HI 337 test 1

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Russian Civil War

1918-1920: conflict in which the Red Army successfully defended the newly formed Bolshevik government against various Russian and interventionist anti-Bolshevik armies. Red vs. White Army.

Selection (seduction), transaction, regret (recrimination)

3 major points of the life of spying

Duquesne Spy Ring

33 members of a German espionage network were convicted after an FBI investigation: The agents who formed the it were placed in key jobs in the US to get information that could be used to carry out acts of sabotage.

Rainbow Plans

5 hypothetical possible courses of action the US could take in the Pacific

Front Company

A business that commingles illicit funds with revenue generated from the sale of legitimate products or services. Use these for money laundering


A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs; US rejects League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles, says keep out of Europe, take care of America first


A person unofficially employed by an intelligence service, often as a source of information// expendable paid asset

Operation Mincemeat

A plan to fool Hitler on the landing point of the Allied armies as they came into Italy to work their way up to Germany. They took a dead body form a funeral home and dressed him up like a British Major. They gave him the name of William Martin. They put a coded message on him that said, "He might bring Sardines with him." Hitler was sure this meant the Allies were coming from N. Africa through Sardinia. He moved troops to that location, but the Allied troops came in by way of the island of Sicily. The plan worked to perfection.

Oath of Loyalty

A pledge or promise of support or allegiance to Hitler by the Army


A string of islands off the coast of Alaska that were going to be the Japanese diversion in their plan to take Midway

Turing test

A test proposed by Alan Turing in which a machine would be judged "intelligent" if the software could use conversation to fool a human into thinking it was talking with a person instead of a machine/shows that the computer developed an emotional relationship to us

Richard Sorge

Agent "Ramsay" who was an ethnic German and secret communist who offered his services to the Russians; he was multilingual, a Japanese correspondent, and was able to recruit assets all across Tokyo; always gathering reliable info and one of the greatest agents in place though Stalin didn't trust him; captured by Japanese secret army and never broke; warned USSR about Japanese attack going to occur in Khalkhin Gol and thus traps the Japanese

Battle of Los Angeles

Air Raid protection was activated in Los Angeles and anti-aircraft shelling was used, 3 months after Pear Harbor , 1 day after Japanese sub shelled Santa Barbara coast it was a possible weather balloon mistake and it was a Definite over-reaction from fear and hysteria

George S. Patton and Bernard Montgomery

American and British generals who race to control Sicily and go up the boot into Italy


American intelligence trusts in/relies most on this

Flying Tigers

American pilots who volunteered to fight for China

William Donovan

American soldier, lawyer, but best known for his position of Coordinator of Information when United States intel was still fragmented under Roosevelt. Became the head of the OSS and argued for a peacetime centralized intelligence agency, eventually the CIA.

Joseph Rochefort

An American naval officer and cryptanalyst. He was a major figure in the United States Navy's cryptographic and intelligence operations from 1925 to 1946, particularly in the Battle of Midway. In charge of breaking Japanese naval codes without a codebook; interesting task force of band members and novelists etc

Battle of Britain

An aerial battle fought in World War II in 1940 between the German Luftwaffe (air force), which carried out extensive bombing in Britain, and the British Royal Air Force, which offered successful resistance

Munich Conference

An agreement/conference in which Chamberlain basically gives Germany the Sudetenland

clandestine operation

An intelligence operation designed to remain secret and have that secrecy/concealment assured; emphasis is placed on concealment of the operation rather than on concealment of the identity of the sponsor

Overt operation

An operation conducted openly, without concealment

Chinese Civil War

Between Chiang's nationalists and the Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong

-protect the launching pad/UK -crack the German codes - defeat the U-boats -defeat the Luftwaffe -secure the Mediterranean region

Britain and America's so-called "to-do" list before a continental invasion/attack (aka D-Day) according to Britain

purple code

Cipher system used by the Japanese in the 1930's for communications. US led a team effort to decrypt. Great benefit to US to help them understand Japanese policy prior to WWII. broken in 1941


Communications Intelligence; speech, sometimes with codes and catch phrases; text is also used and coded; cryptology as well as bugs and taps used; very important when trying to know what people are saying to each other


Communist party officials assigned to the army to teach party principles and ensure party loyalty// job is to spread the party line whether through newspapers or other means

Coral Sea

Crucial naval battle which stopped the Japanese march across the Pacific, first time all fighting was done by carrier based aircraft// operation MO - how did the Americans find out?


Decisive battle in German invasion of Russia, the Germans were surrounded and systemically destroyed; Germans caught in an urban fight and cannot get through but are instead bogged down giving Russians time to plan a counterattack

Atlantic Charter

Declaration of principles issued by Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt in August 1941 (they dont share Rainbow 5)

Stewart Menzies

Director General of MI6


Electronic Intelligence; derived from foreign non communications electromagnetic radiation; radar (electronic pulse that can be detected); sonar, sounds to be detected; navigation aids like radio beams or satellites; audio/visual feeds

Alan Turing

English mathematician who conceived of the Turing machine and broke German codes during World War II; head guy of the code cracking team assisted by various men and women; he created the Bombe which was the first mechanical computer that could test codes with 17,500 calculations every 20 minutes

Reichstag Fire

February, 1933; the Reichstag was set on Fire by a secret order of Joesef Goebbels; called a communist plot;Hitler convinced president Hindenburg to suspend all civil rights for Communists, socialists, liberals, and trade unionists

Tehran Conference

First major meeting between the Big Three (United States, Britain, Russia) at which they planned the 1944 assault on France and agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation after the war; charted the strategy for the rest of the war

chicken feed

Genuine, but not seriously damaging, intelligence knowingly provided to an enemy intelligence agency through an agent or a double agent to establish his bona fides

Enigma machine

German code machine given to Britain by the Polish; converts what is written into 169 quintillion possible options, but can be broken; Poles also gave a code book with about 10% of the enigma cracked ;German secret code machine. The Allies managed to crack the code and read German messages.

The Backhand Stroke

German plan by Manstein to take on USSR on the fly so their plans would be too fast for them to pick up; took the Panzer Korps to keep things going instead of planning defenses; they knew their command was penetrated, so they needed unplanned attacks ***Hitler says no***

Weimar Republic

German republic founded after the WWI and the downfall of the German Empire's monarchy

Reinhard Heydrich

Gestapo deputy chief who set out to gain the final solution to the Jewish Question.


He was the Admiral and Commander of the Japanese Navy that warned that if you take on the US, this is going to be a long war, but also obeyed orders and attacked pearl harbor on dec. 7 1941

Henrich Himmler

Head of the SS, not too smart but very vicious

Fritz Boetzel

"Olga" Chief in the OKW Cipher Office who transcribes messages and puts them in the enigma machine, but before doing so passes the uncoded carbon copy to his handlers, allowing the Russians to read German military Orders for the rest of the war

Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

(1) secret agency created by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1942 to conduct espionage, collect information for strategic planning, & assess the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy; (2) this organization eventually evolved into the CIA during the Cold War

Operation Citadel

(Battle of Kursk code name) a German offensive in 1943 designed to destroy the salient (bulge in the line) at Kursk in order to stabilize the front and consolidate the German hold on conquered territory; Hitler thought it would be a complete surprise; intended for April, postponed several times, finally ordered to begin in July- by then Russians knew from their own and British intelligence when and where the attack would occur, had time to plan a defense and counter


1) The Party (commissar) 2) The Cheka 3) The Army (instrument of the state) - Used to save the revolution - A sort of checks and balances


Nazi secret police that did not answer to any judicial or legal oversight; secret state police; made up of different departments of opposition/opponents and other information like party affairs, occupied territories, and counterintelligence


Open Source Intelligence; number 1 form of intel used (90%); news, government documents, meetings, observations, available to everybody, must be analyzed


Operation of Blitzkrieg that Hitler unleashed to invade the Soviet Union, Resulted in total failure


Operations Security Process that identifies critical info, outlines potential threats, and develops counter measures to safeguard critical info


Optronic Intelligence; laser, ranging, targeting, night-vision devices, passive

Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact

Pact between Russia and Japan saying they will not attack each other; only after German surrender will this be broken; Japanese were scared to fight the Russians and Russians don't want to talk about this victory


Party, Cheka, Army

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII who was not going to compromise with the enemy - not hitler, not stalin


Province in northeast China invaded by Japan in September 1931

Rudolf Roessler "Lucy"

Rado's cut-out whose job was to pick the agents in Germany


Red Army Military Intelligence; main intelligence directorate; did the most to detect what the Germans were up to; established by Trotsky; totally focused outside soviet Russia; working for a country with no money

Japanese-American Internment

Roosevelt signed a document Feb. 19,1942 stating that all people of Japanese ancestry from California and parts of Washington, Oregon, and Arizona, needed to be removed. Put them in internment camps because of their fear for another attack by the Japanese.

keep agents alive in closed society

Russian challenge in spying on Germany

the Vozhd

Russian for a supreme leader; equivalent to the Fuhrer in German; at first it was Lenin, after his death it was Stalin

people and intentions

Russian intelligence trusts in/relies most on this


Russian prison/forced labor camp for political prisoners

Operation Blue

Second German Invasion of Moscow; Soviets were 'surprised' by attack in Stalingrad, thought they had their plans; Hitler's plan to have Army Group South occupy the Caucasus to deprive Russia of her oil resources and Lend-Lease resources; Germans bring in Italians and Romanians


Signals Intelligence; pattern analysis; HF/DF; traffic analysis; link diagram

Operation Uranus

Soviet counterattack on Stalingrad that surrounded the Sixth Army and reclaimed the city over the course of fighting from November 1942 to February 2, 1943; because the German flanks are held by weak troops the Russian advantage gives them ample opportunity to attack there// Hitler sacrifices his Sixth Army


Soviet general who during World War II directed the counteroffensive at Stalingrad and relieved Leningrad and captured Berlin


Special Operations Executive; Britain's WWII sabotage and subversion organization; Inter-Service Research Bureau; "set Europe ablaze"; special operations to sabotage operations

Red Army Purge

Stalin assassinates the top 1/3 of the Red Army 1. These are the guys who helped bring the Bolsheviks to power so it became the USSR 2. It was a bad move to kill them 3. They were a strong army that followed chain of command 4. Therefore the USSR cannot protect themselves

First Five Year Plan

Stalin's economic plan to build heavy industry by industrializing the country, producing weapons, collectivization of agriculture


Technical Intelligence; exploitation of foreign materiel and scientific information like foreign weapons and technologies; Documentation at least is needed

the Bombe

The British machine that deciphered the German codes


The Nazi special police force; foremost agency of security, surveillance, and terror within Germany and German-occupied Europe

J. Edgar Hoover

The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; learns that to solve crime, all you need is solid research. Active among famous people to keep the FBI's name in the public

Afrika Korps

The forces Hitler sent to Africa under command of General Erwin Rommel to regain German lands there. Specifically Libya.

Bataan and Corregidor

The last strands of American and Filipino forces against the Japanese before they overran the Philippines were here, also key point for the American liberation of the Philippines from Japan. MacArthur vowed to return here

Doolittle Raid

The retaliatory attack by American bombers after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; mission should provoke a reaction and make the Japanese rethink their strategies


The secret police under Lenin and his Communist Party/ USSR that arrested "enemies of the revolution"

scientific socialism

The term Marx and Engels used to stress to that their ideology was based on an analysis of class conflict// very Euro-centric

Russo-Finnish War

This was a war fought between the Soviet Union and Finland in the winter of 1939 and 1940. While the Soviet Red Army went into Finland with overwhelming force, the invasion was badly managed (RUS unprepared), and the smaller Finnish force fought back heroically and effectively. In the end, the Soviet Union only took small parts of Finland and failed to fully conquer the country.

Operation Paukenschlag

U-boats dispatched to fight US east coast

Battle of Midway

U.S. naval victory over the Japanese fleet in June 1942, in which the Japanese lost four of their best aircraft carriers. It marked a turning point in World War II.


UK; doing the actual spying; secret intelligence service, a number of sections focused a lot on the USSR, intelligence technologies, and communications; women made excellent intelligence officers, mathematicians, analysts; the challenge arose with placing Brits in foreign places, but fortunately they had the colonies to help with that


UK; homeland military intelligence directoret; routine policing with Scotland Yard, dependence on them to find German spies in the country, but they aren't great at it; 6 divisions

Purple Code

US war code for USSR

Station Hypo

United States Navy signals monitoring and cryptographic intelligence unit in Hawaii during World War II; led by Rochefort

Pearl Harbor

United States military base on Hawaii that was bombed by Japan, bringing the United States into World War II. It was attacked on December 7, 1941.// we ignored many messages and warnings


Vladimir Lenin puts the theory of Marx into practice with a small, elite vanguard party and dictatorship of the Proletariat

they had the Maginot line ready and they assumed another war meant another trench war - thought they were prepared for a re-run of WWI

Why didn't France care about the pressing threat of War?

Molotov cocktail

a crude incendiary device typically consisting of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and with a means of ignition organized by Vyacheslav Molotov during World War II by the Finns against the Russians

Red Orchestra

a group of various people who spied for USSR; including Alexander Rado "Dora", Rudolf Roessler "Lucy", Hans Bernd Gisevius "Teddy"

Nazi-Soviet Pact

a secret non-aggression agreement between Germany and USSR (doesn't exactly work)


a surprise attack by a small armed force; go in, attack get out; minor stuff but good diversion


activities designed to prevent or thwart spying, intelligence gathering, and sabotage by an enemy or other foreign entity


allowance to access to classified information; individual application, background checks and vetting, it is need to know and only released as thus, compartmentalization, declassified, redactions

Parc Mon Repos

at Geneva - a neutral site - GRU residents that were still alive after the Gestapo's clearing out Soviet spies executed an emergency plan without telling Stalin in which they set the course for future Soviet human intelligence with 3 rules: 1. indirect approach 2. illegal residencies 3. intermediaries

Gestapo Acts

attempts to quash all soviet spy efforts because the Luftwaffe, Abwehr, and more had been infiltrated/ every German was taught to be on the look out for Russians

- need to do something about the US - need resources in Southern Pacific - defeat US navy, seize key terrain, exploit, defend perimeter

basic Japanese War Plans in the Pacific


basic spying; the systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets

Adolf Hitler

became chancellor via plurality voice and the first thing he passes allows him to rule by decree; leader of the Nazis

Italy attacks Ethiopia, Germany remilitarizes, militarizes the Rhineland, Japan attacks China, Germany annexes Austria

before the war the "Axis" powers did all these things and allies just seemed to ignore it

Treaty of Peace

blamed Germany for WWI/war guilt clause; required reparation payments, lands given back to France, Czechoslovakia, and Poland; disarmament to almost nothing; president Hindenburg

Custodial Detention Index

categorizes "enemy aliens" and decides which to force into prison camps, watch, and remember

+ 42M people + army - domestic politics - low moral

characteristics of France before the war

+ 78M people + Army & Air Force + economy - location (enemies on every side)

characteristics of Germany before the war

+ 48M people + Royal Navy + Economy

characteristics of Great Britain before the war

+ 44M people + good location

characteristics of Italy before the war

+ 71M people + Army and Navy

characteristics of Japan before the war

+ 131 M people + economy -not much of a military

characteristics of USA before the war

+ 171M people + Army - Purges

characteristics of USSR before the war

-loved and trusted it - singled out and blamed for WWI -disarmament

characteristics of the German army

army on patrol, hyperinflation, French occupation of the Ruhr Valley, Kakarett Kultur

characteristics of the Weimar republic

Spanish Civil War

civil war in Spain in which General Franco succeeded in overthrowing the republican government; republicans vs. nationalists

Operation Fortitude

code name for the deception leading up to the D-Day invasion in which the Allies tried to convince the Axis Powers of a false attack on another location (Palais)

Admiral Chester Nimitz

commander in Pacific Ocean; shrewd, tough, and experienced; knew the submarine forces needed to learn how to fight the Japanese up close

Elizabeth Friedman

cracked the doll code for the US


cyber intelligence; hardware - must be scrubbed for bugs; CDs, DVDs, flashdrives; firmware - follows a program; software - have backdoors that can be broken


data or information gathered by a variety of method


decisive battle that was Nazi Germany's last major offenses in the east and one of the largest tank battles in history

Takeo Yoshikawa

easily scouted the entire layout of Pearl Harbor and gave it to Japan///// used open society to their advantage

Enabling Act

enabled Hitler to get rid of the Reichstag parliament and pass laws without reference to parliament/rule by decree/ rule without laws


examples of Active OPSEC

classification and clearance

examples of Passive OPSEC

microfilm, dead drop, brush pass

examples of transactions

Top Secret ULTRA

extremely classified information during the war only shared between a small group of people in the SLU MI6 detachment; told info to people but never revealed where it came from; was top secret and not even mentioned until the 1970s


fast-moving warfare in which Germany and Russia first take Poland


financial intelligence; accounts, institutions like banks, cash transactions, front companies

Vernon Kell

founded MI5

Mrachkovskiy Enterprises

front companies in Germany, US, Japan, to launder money and fund GRU

Coup d'etat soon

goal of Lenin in order to establish his 1 leader, 1 party, 1 line - and communism

Wilhelm Canaris

head of Abwehr (Germany's intelligence service)

Ernst Rohm

head of the "Storm Troopers"; loyal aid to Hitler until he thinks Hitler goes too far; mobilizes the SA to re-establish order; killed by Hitler.

JN-25 code

imperial japanese navy code; Station Cast at Corregidor helping Rochefort break it; broke the code in just a few months in time for operation MO


information itself, sources, and methods; critical program info, law enforcement sensitive, public safety, etc. material that a government body deems to be sensitive information that must be protected


integrates imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information; valuable source of information for automated planning systems and precision-guided munitions;; Geographic Intelligence; physical and artificial features; mapping; climate; weather


one of the Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific, Japanese building airstrip, August 1942 battle, Allies won; tremendous casualties but codebooks on deck

Shanghai Massacre

ordered by Chiang Kai-Shek. thousands of communists killed. April 1927. Nationalist-Communist alliance destroyed.


part of MI6; Government Code and Cypher School; builds British codes and works to break enemy codes; relies on boffins (academics) and computers (people who did calculations)

Selective Service Act

peace time draft

phony war

period of time after the German invasion of Poland that included little military operation in Europe; no french training, not serious

bugs and taps

placed physically on wires to listen into communications

Norway, Czechoslovakia, France, Yugoslavia

places in which British SOE was helping reinforce the resistance during the war

don't panic, strike back; relocate industry; women mobilized; executions of failed commanders; immobile forces hold on while mobile forces counterattack; scorched earth

practical measures by USSR during Barbarossa

Nazi Party

promised to fix germany, unite all germans outside of Germany, voice and face = Adolf hitler

Great October Revolution

promises peace, land, and bread; led by Trotsky and established communist rule


proselytizing secular religion started thanks to Marx, Engles and Das Kapital

college degree in law or accounting, white, male

requirements of FBI agents


seizure of this area took much of Japan's energy in the Pacific

Wonder Weapons

some revolutionary "superweapons" that Germany assumed meant they couldn't lose

Khalkhin Gol

the battle between the Soviets & Japanese that Sorge warns the Russians about thus allowing the USSR to trap the Japanes and results in the Japanese taking a tremendous hit and retreat to Nomohan/// also leads to Japanese keeping quiet and signing peace with USSR

Battle of the Atlantic

the fight for control of the ocean shipping lanes between U-Boats and Allied ships; British and American forces sink U-boats and take code books and even a whole submarine


the primary investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), serving as both a federal criminal investigative body and a domestic intelligence agency.


the science of interpreting secret writings, codes, ciphers, and the like// breaking codes

americans came from the west into Morocco and Algeria while Brits came from the east via the Suez canal and Egypt to meet in the middle and squeeze Rommel in between Tunisia

the squeeze

Operation Otto

throwaway name; envisaged an attack on the Soviet Union and was developed from late July 1940; Lt. Gen. Paulus wants to figure out how to destroy the USSR and takes three groups of troops to occupy Leningrad, Moscow, and Rostov to defeat the Russians before winter; Yugoslavia and Greece Campaign distraction


to deliberately destroy or damage information

US and Japan Negotiations

to prevent war in the pacific/ used as a distraction

- luftwaffe supremacy in Norway and Denmark so they fall quickly - Maginot line only covers German border and the French give up from loss of morale

two quick losses at the start of the war

Lend-Lease Act

undeclared naval campaign; US plan to help that allies by giving them war goods

covert operation

undercover mission; An operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor.

secret writing, radio transmitters, XX committee

various british ways to catch spies and work against the Abwehr


very effective, focused on military enemies//he German military intelligence service for the Reichswehrt and Wehrmacht from 1920 to 1945; espionage group for defense against foreign espionage


war minister and leader of October Revolution

Velvalee Dickinson

was convicted of espionage against the United States on behalf of Japan during World War II. Known as the "Doll Woman", she used her business in New York City to send information on the United States Navy to contacts in Argentina via steganographic messages. She was finally caught when one of her contacts in Buenos Aires moved and her messages were returned.

Sam Edison Woods (BR), Richard Sorge (GRU), Churchill (BR), Yugoslavia and Greece Campaign, Lt. Gen. Golikov

what were some indicators that Stalin ignored that the Germans were going to attack Russia in summer of 1941

Stalin didnt want people more powerful than him so he made his troops keep quiet & the Japanese didn't want to ask how the Russians knew/ that they had lost so badly

why don't the Germans know about the Japanese loss at Khalkhin Gol?

Biuro Syzfrow

interwar Polish General Staff's Second Department's unit charged with SIGINT and both cryptography; gave enigma machine hardware to BR & FR

bigot list

list of people with access to certain categories of intel; they were the people allowed to see/were cleared for the ULTRA plans


medical intelligence

S.F. Sizov

member of the Attache in London who was providing information from Great Britain and their Perspective to USSR


military specialist of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army

Sturm Abteilung (Storm Troopers)

muscle of the Nazi Party


name for the Cheka

The Italian Job

negotiating surrender with the Italians so the allied forces could go in and fight the Germans

XX Committee

new tactic used by British intelligence to get information from rolled spies; basically when spies were picked up, they were sent to Camp 020 where they were left alone until they were ready to talk - were told talk or we'll kill you- and were turned into double agents who fed the Abwehr chicken feed

Joseph Goebbels

Hitler's minister of propaganda, persuaded people that things were going well even when they were not


Human Intelligence; spies, officers, agents (sources); requires selection, transactions, and sometimes regret

Alexander Rado "Dora"

Hungarian communist whose goal is the infiltrate people into Nazi Germany


Imagery Intelligence; aerial photography, national technical means like spy satellites

production, manpower, focused on the continent

In Britain's perspective, what should America's role in the war be?

strategy, intelligence, focused on the mediterranean; use the russians but think long term, preserve the empire

In Britain's perspective, what should Great Britain's role in the war be?

Operation Pastorius

In the summer of 1942, German submarines put saboteurs ashore on American beaches. Normandy. Anzio. Guadalcanal. Okinawa. Goal was to destroy US power plants and factories

Wake Island

Japan attacked on December 7, 1941, but American marines held them off until island fell on December 23rd and 1,600 Americans surrendered and became POWs/ Admiral Pye didn't help them

Pearl Harbor Attack

Japanese attacked US fleet in Hawaii causing USA to enter WWII

Doll Code

Japanese in Argentina; sharing messages/war plans/ through fake letters about dolls


Joseph Stalin's policy of exiling or killing millions of his opponents in the Soviet Union (whether they were part of the Party, Cheka, or Army)


Leader of the Cheka; kills execution style

Otto Skorzeny

Leads a spectacular raid and captures Mussolini. First he makes him acting head of the Fascist unit in Northern Italy but later shoots him, and then he is dragged through the streets.

Arthur Harris

Led bombing raids to Germany, wartime leader of the British air force's Bomber Command; decides to go after the German people as a whole and his command causes the Hamburg fire raid and kills 42,600 civilians

Money, Ideology, Compromise, Ego

MICE - 4 ways to seduce one to join as a spy


Measurement and Signature Intelligence; "crate-ology"

Scotland Yard

Metropolitan London police, don't carry weapons, dependence on them to find german spies wasn't the best idea


Missile test Telemetry

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