2) . (3) are protective barriers used to reduce the risk of contracting an STI.

1- abstinence 2- a vaccination 3- condoms

Select the benefit most likely to be received from the following healthy relationships. The benefit for two parents raising a child includes (1) . The benefit for an entire cross-generational family includes (2) . The benefit for adolescents living in a healthy family includes (3) .

1- being happier as a couple 2- having a greater social circle to engage with 3- doing well in school

What was the order she was taught? First, Emma learned about (1) . Then, she learned about the (2) stage. Next, Emma learned about (3) . Last, she learned about the (4) stage.

1- contractions 2- dilation 3- expulsion 4- placental

Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences in the passage. Andrea and Chloe have been friends since third grade. Lately, Andrea has been wondering if Chloe is taking advantage of their relationship. Andrea knows Chloe's parents are divorcing, and she feels (1) for her, as her parents divorced several years ago. However, Chloe has been asking if she can copy Andrea's homework, saying she is not sleeping well. Andrea is starting to think this is a sign of a(n) (2) relationship, as it is the only time they seem to talk. Andrea decides she is going to try to be (3) in speaking with Chloe about her feelings.

1- empathy 2- unhealthy 3- thoughtful

After reviewing the graph, complete the following passage. Something as small as eating a family dinner together (1) the desire to abuse alcohol, marijuana, or tobacco. The results also support the importance of (2) and how family dynamics directly affect a teen's (3) .

1- greatly reduces 2- building healthy relationships 3- choices

The (1) is a small, flexible rod inserted under a person's skin that releases hormones to prevent fertilization. The (2) is worn on a person's outer body and releases hormones to prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs. The (3) is a dome-shaped piece of rubber placed inside the vagina before sexual intercourse. The (4) is worn on the penis to block sperms from entering the vagina.

1- implant 2- patch 3- diaphragm 4- male condom

The CDC reports that the percentage of girls aged 15-19 who have had sex was 51% in 1988 and 44% in 2013, while the percentage of boys the same age was 60% in 1988 and 47% in 2013. Annie and Skylar have been dating for two years, but Annie wishes to remain abstinent. Lately, Skylar has been hinting that he would like to begin having sex. He tells Annie that it seems like most teenagers have had sex, and that more and more teenaged couples are doing it these days. How can Annie use the CDC data to evaluate Skylar's claims? The percentage of both male and female teenagers who have had sex is (1) it was previously, so it is (2) that teenagers having sex is on the rise. The percentage of male and female teenagers who have had sex is (3) half, so it is (4) that most teenagers have had sex. Annie should (5) her decision to remain abstinent.

1- less than 2- false 3- less than 4- false 5- stay true to

Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences in the paragraph. When diagnosed with an STI, a person must consider many factors. One factor to consider is that the risk for developing cancer (1) after having an STI. Many STIs can result in (2) health risks, including infertility and death. Another factor to consider is the (3) associated with treatment, which can be burdensome depending on the type of treatment required. Some treatments, such as (4) that treat HIV, require a lifetime commitment. In addition, there is a negative effect on mental health. Contracting an STI often causes a person to experience a social (5) that can unearth feelings of isolation, embarrassment, and shame.

1- rises 2- serious 3- cost 4- antiretroviral therapies 5- stigma

Use the drop-down menus to complete each statement. During the (1) trimester, the fetus rapidly gains weight. During the (2) trimester, the fetus's sex organs develop. The umbilical cord forms during the (3) trimester. The lungs do not develop until the (4) trimester.

1- third 2- first 3- first 4- third

According to the data, which group has the highest rate of chlamydia infection? (1) Which age group has a higher rate of infection than those aged 25-29? (2)

1- women aged 20-24 2- those aged 15-19

Consider what you have learned about growth and development, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Then, answer the following questions. Describe common challenges faced by those with individual differences, such as boys and girls who reach puberty before their peers, those who are transgender, or those who identify as homosexual or bisexual. What are the possible outcomes for these individuals if their differences are not respected? What benefits might result if society showed more tolerance and respect for people with different gender identities and sexual orientations?

1. Common challenges faced by those with individual differences, such as boys and girls who reach puberty before their peers include being teased for having different appearances, and those who are transgender face being talked about behind their backs for having a different style of type of clothing. 2. The possible outcomes for these individuals if their differences are not respected could lead to self-hate, or suicide because of all the hate they are receiving on a day to day basis from their peers. 3. The benefits that might result if society showed more tolerance and respect for people with different gender identities and sexual orientations would include these people being able to express themselves freely without feeling like someone is going to be on their back about being different, leading to self-confidence.

A student who is biologically female is attracted to both males and females. Which term best describes this student's sexual orientation? bisexual cisgender transgender homosexual


According to the passage, what evidence supports the argument that HPV is easily spread from person to person? HPV can be spread even when a person with HPV has no symptoms. A vaccine that prevents HPV infection is available. A person confirms the presence of HPV when genital warts are found on the body. Limiting sexual behaviors to strictly vaginal sex reduces the transmission of HPV to others.


Alice plans to speak with her partner in the morning about never having unprotected sex again. She knows that her partner will be readily available to talk then. What method is Alice exercising for her STI discussion? choosing the right time giving a clear message repeating the message acting on the decision


An individual reads a pamphlet about reducing the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). How would the individual most likely apply what he or she read? by using condoms consistently during sex by avoiding prescreening for STIs by proceeding with unprotected sex by occasionally abstaining from sexual activity


As Chelsea is driving through a neighborhood, she sees a man step off the sidewalk right in front of her. What should she do? stop and let the pedestrian cross the road slow down and approach the pedestrian slowly honk and continue to drive at the same speed down the street speed up to get past the pedestrian before he crosses the street


Ever since Chloe's parents announced their divorce, Chloe has stopped talking to Andrea. They talk about normal, everyday things such as school, but their conversation is lacking any personal sharing. Andrea knows that Chloe is hurting and wants her to feel comfortable opening up and talking about her feelings. What can Andrea say to Chloe to start a healthy dialogue? "I felt confused about my parents' divorce and had no one to share my feelings with. I'm here for you if you want to talk." "You don't trust me enough to confide in me. Did I do something to you that makes you not like me?" "Ever since your parents' divorce you have been overly sensitive and moody." "Maybe you should find another friend that you can talk to."


How does empathy most likely improve a relationship? It reduces tension. It helps people feel intelligent. It shows honesty and integrity. It prevents misunderstanding.


In which situation is a driver considered to be under the influence? The person is driving while using illegal drugs. The person is driving while drinking a caffeinated beverage. The person is driving with less than the legal limit of blood alcohol. The person is driving after taking over-the-counter medication.


Jason is concerned about some health problems. Which symptoms indicate that he should consult a dentist? dry mouth sore throat chapped lips persistent cough


Jason's friend Lola has a problem. What action should Jason take to let Lola know that he is there for her? Repeat the important ideas he hears Lola saying. Interrupt Lola with ideas on how to solve her problem. Assume he understands the basis for Lola's problem. Make Lola comfortable by avoiding eye contact.


Paul and Emilka have a child together. If Paul decides to leave Emilka and the baby, how will his legal obligations change? He will need to provide child support. He will no longer be the legal father. He will no longer have a legal obligation. He will need to get custody of the child.


Shawn knows that it feels good to have a friend take him out to dinner. Which action could he use to show reciprocity? Take one of his friends out to dinner. Ask a friend to take him out to dinner. Tell his friend how much he enjoyed the dinner. Make sure to split dinner checks with his friend in the future.


The Sonu family is experiencing hard times and several family conflicts. The father, Javed, got a reduction in pay several months ago due to staffing changes at his job, which has caused him to get a second job. As a result, his two young boys have not handled it well. They are easily irritated and frustrated that life is no longer fun when compared to the past. Javed's wife is trying to stay happy, but taking a second job to help pay the bills has negatively impacted her life. Both her and Javed are spending more time away from their family and less time taking care of family duties. What external pressure is likely contributing to the Sonu family conflicts? financial strains placed on the family current living conditions in the home unhealthy decisions made over a period of time parental miscommunication regarding raising the boys


The following graph shows the results of a study evaluating the number of schools teaching different sex-education topics. In 2006, approximately what percentage of schools taught students how to use a condom? 40 percent 60 percent 75 percent 85 percent


What does antiretroviral therapy (ART) do? lowers the risk of transmitting HIV cures individuals diagnosed with HIV increases complications associated with HIV creates a barrier to prevent the HIV infection


What is a response plan? critical actions that are taken in the first few minutes of an emergency actions taken to secure a shelter on-site when evacuation is not possible actions necessary to plan an evacuation route in the event of an emergency actions that prevent an emergency from spreading and causing more damage


What is gender identity? one's self-concept of being male, female, both, or neither the way people communicate their gender within their culture attitudes, feelings, and behaviors linked to a person's biological sex a person's sexual and romantic attraction to people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes


What is the age of consent? age at which someone can legally agree to sexual acts maximum age at which someone can have sex with a minor age at which a person does not need parental permission to engage in sex number of years legally allowed between two people engaging in sexual acts


What should people do if they are indoors during an earthquake? get under a table look out a window get outside immediately stand in the center of a room


Which action is included in the federal response to a disaster? investigating damages responding first on scene requesting state assistance declaring the disaster over


Which action would best help students ask a teacher for an assignment extension? speaking in a calm and organized manner arguing strongly that the assignment is unfair using tears to make the teacher feel empathy defending their ideas before they are questioned


Which could be harmful to the fetus if consumed during pregnancy? sushi olive oil cooked shrimp decaffeinated tea


Which highly communicable disease is considered a global health issue? malaria strep throat athlete's foot common cold


Which is a factor that acts as a barrier to making healthy decisions about relationships and sexual health? a lack of knowledge many structured activities having a lot of information no need for parental consent to receive some medical services


Which is a perception that is influenced by the media? body image family values cultural practices onset of puberty


Which is a trusted resource for determining the right contraceptive to use? a doctor or pharmacist a neighborhood social media page a sibling who uses contraceptives a peer who is sexually active


Which is an effect of chlamydia? painful urination genital warts sores rashes


Which is an emotional benefit experienced by people who practice abstinence? experiencing less stress maintaining reproductive health reducing risk of STIs and STDs eliminating the chance of pregnancy


Which is an important consideration that a teen should think about before agreeing to have sex? Sex can have negative health consequences. A woman's menstrual cycle usually comes once a month. Condoms are an inexpensive barrier birth control method. Sex is something that happens eventually.


Which item is important to include in a disaster preparedness kit? flashlight frozen food electric can opener deck of cards


Which meal is best for a pregnant woman to eat?


Which of the following do teen mothers suffer from at higher rates than older mothers? depression insomnia autism schizophrenia


Which of these products contain teratogens? cat litter, pesticides, lead paint polyester, vaccines, soda dog food, cooked shrimp, electronics microwave ovens, coffee, detergent


Which organ develops and is fully functional in the first trimester? heart brain liver lungs


Which person on this list is considered cisgender? a biological male who identifies as male a biological female who identifies as male a biological male who identifies as female a biological male or female who identifies as neither


Which phrase accurately characterizes sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? are caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites always cause visible symptoms are rarely transmitted by sexual contact can be contracted only by women


Which sexually transmitted infection (STI) can be successfully treated with antibiotics? human papilloma virus (HPV) syphilis hepatitis C genital herpes


Which social effect might an individual experience following a diagnosis with a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? feeling angry or ashamed bonding more with older people having a loss of appetite refusing to accept the medical outcome


Which statement best describes a person who is following through on a previously made decision? A man declines sex with his partner after being tempted many times. A man reschedules a serious conversation with his partner about sex. A woman changes her attitude toward resisting the pressure to have sex. A woman sits in a room deciding how to send a clear message to her partner about sex.


Which statement describes Down syndrome? It is a chromosomal abnormality. It causes individuals to be taller than average. It can be passed to other siblings. It is preventable by exercise and a healthy diet.


Which step did Woo Jin get wrong and why? step 2, because you do not check for a pulse if you are not trained step 3, because you call 911 only after five minutes of not breathing step 5, because chest compressions should be hard and slow step 6, because CPR is done only until the call to 911 is made


Why are regular emergency drills important? They replace panic with knowledge. They eliminate the need for planning. They prevent damage from emergencies. They reduce the likelihood of emergencies.


According to this law, how can a school respond if a student bullies an LGBTQ peer? Check all that apply. by requesting to expel the student by suspending the student by putting the student on probation by sending the student to teen court by assigning the student community service

A, B

Which endocrine glands primarily control reproduction and fertility? Check two options. the ovaries the testes the pancreas the pineal gland the thyroid gland

A, B

How might these common high school experiences affect the self-image of transgender and gender-nonconforming students? Check all that apply. They might be more likely to miss or drop out of school. They might be more likely to experience depression or attempt suicide. They might be more likely to spend time with friends who identify as accepting or allies. They might be more likely to change their gender identity.

A, B, C

Which individuals identify as LGBTQ? Select three options. a gay male a queer female a bisexual female a heterosexual male a heterosexual female

A, B, C

Which types of organizations provide community health programs? Select three options. schools religious groups employers social clubs insurance companies

A, B, C

Which factors influence a person's perception of sexual activity? Check all that apply. norms peer group sexual activity in books alcohol and other drug use personal choices about clothing styles

A, B, C, D

What are risk factors challenging abstinence? Check all that apply. low self-esteem alcohol and drugs prior sexual activity dating younger people friends who are sexually active

A, B, C, E

What can people do to create a sense of acceptance for the LGBTQ community? Check all that apply. welcome someone into their group of friends stand up against bullying use appropriate language and terminology remain neutral when others make inappropriate comments start or join a gay-straight alliance

A, B, C, E

Marcus is nervous about starting at a new school. He walks into class and looks around for an open seat. There are a few, but most of the students give off an unwelcoming vibe with their body language. Then Marcus spots an available seat next to a friendly-looking girl. What nonverbal communication might the girl be displaying to make Marcus feel comfortable? Check all that apply. She makes eye contact. She smiles. She looks away. She waves him over. She whispers to the girl next to her.

A, B, D

How are most sexually transmitted infections (STIs) spread? Select four options. exchange of bodily fluids skin-to-skin contact holding hands blood-to-blood contact during childbirth

A, B, D, E

What would be the right way to support Jason? Check all that apply. Remind him of the importance of practicing safe sex despite being in a committed relationship. Explain that sex has emotional consequences that he might not have been prepared for. Tell him to not worry; Carlos loves him so it will probably get better over time. Explain that even though he has already had sex, it is ok to change his mind. Suggest that he talk to a trusted adult.

A, B, D, E

Evelyn and Adam have been dating for a while and have decided to start engaging in sexual activities. They are both committed to engaging in this behavior with only each other. They know that picking the right protective methods is important. Which questions should they ask themselves to help them make the right preventative choice? Check all that apply. Is Evelyn good at remembering to take medication each day? Would they like to have children in the near future? Is this the first time either of them has had sex? Could either of them unknowingly have an STD? Are either of them allergic to latex or polyurethane? Are they going to engage in other sexual activities as well as intercourse?

A, B, D, E, F

According to this passage, what rules should be followed to create adequate space between vehicles? Check all that apply. Brake early and gently. Signal when leaving or entering the road. Follow the two-second rule at all times. If a driver follows too closely, press your brakes to warn the driver. Move over to allow drivers to pass if they are too close.

A, B, E

Gina is a friend of Nicole's. What advice should Gina give Nicole? Check all that apply. "You can still contract STDs even if you're not engaging in sexual intercourse." "Is this something you've discussed with Anthony and are ready to do?" "Anthony won't respect you if you don't eventually have sex with him." "If you think it's a good idea, go for it." "Being abstinent means avoiding all sexual activities, not just sex."

A, B, E

Hakim and Lucia have been dating for five months. Lucia is starting to feel like the relationship is unequal. They always go out to his favorite restaurant, and she watches his soccer matches, but he has only come to one of her volleyball games. She does not feel understood and lets Hakim know how she feels. How could Hakim improve his relationship by demonstrating reciprocity? Check all that apply. make an effort to pay more attention to Lucia's interests listen to Lucia's experiences and opinions take more control of the relationship so that Lucia does not have to worry talk more often so they can figure out which of them is right about the relationship respectfully ask about her feelings

A, B, E

What are the possible long-term effects of gonorrhea? Check all that apply. pelvic inflammatory disease infertility acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) paralysis prostate issues

A, B, E

Which actions are ways to stay safe in the event of a terrorist attack? Check all that apply. react quickly and decisively be aware of any potential risks try to make your presence known get to an open space immediately make yourself a smaller target

A, B, E

Which statements are characteristics of HPV? Check all that apply. HPV is the most common STI. Most sexually active men and women contract HPV in their lifetime. There is no proven link between HPV and cancer. HPV is most commonly spread through kissing. There are vaccines available for some types of HPV.

A, B, E

What advice should you give Zahra? Check all that apply. Isaac should be cleared by a doctor before he and Zahra engage in further sexual contact. Zahra should get tested because she may also be infected. Zahra does not need to get tested since she and Isaac have not actually had sex yet. Zahra and Isaac should use a condom to prevent STI transmission even if they are only having oral sex. Zahra does not need to see a doctor because she does not have any symptoms of an STI.

A, B, d

Which functions does the endocrine system help regulate? Check all three that apply. mood social skills metabolism reproductive processes intellect

A, C, D

Why do infants require around-the-clock care? Check all that apply. Infants need frequent diaper changes. Infants require quiet at all times. Infants require frequent feedings. Infants need affectionate contact. Infants need protection from physical harm.

A, C, D, E

Which effects are benefits to staying abstinent? Check all that apply. eliminating the risk of contracting HIV and other STDs increasing stress preventing pregnancy building mutual respect among partners avoiding negative emotional consequences of sexual activity reducing the chance of endangering long-term goals

A, C, D, E, F

How can being more empathetic help strengthen a relationship? Check all that apply. Empathetic people recognize how the other person feels in a given situation. Being empathetic eliminates the need to apologize for poor behavior. Understanding others' viewpoints can help individuals modify their behaviors. Empathy can help individuals feel more dependent upon someone else. Empathy can help individuals get past their differences.

A, C, E

Sophia's parents notice that she is using the internet often. What steps can they take to help ensure internet safety? Select three options. Warn Sophia about listing her home address on social media. Allow Sophia to post images on her social media pages. Set up privacy settings and firewalls to restrict access to certain sites. Tell people about Sophia's detailed blog post of an upcoming family vacation. Remind Sophia to limit what she shares with other people in online chat groups.

A, C, E

Which changes occur in females during puberty? Select three options. The hips widen. The voice deepens. The clitoris and vulva grow. Facial hair begins growing. Breast buds appear, and breasts grow.

A, C, E

Which of these are healthy expressions of friendship between two people? Check all that apply. feeling comfortable being themselves around each other texting the other every hour to see if anything is wrong respecting each other's need for privacy relying on the other to meet all expectations communicating feelings of empathy and support

A, C, E

Abdul is on a committee to review his community's disaster preparedness plans. He notices that some important elements are missing. Which phrase describes an aspect of his community's plan that should be included? Check all that apply. a way for outside organizations to provide assistance a location of city-managed fire extinguishers a timeline for when people will return home a plan for how everyone will contribute, including elderly and disabled individuals a procedure for how volunteer and professional personnel will cooperate

A, D, E

Florian is a single mother doing her best to raise her teenage daughter. Looking at the image, what characteristic traits of a healthy relationship would Florian and her daughter benefit from? Check all that apply. respecting one another watching out for each other taking a break from each other having empathy for each other communicating with each other

A, D, E

Which are risk factors for contracting an STI? Check all that apply. being sexually active, especially with more than one partner remaining abstinent requiring a partner to be tested before sexual contact using intravenous drugs engaging in sexual contact while drinking or using drugs

A, D, E

Which does the gender identity spectrum include? Select three options. cisgender people only two genders only a single gender people who identify as neither male nor female people who identify as both male and female

A, D, E

Which statements describe the endocrine system? Check all that apply. It helps regulate mood. It helps regulate social skills. It consists only of glands located in the head. It helps regulate reproductive processes. It helps regulate growth and development. It secretes hormones into the bloodstream.

A, D, E, F

Which action is most helpful in preventing sexual involvement? bringing condoms "just in case" voicing personal boundaries indicating that parents will be upset suggesting that it is not the right time for a dating relationship


Which action will best help a relationship survive a conflict? communicating in writing being an active listener avoiding strong emotions avoiding negative feedback


Which birth control method helps protect against STIs and STDs? vaginal ring condom emergency contraception pills/minipills


According to the graph, how much more likely is a driver with a BAC of 0.12 to cause a crash than a driver with a BAC of 0.00? twice as likely four times as likely ten times as likely twelve times as likely


Nutrition is part of a healthy lifestyle, especially for women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant. Using the provided information on important nutrients before and during pregnancy, write a daily eating plan for an expectant mother to help her meet her nutritional needs. Explain how your diet would help a woman who is or may become pregnant meet specific nutritional needs such as calcium, iron, vitamin D, folic acid, and protein to have a healthy pregnancy. Your response should be one to two paragraphs in length and include specific facts, examples, and explanations. You can access a discussion of the important nutrients during pregnancy here.

As a pregnant woman, you have to watch your diet and the things you do to your body. There should be no drinking or smoking involved during pregnancy since it will get in the way of development and eventually cause complications with the development of the baby. Pregnant women should take a prenatal vitamin everyday to aide in the development of the baby. Also, they should eat more fruits and vegetables, schedule regular checkups with their doctor and try their very hardest to work exercise into their daily routine.

According to the chart, approximately how many times more likely is a 16-year-old driver to crash with two passengers as opposed to with no passengers? just as likely about twice as likely about three times more likely about four times more likely


According to the chart, what are the two most important aspects of personal communication? spoken words and tone of voice tone of voice and nonverbal cues spoken word and nonverbal cues All are equally important.


According to the three-second rule, what does it take drivers approximately three seconds to do? make a decision to act to avoid a hazard mentally process the steps to avoid a hazard recognize the danger in a hazardous situation scan their memories about hazardous situations


After a person is treated for a sexually transmitted infection (STI), what should be the next step? Hide the treatment from sexual partners. Go to the doctor for regular checkups. Continue taking the medication. Have unprotected sex only on rare occasions.


Based on this image, what can you infer is happening? The girls are taking safety precautions during a winter storm. The girls are sheltering themselves from an earthquake. The girls are protecting themselves in case of a fire. The girls are practicing the appropriate response to a landslide.


Daniel is alternating between using an AED and performing CPR. He uses the AED first, and then he does CPR. After five minutes of CPR, he will use the AED again. Is he performing this procedure correctly? No, he needs to use only the AED. No, he needs to do two minutes of CPR. No, he needs to use the AED twice before doing CPR. No, he needs to do CPR first, then use the AED.


Examine the diagram of a reproductive process. Which process is demonstrated in the diagram? ovulation fertilization implantation menstruation


How does a federal health agency most likely control health effects from asbestos exposure? by monitoring the number of asbestosis cases that are recorded by creating guidelines for people who work on constructing buildings by opening a local clinic for people suffering from mesothelioma and other illnesses by providing preventative health services to educate people about asbestos exposure


Kim is very happy that she just got into college. Which type of statement could her friends say to best show empathy? mentioning that she can apply for scholarships expressing that they are excited that she got what she wanted saying that it's great that so many people get to go to college stating that college can be expensive and she needs to start saving


Life has been moving in a positive direction for the Fernando family. They purchased a new home and even received promotions at work. Parents Luca and Julia recently introduced and implemented a new family activity. After getting home from work, the entire family heads out on a bike ride through their neighborhood! What characteristic of a family relationship does this scenario reflect? All individuals within this family encourage the need for healthy communication. The Fernando family values the need to spend quality time together. There is a true appreciation for what each individual contributes to the family. The Fernando family recognizes the importance of using problem-solving skills.


Long-term romantic relationships require more than physical passion and attraction. Attraction without connection is really just a crush or infatuation. Often, teenage dating is just about having fun, but as we grow older, emotional connection, friendship, and communication also become important. A deep, affectionate attachment takes the place of passion. These feelings of love and affection can be expressed in many different ways. What is a healthy way of demonstrating love and affection? giving unsolicited criticism and instruction to change the other person sharing, supporting, and accepting the other person as an individual keeping secrets with the hope of not upsetting the other person expressing feelings of jealousy to demonstrate affection


Look at this image of a condom and its packaging. What part of this image would help a person determine if a condom is expired? A B C D


Nabila wants to work for her state health department. Which activity will she most likely participate in if she works there? giving donations when disasters occur providing preventative healthcare services combating the global spread of infectious disease contacting local nonprofits about environmental issues


The pie chart shows the sources from which teens get information about sexual and reproductive health. Based on the graph, from which source is a teen most likely to get information about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? a doctor a parent a website a pharmacist


What does the Red Cross provide during a disaster? compensation food insurance therapy


What mistake did Elizabeth make in implementing her family's disaster plan? She collected enough nonperishable food items and water for everyone to be safe for two weeks. She installed smoke detectors next to the electrical outlets in everyone's bedroom. She put together an emergency kit with a can opener, wind-up radio, and blankets. She drew a map showing everyone where to meet.


What should be avoided during electrical storms? going close to open flames touching metal objects driving vehicles using a phone


Which driver would be considered driving under the influence? Isaac is driving while smoking a cigarette. Adelle is driving after trying cocaine at a party. Sasha is driving after taking ibuprofen for her headache. Mala is driving home after having a few sips of wine at dinner.


Which fetal development occurs during the second trimester? Bones begin to harden. The roof of the mouth forms. The eyes can sense changes in light. The heart and circulatory system begin to develop.


Which health consequence is most likely to result from air pollution? cholera asbestosis decreased intelligence typhoid


Which image displays body language that can negatively influence effective communication?


Which is a common symptom that results from an overactive thyroid gland? hair growth weight loss low insulin levels onset of diabetes


Which is one way that people communicate their gender within their culture? private routines type of clothing annual salary personal reading material


Which is the correct order of events that occur during conception? ovulation, implantation, fertilization, zygote formation ovulation, fertilization, zygote formation, implantation fertilization, ovulation, implantation, zygote formation fertilization, zygote formation, implantation, ovulation


Which of these is a healthy meal, especially during pregnancy? pepperoni pizza and a soda grilled salmon with a green salad fried chicken sandwich and fries sub sandwich with turkey deli meat


Which person is able to legally consent to sex? a 11-year-old-boy who says no out loud a 19-year-old boy who is sober an 18-year-old girl who is high on drugs a 12-year-old girl with her 19-year-old boyfriend


Which statement best describes the purpose of this law? This law's purpose is to keep private citizens safe on the road. This law's purpose is to ensure the safety of all drivers on the road. This law's purpose is to protect emergency vehicles from damage. This law's purpose is to prevent harm to emergency responders.


Which statement is accurate regarding sexual activity? Peers do not have much influence on sexual activity. Dating an older person increases the chance of having sex. Other teens are having more sex than most teenagers perceive. Approximately 90 percent of teens have sex before age 16.


Which term refers to people who do not identify with a particular gender identity or sexual orientation? gay asexual lesbian bisexual


Which type of contraception is a barrier method of birth control? intrauterine device sponge injection patch


Which abnormal signs or symptoms might be on the list Maria received? Check all that apply. insomnia bleeding fever contractions stretch marks nausea

B, C, D

According to this passage, which statements about abstinence are true? Check all that apply. Abstinence includes not kissing. All teens are capable of abstinence. A teen can choose abstinence again after having sex. Abstinence is a healthy way of dealing with sexuality. Abstinence includes not touching another person's genitals.

B, C, D, E

Which resources provide reliable information, counseling, or testing related to sexual health and behavior? Check all that apply. friends family physician Planned Parenthood Center for Young Women's/Men's Health US Department of Health and Human Services website

B, C, D, E

As Mohammed creates his family's disaster preparedness plan, he wants to make sure everything necessary is added. Which element should he be sure to include? Check all that apply. rescue and medical duties for everyone escape routes from the home a place to meet after the emergency the location of fire extinguishers an emergency contact outside of the area

B, C, E

Stephanie has always enjoyed the outdoors and prefers to wear baseball caps, T-shirts, and jeans. After school, she is often busy with softball or basketball games. She rarely wears makeup and wears dresses only when her parents require it. Although Stephanie is heterosexual, the kids at school have always teased her and called her gay, lesbian, and tomboy. She is frustrated that they make judgements about her sexual orientation based on how she dresses and the activities she participates in. As a result, she keeps to herself and does not have many friends. Which actions would be compassionate responses to Stephanie's situation? Check all that apply. ignoring Stephanie to avoid adding to her stress and discomfort inviting Stephanie to hang out with you and your friends at lunch attending one of Stephanie's games remaining neutral when others tease Stephanie complimenting Stephanie on her style

B, C, E

Based on the information provided, what should Marco tell Isabelle? Check all that apply. Switch to red wine instead of beer. Take a prenatal vitamin. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat more fatty foods. Stop smoking for good. Schedule regular checkups with a doctor. Get regular exercise.

B, C, E, F, G

As part of her graduation project, Eliana wants to be involved in her community's disaster preparedness plans. Which actions can Eliana take to help her community during a disaster? Check all that apply. identify exit locations from her house in case of a fire take classes in lifesaving skills, such as CPR and first aid collect the contact information of her parents and siblings work with parent-teacher organizations to help with the emergency plans and drills volunteer to help first responders and disaster relief groups

B, D, E

Based on this narrative, which safety precaution could the narrator's family take to help keep them safe? Check all that apply. follow a containment plan avoid getting close to windows call 9-1-1 move to the lowest part of the house enter a shelter

B, D, E

Alice is going to her primary care physician to get vaccinated. Which is a reason that Alice should choose to get vaccinated? Vaccination reduces the chance of ever getting sick. Vaccination prevents pathogens from entering the body. Vaccination helps keep those who cannot be vaccinated safe. Vaccination increases the chance that pathogens will be effective.


How does California's Safely Surrendered Baby Law help parents who are unable to care for their babies? by ensuring that parents who surrender their babies are prosecuted by allowing parents to surrender their babies for a small fee by allowing parents to surrender their babies confidentially by allowing parents to change their minds about surrendering their babies without penalty


If the poverty rate for teen mothers in a population is 48%, and the overall poverty rate for the population is 12%, what can be concluded about the effects of early parenthood on financial status? Teen mothers are only at a financial disadvantage while their children are small. Teen mothers usually make poor financial decisions in all areas of their lives. Teen mothers are at a disadvantage that could affect lifetime earning potential. Teen mothers are not capable of getting and keeping a job or continuing their education.


In the Roderick family, the older son is a college sophomore, while the younger son is a senior in high school. The older son is already thinking about what job he will get after college to help his family. Although the younger son will be heading to college soon, the parents still spend most of their time focused on how their older son is doing academically. What statement describes the cause for sibling rivalry between both brothers? The older son shared his fears about providing financial support for the family after graduating. The sons challenged each other by competing for the highest grade point average that year. The younger son expressed feelings about his parents showing favoritism to his older sibling. The sons disagreed over the handling of family tasks once the younger son heads off to college.


Jonas is growing up within a happy and healthy nuclear family. What behavior can be attributed to this family dynamic? his mood swings that are directed at family and friends his recent interest in trying alcohol with his friends his overall display of gentleness toward others his fluctuation in GPA and grades


Julie is a biological male who enjoys cooking and is sexually attracted to girls. Julie prefers to be addressed by the pronoun "she." Which gender does Julie best identify with? cisgender 100 percent male transgender 100 percent female


One benefit of abstinence is a reduced likelihood of acquiring what type of cancer? liver lung cervical lymphoma


People's perceptions of sex are influenced by internal and external factors. Which example is an internal factor? parents peer group fear of contracting an STI or STD media, such as books, television, and movies


Ron and Abdul disagree about whose turn it is to drive. Which statement could Ron make to best take ownership of his feelings? "You always get to drive." "Fighting is so frustrating." "I would like to have a turn driving." "It is important to share responsibilities."


The image shows part of an article from the website of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). How can this source best be used? to support myths about chlamydia to challenge reliable information about chlamydia to confirm information found in a news article to locate non-health, promotional sites about chlamydia


What happens if an egg is not fertilized after being released from the ovary? It is absorbed again by the ovary. It is released again during the next cycle. It is shed from the uterus during menstruation. It implants into the uterus until sperm are present.


What is one reason a person should avoid texting while driving? It is a quick way to communicate. It uses too much data. It is illegal to text and drive in most states. It is a convenient way to relay information.


What is the first step of the decision-making process? Identify alternatives. Review the decision. Identify the decision to be made. Gather information about the decision.


What term refers to a person's sexual and romantic attraction to people of the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes? cisgender gender identity sexual orientation gender expression


When a family chooses to have dinner together six times in a week, what percentage of teenagers choose to abuse alcohol? 33% 22% 15% 8%


Which action is likely to reduce teenagers' risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? ignoring common misconceptions about STIs challenging facts about contracting STIs educating them about the effects of risky behavior promoting the positive aspects of sexual activity


Which action provides one way for students to practice tolerance and respect for individual differences? avoiding people who may be different keeping bullying private joining a gay-straight alliance ignoring inappropriate language


Which is a best practice for a healthy pregnancy? Eat high-fat meals. Gain as little weight as possible. Attend regular prenatal checkups. Avoid moderate physical activities.


Which is a possible restriction of drivers under the age of 18? They cannot drive during the weekend. They cannot have any passengers under 18 years of age. They cannot drive between 12:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. without a parent. They must be accompanied by at least two people.


Which is a type of self-exam that should be conducted at home to potentially identify early signs of disease? cavity cancer testicular glaucoma


Which item is likely to be the most useful to Jorge right now? blanket flare whistle map of the area


Which method is the best way to communicate about difficult issues? by letter over e-mail in person on the phone


Which organ forms in the third trimester? kidneys ears lungs heart


Which source should a person use to learn about human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)? a local radio show about HIV health an online community support group for people who are HIV-positive a website maintained by the US Department of Health and Human Services a blog operated by an HIV-positive person


Which statement accurately describes legal aspects of sexual behavior regarding teens and young people? The age of consent is 14 years in most states. Having sex before marriage is illegal in 45 states. A person convicted of statutory rape must register as a sex offender. Statutory rape involves people of the same approximate age engaging in sexual acts.


Which statement summarizes the process of ovulation? The sperm penetrates the egg membrane, and they fuse together. The egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. An egg emerges from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube. The egg begins to divide quickly.


Which statistic is consistent with the idea that parenting as a teen is more challenging than parenting later in life? The risk of preeclampsia is twice as high in females over age 18. It costs an average of $245,000 to raise a child to the age of 18. Teen mothers have higher rates of depression than older mothers. The percentage of married parents has decreased from 73 percent in 1960 to 46 percent today.


Which step can a person take to reduce the risks of tattoos and body piercings? go to a more expensive tattoo shop use a tattoo artist recommended by a friend insist the tattoo artist use clean instruments avoid tattooing visible areas of the body


Mrs. Johnson's debate class is practicing for the semifinals. Tony and Cleo are practicing their rebuttal speeches, but Cleo starts speaking to Tony in a patronizing manner. They have worked as partners before, and this is the first time Tony has felt disrespected. Tony wants to communicate with Cleo effectively. What should his response be? Check all that apply. tell everyone in the class about Cleo's behavior so someone will let her know it's bothering him get angry at Cleo the next time she speaks to him in a disrespectful way calmly explain to Cleo how he feels using "I" statements respond to Cleo using the same patronizing tone ask Cleo if there is anything wrong and if he can help

C, E

According to this passage, how can a person prevent drowsiness when driving long distances? by driving more slowly by listening to music by opening the windows by scheduling regular stops


According to this passage, what should a driver do when reaching a four-way stop at the same time as another driver? wait for all other drivers to proceed roll through the intersection slowly assume the right-of-way and proceed yield to the driver approaching on the right


Based on this passage, which statement best summarizes the purpose of graduated licensing? The purpose is to decrease the number of collisions caused by distracted driving. The purpose is to prevent teens from causing collisions at night. The purpose is to ensure that no passengers are in the car if a teen has a collision. The purpose is to introduce more complex driving scenarios one at a time.


Human papilloma virus (HPV) greatly increases the risk of which cancer in women? colon mouth liver cervical


Laila is riding on the subway when a bomb derails the train in what may be an ongoing terrorist attack. Which is the best action for Laila to take in this situation? ignore her surroundings form a group for a defensive attack search for potential weapons to use make herself a smaller target


This chart shows the poverty rate for families with single parents and those with married parents. What is one possible outcome for children living in single-parent homes? They are more likely to afford college without student loans. They are less likely to rely on reduced-cost school lunches. They are more likely to live in middle-class neighborhoods. They are less likely to have money for extracurricular activities.


What is an advantage of using a hormonal implant? It is easily inserted in the vagina. It is a 100 percent effective method of birth control. It reduces the likelihood of contracting an STD. It can prevent pregnancy for as long as four years.


What should a family emergency plan include? a list of the emergencies that require a response from the family members where each member of the family will be when an emergency happens how each family member will contribute to community emergency response how a family will evacuate and where members will meet in an emergency


Which agency helps with disaster responses? ACLU Centers for Disease Control Sierra Club Mercy Corps


Which best describes abstinence? Saying no to oral sex. Avoidance of sexual intercourse. Declining to go on a date with another person. Refusal to have sexual intercourse or engage in other sexual activity.


Which can result from healthy decisions about sex? prevention of sexual assault increased risk of unplanned pregnancy increased incidence of mental health issues avoidance of acquiring an STD


Which driver is communicating with others on the road in an appropriate manner? Lola changes lanes without signaling her intention. Weston follows the motorcycle in front of him closely. Theo speeds up when a pedestrian starts to cross the road. Emalee signals and moves to the left lane when passing a cyclist.


Which driving habit should drivers practice in order to stay safe on the road? checking email listening to music opening snack food minimizing distractions


Which is a condition that is typically related to malfunction of the pancreas? skin conditions early onset of puberty irregular sleep patterns high levels of blood sugar


Which is a personal benefit of practicing abstinence? increased cardiovascular strength reduced risk of STIs and STDs lower chance of pregnancy freedom to pursue career goals


Which pregnancy complication cannot be treated with regular prenatal care? headaches excessive weight gain high blood pressure genetic abnormalities


Which sign suggests that a teen has a healthy relationship with her parents? The teen yells to honestly express her anger. There are some barriers to communication. The teen does not express any controversial opinions. The parents accept that the teen has different ideas.


Which statement best summarizes the central idea of the passage? A person who identifies as transgender is either bisexual or homosexual. Everyone with gender-nonconforming behavior is transgender. A person with a gender-nonconforming appearance is bisexual. The definition of transgender encompasses many people and is constantly changing.


Which statement best summarizes the effectiveness of condoms in preventing HIV infection? Condoms are always effective. Condoms are effective if used correctly. Condoms are effective if used consistently. Condoms are effective if used correctly and consistently.


Which statement identifies a fact about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? It is never hard to tell whether someone has an STI. Double protection prevents an STI. A person must be dirty to contract an STI. A person can get an STI from oral sex.


Which statement summarizes Ethan's experience? It is difficult to be proactive about treatment because limited resources are available. The cost associated with testing and treating an STI is minimal. Social stigma can be experienced from family, friends, and healthcare providers. Affordable resources are available to treat sexually transmitted infections.


Which term describes the sexual orientation of a biological male who is attracted only to biological females? bisexual pansexual homosexual heterosexual


Why are condoms a better option than birth control pills for protecting reproductive health? Birth control pills have harmful side effects. Condoms are less expensive. Birth control pills require parental permissions. Condoms help prevent STDs.


Xavier's brother is driving him to school when they encounter freezing rain. The roads are slick, and his brother looks tense. What should Xavier do? Yell at his brother if they start to slide. Tell his brother how to drive on the icy road. Tightly grip the dashboard in case they crash. Contain his reaction in this stressful situation.


Write a one- to two-paragraph school newspaper editorial that discusses the prevalence of HIV infection rates in this country, and advocates for the respect and dignity of people living with HIV/AIDS. The editorial should clearly convey what peers need to know about the disease. Use supportive details in the form of facts, statistics, or examples from reliable sources about HIV/AIDS.

Under 1 percent of U.S. adults have HIV, about one-half of one percent of young adults living in homes in the United States are infected with the AIDS virus. HIV continues to spread throughout the world, shadowed by increasing challenges to human rights, at both national and global levels. The virus continues to be marked by discrimination against population groups: those who live on the fringes of society or who are assumed to be at risk of infection because of behaviors, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or social characteristics that are stigmatized in a particular society. In most of the world, discrimination also jeopardizes equitable distribution of access to HIV-related goods for prevention and care, including drugs necessary for HIV/AIDS care and the development of vaccines to respond to the specific needs of all populations, in both the North and South. As the number of people living with HIV and with AIDS continues to grow in nations with different economies, social structures, and legal systems, HIV/AIDS-related human rights issues are not only becoming more apparent, but also becoming increasingly diverse. People living with HIV/AIDS, human rights relationship. It analyzes how this focus led to recognition of the applicability of international law to HIV/AIDS and from there to increased understanding of the importance of human rights as a factor in determining people's vulnerability to HIV infection. The chapter then outlines a framework for analyzing human rights and HIV/AIDS, centered on the concept of vulnerability. The final section focuses on the specific human rights responsibilities of governments in the context of HIV/AIDS and includes a framework for monitoring government action. there have been several positive findings for the role of peers in HIV prevention and for those living with HIV/AIDS. peer education interventions were significantly associated with increased HIV knowledge, reduced equipment sharing, and increased condom usage.

Write a disaster preparedness plan for your own home, family, or community. This plan should address how to stay safe during an emergency and ways to prevent injuries. The plan must also identify response and preparation resources and outline an action plan that can be activated during a disaster. Use reliable sources to help write your action plan. Include supporting details in the form of facts, examples, or quotations.

We should have a plan telling us where to go in the case of an emergency. Have a bag packed with plenty of food and water, in which we would stock regularly, checking for expired food and replacing them if needed. Pack flashlights, batteries, and a first aid kit for any injuries that will happen. With that, we should go over the plan with my family once a month, when the disaster happens we will seek shelter and wait for help.

Which statement describes the representation of the LGBTQ community in the media? LGBTQ roles have become less common and less diverse. LGBTQ roles have become more common and more diverse. LGBTQ roles have become less common but more diverse. LGBTQ roles have become more common but less diverse.


Which statement represents a healthy choice for a pregnant woman? A mother eats twice as much to support her growing fetus. A mother switches from drinking liquor to beer while pregnant. A mother with gestational diabetes decides to limit her sugar intake. A mother gains 5 to 8 pounds over the course of her pregnancy


Which is an internal factor that influences a person's decision on whether to have sex? peers personal beliefs involvement in school media

not A... prob B

Tanya drives to school every morning. Which is an outside influence on her driving behavior? severe headache bad temper quick reflexes nearby pedestrians

not B

What causes a person to feel socially stigmatized when he or she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? loss of wages and productivity acceptance by people in a community acceptance for unique personal qualities judgment for a personal condition

not B.. D!

What is one reason it is important to wear a seat belt? Airbags are designed to work with seat belts. Airbags will not deploy unless seat belts are used. Seat belts prevent all fatalities in a car accident. Seat belts prevent all minor injuries in a collision.

not C

One of Elena's relatives has just passed away. Which response shows empathy for Elena? "Everything happens for a reason." "It really hurts to lose a loved one." "Your relative is in a better place now." "It is so sad how many people are passing away now."

not C... B

If a person is at the blue dot, which route should be taken to exit the building in a fire? Go out through the door, proceed down the hall, and take the stairs. Go out through the door, turn left, turn right, and exit through the window. Go out through the door, turn right, turn right again, call 9-1-1, leave room, go to the right, and go to emergency exit. Go out through the door, turn right, and proceed to the emergency exit at the end of the hall.

not C... prob D

What are hormones? glands cells chemical messengers building blocks of proteins

not D.. C?

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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