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For which specific purpose did the British Parliament pass the Tea Tax of 1773?

To protect the East India Company from bankruptcy

What was the purpose of the Declaratory Act of 1766?

To show the colonists that the British has the authority to tax them

What was the most serious consequence of the War of Jenkins' Ear?

Trade in the Atlantic Ocean was interrupted

Which crops did the Europeans bring to the new world?


The Columbian Exchange between Western Europe and the native people of the New World thrived mainly due to which of the following?

established Native American trade routes

Which of the following was most helpful to the success of the Columbian Exchange in the New World?

established Native American trade routes

Which ideas of the European Enlightenment were most influential to the American colonists?

inalienable rights

Which crop did the Europeans first find in the New World?


The demands made by Martin Luther in his 95 Theses included which of the following?

that the Bible be printed in everyday language so that all could read it

What belief did the Quakers hold that other Protestant groups did not?

that war and aggression were wrong under all circumstances

Which law had the greatest impact on the legal status of Africans in North America in the 1600s?

the law making slavery a hereditary condition inherited through a child's mother

What was the first organized act of resistance in the colonies in response to the passage of the Intolerable Acts?

the meeting of the First Continental Congress

After explorers were unable to find a passage to Asia through Florida, what led the Spanish crown to continue financing the Florida colony?

the work of the Franciscan missionaries with the native peoples

The first armed conflict of the Revolutionary War was provoked by what act?

A raid by British soldiers on the colonial weapons arsenal

The growth in colonial population that occurred in the early 1700s led to which of the following?

A wider gap between the rich and poor

The period in British history called the English interregnum was marked by which of the following?

An English commonwealth not ruled by a monarch

The Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War in 1783, ceded the territory of which future U.S. state to the United States?


Which individual was a key literary figure during the Spanish Golden Age?

Miguel de Cervantes

Who led the 1676 rebellion against the governor of Virginia?

Nathaniel Bacon

Why did Europeans colonists choose to replace the slave labor of native peoples with that of west Africans

Native Americans were not able to resist diseases carried by Europeans

Peter Minuit was the director of what European nation's first colony in the Americas?


Which colonial city was known for being particularly diverse, with a large number of religions and ethnicities represented in its population?

New York city

Which of the following was a colony that belonged to the Dominion of New England?

New haven

The Stamp Act allowed for direct taxes to be levied on which of the following in the colonies, among other things?


In his pamphlet "Common Sense," Thomas Paine introduced which idea, which would eventually become central to American democracy?

Popular sovereignty

Which New World crop soon became a dietary staple for Europeans?


In which empire did the English unknowingly settle along the rivers around the Chesapeake Bay?


Which Protestant denomination was established as a result of the Great Awakening?


The flushing remonstrance was a petition for freedom of religion written by people from what region?


In addition to the Coercive Acts, the acts that were labeled The Intolerable Acts by the colonists concerned which territory outside of the thirteen colonies?


What was the first permanent French colony in the Americas?


Where did the French establish their first colony in the New World?


What motivated the very first colonists to settle in Pennsylvania?

Religious freedom

The British Parliament agreed to repeal the Coercive Acts once the colonists agreed to which of the following terms?

Repaying the British East India company for the tea that was destroyed

Which attempt at colonizationis often referred to as "the lost colony"?


Which colonial leader wrote a letter denouncing taxation without representation, which led to the British sending more troops to the colonies?

Samuel Adams

How did the government of South Carolina respond to the Stono Rebellion?

It passed a law forbidding slaves from the learning to read and write

How did the rule of James II differ from that of his brother, Charles II?

He modeled his rule on the absolute monarchy found under the French king

How did the Proclamation of 1763 affect the colonists?

It prevented them from exploring or settling the western frontier

The 1651 Navigation Ordinance did which of the following?

It required that only English ships carry goods to the colonies

Aside from the issue of taxation by representation, why did the Virginia House of Burgesses object to Parliament's stamp tax?

It would create a great economic burden for the colonists

How did the Quartering Act of 1765 attempt to solve the problem of security in the colonies?

By requiring colonists to lodge British forces

How did Great Britain respond to the colonial boycott that followed the Stamp Act?

By sending soldiers and occupying Boston and New York City

Which British leader was the least sympathetic towards the colonists?

Charles Townshend

Which colonial leader defended the actions of the British soldiers in what became known as the Boston Massacre?

John Adams

The Whigs were instrumental in which of the following?

Deposing King James II

What was the main factor leading to the growth of inflation in the colonies during the Revolutionary War?

Each colony began printing its own form of currency

Which of the following had the greatest role in the economic growth of Britain's North American colonies in the 1700s?

Expansion of slavery

The first permanent colony established by Europeans in North America was in what modern-day state?


In which nation did the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of 1572, a violent conflict between Catholics and Protestants, occur?


Which of the colonies was NOT represented at the First Continental Congress?


To fight the Continental Army, the British relied upon the service of mercenaries from which other European country?


What was the most notable outcome of the Glorious Revolution of 1688?

Great Britain adopted a constitutional form of government

The Enlightenment principle of empiricism promotes which of the following ideas?

Humans gain knowledge from their experience and observation of the world

When determining how to handle the debt from the French and Indian War produced, Parliament first decided that which of the following should be taxed?

Imported goods

The British victory in the French and Indian War resulted in the expansion of the British Empire in which part of the world in addition to North America?


How did the Revenue Act affect the relationships between colonial governors and colonists?

It emboldened colonial governors to enforce parliamentary laws without the worry of how their salaries would be paid

How did the Glorious Revolution affect the slave trade in the colonies?

It led to more English merchants engaging in the slave trade

The New England colonists fought which conflict without the aid of colonial powers?

King Philip's War

In 1626, Peter Minuit became the director of the first Dutch colony in the Americas, which was located in which modern-day location?


The Western European curiosity that led to the Columbian Exchange originated with which explorer's travels?

Marco Polo

The French and Indian War began over rival claims along the frontier of which present-day state?


Which of the following was one of the Restoration colonies?


Which colony did the Pilgrims found?


Which Spaniard was the first to explore Florida?

Ponce de León

The New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741 arose from the unfounded belief that the city's slave population would do which of the following?

Set fire to the city

What was included in James Oglethorpe's original vision for the Georgia colony?

Slavery and alcohol would be banned

Where were the first Europeans to establish a colony in North America from?


What was the first European colony established in North America?

St. Augustine

The Treaty of Paris placed the western boundary of the United States at which location?

The Mississippi River

What was the principal cause of the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico?

The Spanish had attempted to keep the Pueblos from practicing their native religion

What happened as a result of the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico?

The Spanish stopped demanding labor and goods from the Pueblos for tribute

Which of the following was a belief of the philosopher John Locke?

The best type of government is one in which all subjects are represented

What evidence suggests that the American colonies' declaration of independence against Great Britain was bound to happen decades before it did?

The colonies had developed their own economic structures independently from Great Britain

Which of the following gave the British forces an advantage over the Continental Army in the southern states?

The colonists refused to offer slaves their freedom in exchange for their service

What was decided at the first meeting of the First Continental Congress?

The colonists would boycott the importation, exportation, and consumption of British goods

Why did the Spanish crown continue to finance the Florida colony even after the explorers failed to find a passage to Asia?

The colony had become an important base for missionaries.

What became the most serious issue facing Great Britain after the end of the French and Indian War?

The debt the war produced

The law that caused the greatest change to the legal status of Africans in North America involved which of the following?

The declaration of slavery as a hereditary condition

On which point did the religious leaders associated with the Great Awakening disagree with Protestant dogma?

The doctrine of predestination

Which event directly led to the initial rise of Protestantism in England?

The dovorce of King Henry Vlll and Catherine of Aragon

The actions of the Paxton Boys in 1763 were largely a reaction to which of the following?

The events of Pontiac's rebellion

What was a consequence of the growth in population that occurred in the American colonies in the early 1700s?

The gap between the rich and poor became wider.

Queen Anne's War, fought between New England, New France, and Florida, is best remembered for which event?

The kidnapping of a minister's daughter by Mohawks

How did the Europeans' arrival in the New World have the most detrimental effect on its ecosystem?

The livestock brought by the Europeans devoured the native plants and animals

Which of the following gave colonial women a more active role in the political dissent of the time?

The non-importation movement

Why did slavery play a larger role in driving economic expansion in the southern colonies than those further north?

The southern colonies' economies depended more heavily on agriculture

Which war was NOT fought between Great Britain and France?

The war of Jenkins' Ear

The Committee of Correspondence was formed in Boston for which purpose?

To address the fear of British overreach

Why did the Puritans find the need to separate from England and relocate to the New World?

They found the Church of England to be very corrupt

During the Revolutionary War, which was an advantage that the Continental forces had over the British forces?

They had soldiers who were better trained.

How did the French settlers approach colonization in the New World differently from the Spanish?

They sought to make alliances with the native peoples instead of subjugating them

Why did the French first begin exploring the Great Lakes region?

They were looking for direct sea route to China

How were the Quakers different from other Protestant groups?

They were pacifists who were against fighting wars.

What evidence showed that colonial boycotts of British goods created economic and social changes in the American Revolution?

Women's roles in cottage industries became more important.

What caused the deaths of most of the native population of Hispaniola in the early 1500s?

an epidemic of smallpox

Why was Jamestown originally founded?

as a center for economic opportunity

How did the Spanish colonists react to the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico?

by ceasing to demand labor and goods from the Pueblos for tribute

Which of the following most drove the governments of European nation states in colonizing the Americas?

competition with eachother

Which of the following nearly decimated the population of Hispaniola in the early 1500s?


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