HI 233 midterm 1

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Voltaire and the significance of toleration. What did Voltaire think? what tie does he have to current events?

"tolerance is the prerogative of humanity" wanted religious tolerance

millet system

legally diff monotheistic religions, brings diff laws together, islam gets priority

JOHN LOCKE (1632 to 1704) Two Treatises on Government (1689) Who was John Locke and why was he so important? What were his main contributions to political thought? What does the expression "from subject to citizens" mean?

started the enlightenment tried to put philosophy and politics on an emperical base "life liberty and estate", social contract idea that ppl have natural rights, ppl can participate in maintenance of gov divine right of kings from subjects to citizens: participate -separation of powers and of church and state secularization of politics

What was "de-Christianization" and what were some steps taken to achieve it?

the terror monks and nuns closed, forced to marry or death changed calendar civil constitution of the clergy-oath of loyalty to the state cult of the supreme being

What are some important Early Modern events that helped establish the foundation of the modern world? why? what was there influence?

-"discovery" of the new world: crops, trade (slaves), intellectual -protestant reformation and euro wars of religion: pwer of the catholic church declines, continuous warfare -scientific revolution: new ways of viewing world, "modern" mindset, enlightenment


.1% of la pop

Important foundation for modern world for several reasons. Such as:

1 2 3 4

When was the Scientific Revolution supposed to have started? what kicked it off? what is the heliocentric theory of the universe and why was it so important in Western Europe at this time?

1543 nicholas copernicus had revolution of heavenly spheres-planets orbit around the sun -impt bc it discredited belief at that time and the church, universe is bigger than they thought -begins with math and astronomy, add bio, chem, social sciences

Why 1750?

18th century: period of change, turning point for the west


22.8% couldnt hold high gov office but could be officers, controlled local economics and owned land and mines

What were the Three Estates in France? Who belonged to which?

3 estates 1 clergy 2 nobles 3 everyone else

What does our modern calendar have to do with anything?

Gregorian calendar: 1582 by pope gregory xiii not originally recognized by orthadox/protestants, world gradually adopted it

Many factors contribute to the outbreak of revolutions. What are some political and economic factors behind the American & French revolutions and the Latin American Wars for Independence?

Latin america spanish colonization with columbus wealth and power inequalities economic: resent spanish only let them trade with spain disparity in wealth napoleon invaded spain so there was more trade mulatto and mestizo pops angry about being denied the same opps political: sense of separate identity, "americans" lack of opps napoleanic wars distracted spain, creoles get more independence

Who started the Protestant Reformation?

Martin luther with 95 theses

What does it mean to be "modern?" What characteristics do "modern" states possess?

Modern transportation, religion, urbanization, education, infrastructure

What were important world powers, including the "Gunpowder Empires?" What were some of their characteristics?

Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal had new firearms (cannon and small arms) military success

Jean Calas: who was he? what happened?

accused of killing converting son, tortured

NOT part of the Wars of Religion, but who was John Stuart Mill and what were some of his ideas?

almost free market, concerned with tyranny reason and rationality should dominate human interactions and political policy. religion was viewed by many as intolerant and superstitious

At the end of 18th century & beginning of 19th century, four main revolutions occur that help create the modern world. What are they?

american, french, haitian, latin american


being denied same economic opps as white pop mixed race-spaniard+american indian


being denied same economic opps as white pop mixed race-white+black

What were economic and political conditions of the American colonists *before* the Revolution and how did they change?

colonists began to resist brit. taxes, wanted representation in parliament brit thought they were residents of the colonies small farmers, craftsmen, shopkeepers, merchants easy for colonists to move up economic ladder higher per capita income and lower tax burden need to dissolve political bonds states had charters/constitutions and rep gov

Why did Brazil escape much of the internal conflicts that plagued most of South America during the 19th century?

colonized by portugal

Olympe de Gouges

declaration of the rights of women and of the female citizen accused of treason, guillotine

Toussaint L'Ouverture

declared himself governor for life, led haitian rebellion


elite of military, salary, not hereditary

What is Japan's political structure? What is a shogun and a daimyo?

emperer ruled with little power shogun ruled in reality daimyo=lords ----samurai -------society/peasants hierarchical, hereditary, rigid seclusion laws keep foreigners out

Peace of Westphalia 1648

end to wars of religion-ruler of a state determines what religion ppl will practice, otherwise have no freedom...convert or persecution

What are some examples of conflicts during this time?

french wars of religion: 2-4 mill ppl died st. bartholomews day massacre: catholic mob violence against french hugunots, 5,000-30000 ppl died 30 year's war: in roman empire, 3-11.5mil ppl die

What about for the French? How was Latin America different or the same?

french: economic bankrupt, abuses in taxes, revenue probs from loans for amer rev and 7 yrs war flour wars- deregulation of grain market laissez faire hands off riots winter: crops dead estates general: 3 estates to meet and solve probs french rev started when 3rd estate, upset by lack of voting power, broke away from natl assembly political feuedal state with 3 estates 1 clergy 2 nobles 3 everyone else Abbé Sieyes wrote What is the Third estate...something

How did the Scientific Revolution help change our world view into a more "modern" one, and what are some prejudices that accompany that change?

gave new scientific ideas for how the world works, made a new worldview, it was against the church

Ottoman Empire: 1453 to 1919

gunpowder empires dominated parts of europe, africa, and asia consolidation and expansion of previous empire under seljuk furks sunni muslims most powerful military ruled by a sultan and grand vizier

What significance does John Locke have for North Carolina history?

helped write our state constitution The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina, by John Locke,

Southeast Asia and Japan: what similarities does Southeast Asia have with Africa? How is Japan different?

japan: a feudal state, self imposed isolation until commodore penny majaphit empire indianized, largest, series of kingdoms and states -tokugawa shogunate, edo period, buddhism and shintoism feudal regime under shoguns emperer: ruled from kyoto but little pwer shogun ruled in reality, like africa: series of kingdoms different: shogunate, not a dem repub

Africa: Igbo People and the Ashante Empire

made of small kingdoms remains uncolorized until last quarter of 19th c and scramble for africa among european states very diverse West african igbo ppl: sort of quasi-democratic repub system of gov, no kings or feudal system, equality some regions ruled by assemblies of ppl ashanti: modern ghana firearm adoption original source of trade wealth from gold wealth becomes part of british colonial africa when brit invades and add it to gold coast territory successful military org and strategy, army size big, defeated brit a lot

What two large empires or states did the Spanish destroy in their conquest of the New World?

mayans and inca empire (feudal and non monetized economy)

THOMAS HOBBES (1588-1679) The Leviathan (1651) "the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, short" How do his ideas differ from Locke's?

more cynical believed that the only true and correct form of government was the absolute monarchy thought humans are horrible, selfish creatures

Mughul Empire: 1527 to 1707; or 1858. Why the discrepancy?

mostly india muslim, founded by descendants of Genghis Khan sunni muslim=10% muslim center of science and wealth official language=persian, most common = urdu weaken by 18th c. east india company want spices strong naval fleet

Safavid Empire: 1501-1722; 1729-1736

not arab-persian, speak faisi shia muslim as dutch east india company and later the british were able to take control of trade routes in indian ocean, persian empire suffered economically


part of sharia law, muslims are priveleged

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

passed by the national assembly, 17 articles, rights of citizens and limitations on the state natural rights and popular sovereignty only men 25 paid taxes with 3 days of work and werent servents were given right to vote

The Vendee Revolt

peasant revolts against revolution during the terror

in what why, and why, did the "West" come to "dominate" the globe? What example do we have of this?

prior to modern era, europe was poor, weak, powerless discovered new world, trade routes changed, global slave trade, industrial rev protestant reformation and wars of religion scientific rev-intellectual history/political ideas, tech... john darwin: the west had events and luck to advance more rapidly than rest of the world...rapidity of change-western dominance

What happened during the wars of religion? who fought whom?

protestants and catholics fought over control of states and religious identity

what is the "Second" Scientific Revolution?

quantum physics, genetics, freud with psych -natural world used to be explained supernaturally how have natural laws-reason and logic shift from revelation to reason --humans now empowered active participants in our destiny, modern science is progressive, universal, civilizational

The terror

radical phase of revolution under robespierre reign ofterror-lots died in paris state sanctioned violence against enemies of the revolution executed for crimes against liberty king louis 16 beheaded

China: Qing Dynasty 1644-1912

religions: buddhism, taoism, confucianism largest ethnic group: han chinese ruled by ethnich minority Manchu China was world's wealthiest state (had some silver and gold) -economy was largest and most complex, considerable trade -closed to westerners -not fuedal: imperial examination system -take an exam to get a job huge pop, britain contends with china as a rival

What are some important events that took place in the 18th century that played a role in the formation of a the Modern World? Why and how did these events contribute to the Modern World?

scientific revolution enlightenment new political institutions industrial rev nationalism rise of the west

Jean-Jacques Dessalines

slave, worked under toussaint military leader who worked with Toussaint L'Ouverture and gave the country of Haiti its name

Simon Bolivar

the liberator (bolivia) wealthy creole, educated in spain, liked enlightenment ideas fight for independence president of first union of independent nations "gran colombia" strong presidency led to state's survival wanted a united political state

What does the term "from Revelation to Reason" mean in this context?

they began to think more logically and reasonable with science

What was John Locke's view on the relationship between church and state? why? what influenced his thinking?

wanted it, can't make someone believe something they don't

San Domingue

western half of island ceded by spain

Leger Sonthonax

white man, also ran for governor

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Chapter 52: Assessment of the GI system

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