Hist Chp 5

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In 1775, what did William Pitt propose that American colonists should do in exchange for Parliament renouncing its power to tax the colonies and its recognition of the Continental Congress as a lawful body?

Acknowledge parliamentary supremacy and provide revenue

What percentage of the white population in the American colonies was loyal to the crown?

Approximately 15 to 20 percent

Lord Dunmore, in response to Patriots seizing authority in the House of Burgesses in Virginia, formed a military force consisting of which groups, to whom he promised freedom if they served under the British flag?

Black slaves and white indentured servants.

To support British authority and to ensure collection of taxes on imports, Lord Hillsborough in 1768 stationed 2,000 British troops in which city, raising the specter of military coercion?


What happened after British soldiers fired into a crowd in Boston on March 5, 1770, killing five townspeople?

Boston's Radical Whigs used the incident to rally against imperial authorities.

Apart from respectfully requesting a repeal of the Stamp Act, what else did influential Americans suggest for peaceful resistance in 1765?

Boycotting British goods

Who did Parliament decide to tax first when the British Empire found itself deep in debt in the wake of the Great War for Empire (1754-1763)?

Britain's poor and middling classes

Why did the British abandon Fort Pitt in October 1772?

Budget cuts forced the move.

Refer to the map British Troop Deployments, 1763 and 1775 to answer the following question. Click the image to view full-size. Based on the depiction of British troop deployments in this map, why did Massachusetts militias not unite and march on Boston in 1775?

By 1775, Boston had the highest concentration of British troops ever faced in the colonies.

How did the American "Daughters of Liberty" contribute to the colonists' fight against the Townshend duties of 1767?

By increasing the production of homespun cloth and other necessary consumer goods

How had Boston merchant John Hancock made his fortune?

By smuggling French molasses

The patriotic writers on the eve of the American Revolution drew on which intellectual tradition to protest imperial reform?

English common law

To help pay the enlarged British national debt in the 1760s, Parliament passed an increase in sales taxes also known as what?

Excise levies

What statement by Benjamin Franklin outraged the American-born royal governor of Massachusetts, Thomas Hutchinson, in 1770?

Franklin suggested that the colonies were "distinct and separate states."

Which prime minister presided over British attempts to reform the colonial system in America after the Great War for Empire?

George Grenville

Why did Lord North repeal the Townshend duties in 1770?

He argued that taxes on British exports made no economic sense.

Why was Patrick Henry's attack against the Stamp Act so radical?

He directly attacked George III for supporting the legislation.

What was George III's political failure in handling the rebellion among American colonists?

He failed to exploit the divisions among the Patriots.

Why did the British secretary of state for American affairs Lord Hillsborough favor a permanent Proclamation Line to the west of the colonies?

He feared the end of the British laboring class.

How did Prime Minister George Grenville first try to address the revenue problem with the American colonies?

He proposed the Currency Act.

Which statement describes Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia in the early 1770s?

He was as willing to defy the crown for his own advancement as he was likely to clash with the House of Burgesses.

To display their deep contempt for the Coercive Acts, what did Patriots call them?

Intolerable Acts

Why was the Declaratory Act so threatening to colonists?

It declared American governmental institutions to be completely dependent on the will of Parliament.

Refer to the table Patriot Resistance, 1762-1776 to answer the following question. Click the image to view full-size. What was significant about the 1765 Stamp Act Congress?

It led to the first boycott of British goods.

How did the Massachusetts assembly defy Parliament in 1775?

It met in Salem, where it continued to exercise the responsibilities of government.

How did Parliament resolve the Stamp Act crisis in 1766?

It repealed the law but reaffirmed its right to enact such taxation.

Who authored Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, which contended that the taxes passed by Parliament were being imposed without Americans' consent?

John Dickinson

Who led the moderates in the Continental Congress that approved a petition expressing loyalty to George III?

John Dickinson

Rural farmers in Massachusetts dressed up as which of the following ethnic or religious groups to support the boycott called the Continental Association?

Native Americans

Which of these British colonies sent representatives to the First Continental Congress?

North Carolina

Why did Lord North ask for a repeal of the Townshend duties in 1770?

North argued that it was foolish to tax British exports to America.

What constitutional principle was Parliament asserting with passage of the Stamp Act?

Parliament could bypass colonial assemblies and impose an internal tax on the colonies.

What argument did Thomas Paine make for American independence?

Patriarchal authority had to end, just as a father's authority over a son did.

Where did the First Continental Congress meet in September of 1774?


Under which policy did the British prohibit white settlement west of the frontier line along the Appalachians?

Proclamation of 1763

Which act of 1774 extended legal recognition to Roman Catholics in French regions of Canada, stirring old religious hatreds between Catholics and Protestants, especially in New England?

Quebec Act

In Great Britain, which political faction supported American protests against the Stamp Act?

Radical Whigs

What stood at the heart of Thomas Paine's Common Sense?

Rejection of patriarchal authority

Refer to the image Protesting the Stamp Act in Portsmouth, New Hampshire to answer the following question. Click the image to view full-size. Take a look at the engraving of a colonial crowd protesting the Stamp Act in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1765. Which of the following best summarizes the nature of this crowd as presented by the artist?

Respectable and celebratory

Who presented Virginia's resolution to the Continental Congress in June 1776 that became known as the Declaration of Independence?

Richard Henry Lee

The Quebec Act allowed practice of which religion in Quebec?

Roman Catholicism

In 1763, Radical Whigs launched a campaign to reform Parliament by abolishing tiny districts that were controlled by wealthy aristocrats and merchants. What were these districts known as?

Rotten boroughs

Refer to the image Edenton Ladies Tea Party to answer the following question. Click the image to view full-size. This British cartoon depicts a group of North Carolinians pledging their colonial resistance to British measures. What message do you think the artist was trying to convey?

That colonial women were forgetting their place in society

Why did American merchants resent the Sugar Act even though it reduced the tariff on French molasses?

The British said they would enforce the law more vigorously than before.

The Tea Act of 1773 benefited which group?

The East India Company

Which region of colonial America held out for a political compromise with Great Britain after the enactment of the Coercive Acts?

The Middle Atlantic colonies

Which act passed by Parliament in the 1760s required colonists to provide food and housing for British troops stationed in the colonies?

The Quartering Act

They knew they faced certain defeat in the vote on the Declaration of Independence.

The Stamp Act

What was the name of the law passed by Parliament that required the colonies to pay a tax on legal papers, newspapers, playing cards, and other printed items?

The Stamp Act

What was the name of the 1765 meeting at which delegates from nine American colonies gathered to protest British taxes on the colonies?

The Stamp Act Congress

As part of his plan to address the issue of representation, Joseph Galloway, a delegate to the First Continental Congress proposed "That the several [colonial] assemblies shall [form an American union and] choose members for the grand council. . . . That the Grand Council . . . shall hold and exercise all the like rights, liberties and privileges, as are held and exercised by and in the House of Commons of Great-Britain. . . . That the said President-General and the Grand Council, be an inferior and distinct branch of the British legislature, united and incorporated with it, . . . and that the assent of both [Parliament and the Grand Council] shall be requisite to the validity of all such general acts or statutes [that affect the colonies]." Which of the following most accurately summarizes Galloway's plan?

The colonies would remain British but operate under a continental government with the power to veto parliamentary laws that affected America.

Why did the mainland colonies achieve a trade surplus with Britain in 1769?

The colonies' nonimportation agreement was taking its toll.

How did British politicians respond to Benjamin Franklin's argument that Americans deserved representation in Parliament before they could be taxed?

The colonists had virtual representation in Parliament.

What statement assesses the situation of the British national debt in 1763?

The issue was crucial because interest on the debt consumed much of the nation's budget.

Which statement describes the decision of the Continental Congress to form an army?

The proposal to create a continental army barely passed.

According to the royal governor of Massachusetts Francis Bernard, what applied to British subjects in Britain but not to American colonists?

The right to direct representation in Parliament

Why did the tenant farmers of the Hudson River Valley in New York support the king?

Their landlords were Patriots.

Why did the Radical Whigs criticize the increased size of the British government created to enforce new tax laws in the 1760s?

They claimed that a large, expensive government placed the nation at the mercy of banks and financiers.

Why did Patriots in Concord form the Minutemen in 1774?

They feared that British troops would move to seize Patriot armories.

Why did a good number of men of the upper classes fear the Patriot movement?

They feared that resistance to Britain was the beginning of broader anarchy.

Why did the Virginia gentry support the demands of yeomen farmers to close the law courts in 1774?

They feared that they too might end up in court for their indebtedness.

Why did New England merchants oppose the Sugar Act of 1764?

They feared that tighter customs enforcement would wipe out their smuggling of French molasses.

Why were veteran officers of the Seven Years' War interested in westward expansion?

They had been paid in land warrants and hoped to benefit from those grants.

Why did the Quebec Act anger land speculators in Virginia?

They had long planned to expand into the Ohio River Valley.

Why were so many members of the Virginia gentry deeply in debt on the eve of the American Revolution?

They had spent lavishly on an extravagant lifestyle.

Why did Loyalists withdraw from the Second Continental Congress in June 1776?

They knew they faced certain defeat in the vote on the Declaration of Independence.

Why did the political allies of New England merchants object to the Sugar Acts?

They objected to the Sugar Act on constitutional grounds.

Why were many American colonists skeptical of the Patriot movement?

They suspected that Patriot leaders only sought to advance their own selfish interests.

Which statement explains the fact that more than three-fourths of the voters of Long Island did not want to send a delegate to New York's Provincial Congress in 1775?

They wanted to preserve their families' property and independence.

Two weeks after the Stamp Act went into effect, a Boston mob attacked the house of which lieutenant governor, who was a defender of social privilege and imperial authority?

Thomas Hutchinson

What was the primary purpose of the Townshend Act of 1767?

To free royal officials from financial dependence on the American legislatures

Why did the Stamp Act Congress meet?

To petition the king for repeal of the Stamp Act

What was the primary American complaint against being tried in vice-admiralty courts, as stipulated by the Sugar Act of 1764?

Trial before the courts robbed Americans of their rights to be tried before a local common-law court.

Which British political leader was the only one who openly supported a proposal made by Benjamin Franklin for American representation in Parliament?

William Pitt

The British ministry shrewdly drafted the Sugar Act of 1764 with the intention of

allowing colonial trade with the French West Indies and imposing a lower but more strictly enforced duty on French molasses.

The major transformation of the British Empire following the Seven Years' War can best be characterized as a(n)

centralization of the empire in the hands of imperial officials.

Evangelical Protestants stirred by the religious passions of the Great Awakening joined mobs opposing the Stamp Act because they

resented the arrogance of British military officers and the corruption of royal bureaucrats.

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