Histo CP

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varicose veins

Hypodermis vein valve failure = _

Moles/nevus -

_ aggregation of melanocytes, appear after birth

mucous enteroendocrine


True; need to encounter antigen to differentiate in the nodule

T/F: there are no germinal centers in newborns

parietal and chief


lamellar granules - burn patients loose this insulation layer and dehydration becomes large concern

the stratum granulosum release _ which are membrane bound lipids which goes to the extracellular space (water proofing)

golgi of the melanocytes

tyrosine --tyrosinase--> DOPA -->melanin occurs in the _

X - venule Y - arteriole

label X and Y

Both are veins because you can see the faint coloration of the tunica media but is only a single layer or so

what is the structure on the top, and the middle?

paracortex - denisty of high endothelial venules allowing lymphocyte entrance

"Paracortical reaction" following activation of HEVs: enlargement of _ due to T cell influx and proliferation

A - Stratum corneum B - Stratum granulosum C - Stratum Lucidum D - Stratum Spinosum E - Stratum Basale F - Dermis

Label A-F

You will do great

Good labeled picture

varicose veins (legs)

Hypodermis vein valve failure = _

tunica intima - athersclerosis

Note this occurse in the intima between the EEL and IEL

A - artery B - tunica intima C - tunica media D - tunica adventitia E - vein F - tunica adventitia G - tunica media H - tunica intima/endothelial cells

Label A-H

tunica adventitia of arteries/veins

vaso vasorum occurs in the _

Epithelioreticular cells:

-cytokeratin positive -support thymocytes (the thymus has no supporting reticular fibers) -surround capillaries & contribute to blood thymus barrier (thus preventing foreign antigens from entering the thymus and thus being considered "self") -a subset form Hassall's corpuscles (seem to be involved with regulating TR cell development)


-endothelial cell wall -no T. media -no T. adventitia -leaky (most lymph & white blood cells exit here) -histamine sensitive

keep on going

-endothelial cell wall -smooth muscle in T. media -thick T. adventitia -usually 0.1-10mm in diameter -have valves (in extremities)

Pacinian and meisners are bothe capsulated - take more to fire but one hit threshold, it fires Vibrations/pulsatile

-rapidly-adapting mechanoreceptors (vibrations) -up to 2mm in length -hypodermis

spleen; No cotex or medulla, White pulp (lymphocytes and exclude the RBCs) and red pulp

1) Immune response, B & T cells 2) Destroys damaged, senescent blood cells 3) Sequesters monocytes 4) Hematopoiesis (fetal development) 5) Storage of blood/platelets 6) Recycling of iron are all functions of the _

C - subcapsular -> trabecular -> medullary

A lymphocyte entering a lymph node via an afferent lymphatic would pass though a series of sinuses in which order? a) subcapsular -> medullary -> trabecular b) trabecular -> medullary -> subcapsular c) subcapsular -> trabecular -> medullary d) medullary -> trabecular -> subcapsular

plasma cells

Activated B cells will enter CTs and differentiate into _

Atherosclerosis: Focal thickening of intima Increase deposition of ECM components and lipoproteins Accumulation of foam cells - macrophages, SMCs heavily loaded with lipids Coronary arteries are predisposed Blockage can lead to necrosis or infarcts

All of the following are characteristics of atherosclerosis EXCEPT: a) Common disease of larger arteries b) Begins with the appearance of foam cell in the adventitia c) Blood flow impeded due to narrowing of vessel lumina d) Most common form of arteriosclerosis e) Can lead to thrombus formation & stroke

C) Varicose veins are largely due to thrombi; actually due to the breakage of vaves in veins of the hypodermis

All of the following statements are true EXCEPT: A) Vasa vasorum are important in nourishing the walls of large blood vessels B) Sinusoidal capillaries are common in the liver C) Varicose veins are largely due to thrombi D) Elastic arteries and muscular arteries belong to what is called the macrocirculation E) Fenestrated capillaries are characterized by pores within the endothelial cells

germinal centers of the secondary

B cell proliferation occurs in the _ of the _ lymphoid organs

C; spleen is an open circulatory system = dumped into loose connective tissue of the red pulp cord

Label Vs and P, then answer: Which statement is INCORRECT regarding this image? a) Vs = red pulp sinus b) P = red pulp cord c) blood enters at "Vs" before "P" d) blood enters at "P" before "Vs" e) reticular fibers are present at "P"

muscular arteries with IEL - inner elastic lamina TM - tunica media (sm msk) OEL - external/outer elastic lamina TA - tunica adventitia (CT)

Label the labels respectively, where can this tissue be found?

Stratum basale are dividing upwards Stratum spinosum with railroad tracks which is artifact of staining (cells shrinking with continued contact to neighbors) - desmosomes Stratum granulosum with dark granules _ filargrin, trichohyalin, loricrin - P rich and histamine Stratum Corneum - dead layer, packed with tonofibrils - eosinophilic red, intercellular space with lipids from grandular cells - key to water proofing and retention (burns) (when thick obscures underlying pigment)

Differentiate the layers

outer to inner layers - endothelial cells, tunica intima, purkinjie fibers rich in glycogen (epicardium), and tunica media of the cardiac muscle cells

Do as the slide says.

Cardiovascular system

Functions: -nutritional/metabolic (nutrient transport, gas exchange, waste removal, hormone distribution) -Protective (distribute immune cells, clotting mechanism) -Homeostasis (body temp regulation, pH regulation, pressure regulation)

kill the exam outer to inner - epicardium (t adventitia), mycoardium (cardiac muscle, T. media), Endothelium (T. intima)

Good slide to look at

vena cava has alternating smooth muscle fibers

How do you know if you are looking at the vena cava?

1 - CT capsule 2 - lymphocytes / tymic cortex 3 - Hassall's corpuscles 4 - 5 - septa 6 - thymic medulla 7 - macrophages 8 - lymphocytes 9 - Hassall's corpuscles

Label 1-9

A - endothelial cells B- tunica intima C - tunica media D - tunica adventitia

Label A - D

A - Arteriole (darker staining with more tunica media) B - vein - odd shape with smaller amount of tunica media C - unknown ?lymphatic D - smooth muscle E - endothelial cells

Label A - E

high endothelial venules express more selectin to allow passage of lyphocytes

Lymphocyte entery to the secondary lymphoid organs occurs at the _

Don't want lymph to zip thru so want to intermix with lymphocytes (slowed by reticular fibers)

Note the presence of reticular fibers (collagen III) showing locations in both cords and sinuses

good slide to know

Note this is the epicardium where the coronary arteries reside as well as mesothimal cells

meissner corpuscle; -rapidly-adapting mechanoreceptors -high density = discriminatory (Braille) -dermal papilla

What is this? Hint: Uber senstive with high degrees of discrimination (braile experts)

This is a lymphatic vessel, lined by endothelial cells and inside with heterogeneous material

What is this? How do you know?

True - stiffening of the heart due to replacement with fibrous CT can lead to serious problems

T/F: It is hard to replace cardiac muscle so replace it with fibrous CT s/p MI - purkingie in the subendocardial CT - lose blood flow and infarction can lead to problems including arrythmias

True; cytoreticulum derived from thymic epithelium and is infiltrated by thymocytes

T/F: Thymic epithelial cells form a cytoreticulum that becomes infiltrated by T-cell precursors (thymocytes)

True; the CV system includes the blood and lymp circulatory systems

T/F: the cardiovascular system includes the blood (heart, arteries, capilaries, veins) and the lymphatic sytems (capillaries, lager vessels, and termination in CV system)

True; the PM is still intact, just not living

T/F: the cells of the stratum granulosum do not undergo true apoptosis bc retains PM and keratin filaments - intact but no living materials (negative charge), giving rise to the stratum corneum

True; bands of elastin allow stretching of vessels allowing smoothing out of blood flow

T/F: the elastic fibers present primarily in arteries allow blood to become smooth as opposed to pulsitile as it does coming from the heart

False; the corresponding vein lacks the elastic fibers in the IEL and EEL of the musclar artery because the veins are NON-Pulsatile

T/F: the veins corresponding with muscular arteries always contain IEL (internal elastic lamina) and EEL (external elastic lamina)

True; elastic lamellae of the elastic arteries

T/F; Pores in the elastic lamellae, which are sheets, allow flow of nutrients, etc

Capillaries leaky intentionally bc tissue need O2 and fluid turnover - picks up is lymphatics and transport it back to the circulatory system

T/F; capillaries are not leaky

False; primary organs lack germinal centers where lymphocytes differentiate, so they have a barrier to avoid interference with lymphocyte maturation

T/F; primary lymphoid organs (bone marrow and thymus) are welcome to interacting with antigens

False; the tunica adventitia is made up of connective tissue blending with surrounding CT (blood vessels and nerves)

T/F; the tunica intima has a connective tissue blending with the surrounding CT (nerves, blood vessels)

False, they are both SSKE. Thick skin is found at the palms of hands and feet and are responsible for fingerprint grooves; thin skin is everywhere else and associated with hair

T/F; thick skin is SSKE where thin skin is SSNKE

B - eccrine sweat duct Thick skin therefore not hair follicle Dermal papilla is the finger like structure up into the epidermis Apocrine secretes into the hair follicle

The D arrow is pointing to a? a) basal evagination b) eccrine sweat gland duct c) apocrine sweat gland duct d) dermal papilla e) hair follicle

Tunica intima - endothelial cells and underlying CT, occassionally an inner elastic lamina (made by sm msk)

The _ is the layer of the vessel made up of endothelial cells, underlying CT, and occassionally the elastic lamina provided by sm. msk

Dermis - Some glands extend down to the hypodermis

The _ is the middle layer of the skin; it is a connective tissue layer which contains specialized glands, hairs, sensory receptors


The _ is the most basal layer and the most variable layer of skin; SQ - superficial fascia, it is comprised of adipocytes, specialized glands, hair, and sensory receptors (cutaneous adnexa)

Epidermis is avascular

The _ layer of the skin is the most outer layer; it is SSKE, avascular, and has keratinocytes

The elastic lamina (external and internal) of the muscular arteries provide structure needed for pulsatile flow

The _ of the muscular arteries provide structure needed for pulsatile flow

hassals corpuscles so this is the thymic medulla no function but thought to regulate T cell development

The center of this image depicts which of the following? a) lymphoid nodule b) thymus medulla c) lymph node medulla d) palatine tonsil e) thymus cortex

D - upwellings of the underlying tissue is diagnostic of tonsils (allow lymphocytes to reach free surface), round nodules with B cell proliferation Epithelium seen (SSNKE) Pharyngeal tonsil - nasopharynx= respiratory epithelium

This image depicts which lymphoid organ? a) thymus b) pharyngeal tonsil c) lymph node d) palatine tonsil e) spleen

the apical surface; CFTR on the apical duct cells

The defective chloride channel in cystic fibrosis is located where?

smooth muscle cells in the tunica media

The elastic fibers of elastic arteries are made by _

elastic lamellae

The fenestrations of _ in elastic arteries allow nutrients to pass thru layers

ANS: b melanocytes creates melanin thick skin - starum corneum above, dermis below Trichohyalin - binds together tonofilaments to form tonofiber

The layer of epidermis indicated by the arrows: a) produces melanin b) produces lamellar granules c) contains stem cells d) makes trichohyalin e) represents the stratum basale

D - more cuboidal cells - restricted in their location (change and return to squamous lining) - lymphocytes exit the blood and enter the lymph node paracortex of lymph nodes

The lumen is in the center of a: a) trabecular sinus b) medullary sinus c) central artery d) high endothelial venule e) subcapsular sinus

b) pharyngeal tonsil - goblet cells - diagnostic; respiratory epithelium

This image depicts which lymphoid organ? a) thymus b) pharyngeal tonsil c) lymph node d) palatine tonsil e) spleen

tunica intima below the endothelium and above the inner elastic lamellae

The plaque of lipid, foam cells, macrophages, etc during atherosclerosis deposit in the _ of the artery

this is the palantine tonsil, you can see the updwellings which is only found in tonsilar tissue, you also can recognize the outer layer is SSKNE without cillia or goblet cells (in pharyngeal tonsils)

This image depicts which lymphoid organ? How do you know?

Tunica media - smooth muscle (produces elastic components), and sometimes elastic lamina, elastic fibers, and/or external elastic lamina

The tunica media is made up of _ which produce elastic components of the vessels, and occassionally _, _, and/or _.

D) Myocardium of heart Myocardium (Tunica Media)

This histograph was taken from: A) Tunica adventitia of large artery B) Tunica media of large vein C) Impulse conducting fiber of heart D) Myocardium of heart E) Tunica media of muscular artery

B - large artery; Most of the thickness of the vessel is taken up by the tunica media containing smooth muscle and elastic lamina (made by the smooth muscle cells). -large variation in size -typically >10 mm OD -contain fenestrated elastic laminae in tunica media -reduce pulsatile flow -contain blood/nerve supply

This image is diagnostic of which of the following? a) Large vein b) Large artery c) Muscular artery d) Medium vein e) Heart


Thymus: CT capsule Septa in between Cortex with dark lymphocytes with white spaces as macrophages Medulla in the center with Hassall's corpuscles No germinal center because it is a primary organ

Skin; also functions are immunological (langerhan cells and wandering lymphocytes), sensory (specialized nerve endings), Thermoregulation, absorption, protective, and metabolic

Vitamin D and keratin synthesis occurs in the _

stratum corneum; basal and squamous

Warts are outer _ growths; Cancers are _ and _ cells

This is the spleen, 1 is the red pulp cords and sinuses, 2 are the trabecular arteries of the whie pulp - note the thick muscular walls surrounding the arteries

What are the arrows 1 and 2 pointing to? where can this tissue be found?

kertinocytes of the corneum spinosum with melanosomes filled with melanin protecting the cells in the skin from UV damage (acts as antioxidant); they are basophillic staining

What are the basophillic colorings represent? where in the skin would you find these cells?

keratohyaline granules -filaggrin and loricrin -tricohyalin - hair and nails - structure these non-membrane bound granules are highly phosphorylated; the negative charge enables them to stain well with basic dyes) Basic dye = stratum granulosum (keratinization)

What are the black dots? How do you know? Where would you find this in the skin?

tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica adventitia

What are the three organizational layers of the vessel?

This is the sleen and the top arrow is pointing to the central artery and the lower one is pointing to the periatrial lymphatic sheath (PALS)

What are the two long arrows pointing to? Where can this be found?

melanocyte -neural crest derivative -lie superficial to BL -constant #'s between races -synthesize tyrosinase (unique*) -pigment "donation" dots are melanosomes, also present in the iris but not the retina Eating tips of the melanocyte to get the melanin - pigment donation Dark bc those are the stem cells and need to be protected from UV light

What are these? How do you know? What do you know about them?

D - muscular artery - inner elastic lamina squiggle dark, tunica media all smooth muscle with some elastic fibers

What does this image depict? a) Elastic artery b) Medium vein c) Vena cava d) Muscular artery e) Heart ventricle

Structure filled with melanin = melanosome and the cell places it where it is needed (stratum corneum oriented) Place these in a cap to protect from the UV light - orientation Melanocyte activity promoted by UV light and melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) which binds to melanocortin receptor genes on the melanocyte (MCR) and when they bind they increase the amount of eumelanin (dark melanin) produced giving rise to dark hair varying black and brown. When there is a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the receptor and MSH cannot bind, there is an increased production of phaelomelanin producing red coloring (many SNPs occur giving rise to prevalence of red hair in the irish populations Phaeolmelanin - not as strong antioxidant, less effective blocking UV rays, higher skin cancer concern, vitamin D synthesis more efficient even in dim lighting Tattoo - place dye in the dermis where scar tissue surrounds the dye and does not move/turnover - to remove break up with UV light and macrophages eat

What is 5 pointing to? where did this come from? Where is the sunlight?

Thymus: CT capsule present outer, Septa space in between, Cortex with dark lymphocytes with white spaces as macrophages, Medulla in the center with Hassall's corpuscles No germinal center because it is a primary organ

What is NOT depicted here? a) macrophages b) septa c) germinal center d) lymphocytes e) CT capsule

F - epicardium which is the outer layer of the heart (Note the visceral pericardium/mesothelium lays on the outside of the epicardium) M - cardiac myocardium with cardiac muscle fibers

What is labeled by F and M?

This is a lymphatic vessel, you know by the homogenous contents, valve presence, and thin endothelial layer

What is this picture depicting? How do you know?

Large are the pacinian corpuscule - pressure sensory

What is this?

This is a lymphatic vessel which is known by the presence of the valve and lack of blood present (more homogenous material present), lined with endothelial cells If the valve fails, it could lead to elaphantiasis parasitic nematodes, or persistant irritation,damage (non-filarial elephantiasis)

What is this? How do you know? If that valve fails, what happens?

This is cardiac muscle of the myocardium present in the heart.

What is this? Where could it be found?

A - sinusoidal/discontinuous capillary seen by discontinous basal lamina, discontinuous endothelial layer (larger gaps which are big enough for RBCs to escape) typical locations include spleen, lymph nodes, and liver

What is your diagnosis of this image? a) Sinusoidal capillary b) Continuous capillary c) Fenestrated capillary d) Small muscular artery e) Small vein

B - continuous capillary able to see junction (dark line at the top linking two endothelial cells) Typical locations (nervous system, muscle, CTs)

What is your diagnosis of this image? a) Sinusoidal capillary b) Continuous capillary c) Fenestrated capillary d) Small muscular artery e) Small vein

C - fenestrated capillary able to see small gaps (pores to allow escape of small molecules) Typical locations (endocrine glands, kidney glomerulus)

What is your diagnosis of this image? a) Sinusoidal capillary b) Continuous capillary c) Fenestrated capillary d) Small muscular artery e) Small vein

Opposite of B Medulla of the lymph nodes - cords and sinuses Cords are making plasma cells Discontinuous correct

What statement INCORRECTLY describes this image? a) plasma cells are present b) the A region contains reticular fibers but the B region does not c) the endothelium is discontinuous d) it contains cords and sinuses

endocardial tissue; endothelium

What terms can be used to describe this surface? (two choices exist)


When there is a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the receptor and MSH cannot bind, there is an increased production of _ producing red coloring (many SNPs occur giving rise to prevalence of red hair in the irish populations)

Heart: Organization of Wall Epicardium (Tunica Adventitia) - white outer tissue with the outside layer where the pericardium attaches Myocardium (Tunica Media) - red in the middle where cardiac muscle cells reside. Endocardium (Tunica Intima) - inner layer of the white (red last layer)

Where can this tissue be found? Where is the epicardium, the endocardium, the myocardium?

plaques occur in the lamina intima between the external elastic lamina and the inner elastic lamina

Where do athlersclerotic plaques occur?

Lymphoid organ with a lot of lymphocytes - its an epitheliam (stratified squamous - lingual or palantine tonsil) - infiltration of lymphocytes to the epithelium

Where might this biopsy have been taken?

D - plasma cells differentiate terminally in the connective tissue so only one that is not a ct is the sinuses (passage way for fluid)

Where would the cells indicated by the arrows NOT normally be found? a) lamina propria b) red pulp cords c) palatine tonsil d) medullary sinuses e) medullary cords

fenestrated capillary C - fenestrations = endocrine organs Lymph node and spleen have discontinuous Thymus have continuous and surrounding by reticular cells to make the blood thymus barrier

Where would this capillary be found? a) lymph node b) thymus c) endocrine organ d) spleen

C - fenestrations = endocrine organs Lymph node and spleen have discontinuous Thymus have continuous and surrounding by reticular cells to make the blood thymus barrier

Where would this capillary be found? a) lymph node b) thymus c) endocrine organ d) spleen

White dots = macrophages; they are present due to large scale lymphocyte death during maturation lateral white lines separated each lobule

Where would you find macrophages in this picture? are they present? why? where are the septa?

quick turn-over, stem cells near the tips of the dermal papilla (upward indwelling) Melanocytes and merkel cells are in the basal zone (down of the roller coaster)

Where would you find the stratum basale? differentiate where the stem cells are located and the melanocytes or merkel cells. How do these cells divide?

Ans: a

Which cell type is NOT found in the epidermis? a) myoepithelial b) Langerhans c) Merkel d) melanocyte e) keratinocyte

ans d - never always

Which if the following statements ans d - never always is FALSE? a) melanin is derived from tyrosine b) arrector pili muscle action causes "goose bumps" c) human papilloma virus infection causes warts d) sebaceous glands always empty into hair follicles e) loricrin is deposited intracellularly

E A/C - covered by epithelium stratified sqamous B - primary so no germinal centers

Which lymphoid organ has ALL of the following characteristics? -connective tissue capsule -cortex/medulla arrangement -germinal centers -abundant reticular fibers a) palatine tonsil b) thymus c) lingual tonsil d) spleen e) lymph node

d) contains many dividing B lymphocytes - lymph nodule showing dividing B lymphocytes

Which of the following CORRECTLY describes the region indicated with the letter A? a) contains epithelioreticular cells b) is enriched with T lymphocytes c) contains plasma cells d) contains many dividing B lymphocytes e) is a site where lymphocytes learn to distinguish self from non-self

D - keratinocytes, Langerhan's cell, and lymphocytes make up the granulosum, spinosum, and basale

Which of the following CORRECTLY describes the cells in the startum corneum? a) they are melanocytes b) they contain keratohyaline granules c) they are derived from the neural crest d) they are keratinocytes e) they are stem cells

D; there are no reticular fivers present in the splenic sinuses (they are present in the lymph node sinuses)

Which of the following are INCORRECTLY paired? a) MALT - intestinal mucosa b) pharyngeal tonsil - respiratory epithelium c) PALS - T lymphocytes d) lumen of splenic sinuses - reticular fibers e) thymic cortex - immune protected environment

B - sinusoidal capillaries found in the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen

Which of the following is considered the "leakiest" under normal physiologic conditions? a) Postcapillary venules b) Sinusoidal capillaries c) Arterioles d) Fenestrated capillaries e) Continuous capillaries

Ans: e Tryosine to melanin (iris) Stratum basale - trysosinase

Which of the following pairs DO NOT fit together: a) melanocyte - stratum basale b) myoepithelial cell - sweat gland c) apocrine sweat gland duct - hair follicle d) hair follicle - hypodermis e) tyrosinase - keratohyalin granule

a) Elephantiasis - venules elaphantitis is due to by lymphatic blockage/damage

Which of the following pairs is IMPROPERLY matched? a) Elephantiasis - venules b) Pulmonary embolism- deep vein thrombosis c) Valves - veins d) Postcapillary venules - extravasation of fluid and wbc's during inflammation e) Microcirculation - arterioles

Ans: b (their ACTIVITY differs between races), numbers differ depending on placement in the body If they didn't spread out equally = moles, etc Synthesize tryrosinase = melanin

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding melanocytes? a) they are derived from neural crest b) their numbers differ between races c) they synthesize tyrosinase d) they are located superficial to the epithelial basal lamina e) they pass melanosomes to keratinocytes by "pigment donation"

Ans: d - eccrine are involved in thermal regulation During puberty - there is a boost in hormone regulation of sebacious glands, small ducts

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT: a) sebaceous and apocrine glands typically empty their contents into hair follicles b) sweat glands secrete sodium c) sebaceous glands secrete sebum using a holocrine mechanism d) apocrine sweat glands are important for thermoregulation e) infection of sebaceous glands may produce acne

a) Arterioles contain 4-10 layers of smooth muscle -"microcirculation" -usually contain <3 layers of smooth muscle -most often associated with accompanying venule (V)

Which of the following statements is FALSE? a) Arterioles contain 4-10 layers of smooth muscle b) Fenestrated capillaries have pores within endothelial cells c) Histamine influences permeability of post-capillary venules d) Endothelium lines ALL blood & lymphatic vessels and heart chambers e) Lymphatic vessels provide one-way drainage toward heart

Ans: b Thick skin

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding the cells indicated by the arrows? a) they will be shed in about a month b) they contain abundant gap junctions c) they reside within the stratum spinosum d) they contain tonofilaments e) they contain melanosomes

A - white pulp Macrophages red pulp cords

Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT? a) antigen-immune cell interactions in the spleen first occur in the red pulp sinuses b) trabecular arteries become central arteries c) an athymic condition would result in the lack of splenic PALS d) trabecular veins are surrounded by dense CT e) macrophages are abundant in red pulp cords

bottom - b cells are localized to the germinal centers, nodules with germinal centers

Which panel displays B-cell markers?

X - venule Y - arteriole (thicker coating of media)


DVT; deep vein thrombosis

_ - deep to fascia layer (within muscle) - blood moves due to muscular action


_ - thickening of the tunica intima - macrophages ECM, SMCs with lipid, cholesterol


_ - thrombus deep to fascia layer (within muscle) - blood moves due to muscular action

Fordyce spots

_ Sebacious glands in the absence of hair follicles


_ are cells with increased melanin production due to exposure to the sun - wiill fade


_ can be caused by parasitic nematodes, or persistant irritation, damage --> lymphatic failure

muscular arteries - recal large amound of smooth muscle with inner and external elastic lamina

_ can be described as: -large variation in size -typically 4-40 layers of SM -contain inner elastic lamina (IEL) -contain external elastin lamina (EEL) when large -reduce pulsatile flow

Vitiligo - focal destruction of melanocytes, autoimmune

_ focal destruction of melanocytes, autoimmune

Thymic epithelial cells

_ form a cytoreticulum that becomes infiltrated by T-cell precursors (thymocytes)

apocrine lumen larger than eccrine because actually storing product as well. Odorless but nutrient rich which bacteria feed on Release pheromones

_ glands -simple, coiled tubular gland -apocrine (or merocrine) secretion -product is stored -restricted distribution -develop at puberty -activated by stress, sexual stimulation

eccrine (merocrine) -simple, coiled tubular gland -thermoregulation -salt balance

_ glands are present everywhere in the body and are critical for thermoregulation

apocrine - awkward - pits/groin

_ glands are present in the arm pits and groin mostly

marginal zone - blood borne antigens meet the lymphocytes

_ is the area where red and white pulp meet in the spleen


_ lack of pigmentation (no tyrosinase, type I)

Free nerve endings: most abundent free - pressure, pain, hot, cold Passing the basement membrane, looses the myleination and become free nerve endings

_ nerve endings: -thermoreceptors -mechanoreceptors -nociceptors (pain) -extend to stratum Gr

Passing the basement membrane, looses the myleination and become free nerve endings Merkel - mechanorecptors - slow adapting

_ nerve endings: -slow-adapting mechanoreceptors

Phaeolmelanin - increased skin cancer

_ not as strong antioxidant, less effective blocking UV rays, higher skin cancer concern, vitamin D synthesis more efficient even in dim lighting


_ spread in the keratinocytes on the cytosol side of the PM to allow rigidity and structure; present in the corneum granulosum

Reticular fibers (collagen III)

_ transverse the sinuses of lymph nodes

As RBCs age, they become inflexible so they are unable to enter the sinus and therefore eaten by macrophages

barrel like protrusions of the splenic sinuses are called "stave cells," what is their purpose?

mucous and enteroendocrince secretion


good to look at

cardiac muscle on the top, purkinje fibers below (know purkinje are on the inside) therefore the bottom is endocardium (sub-endocardial connective tissue)

Keep up the hardwork!

clear documentation of differing cell types


coronary arteries are found in the _

Left - Large artery, thick tunica media with elastic fibers and a present IEL, aorta/large artery Right - large veins have longitudinal sm msk in the adventitia (not some also in the media running end to end), vena cava/large vein

describe the two images, how do you know? where would they be found?


in the stratum granulosum, _ presents itself and attaches to tonofilaments and keratinohyaline granules and create tonofibrils

microfold cell (M cell) A - lymphocytes B - M cell C - lamina propria

label A-C

large veins/vena cava/brachiocephalic note tunica adventitia is much thicker than tunica media

longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle present in the tunica adventitia is key to recognizing _

stratum granulosum (keratinization) - non keratinizing do not have the stratum granulosum

non keratinizing skin do not have the _

kill it

note the increased lumenal space of the apocrine glands as they can store their secretions whereas eccrine cannot

-usually 4-10 layers of smooth muscle

small arteries typically consist of _ layers of smooth muscle cells

stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum corneum (jam packed)

tonofilaments are present in _ (layer(s)) of the skin

- simple - normal capillary bed - AV shunt avoids capillary bed - portal system has nl capillary bed followed by a portal vein to a capillary bed of veins

useful diagram of microvasculature pathways

large vein - longitudinal smooth muscle fibers

where would you find this tissue?

Medulla - cords; the outer dark purple (reticular fibers) and sinuses; encircled in red (lined by discontinuous endothelial cells)

which area, the outer dark, or the encircled center, would you find lined with continuous endothelial cells? what about reticular fibers?

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