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According to the WHO, acute leukemia is defined as: A.Bone marrow blast count ≥10% B.Bone marrow blast count ≥20% C.Bone marrow blast count ≥30% D.Bone marrow blast count ≥40%


Aplastic anemia is associated with: A.Marked increase in bone marrow cellularity B.Marked decrease in bone marrow cellularity C.Normal bone marrow cellularity D.Hypersplenism (enlarged spleen)


Pure red cell aplasia is associated with: A.Fanconi anemia (FA) B.Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) C.Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA) D.Dyskeratosis congenita (DC)


Reactive lymphocytes see in blood smear of a young patient diagnosed withinfectious mononucleosis represent: A.Epstein Barr virus(EBV)-infected B lymphocytes B.T lymphocytes responding to EBVinfection C.NK cells responding to viral infection D.Infected B and T lymphocytes


How is blood hematocrit (Hct, %) measured on most automated hematology instrument? A.Centrifugation (vis built-in small centrifuge) B.Spectrophotometry C.Calculation (Hemoglobin ÷RBC count) D.Calculation (MCV x RBC count)


In hemoglobin S and C diseases, ____ and ____are substituted for glutamic acid in the 6th position from the N-terminal end of the beta chain, respectively. A. Valine and Tyrosine B. Adenine and Leucine C. Valine and Lysine D. Tyrosine and Lysine


Neutropenia is a quantitative disease, defined as an absolute neutrophil count of less than: A.1.0 x 109/L B.1.2 x 109/L C.1.5 x 109/L D.2.0 x 109/L


4.The protein responsible for transporting iron in the bloodstream is: A.Hemoglobin B.Ferritin C.Transcobalamin D.Transferrin


What of the following statements on myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is (are) true? A.Clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorders (i.e., malignant/cancerous disorders) B.Usually hypercellular bone marrow (i.e., increase in bone marrow cellularity) C.Decrease in peripheral cell counts (e.g., decreases in RBC, WBC and/or platelets) D.All of the above


What of the following statements on myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) is (are) true? A.Clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorders (i.e., malignant/cancerous disorders) B.Hypercellular bone marrow (i.e., increase in bone marrow cellularity) C.Decrease in peripheral cell counts (e.g., decreases in RBC, WBC and/or platelets) D.A & B only


What percentage of the blood volume represents the formed elements or cells? A.55% B.50% C.60% D.45%


Which of the following features indicate myeloid differentiation? A.Positive for myeloperoxidase B.Presence of Auer rods C.Expression of CD13 and CD33 D.All the above


Which of the following infection(s) is(are) associated with hemolysis? A.Malaria B.Babesiosis C.Mycoplasm pneumonia D.All the above


Which of the following is NOT a critical membrane-associated protein in red blood cells?A.Spectrin B.Band 3 C.Ankyrin D.β-globin


Which of the following is not associated with hemolysis? A.G6PD deficiency B.Pyruvate kinase deficiency C.Presence of Heinz bodies D.Decreasein 2,3-DPG


Which of the following is(are) hematopoietic site(s)in the fetus? A.Liver B.Spleen C.Bone Marrow D.All of the above


Which of the following is(are)associated with a relatively more favorable clinical outcomein its disease category (either ALL or AML)? A.Acute B lymphoblastic leukemia in a 4 year-old girl B.Acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16) in a 45 year-old man C.Acute promyelocytic leukemia with t(15;17) in a 55 year-old woman D.All the above


Which of the following statements on paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is true? A.PNH defect is in thecomplement pathway B.PNH defect affects red blood cells only C.PNH defect affects white blood cells only D.PNH defect affects both red and white blood cells


In hemoglobin C disease, the majority of the red cells appear as ____ on patient's blood smear. A.Target cells B.Spherocytes C.Schistocytes D.Ovalocytes


Inherited chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is caused by: A.Mutation in the NADPH oxidase B.Deficiency in myeloperoxidase C.Inability of forming phagolysosome D.Deficiency in pyrin in neutrophils


Which of the following is often associated DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation)? A.Acute promyelocytic leukemia (AML M3) B.Acute B-lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) C.Acute T-lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) D.Acute erythroid leukemia (AML M6)


Which of the following statements is correct? A.In warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia, the "defect" is extracorpuscular and the hemolysis is usually extravascular B.In cold agglutinin disease, the "defect" is extracorpuscular and the hemolysis is exclusively intravascular C.In warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia, the "defect" is extracorpuscular and the hemolysis is usually intravascular D.In cold agglutinin disease, the "defect" is intracorpuscular and the hemolysis is primarily intravascular


Which of the following statements on hemoglobin Cdisease is NOT true? A.It is caused by a point mutation in the alpha (α) globin chain gene B.Numerous target cells present on blood smear C.Associated with mild chronic hemolysis D.Almost exclusively seen in the Black population


Whichof the following statements is true? A.Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is caused by "vertical" defect in the membrane-associated cytoskeleton network B.Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is caused by "horizonal" defect in the membrane-associated cytoskeleton network C.Hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) is caused by "vertical" defect in the membrane-associated cytoskeleton network D.Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP) is caused by "vertical" defect in the membrane-associated cytoskeleton network


β thalassemia minor is characterized by: A.Increase in hemoglobin A2 (4-8%) B.Increase in hemoglobin F (90%) C.Increase in hemoglobin H (β4) D.All the above


Sickle cell anemia is caused by a point mutation in: A.Alpha (α) globin chain gene B.Beta (β) globin chain gene C.Gamma (γ) globin chain gene D.Delta (δ) globin chain gene


The pathogenesis of megaloblastic anemia is: A.Defective RNA synthesis and abnormal cytoplasm maturation B.Defective DNA synthesis and abnormal nuclear maturation C.Defective RNA synthesis and abnormal nuclear maturation D.Defective DNA synthesis and abnormal cytoplasm maturation


Which of the following cell types is associated with increased osmotic fragility? A.Target cells B.Spherocytes C.Hypochromic cells D.Reticulocytes


Which of the following is (are) myeloproliferative neoplasm(s) (MPN)? A.Refractory anemia B.Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) C.5q-(deletion of 5q) syndrome D.All the above


Polycythemia vera (PV) is caused by: A.Bcr-Abl1fusion B.Calreticulin (CALR) mutation C.Jak2mutation (i.e., Jak2V617F) D.MPLmutation


Southeast Asian ovalocytosis is caused by: A.Defect in alpha-spectrin B.Defect in ankyrin C.Defect in Band 3 D.Defect in beta-spectrin


The average life spans of red cells, neutrophils, and platelets in the blood circulation are: A.120 days, 7 days, and 10 days B.30 days, 7 days, and 10 days C.120 days, 6-10 hours, and 10 days D.30 days, 6-10 hours, and 10-12 hours


What condition is NOT a cause of anemia? A.Nutritional deficiency B.Decreased RBC production C.Moderate exercise D.Increased RBC destruction or loss


Which of the following associations is NOT correct? A.Hereditary spherocytosis -spherocytes B.Warm autoimmune hemolysis -spherocytes C.Fatal ABO mismatch in blood transfusion -schistocytes D.Microangiopathic hemolysis -schistocytes


Which of the following conditions is NOT associated with (or mediated by) complement activation? A.Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) B.Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH) C.Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) due to anti-Rh(D) antibodies D.Drug-induced immune hemolysis via immune complex formation


Which of the following is NOT a clinical category of β thalassemia? A.Minor B.Intermediate C.Hemoglobin H disease D.Major


Which of the following is not a crucial area of RBC survival and function? A.Integrity of RBC cellular membrane B.Intact metabolic pathways C.Intravascular hemolysis D.Hemoglobin structure & function


Which sequence reflects the correct order for phagocytosis? A.Killing and digestion, binding of particle, ingestion,formationof phagolysosome B.Ingestion,binding of particles, killing and digestion, formationof phagolysosome C.Binding of particle, ingestion, formationof phagolysosome,killing and digestion D.Formationof phagolysosome, binding of particle,killing and digestion,ingestion


Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is associated with: A.t(9;22) translocation B.Bcr-Abl1fusion C.Philadelphia chromosome D.All of the above


Direct antiglobulin test (DAT) (or Direct Coombs test) is positive in: A.Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia B.Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction C.Drug-induced (e.g., methyldopa) hemolysis D.All the above


Leukemia can be classifiedas: A.Acute versus chronic B.Myeloid versus lymphoid C.B-cell versus T-cell D.All of theabove


Morphological features that can be manifested in the neutrophils in the peripheral bloodof patients with septicinfections include: A.Döhle bodies B.Cytoplasmic vacuolization C.Toxic granulation D.All of the above


The average healthy adult has a total body iron content of: A.20-30 mg B.100-150 mg C.1000-1500 mg D.3500-4000 mg


The pathogenesis of sickle cell anemia involves: A.Vaso-occlusion by sickle cells B.Extravascular hemolysis C.Polymerization of hemoglobin S D.All the above


What is the composition of normal adult hemoglobin (Hb)? A.92-95% Hb A; 5-8% Hb A2; 1-2% Hb F B.90-92% Hb A; 2-3% Hb A2; 2-5% Hb F C.80-85% Hb A; 2-3% Hb A2; 1-2% Hb F D.95-97% Hb A; 2-3% Hb A2; 1-2% Hb F


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