HIS283 Ch. 1 Study Guide

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What process created the most significant agricultural revolution in world history between the adoption of sedentary agriculture and the European discovery of the Americas?

The answer is: the transfer of crops from India to the Middle East.

The Umayyad Empire (661-750) was troubled by internal dissention. Part of the dissent was caused by.......

The policy of Arab exclusivism, which the Umayyad ruling elite had adopted, was partly responsible for this.

Who founded the Abbasid Empire?


The Abbasid Empire transferred the imperial capital from Damascus to ...............(name this city).........


Who transmitted God's message to Prophet Muhammad on the Night of Power?

Gabriel summoned Muhammad to his prophetic mission.

This question has to do with Islam's position toward non-Muslims.

Generally (considerably) tolerant.

Abbasid administration was modeled on .........(name this civilization or dynasty)................government and its increasingly elaborate structure.

Sasanian government

The Quran commands Muslims to protect ............that is Jews and Christians who possessed a revealed scripture.

"People of the Book"—Dhimmis

Who are the Rashidun, or "rightly guided" caliphs (name them)?

Abu Bakr Umar Uthman Ali

With whom did Prophet Muhammad associate the shrine Ka'ba in Mecca?

He proclaimed the shire sacred to G-d

In 622, the move of Muslims from Mecca to Medina, known as the hijrah, marks the ......

Marks the first year in the Islamic calendar

Prior to the rise of Islam, settled lands of the Middle East were ruled by two imperial states: (name them).

Roman Byzantine in the West and Sasanian Empire of Iran in the east

During the ninth century _______ or Islamic mysticism, evolved into a devotional movement centered on the love of God.


. Who are the majority of Muslims in the world? (Sunnis or Shia?)


All these are the Five Pillars of Islam:

1. Shahadah (Proclamation of Faith) 2. Salat (Prayer) 3. Sawm (Fasting) 4. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) 5. Zakat (Tax given to the needy—3% of total income)

The strengths of the Abbasid Empire (750-1258) can be explained by:

Abbasid Empire abandoned the policy of Arab Exclusivism, and adopted a universalist policy that accepted the equality of all Muslims. Coupled with the revitalization of urban life, this policy lead to a large growth in population and cosmopolitanism within the growing population.

The office of the caliphate remained with .........................(name this dynasty) .......from 750 to 1258.


This rebellion failed and the leader of the rebellion was killed in .........(name this city).....

Ali's son Husayn led a rebellion against the Umayyads. 680: Husayn and his followers were killed by Umayyad forces in Karbala, Iraq. Karbala developed into the holiest shrine of Shi'ism as a result.

This question has to do with the pilgrimage to Mecca.

All should made the pilgrimage at least once in their lives-- responsibility is directed towards those who can afford the undertake and the time to go there Rites of the pilgrimage are institutionalized; it takes place during a certain month and involves specific obligations Serves to remind Muslims of their shared faith

At the beginning of the ninth century, which city was under the Abbasid administration?


In 1258, the Mongol invasions destroyed this city, which was formerly an important center of commercial and intellectual life, as well as the symbolic center of Islam.


This question has to do with the meaning of Jihad.

Basic meaning is striving in the path of god (can refer to an individuals inner struggle against sinful inclinations, or to exceptional effort for the Islamic community) Modern writers have emphasized the need to internalize it to achieve religious reform Lately has been used as an instrument of political protest Can also be used to mean the armed struggle against non-Muslims for the purpose of expanding or defending the territory under Muslim rule.

How did the Abbasid Empire address problems of political authority?

Centralized it, and place it in the hands of an absolute monarch who exercised the power of a secular king, and the spiritual head of the Islamic Ummah

This question is about Inheritance regulations in the Quran regarding women.

Decrees that wives, daughters, sisters, and grandmothers were entitled to fixed charges of the deceased's estate. Still less than that which was awarded to men-- still a pretty big advancement for women

Who, according to Shi'as and Shi'a doctrine, is most qualified to hold supreme political authority of the Islamic community?

Descendants of the Prophet through the line of Ali and his wife, Fatima

Non-Muslim subjects living within the Islamic state were called.......... . They had to pay a special tax.

Dhimmis, the tax was called jizyah

Muslims abstain from food, drink, and sexual activity from dawn to dusk during the month of Ramadan. It is also the month in which Prophet Muhammad:

First received revelations

The Muslim day of communal worship is............


Within 100 years of Prophet Muhammad's death, Arab forces had reached all of the following places except........

Had reached the Indian Sub-Continent, Spain, and the Pyrenees in France Charles Martel halted them at the Battle of Poitiers in France in 732 Conquered the Sasanian Empire Did not gain control of the Balkans or Anatolia, held by the Byzantine Empire

How did Prophet Muhammad bring Mecca into his expanding Islamic community?

He implanted the core concept of a community between believers united in their recognition of a Supreme Deity, and in their acceptance of that deity's authority over their daily lives.

Next to the Prophet Muhammad himself, Ali is the most revered of the founders of Islam. He was the..............and ................................. .(How is Ali related to the Prophet?)

He was the prophets cousin and brother-in-law

During the first year of Yazid's reign (680) (Yazid was Mu'awiyah's son), the Shi'a (partisans) of Ali persuaded Ali's son, _______to lead a rebellion against the Umayyads.


In 1260, which forces defeated the Mongols?

Malmuk forces (a Turkish military sultanate based in Cairo)

The Mamluks, who ruled until 1517, were based in.......................................(name this city).

Masters of Syria and Egypt

Muhammad's time in .........(name the place)...........(610-622) was characterized by "an uncompromising monotheism," as well as the establishment of the theological foundations of the faith.


In 630, Prophet Muhammad made a victorious return to Medina, taking the city, destroying its previous idols, and establishing the .....................as a focal point of Islam.

Mecca as the pilgrimage center, and Ka'ba as the focal point of Islam

During the thirteenth century, all of the Islamic lands from India to Syria suffered the effects of the............. conquests.


In Mecca, and before the Prophet's migration, what was Islam's place in the daily life of the city?

Muhammad's teachings had attracted few converts and considerable opposition, as his teachings challenged the social, economic, and religious organization of the city

During the Abbasid Empire, was the intellectual adventure of high Islamic society limited to poetry and the arts?

No, ideas spread along trade routes and sea lanes, as caliphs and princes recruited noted scholars to their courts.

Disputes over the succession to the caliphate led to a Muslim civil war that pitted the supporters of Ali against:

Pitted the supporters of Ali against the forces of Mu'awiyah, the founder of the Umayyad dynasty.

All these are sources that contribute to shari'ah except:

Quran Sunnah (tradition of the prophet)—hadith?? Quiyas—precedent set forth by previous legal decisions Ijima—consensus of the community (scholars and jurists)

The Shi'a imams are regarded by their followers as:

Shi'as consider them the vessels through which God provided his uninterrupted guidance to human society Having been divinely inspired Have esoteric knowledge not possessed by other humans, especially that having to do with the Quran, which makes them invaluable when it came to making pronouncements on religious law.

Muslims who believed that the successors to Prophet Muhammad should come from within his own family and who believed Prophet Muhammad chose his son-in-law and cousin, Ali, to succeed him as caliph are called: ..............


This question is about how Sunnis consider Imams.

Sunni Muslims accept the legality of the selection of the Rashidun caliphs and their successors. They acknowledge the clips are mortal beings with no divine powers, their authority is temporal, and jurisprudence should be left to the Ulama

Chapters of the Quran are called.....


In general, how were the taxes imposed by the Islamic state compared to those collected by previous empires?

Taxes imposed by the Arab-Islamic state were less burdensome than those levied by the Byzantine and Sasanian empires.

The Shi'as hold that imams since Ali (Ali was regarded as the first imam) had selected their successors before their death, and this has continued to the...............(#th)...............................imam.


The period of the Arab conquests and the building of an Islamic empire began with which caliph?


Through their conquests and settlement of diverse climatic regions and the establishment of vast trading networks, the Arabs served as catalysts for..........

a powerful agricultural revolution

Who were the Abbasid caliphs?

al-Mansur Harun al-Rashid al-Ma'mun

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