HIST final

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Why did leaders advocate for the annexation of Hawaii?


Although best known for his achievement in creating an independent India, Mohandas Gandhi first gained recognition for his legal work in the British colony

South Africa

Between 1870 and 1900, six Western nations colonized perhaps 25 percent of the world and extend formal empire to many places, including

South America

The United States became an imperial power following its victory in the "splendid little war" against:


Establishing agreements so that European governments could exert their influence through local leaders is known as

indirect rule

By 1900, ________ in the United States had grown dramatically in size and diversity, from 1 percent of the population a century earlier to the largest religious denomination in America.


Betraying notions of strict isolationism, the U.S. backed a separatist group in ________ to allow the construction of a canal.


What did Chester A Arthur believe was part of a failed policy in terms of managing relations with the various Native American tribes?

Dealing with the various tribes as separate nationalities. Relegating the tribes by treaty stipulations to the occupancy of immense reservations in the west. Encouraging them to live a savage life without guidance on living a "civilized" life.

What offered a less costly method of empire and avoided the troubles of military occupation?

Dollar diplomacy

In 1896, Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia defeated an invading army from


In 1898, under the leadership of General Horatio Kitchener, the British avenged the death of Charles Gordon and secured the Sudan at the battle of


Which groups helped memorialize dead confederate soldiers and advanced the lost cause narrative?

LMAs (Ladies' Memorial Associations)

What were American attitudes toward immigration?

intense opposition to an internal minority on the grounds of its foreign connectionschinese were heavily opposed in the west and french canadians in the east In 1891 further excluded diseased, mentally ill, polygamists, and the lacking mentally

What were the first islands added as Pacific territories?

Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii, Cuba

Which Ohioan was a major party candidate for President in 1876?

Rutherford B Hayes

In order to change the relationship between the United States government and the various tribe, Chester A Arthur proposed that which three areas of life be reformed:

Schools land and laws. Hygiene Dress and interior design Diets, hair color, sexuality. (got wrong so idk)

The Opium Wars began when

the Chinese banned opium imports.

The British and the French were compelled to end slavery in their colonies in the 1830s and 1840s by

the Haitian Revolution.

One cause for much concern among Europeans and colonial authorities dealt with

the tension of preserving national traditions and identity in the face of a constantly changing, hybrid colonial culture.

Why didn't McKinley allow the Philippines to govern themselves?

they would have misrule over there worse than Spain's they would soon have anarchy they were unfit for self-government

Why did Bismarck take Germany into the "scramble for Africa"?

to prevent Britain and France from dominating Africa

There was significant tension in the AERA between what competing goals?

universal suffrage and black male suffrage

To advance the women's equality, Women's Rights advocates partnered with?

white supremacists

What does Old Immigration and New Immigration mean?

"Old immigrants" - european, irish, britons, germans, scandinavians int he early 1880s "New immigrants" - italians, poles, southern slavs, jews, greeksending in either 1914 (WW1) or 1921-1924 with the quota acts

The London Pan-African Conference of 1900 issued a proclamation, To the Nations of the World, which declared:

"The problem of the twentieth-century was the colour line."

What did the Supreme Court mean by the ruling in Plessy vs Ferguson?

"separate but equal": could have segregated facilities but had to be equal (were not)

Cowboys, largely portrayed as white by Hollywood were in fact ____ African American and even more were of Mexican descent.

1/4 (25%)

Beyond debates on politics and economics and national self-interest, debates on imperialism also included:


How did the United States respond to the removal of Spanish forces in the Philippines?


What is "waving the bloody shirt"?

A political tactic used by the South that reminded that the men in the Confederacy were Democrats and if they come to power, they would undo everything that the Republicans did sought to deride opposing politicians who made emotional calls to avenge the blood of soldiers that died in the Civil War

What best describes "Indian Wars"?

A series of sporadic localized often brief engagements between military forces and native groups

What happened at Wounded Knee Creek?

American Calvary units massacred upward of 300 Native men, women, and children.

Why might William James argue that the United States was once believed to be ideologically opposed to Kiplings calls for the US to "take up the White Man's burden"?

Americans believed that they were born different and unburdened by hereditary notions that drive European policymaking.

The theory that human beings were composed of three races, the "black," "yellow," and "white," with the "white" being the superior race, was proposed in The Inequality of the Races, by

Arthur de Gobineau

How did rodeos begin?

As small roping and riding contests among cowboys in towns near ranches

Why did President McKinley refuse to give the Philippines back to Spain?

Because it would be cowardly and dishonorable

Why did the Imperial High Commissioner deliver the "Proclamation Ordering Foreigners to Deliver up Their Opium in 1839?

Because the Chinese had banned the trade of opium, but the British continued to smuggle the drug into the country.

Which were listed reasons why the Imperial High Commissioner commanded "foreigners" to deliver up their opium?

Because there is "not a good or upright man whose head and heart will not burn with indignation at the opium trade. Because opium was increasingly destructive to the Chinese peoples. Because it was illegal to possess and smoke in their home countries and they should at least obey their own laws.

Why were France and Germany not an option for ruling the Philippines?

Because they were rivals to the U.S Because it was discreditable Because it was bad business

Who popularized the Cowboy as part of his wild west show and it caught the American imagination?

Buffalo Bill

The first move for federal immigration control came from California, where racial hostility toward ____ immigrants had mounted since the mid-nineteenth century.


A raid on which town, by Mexican troops led by Pancho Villa, caused a strong reaction by President Woodrow Wilson?

Columbus, New Mexico

When did violence against Native Americans escalate?

During the Civil War (especially in the Minnesota and the Dakota Territory)

How big a portion of the overall U.S. population did immigrants make up throughout this period?

Each census showed that 1/7 of the population was foreign born and more immigrants were men than women

What were Chief Joseph, and his branch of the Nez Perce tribe, attempting when they were forced to return by the U.S Calvary?

Flee to Canada

Over what span of time did it take to nearly annihilate the southern herd of American bison?

Four Years

The _______ was incorporated by a number of tribes as a part of their resistance to American imperial policy.

Ghost Dance religion

With the occupation of the Philippines, William James argues (in the last paragraph) that the United States has:

Given up the lofty ideals of the Declaration of Independence in order to seek imperial gains

The East India Company's imperialism in India was met by a major revolt in 1857-58 known as the

Great Mutiny.

According to President William McKinley, what was his initial reaction to the American occupation of the Philippines?

He claimed he did not know what to do with them

In France, _________________ indicted the colonial administrators in Algeria for indifference to Muslim women.

Hubertine Auclert

For Americans at the turn of the century, ______ and ______ were two sides of the same coin.

Imperialism, immigration

Simply put, eugenics, as defined by Francis Galton, aimed to do what?

Improve humanity with various forms of intervention.

What two guiding principles defined American isolationism?

Influence the world by example only and avoid entanglement in European affairs

McKinley believed that American imperialism in the Philippines was justified because:

It was the Americans responsibility to education and "uplift and civilize and christianize" the population. They were unfit for self government Because it would be bas business

Ultimately, _____ drew the most migrants to the West, especially after the passage of the Homestead Act.


Which groups settled in the different regions of the United States? (Did all immigrants settle close to one another?)

Nearly all settled in cities, especially in the northeast where about half of immigrants resided, or in the central states where ⅖ resided, with less in the west and southMade up ⅓ of the population of major citiesIrish in northeast, germans in midwest with sizable irish as well German immigrants:Majority settles in the "german triangle" (cincinnati, st louis, and milwaukee) and other blocs like in anaheimScandanavian immigrants Most settled in rural areas (west north central states) British immigrants:Very under the radar and were approximated more than any other groupItalian immigrants:Unskilled labor and in the west viniculture Chinese immigrants:Came mostly in the 1850s, mostly from the canton region, mostly men and moved far west and followed urban pursuits French canadian immigrants:Came by rail very cheaply in comparison to others

Given the goals of eugenics, which might be a plausible way to carry out Galton's vision?

Prohibiting mentally ill people from having children.

Control over Indian reservations was handed to _____ instead of being overseen directly by the federal government.

Protestant christians

What were the push/pull factors surrounding immigration through the Gilded Age and Progressive Era?

Push: reasons immigrants left their home countries, for example, war and draft and poverty. Pull: Political freedom and economic opportunities.

In nearly every conflict, white conservatives reacted to what events with violence?

Republican rallies, convention, or elections where black men were to vote

For Rudyard Kipling, expanding western empires across the globe was:

The "White Man's Burden"

Which white supremacy group was organized in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee, and had spread to nearly every state of the former Confederacy by 1868?

The Klu Klux Klan

What reasons does Hornady cite as secondary causes of the extermination of the buffalo?

The stupidity of the animals. Modern Weaponry. The lack of governmental protection. Man's reckless greed.

Who led the United States with ambitious designs on global power through military might, territorial expansion, and economic influence?

Theodore Roosevelt?

What was different about the treatment of the Navajo after their relocation to Bosque Redondo?

They were allowed to return to their homeland

What was the original purpose of the Statue of Liberty?

To mark the centennial of the US and French Revolutions

Capturing the American imagination, and incredible amounts of government subsidies, the _____ connected the West Coast with the rail networks of the eastern United States.

Transcontinental Railroad

The sinking of which ship, coupled with sensationalist journalism, led to a declaration of war in April 1898?

U.S.S. maine

At what point did Chief Joseph argue wars would cease between whites and American Indians?

Whenever the white man treats the Indian as they treat each other

The British writer J. A. Hobson and Vladimir Lenin said of imperialism that it was

a result of greed and arrogance.

French imperialists saw acquiring colonies as

a way to restore the prestige they had lost in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870

The creation of the American Equal Rights Association signified the culmination of the partnership between which groups?

abolitionists and women's' rights advocates

By the end of the nineteenth century:

advertisers began to use images of empire to sell their products

In another attempt to "Americanize" Indian tribes, the Dawes Act required that communally held lands be:

allotted to individuals and the remainder sold to whites who wanted the land

What was the "Open Door Policy"?

an international agreement to keep China open to trade with all nations

U.S. imperialism, which focused as much on economic and cultural influence as on military or political power, offered a range of opportunities for: Ida B. Wells viewed her anti-lynching campaign as a kind of ______ activism.

anti imperialism

Who did the KKK victimize?

black people who tried to own land/vote and white politicians that supported black rights

Instead of war and industry fueling western migration, Frederick Jackson Turner argued that _____ washed across the continent.


What might best describe what Kipling meant when he encouraged the United States to "Take up the White Man's burden"?

civilize those deemed uncivilized by ruling them.

The policy with which the British suppressed and defeated the Afrikaners in the Boer War and that generated controversy in Europe and in Britain was the use of

concentration camps

What was the Compromise of 1877?

democrats conceited the presidency to hayes and all troops were removed from the south - south requested special economic favors

In what ways did Du Bois differ from Washington in ideology?

du bois: believed in the power of education, wanted black people to concede to nothing, became the first african american to receive a harvard phdwashington: promoted vocational training in tuskegee university, thought black people should just strive for success in vocations rather than in the same way white people could

Especially after the Depression of 1873, which issues supplanted Reconstruction as the foremost issue on the national agenda?

economic issues

The various challenges and crises in and among Western empires

encouraged Western imperial powers to expand their economic and military commitments to their empires.

Some Europeans saw imperialism as a way to

establish and vindicate the superiority of their civilization.

TRUE OR FALSE: Turner's vision of western expansion included everyone and weighed their contributions to American society equally.


Where did the Emancipation Proclamation free slaves and what limits were there on the location of enforcement?

freed "slaves in rebellion" only(left 700,000 in slavery)

Many of the first Americans who migrated to the West were searching for:

gold and silver

The antiforeign and antimissionary movement in China known as the Boxer Rebellion

laid siege to the foreign legations in Beijing, triggering a major response by Western powers.

Nineteenth-century empires and new imperialism rose against a backdrop of: nation building, industrialization, and

liberal revolutions.

By the end, were the aims of Reconstruction met?

lincoln's aims were not met at all; reconstruction failed overall

According to the final stanza of Kipling's poem, the expansion of empire was how the United States would find its national:

maturity and admiration from its peers

Californians were legally allowed to "_____" native laborers by taking them before a judge and promising to feed, clothe, and eventually release them.

obtain (slave labor) / or adopt? (check quiz)

What are the distinct stages of immigration throughout American history?

old-new chinese exclusion act decreased asian waves

What was the core message of the American Anti-Imperialist League?

opposed overseas expansion (idk look this up)

Throughout nineteenth-century many Europeans believed that they would bring progress to the rest of the world through their

policies developed in the boardrooms of the merchant companies.

When Great Britain took control of Egypt in 1870, Lord Evelyn Baring was appointed the

proconsul, in a power-sharing arrangement with the Egyptians.

What were the significant accomplishments of the state constitutional conventions?

republicans pushed for a more dramatic reconstruction: civil rights act of 1866 (first attempt at 14th), ratified the 14th amendment (both vetoed by johnson but overruled), divided the south into military districts that had to abolish black codes and pass the 14th amendment, tried to impeach johnson, ratified the 15th amendment, created a public school system, asylums, prisons, and hospitals

At what level of government were African Americans able to serve?

served at every level possible (until reconstruction)

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