HIS1100--Module 8--The Roaring Twenties & the Great Depression

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The villages of temporary shacks that sprang up in vacant lots and public parks were known as ___________________.


The respiratory disease created by the dust storms was called this by doctors.

"dust pneumonia"

In response to Black Tuesday, The New York Times called the day _______________________.

"the most disastrous in Wall Street's history"

Which of the following is TRUE about the G-men?

-They made many mistakes. -They were heroes in the public's imagination.

Important aspects of Roosevelt's leadership style were ______________________. [choose all that apply]

-his willingness to experiment -his sense of pragmatism

Which of the following programs of the First New Deal did the Supreme Court declare illegal, meaning the government had to shut them down? [choose all that apply]

-the National Recovery Act (NRA) -the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

What were the two aspects of Hoover's plan to save the country? [choose 2]

1. Keep calm and avoid panic. 2. Use the power of the federal government to prop up certain areas of the economy.

In the 1920s, the stock market became a financial bubble supported by _______________________. [choose all that apply]

1. expectations of profit 2. buyer enthusiasm 3. borrowed money

In the Election of 1936, Roosevelt's most powerful opposition came from ___________________. [choose all that apply]

1. industrial and business leaders 2. the ultra-wealthy

The major causes of the Dust Bowl were ______________________________. [choose all that apply]

1. plowing by farmers removed the natural grasses, and the soil became loose 2. high winds 3. drought

What technological advances encouraged the growth of the suburbs in the 1920s? [choose all that apply]

1. public transportation 2. the automobile

In separate provisions, the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921 and the Immigration Act of 1924 [choose all that apply]

1. severely limited immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe 2. were meant to encourage immigration from Northern and Western Europe 3. encouraged immigration from Latin America 4. excluded all immigrants from East Asia

What contributed to the trend toward rejection of traditional morality in the 1920s? [choose all that apply]

1. the glorification of consumption 2. a loss of family and societal traditions as people were separated from their roots 3. a backlash against the self-sacrifice of the war years 4. an increase in mobility through advanced transportation

Instead of choosing a hardline anti-Roosevelt candidate, the Republican Party chose this man as their candidate in the Election of 1936.

Alf Landon

One of President Franklin Roosevelt's circles of consultants was called the "_____________ ________________."

Brain Trust

__________________________ was at the heart and soul of the New Deal.


During the 1930s, many Dust Bowl farmers gave up and moved, some to the "promised land" of _______________________________.


Who became President after the death of Warren G. Harding?

Calvin Coolidge

By the 1930s, there were more _________ in America than there were members of any single Protestant denomination.


Who took "The Landlord Game" and modified it into the game Monopoly?

Charles Darrow

This Canadian Catholic priest used his popular radio show to challenge President Roosevelt's New Deal.

Charles E. Coughlin

Why were farmers able to expand their operations in the 1910s and 1920s?

Cheap, easy credit was readily available.

One of the black denominations that sprang from the Holiness Pentecostal movement was the _______________________.

Church of God in Christ

Which of the following were centers for criminal gangs in the 1930s?

Cleveland Chicago San Antonio New Orleans

Calvin Coolidge was a pro-business president with a focus on industrial business over agriculture. In what ways did he accomplish his agenda? Answer in two to three sentences.

Coolidge accomplished his mission by having influential Republican friends and reducing corruption among the cabinet and within his close government systems. He also made wages of American laborers higher and vetoed the McNary-Haugen bill which would've benefited farmers.

What was the political advantage of the Second New Deal?

Even if it didn't work, the appearance of doing something would help with the President's re-election.

What American novelist labeled the time in which he lived the "Jazz Age"?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The quintessential woman of the 1920s became known as the _________________.


In one or two sentences, define "fractional reserve" banking.

Fractional reserve banking is where people put their money in banks, and then the bank keeps a fraction of the money and loans out the other portion to others.

The movement against modernist ideas and teachings that were making their way into churches and seminaries in the 1920s was known as ________________________.


What were the members of the Bureau of Investigation commonly referred to as?


The most significant social change for African-Americans in the early twentieth century was the _____________ ________________ away from the South toward the northern cities.

Great Migration

The first African-American cultural movement that was purposefully driven and separate from the rest of American society was the ____________ ________________.

Harlem Renaissance

How was Calvin Coolidge able to reduce taxes and pay down the debt at the same time?

He appointed business leaders to key positions in government.

Which of the following switched parties; called himself a progressive conservative; and encouraged the ideas of the progressives through cooperation rather than government mandate?

Herbert Hoover

The wreck of the __________________ was one important event that was broadcast on the radio.


In one or two sentences, define the term Hooverville.

Hooverville is the name for a place where many homeless people built temporary shelters in public places, like parks, during the Great Depression.

The 1935 Revenue Act, which brought in additional funding for the New Deal, was popularly known as the "________-______-_________" tax.

soak the rich

Someone who takes advantage of rapidly rising prices to make money is a _______________________.


Which of the following was NOT part of the mass media system that spread popular culture in the 1930s?


As a way to provide financial support to wheat farmers, this agency paid wheat farmers not to plant wheat:

the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

One of the most famous PWA projects was the __________________, which harnessed the power of the Tennessee River and supplied electricity to the rural south.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

The worlds' first "talkie," a movie that included spoken dialogue and a musical soundtrack, was ______________________.

The Jazz Singer

What organization, originally founded to investigate anti-trust violations, went on to declare a "War on Crime?"

The Justice Department's Bureau of Investigation

Which of the following regions remained "dry" even after the repeal of Prohibition?

The Midwest and the South

In three to four sentences, explain the Teapot Dome Scandal.

The Teapot Dome Scandal was another spring from the corruption in Harding's cabinet. Basically, a major oil field, the Teapot Dome, which was under governmental control, was moved to the Department of the Interior's control. The issue was that the man in charge of this department, Albert B. Fall, took bribes from an oil tycoon and was tried and imprisoned for the charges (first cabinet member to do so).

In one sentence, explain the result in the decision made in United States v. Butler.

The decision made was that the AAA was illegal because buyers got upset that the cotton prices were high, since the government controlled the prices in a way, and so the Supreme Court ruled that this organization violated the 10th Amendment.

How did the federal monetary policy affect economic growth in the 1920s?

They expanded credit, making it easier to get loans and expand businesses.

In one sentence, describe the role of the Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) in the 1930s.

This organization aimed to regulate the movie-making industry by providing standards which to adhere to in the production and inclusion of movie content to make it appropriate and acceptable to Americans, who requested the intervention.

In one or two sentences, explain what the Federal Arts Music, Theatre, and Writers Project, run by the WPA, did.

This project facilitated many artistic endeavors, involving painting and music, performance and pamphlets. It helped art to continue and fostered and exploited the talents of young artists for the use of the WPA propaganda.

In addition to poverty and starvation, many city-dwellers also faced the prospect of _______________________.


In the 1920s, businesses did not feel the need to pay workers more because ___________________________.

immigration made labor plentiful

Where did Fundamentalism become most firmly established?

in the South

An _____________ _____________ was a company whose only "business" was to speculate in the stock market.

investment trust

What effect did the collection of payroll taxes to support the new Social Security system have on the economy?

it was negative--slowing it down

Out of all the strikes and labor incidents of the 1930s, the two that stand out because of their scale and violence are the _______________________.[choose 2]

the California Longshoreman's Strike the East Coast Textile Workers Strike

What religious organization was most vocal regarding the declining moral standards in movies over the 1920s and 1930s?

the Catholic Church

Which of the following was NOT a project of the WPA?

large scale farming

Which sport was particularly popular on radio broadcasts in the 1930s?

major league baseball

Believing that the Depression was ending, President decided to _____________________.

make a major shift in government policy

On October 19, 1929, the first "___________ __________" went out, meaning that some investors who had borrowed money from brokers to buy shares of stock had to repay their brokers or have their stocks sold.

margin calls

Which of the following was NOT a popular type of radio program in the 1930s?


For the better part of a century, from where did most Americans get some of their entertainment and most of their news?


As a campaign promise in the Election of 1920, Warren G. Harding promised the American people a "return to ________________."


Which of the following was NOT one of the new farming methods developed by the SCS to help with the problems in the Dust Bowl?

planting prairie grasses and shifting from farming to ranching

Frederic Clements and Paul Sears argued that the only way to fix the problems of the Great Plains was to

put the natural ecological balance back the way it was before

Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau wanted President Roosevelt to ____________________________.

reduce federal spending

To counter the shame of being on "the dole," the federal government created this agency to allow individuals who qualified for FERA benefits to receive them as salary for work.

the Civil Works Administration (CWA)

This New Deal program was established by executive order to purchase distressed and foreclosed farm mortgages so that farmers would have the opportunity to refinance at rates they could afford.

the Farm Credit Administration (FCA)

The Glass-Steagall Banking Act gave the Federal Reserve new power and established _____________________.

the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

State governments administered funds distributed through this New Deal Agency to help the poor in a direct way, making it the nation's first true welfare agency.

the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

In the 1920s, what organization took it upon themselves to limit the influence of non-white, non-American born, non-Protestants using terrorism and political power?

the Ku Klux Klan

The most notable organization for the advancement of racial equality in the United States was _____________.


This New Deal agency introduced legislation on the theory that the free market had failed because it was too chaotic and not regulated enough by the government.

the National Recovery Administration (NRA)

This New Deal program was similar to the CCC but focused on employing all able men in urban areas.

the Public Works Administration (PWA)

After one of the great dust storms of 1935 dropped Great Plains dirt on Washington, D.C., the Congress created

the Soil Conservation Service (SCS)

Which of the following would be the largest scandal in the federal government until Watergate in the 1970s and would color the legacy of Warren G. Harding?

the Teapot Dome scandal

Although considered one the greatest movies of all time, this audience spectacle lost over $1million dollars at the box office in 1939 _______________________________.

the Wizard of Oz

What was the most transformative piece of technology to be expanded in the 1920s?

the automobile

By the 1930s, this section of the newspaper, although seemingly frivolous, was an integral part of any major daily paper.

the comics or "funnies"

The "recovery" of 1936 and 1937 had been supported by ________________________________.

the economic programs of the New Deal

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the economy between the second half of 1935 and the first half of 1937?

the economy improved slightly but unemployment remained above 20%

The case of Sacco and Vanzetti is evidence of _____________________.

the growing concern in the United States regarding immigrants and their political ideas

When Justice Willis Van Devanter retired and was replaced by Justice Hugo Black _______________________.

the liberal justices gained a small majority

In the late 1920s, business people increasingly looked to this to expand their businesses:

the stock market

According to the lesson material, what was the real focus of the Scopes "monkey trial"?

the validity of a literal interpretation of the Bible

One unusually conservative feature of the Social Security Act was that the program that was funded by a special ______________ _____________.

trust fund

During the 1930s, these rose up to provide reports on national and international news to local newspapers in the country.

wire services

The men who rode the freight trains from town to town looking for work and begging or stealing food were called __________________.


The "Kansas City Massacre" led this FBI director to ask President Roosevelt to declare a "War on Crime," making G-men heroes in the public imagination.

J. Edgar Hoover

What famous African-American poet was the best representative of the "New Negro" movement?

Langston Hughes

Which of the following is NOT true of American cities in the 1920s?

Most American cities remained constant in population as working-class people moved into urban areas while the middle class moved to the suburbs.

When the original advisors fell away, many of them were replaced by a circle of consultants called the "_____________ ________________."

New Dealers

In one or two sentences, identify and describe the two types of dust storms the people on the Plains experienced during the Dust Bowl.

One type of storms experienced was a less severe sandstorm, and that was called "sand blows" and the other type, more severe and intense, were called "dusters" or "black blizzards" due to their blackout effect.

What is true of stock prices by 1928-1929?

Prices of many stocks were so high that they did not accurately reflect the performance of the company.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the end of the Progressive Movement?

Progressives had grown too radicalized for the majority of the American population.

Although not precise, generally speaking, the Great Plains extend from the _____________ River in the south into _____________ in the north, and from what is now central Texas and Oklahoma and eastern Kansas in the east to the _________________ in the west.

Rio Grande; Canada; Rocky Mountains

In two or three sentences, explain what Roosevelt's "Fireside Chats" were and why they were different and important.

Roosevelt's "Fireside Chats" took advantage of the popularity of radio and used this to broadcast political information to the whole country/a large audience. The purpose of these chats was to seem personal and friendly to Americans, and share information or promote political agendas in a personal, "father-figure"-ish way.

The California Longshoreman's Strike began with the men who loaded and unloaded ships on the waterfront in ___________________________.

San Francisco

Who was the founder of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel?

Sister Aimee Semple McPherson

Although Roosevelt and the New Dealers won the Election of 1936, the President still faced strong opposition from the _____________ _____________.

Supreme Court

This company developed the first practical system for making color movies.


In one or two sentences, describe the federal initiative that aimed to reduce out-of-control wind erosion in the 1930s.

This was an emergency program that used tactics like "listing" by rearranging the dirt in high rows to prevent blowing, as well as the replanting of prairie grasses to rebalance the ecosystem.

Who of the following was the leader of the Bonus Expeditionary Force?

Walter Waters

The Bonus Expeditionary Force was __________________________________________.

a group of World War I veterans who went to Washington to ask for early payment of their promised pensions

Which of the following proposed parts of the Social Security Act was dropped because it would never receive Congressional approval?

a national health insurance program

The Kellogg-Briand Pact was essentially an attempt by world leaders to ______________________.

abolish war

While some Americans turned to tamer pastimes during the Great Depression, others turned to which of the following to escape?

alcohol and gambling

The 1926 Air Commerce Act ______________________________.

allowed the federal government to provide funds for commercial air transportation

When the Army was called in to deal with the remaining veterans of the Bonus Expeditionary Force, how did the commander view them?

as an "incipient revolution"

Following the publicity after the treatment of the Bonus Expeditionary Force, how did the American people view the Hoover administration?

as cold, remote, and out of touch with the people

Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, but popularized it through his use of the ____________ _____________ to increase efficiency.

assembly line

Any day on which financial institutions are closed to the public is called a ____________ ____________.

bank holiday

Around the time that Franklin Roosevelt took office, unemployment reached an overall peak of ____________________.

between 25 and 30%

The nation's economy has always been subject to " _____________ - _____________" cycles, which are characterized by periods of robust growth followed by periods of recession.


In 1925, President Coolidge proclaimed that the "chief business of the American people is _________________."


In response to the NRA, Henry Ford commented that he "was always under the impression that to manage a _____________ properly you ought to know something about it."


Unemployment during the Depression was both a symptom and a _____________.


In the 1920s, American life became more about _____________ rather than ____________

consuming; producing

Because of the principles of Keynesianism, the entire New Deal was founded on the concept of _____________ ____________ to stimulate the economy and end the depression.

deficit spending

Most movie studios stayed in business during the Great Depression by making a steady stream of movies in these popular genres. [choose all that apply]

detective stories gangster films westerns sci-fi films

Under the "studio system," the movie studio __________________________________.

directly employed everyone from the lowest level crew member to the movie star

The Scopes Trial began because a Tennessee teacher taught the theory of __________ in his classroom in violation of a law that prevented it.


The results of the 1928 election showed a shift in votes among the people of the _________________________. [choose all that apply]

far West cities

In Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address, he spoke one of the most famous lines of American history, "The only thing we have to fear is ____________ ____________."

fear itself

During the 1920s, many denominations had been torn apart by doctrinal debated focused on the divide between ________________________. [choose all that apply]

fundamentalists & modernists

One of the issues that helped trigger the Great Depression was the United States' adherence to the _____________ _____________, which meant that, in theory, every dollar was backed by gold.

gold standard

What major change did Charles Darrow make to "The Landlord Game" before rebranding it as Monopoly?

he removed capitalist criticisms

The growth of suburbs in the 1920s encouraged the government to spend federal money on ______________, making it the biggest budget expenditure by the end of the decade.


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