HHSC 105 Appendicular Skeleton: Terms & Vocabulary

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Ilium Features: ___, a wide, fan shaped portion _____ ______ forms the superior ridge anterior, posterior, and inferior ______ ____ located on lateral surfaces and are important muscle attachments for gluteus muscles

Ala Iliac Crest Gluteal lines

Tarsals 7 bones ________is the largest and forms the heel _______ is superior, important for weight bearing, articulates with tibia Navicular Cuneiforms Medial (First) Intermediate (Second) Lateral (Third) Cuboid

Calcaneous Talus

Humerus Distal end: Shaft or body ________ _________extends along the lateral surface, attachment of deltoid muscle Medial & Lateral _________provide surfaces for muscle attachments _______ and _______ allow articulation with radius and ulna, respectively

Deltoid Tuberosity Epicondyles Capitulum and Trochlea

Metacarpals _______# metacarpals in the palm of the hand named by roman numerals from thumb - pinky form ____________ joints with phalanges

Five metacarpophalangeal

Scapula "shoulder blade" _____ _______ articulates with the head of the humerus Bony ridge on posterior aspect called the _________ ________ process on posterior/superior aspect _________ process forms anterior projection

Glenoid cavity Spine Acromion Coracoid

Radius Proximal end: _____that articulates with the capitulum of the humerus ______separates _____ ________(attachment site for biceps brachii) Distal end: lateral _________ _______ medial surface contains ______ _____ to articulate with the ulna

Head Neck; radial tuberosity Styloid process Ulnar notch

Os Coxae (Hip Bone) Fusion of ______, _____, and ______ Articulates: anteriorly with the other hip bone posteriorly with the sacrum laterally with the femur at the _______

Ilium; Ischium and Pubis Acetabulum

Femur Features: ____________ ____ is on anterior surface, marks distal edge of the hip capsule _________ ________ is on posterior surface, attachment of gluteus maximus _________ _____ is a ridge on posterior shaft that is a point of attachment for many thigh muscles

Intertrochanteric line Gluteal Tuberosity Linea Aspera

Ischium Forms superior/posterior margin of acetabulum Features: ______ ___is a prominent medial process ________ ________ is a rough inferior projection that supports the body while seated

Ischial spine Ischial tuberosity

Arches of the Foot Normally foot is arched to help prevent pinching of muscles, blood vessels, nerves Three arches: _________: from heel to hallux, highest arch __________: from heel to 5th toe, lowest arch _________ perpendicular, along distal row of tarsals

Medial Lateral Transverse

Clavicle S-shaped medial half is convex anteriorly lateral half is concave anteriorly Sternal end articulates ________ with the manubrium of the sternum and acromial end articulates ________ with with acromion

Medially Laterally

Phalanges Distal region of the hand (fingers), 14 per hand 3 per finger: proximal, middle, distal exception is the thumb, only contains _______and ______ phalange ___________ joints

Proximal and Distal Interphalangeal joints

Pubis Anterior region of hip bone features: ______ ___ is a rough ridge on anterior superior surface that becomes ____ ______, an important attachment site _______ ______ demotes the site of articulation between pubic bones

Pubic crest; Pubic tubercle Symphysial surface

Humerus Distal end: _____ fossa accommodates head of the radius _______ fossa accommodates ulna _______ fossa accommodates the olecranon of the ulna, forms elbow joint

Radial fossa Coronoid fossa Olecranon fossa

Pelvic Girdle (Pelvis) The adult pelvis is composed of the ______, _______, and right and left ____ ______

Sacrum, Coccyx, Ossa Coxae

Ulna Proximal features: _______ _____ interlocks with the trochlea of the humerus __________forms the posterior projection, articulates with olecranon fossa of the humerus, attachment site for triceps _______ ______ articulates with humerus at coronoid fossa ______ ____ articulates with radius Distal features: head medial styloid process

Trochlear notch Olecranon coronoid process radial notch

Patella (Kneecap) Triangular shape with broad superior boarder and inferiorly pointed _____ Articulates with patellar surface of femur, forming _________ ____

apex patellofemoral joint

Tibia Features: Medial and lateral ______ form smooth surface for articulation with femur ________ ______, rough anterior projection, attachment site of patellar ligament _________ ______, inferiormost prominent medial process

condyles tibial tuberosity medial malleolus

Femur Distal features: Medial and lateral _______ are smooth, round articulating surfaces they lie just superiorly to condyles and serve as ______ __ ______ ____is a smooth anterior region where patella articulates with femur

epicondyles attachment sites Patellar surface

Femur Longest, strongest, heaviest bone in the body Proximal features: head articulates with acetabulum of the hip bone the ____ is a dent in the head to allow attachment of ligament to acetabulum ______ and _______ _______ are large processes for the attachment of powerful hip muscles

fovea Greater & Lesser trochaner

Humerus Proximal end: ______ articulates with glenoid cavity of the scapula to form glenohumeral (shoulder) joint a _______ tubercle is located laterally and _______ tubercle medially, the __________ ____ contains the tendon for the long head of the biceps brachia ________ and _________ necks

head greater; lesser; Intertubercular sulcus Anatomical and Surgical

ilium Features: the ______ _____ is a large depression on the medial surface Anterior and posterior, superior and inferior _____ ______are projections along the iliac crest ______ ______ is where ilium articulates with sacrum

iliac fossa Iliac spines Auricular surface

Fibula Features: proximal head with flat articular facet for articulation with ______ narrow neck and slender shaft distal end expands into _____ ______

tibia lateral malleolus

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