Healthcare Science CPR Review
you are alone performing high-quality CPR when a second provider arrives to take over compressions. When switching roles, you should minimize interruptions in chest compression to less than how many seconds?
10 seconds
A seven year old patient goes into sudden cardiac arrest. You initiate cpr correctly performing chest compression at what rate?
100-120 per minute
You and you collage are performing cpr on a 6 year old child what is the compression ventilation ratio during multiple cpr?
15 to 2
A well-organized team response when performing high-quality CPR includes ensuring providers switch off performing compressions every ____ minutes.
2 minutes
What is the correct rate of ventilation for a child or infant in respiratory rest?
3-5 seconds
A nurse asses a responsive 8 month old infant and determines the infant is choking which invention should the nurse implement?
5 Back blows and 5 chest thrusts
Where to check pulse on an adult person?
Adult is a carotid (neck) or femoral
Bag mask lures?
Ambient air
You and your coworker Jake are operating a BVM during multiple provider CPR on an adult. You manage the airway while Jake delivers ventilations. Which statement correctly describes the appropriate technique for operating the BVM?
Seal the mask with 2 hands using the E-C technique
A BLS team is performing cpr and the patient is experiencing cardiac arrest. Soon after the aed pads has their places it says shock advised. What is the most important action?
Make sure everyone is clear of the patient
What is the first link in a pediatric cardiac chain of survival?
Bag mask is for?
Resuscitation is true
What is the reason you should choose to perform chest thrusts instead of an abdominal thrust on an adult with an obstructive air way?
The patient is in a wheelchair