Hist. 101 Marks Study Questions for Final

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How and why did urbanization (people living in very concentrated areas, a consequence of industrialization) further create pollution?

A lot of nitrogen was being removed from rural lands by being transported to urban cities. This was in the form of food and they had yet to figure out how to dispose of human waste. The amount of population led to excrements flowing down the rivers creating a spread of diseases

How does Marks define the modern state? Is the consent of the governed an aspect of this?

A territory whose inhabitants are governed through representative bureaucrats who receive a salary and take notice of its citizens.

What factors have led to increasing poverty in Africa?

Africa's poverty can be traced from several factors, including, slavery, colonialism, post colonial indebtedness, civil war and debilitating diseases. Rulers also sought to get loans from the world bank, international monetary fund, and the African development bank, but mostly loans funded corruption

How and why did industrialization "remake" the family, according to Marks?

Agrarian societies had families at being the units of production and consumption. After industrialization, production from families was removed and it changed roles leading to women and children working in factories.

How and why did Americans get involved in the opium trade? Where did the wealth derived by Americans from that trade wind up?

America had sources of Opium located in Turkey and that money was allocated to east coast universities, Peabody family and museum, Roosevelt family, and provided capital for Alexander Graham Bell's development of the telephone.

What was the end result of World War I?

At the Versailles Peace Conference, Woodrow Wilson gave his 14 points that called for respecting nation's sovereign rights. It was ignored and instead, the big powers of Japan, Britain, and France took divided up the spoils between themselves while Germany was forced to pay many war reparations. Austria-Hungary turned into Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. The Ottoman Empire was split into Syria, Iraq, Palestine, etc. And the many smaller powers that helped out the Triple Entente did not get what the land they were seeking from participating in the war.

Why was the Soviet planned economy less productive than the capitalist system, despite its "productionist model"? How did the Chinese "Great Leap Forward" experiment turn into a disaster?

Because factories were measured by how much things they produced. Managers didn't actually care if their product had flaws or anything they just would get measured by how may units they put on railroad cars. Some even would reship the same products. China sought to surpass Great Britain in industrial output. They became obsessed with reports of high figures even though these had no basis for reality. This lead to a three year famine killed thirty million people and the people lost faith in their leader Mao.

What was the most powerful country in the world in 1830 and why?

Britain was the most powerful country in 1830 due to its amount of colonies and monopoly on trade grew out its empire. They also had many available materials to industrialize. Had a virtual monopoly on iron, steam engine, and cotton textiles for a period of time.

How and why did the GDP of India and China fall from 1700 to 1900

China and India were suffering from massive amounts of poverty due to their large populations. They weren't able to industrialize because they would not be able to make cities that can accommodate that amount of people.

What was the main source of global warming gases (CO2 and methane) in the 19th century?

Clearance of land for farming (deforestation and agriculture)

How did the Communist Party gain power in China, establishing the People's Republic of China in 1949?

Communists fought in guerrilla warfare against the Japanese during Japanese invasion, increasing the communist party's military skills. The communist defeat the Guomindang in civil war.

What is consumerism? Who was the target market for U.S. manufactured goods?

Consumerism was a system that wanted to sell products to consumers and not factories. Citizens and families would be the target consumers.

How did steam power revolutionize the cotton textile industry?

Cotton was able to be sold for cheap, even in India and Africa. Cotton was before produced with water power, or by the old biological regime.

How did industrialization not only create a gap between countries but also between classes?

Created many jobs for factory workers which didn't pay well and the businessman owning these factories accumulated a good amount of wealth.

What factors led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War?

Economic growth had been decreasing since the 50s and it was impossible to supply the needs of military, industry and consumers. Consumers not happy and want reform. Keeping eastern satellite states became expensive. Reagans plan to have the arms race spend the Soviet Union into oblivion worked. Communist power in eastern Euro states became challenged.

What is El Niño? What causes it? What effects has it had on various parts of the earth since it began to intensify in the late nineteenth century? In turn, how did El Niño intensify the gap between industrialized and third-world nations?

El Nino brings excessive rainfall to the wheat belt of North America and results in droughts in portions of Asia, north and western Africa, northeast Brazil and causes flooding in Argentina. El Nino is partly caused by green house gases emitted through means of industrialization and agriculture. It increased the gap between industrial Europe and other parts of the world because the El Nino famine killed off these countries a bit as Europe was not affected by it at all leaving them all the more dominant.

What is eugenics and how was it an extension of Darwin's theories?

Eugenics rooted from Social Darwinism in that the Caucasian European civilizations were superior to other race civilization due to intellegence and hard work and in specific, eugenics, spread the view that white's are superior to other races.

How did the rulers of 19th c. Europe begin to ensure the loyalty of their peoples and a time when industrialization created new class divides?

European countries sought to spur nationalism in there citizens and spread knowledge of the common culture within. They created elementary schools who touched on their nations history.

What were the environmental consequences of early industrialization? How did factory owners respond to complaints about the environment? Are we still dealing with this tension between environmentalists and business owners today?

Factories expel waste polluting the environment. Textile mills expel poisonous dye into the rivers. Government still has yet to enforce or enact a limitation to these emitting pollutants. Factory owners responded by saying that they created jobs.

Why was the steam engine invented?

First used to pump water into coal mines. Then used as a means to make production much more efficient.

What did the terms "first world," "second world," and "third world" mean in a Cold-War context?

First world was capitalist societies in favor of the U.S., the second world was socialist societies in favor of the Soviet Union, and the third world was neutral.

Why do farmers in poor countries face seemingly insurmountable challenges?

High tariffs on agricultural products make it impossible for them to compete in the national market. Markets tend to work best for those with money.

What factors led to the Vietnam War?

Ho Chi Minh defeated French forces from trying to recolonize Vietnam. Vietnam became divided between north and south, the U.S. sent troops in order to support the South's regime, then the war began.

What have been the environmental consequences of the "productionist" models of the Soviet and Chinese Communists? Have these problems improved in China since market reforms occurred there? In terms of global warming, is there any difference between communist and capitalist industrialization?

In the U.S.S.R. Formerly clear Lake Baikal became clouded by industrial pollution, Aral Sea dried up due to its use for cotton fields, air around cities was among the foulest on Earth, and the nuclear plant in Chernobyl exploded. In China, "war on nature" lead to steel complexes spewing pollutants into nearby vegetation, rivers ran black with industrial poisons, charcoal dust running into civilian lungs, water taken from Yellow sea and seldom empties into the sea. Environmental problems have gotten worse instead of improving in China in the last thirty five years. Communist industrialization much more pollution.

Why do China, India, and Latin America become deforested during the 19th c.? What effect does deforestation have upon the atmosphere of the earth?

India deforested, so enemies in war cannot take cover in forest and also for farming. Latin America was colonized for their raw materials and was massively deforested for their sugar and coffee plantations. China put stress on its forest reserves from biological old regime.

Why was World War I the bloodiest conflict the world had ever seen in 1918? What made warfare more destructive than ever before?

Industrialization and the Haber-Bosch process made war weapons extremely advanced. Explosives, new poisonous gases, tanks, submarines, and great battleships made war much more brutal. Over 10 million soldiers were killed.

What were the effects of steam power on human society?

It created an industrial revolution. Factories kept popping up. Many people moving to the cities creating a dense population. Industrialized products became more available.

How did that change for industrialized nations? What caused "boom and bust," and when was the first recession, at least according to Marks? What is the difference between a recession and depression?

It was more uncertain what can decide these factors. Boom and bust referred to many factories being built to produce same commodity then people had to slash prices to clear out inventory. Because of this, wages were lowered causing consumer good demands to go down leading to the recession. A depression is a lot longer than a recession.

What was the result of the 30 year crisis on the accumulation of wealth by the colonialist powers in the prior century?

Japan and Germany building empire and taking over land.

What changes did the Mexican Revolution bring about?

Land reform and limiting foreign ownership of Mexico's natural resources.

What were the social consequences of industrialization? How did factories impose a new concept of work? Why were the English, in particular, willing to work in factories? Why were women and children employed in English factories and mines, according to Marks?

Low wages for workers and harsh conditions. New concept of work: Machines dictated work, supervisors set rules for eating and bodily functions, and owners set wages for as low as possible. The English pushed a large amount of peasants off land before the industrial revolution. Children and women were easier to control and children fit in small confined spaces.

What restricted Europeans from colonizing Africa prior to the mid-nineteenth century? How do they resolve this issue?

Malaria killed most Europeans. Quinine prevent malaria and created machine guns.

How does Marks define the Anthropocene era?

Marks explains that the anthropocene era was not inevitable and that for a while industry was supposed to transition to self sustaining economic growth, but never happened. The anthropocene era was a time that "the actions of humans came to overwhelm the forces of nature."

How and why was India deindustrialized in the 19th century?

Multitude of reasons. Opium, british tariff on indian textiles, british cheapening of cotton textiles because of industrialization made indian textiles irrelevant and expensive, and cost of war.

How was the end of World War II different from the end of World War I?

No armistice, total surrender of Germany and Japan. Colonial empires dismantled rather than being fed as in WWI. Colonies in Asia and Africa become independent states in a few years after.

Did the political independence of former European colonies bring economic independence? Why or why not?

No, these countries still were dependent economically. They were not industrialized and mostly rural poverty societies. And they had a huge rise in population.

How did Gandhi create resistance to the British in India? What tactics did he use?

Non violent boycotts of British goods such as cotton textiles. Civil disobedience, breaking colonial laws without violence.

Describe the importance of oil in the modern world. Is oil central to consumption, or has dependence upon it had other consequences (e.g. political, military, etc.)?

Oil has became very important for nations to obtain for energy. The world is dependent not only on oil and natural gas for energy, but also particular social, economic, political, cultural, and military complexes have risen to control it.

How much has the world's population increased from 1950 to 2010, and why? What steps have been necessary to support this population explosion?

Population increase was mostly in third world countries due to support from the World Health Organization which made modern drugs such as antibiotics and immunizations available to third world countries, dropping infant mortality rates. Food production needed to rise to support the population increase. Forest were deforested and synthetic fertilizer were used to support this.

What was the result of slavery, in terms of human resources, on West Africa, and how might that have allowed Europeans to start colonizing there? (Think about the factors that led to colonization of the Americas). Why do you think that colonization of Africa occurred much later than in the Americas?

Running out of land in own country and need fresh land to start for attaining raw materials. Colonization in West Africa postponed due to fear of malaria.

How did the city of Milwaukee resolve its urban waste problem innovatively?

Sanitary engineers made a system where wastewater was directed into a settling tank where sewage digesting microbes transformed excrements into sludge that can be discharged into drying fields.

Who were sepoys, and what was the "sepoy mutiny"? Why was it significant?

Sepoys were Indians made soldiers to fight for Europeans during the seven year war. Sepoy mutiny was an uprising of Indians claiming to be treated with religious insensitivity. Gun cartridges had beef fat which was taboo to put in their mouth.

What incident started World War I? What other factors were at play?

Serb nationalist assassinated Austrian heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Austria sent an ultimatum with German backing to Serbia who had Russians backing. France and Britain had Russia and Serbia's back then all of the allies included created a domino effect which made World War I. Also, the Balkans was a very tense region in which between the disputing territories, a war was bound to happen.

Under the old biological regime, what chief factor determined the economic health, wealth, and well being?

Size and quality of agricultural harvests

What is the importance of sodium nitrate? Who created synthetic nitrates and why?

Sodium nitrates were important for fertilizer and gunpowder. Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch were able to synthesize ammonia in order to make synthetic nitrates for fertilizing and gun powder. Known as the Haber-Bosch process.

What was the U.S. policy of "containment" toward the Soviet Union? What does the concept of "Cold War" mean?

Stopping the spread of communism. Cold War meant that there was no physical war going on in actuality, but during the nuclear arms race, nuclear weapons were built and there was a cold tension of mutually assured destruction to occur during that time period.

How did Darwin explain "the gap"?

Survival of the fittest.

Why did tea become popular among the working class?

Tea became cheap on the market due to trade with Asia. Good substitute to alcohol at the time. Caffeine made them energized and full.

How and why did the British East India Company push opium on the Chinese?

The British gave out free pipes and extremely discounted opium to the Chinese. Once they became addicted they raised the price.

What kinds of internal problems did China have in the late 19th c.? How does Japan increasingly assert its dominance over other East Asian countries?

The Taiping rebellion, an uprising of peasants was a huge struggle for China. Japan won a war against China. Received over $300 million, the island of Taiwan, Liadong Peninsula in Manchuria, independence of Korea in order for Japan to strike influence there, and the right to open factories and mines in China.

What was the result of World War II in terms of world power configurations?

The United States and Soviet Union became the most dominate world powers right after world war II and many European countries and Japan were in a term of rebuilding.

Is the United States a "nation-state"? Why or why not?

The United States is not a nation state because it derives from many different cultures.

How did industrialization result in class struggle? What forms of resistance occurred, and what was the year 1848 like in Europe?

The conditions and wages of the workers were extremely harsh. Some people began to resist by not showing up to work, working slowly, or sabotaging by stopping machines. They found it was much more efficient to resist as a collaborative effort. In 1848, Karl Marx published the communist manifesto. This resulted in huge revolts throughout Europe and a micro war between the classes.

How and why did the Bolshevik Revolution challenge the "Capitalist World Order"?

The czarist regime collapsed. Signed peace treaty with Germany that took Russia out of the war.

How did the technology of guns improve in the 19th c., and what role did this play in the colonization of Africa?

The machine gun was made making military forces very difficult to be resisted by Africans.

How were iron and steam used to further warfare?

The nemesis was a iron and steam war boat and it helped the British win the opium wars. It symbolized Britain using industrialization in war and was the first ever all iron boat.

What formed the backbone of the new middle class in industrialized parts of the world?

The new task of management.

What caused an increase in population in the 20th century according to Marks? Might there be other factors that he misses? Is Marks explanation of population explosion monocausal?

The nitrates were more available, so farmers were able to make more food to feed more people. Guano nitrates accumulated over time in bat caves. With the combination of synthetic nitrates from the Haber-Bosch process

What role did historians and public education play in nationalism?

The schools had celebratory history lessons.

Why did income inequality decrease in the early 20th century, and why has it increased since the 1980s? According to Standard&Poors, does unequal distribution of wealth foster economic growth? Doesn't it make the poor want to work harder, to "pull themselves up by their own boot strings"?

The shock of two world wars and a global depression brought down the income inequality in the early 20th century. Also the drive of a consumerism economy and the rising middle class also contributed. The income taken by the top 10 percent has increased tremendously and the money for the wars is not from taxes of wealthy but taxes from lower and middle class. According to Standard&Poors an unequal distribution of wealth hinders economic growth, this happens because the wealthy are less likely to consume than less rich people. Non rich people continue to consume increasing their large amount of debt.

What is the role of new forms of communication in rising nationalism?

The telegraph and railroads share common bonds in language and culture.

What was or is the "way out" of increasing poverty for third world nations? What kinds of structural changes in the world economy have benefited third world countries? Have any of these changes affected "the gap" or has it grown even larger?

The way out of poverty for these nations was industrialization. Improvement in global transportation and communication made it possible for first world manufacturers to relocate plants to lower wage parts of the world. the gap has grown larger. the ratio of income of the richest states to the poorest states rose from 30:1 to 80:1.

Which factors allowed the British to become the first to industrialize?

There were many coal deposits in Britain and waterways tended to be near those coal deposits. Britain also had a vast empire overseas making raw materials more available.

Why were N.A.T.O. and the Warsaw pact created?

They were created to make organization of allies for the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the cold war

What economic factors caused the Great Depression of the 1930s? Why did the Great Depression in the U.S. cause depression in the rest of the world? Why was the Soviet Union the only nation not to fall into depression in the 1930s?

U.S. demanded farmers to make more food, leading to farmers taking out loans due to post war inflation. This resulted in overproduction of food, slashed prices of agricultural products and foreclosures of farms due to inability to pay off loans. This also affected Oceania and newly formed states of eastern Europe. The sugar, and coffee market in Latin America also collapsed. US. Bankers called in loans from Europe. Investors panicked leading to a stock market crash. Many people were laid off and people lost fortunes in their bank savings. America is responsible for a third of the world's output, so the depression effected the world. The Soviet Union did not experience a depression because it did not practice capitalism.

How did the U.S. and Soviet economic systems differ?

U.S. free market capitalism and U.S.S.R. state planned socialism

Why did the U.S. and the Soviet Union both desire to end European colonialism after World War II?

U.S. wanted to end colonialism to have access to raw materials and markets that were less available in colonial preference settings. U.S.S.R. thought that without colonies, those regions could likely become socialist.

Globalization in the last half of the 20th century occurred under the auspices of what country?

United States

How did the U.S. economy grow from the 1930s to the 1950s? How did suburbanization and consumerism created new environmental problems? How and why did Los Angeles become the most polluted city in the United States in the mid-to-late 20th century?

Various products came out such as the new type of automobile, televisions, electricity, houses were being more obtainable through credit mortgages and credit in general was becoming a thing. Cars produced many smog from people commuting to L.A. and it was destroying the ozone layer.

How did steam revolutionize transportation ?

With steam powered ships and trains, these vehicles were able to transport manufactured goods a lot more quickly and efficiently

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