Histology Quiz 1 (1-5) & 6-15 for midterm

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What is the ability to undergo reversible changes and to become active and to multiply if necessary (healing process)?

cell modulation

Motion/movement of cilia

beat in synchronous pattern that propel particles suspended in fluid ciliary motion: occurs through successive changes in the conformation of the axoneme the sliding motion is restricted by Nexin that permanently links the adjacent doublets causing the axoneme to bend with energy from ATP, the dyneim arms that temporary bind the adjacent microtubules and the doublets slide past each other

A scientist wishes increase the refractive index of the tissue, which step is the scientist on?

clearing clearing removes the alcohol and makes the tissue clearer

Autoradiography can provide information on

tissue growth, cellular pathways of macromolecular synthesis, tissue localization of radioactive substance, mapping sites and performance of targeted drug

mast cells

tissue-resident form of the circulating basophil found near blood vessels in ordinary CT, mucosa of respiratory and GIT are very fragile and rupture at any slightest disturbance and trigger a number of physiological defense mechanisms, including inflammation

What stain is most widely used of the technique for demonstration of carbohydrate macromolecules?


alcian blue

acid mucin is stained blue and neutral mucins are unstained

Adaptive immunity

antigen-specific defense mechanism the immunity one develops throughout life induces acquired resistance against microorganisms

What is a distortion of tissue (shrinkage, wrinkles, spaces, precipitates from the stain) called?


Claudin occludins

associate with membrane proteins on the intracellular side of plasma membrane which anchor the strands to the actin cytoskeleton

Serous glands basal ends and apical ends

basal ends: have nuclei and abundant RER basophilic apical ends: eosinophilic die to abundant protein-rich secretory granules stain pink serous materials stain in routine H&E sections

A section can be stained during staining and which other process? a) embedding b) fixation c) mounting d) infiltrating e) sectioning


What is the larger histone, H1 called that is associated with the wrapped DNA and the surface of the core?


What is a refrigerated compartment containing a microtome referred to as? This is what frozen tissue is sectioned into.


What stain would you use to differentiate between collagen and smooth muscle? (ex. tumors) These would demonstrate the increase of collagen in diseases

elastic (von gieson) fiber stain

Food poisoning

enterotoxin produced by Clostridium perfringens bonds to claudin molecules and breakdown the tight junctions which leads to a massive movement of fluids through the space between the cells into the lumen of the intestines causing diarrhea

Which category of chromatin is uncoiled, relaxed, and is active in transcription?



found scattered through most ordinary CT numerous in respiratory tract and GI tract an increase is indicative of chronic infection origin in the red bone marrow from lymphoid stem cells

Where can one see an accumulation of ribonucleoprotein particles?

in the pars granulosa

What are nonliving components of the cells that are formed from metabolic products of the cell? The most common are glycogen granules, lipid droplets, pigment granules, and crystals.


What refers to the mode of release of the secretory products?

mechanism of secretion

Tissue prep for electron microscope

mount on wire mesh or grid stain with uranyl acetate or lead citrate

Which of the following are asymmetric organization of the organelles, different specialization and protein expression in the three membrane domains of these cells?

polarized cells


relatively stable but the microfilaments in its structure are dynamic undergo myosis based movements which help maintain optimal conditions for absorption via numerous proteins (channels, receptors) in the membrane

What is the sharpness and clarity of an image called? It's defined as the smallest distance between two points on a specimen at which they can be seen as two separate entities.



stains blue and is basic

Ground substance Clinical Application

* Hurler disease (Mucopolysaccharidosis, type I, MPS I): lysosomal storage disease associated with an altered ground substance *Deficiency of L-iduronidase: stops degradation of heparan and dermatan sulfate and the excess accumulate in most CT tissues *Staphylococcus aureus infection Hyaluronidase: cleaves hyaluronic acid into smaller fragments and converts gel-like state of ECM into sol causing rapid spread of bacteria into tissue * osteoarthritis degradation of proteoglycan aggrecan; cartilage breakdown (erosion) and chondrocytes elicit a catabolic response which exceeds anabolism of new matrix molecules

A micrometer

1 thousandth of a millimeter (mm) 1 millionth of a meter (m)= 1 x 10^-6m

Three enzymes that can be detected histochemically are dehydrogenases, peroxidase, and phosphatases. 1) Which one transfers hydrogen ions from one substrate to another? 2) Which one promotes the oxidation of substrates with the transfer of hydrogen ions to hydrogen peroxide? 3) Which one removes phosphate groups from macromolecules?

1) dehydrogenase 2) peroxidase 3) phosphatases

ROS steps

1) engulfed bacterium triggers stress pathway 2) ER stimulates mitochondria to produce ROS, highly destructive molecules that are byproducts of metabolism) 3) ROS are packaged into vesicles and shuttled to the phagosome 4) Bacterial remains degrade once phagosome fuses with a lysosome

Skin fragility syndrome (trauma-induced blisters and erosions) 1) Pemphigus blister disease 2) bullous impetigo

1) layers of skin can pull apart, abnormal movement of fluids within the skin leads to blistering and loss of tissue fluids anti-desmoglein IgG autoantibodies disrupt desmosomes that hold together skin epithelial cells 2) exfoliative toxins of Staphylococcus aurueus targets desmoglein and disrupts the desmosomes

A student uses the 10X objective lens. What is the student's total magnification?

100x the eyepiece is 10X and the lens used is 10X 10x10= 100 the other magnifications are: 4X, 10X, 40X and 100X (oil immersion)

What does concept of 3-dimensionality mean?

2d appearance taken from 3d structures

The most abundant lymphocytes are B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. Which of the above is short-lived (circulate in an immature form), mature in the bone marrow, and are involved in the production of circulating antibodies?

B lymphocytes

Pemphigus foliaceus

Blistering, erosions, scaling, crusting, and erythema usually of the face and chest

What provides support and sends out septa that divides the gland into lobes (larger anatomical structures) and lobules (smaller functional units)?

CT capsule

Bullous impetigo

Caused by toxin-producing strain of S. aureus, begins as red macules that progress to bullous (fluid-filled) eruptions on an erythematous base; after rupture, a clear, thin, varnish-like coating forms over denuded area; can be mistaken for cigarette burns often requires systemic antimicrobial

What's the difference between electron lucent and electron dense? (in regards to TEM)

Electron lucent: bright, white areas (low concentration of macromolecules; electrons pass without interacting) electron dense: black, dark areas (denser areas of specimen that bind heavy metal ions during specimen preparation; absorb or deflect electrons)

What is an aqueous solution of formaldehyde at 37% dilution referred to as?

Formalin a type of fixant, way to preserve cell and tissue and prevent autolysis ,postmorten degeneration, and bacterial growth

Which TEM fixant preserves protein constituent by cross-linking them?


If one wishes to study nervous tissue, which method should be used?

Golgi neurons, glia, and vascular system are stained black on a yellow or pale orange background

What is a commonly used stain for light microscopes that behaves like basic or acid compounds?

H & E Hematoxylin and Eosin Hematoxylin is basic/cationic and Eosin is anionic/negative/acidophilic

Functions of the basement membrane I. structural support and polarity to the epithelial cells II. forms a selectively permeable barrier between CT and other basic tissues III. Regeneration

I) attaches epithelia to the adjacent CT & helps maintain cell shape, tissue organization and cell adhesion II) the barrier restricts free movement of most cells, prevents malignant cells from invading the deeper tissues III) provides a surface along which epithelial cells migrate during cell renewal and wound healing serves in guiding migrating cells and outgrowth of axons both in development and in tissue repair

situs inversus, mirror-image reversal of internal organs, chronic sinusitis, and bronchiectasis can cause what syndrome?


What directs polymerization of tubulins?

MTOCs have short assemblies of tubulin that act as nucleating sites for further polymerization

Pemphigus vulgaris

Nikolsky's sign (separation of epidermis caused by rubbing of the skin)

What stain would be used for structures containing a high proportion of carbohydrate macromolecules? Such as glycogen, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans.

PAS (periodic acid-Schiff)

This is the stage after the cells are isolated from the tissue and proliferated. Cells have to be subcultured at this stage.

Primary culture

In which type of microscope does the electron beam move sequentially from point to point across the surface of the specimen? Specimen are coated with a thin layer of heavy metal (gold). Secondary electrons are captured by a black and white image and images show the surface view of the coated specimen. This scope is used to view relatively large specimens.


Heavy metal ion stain is used in which type of microscope?

TEM transmission electron microscopy

Mast cells are the first response to an allergen ( in allergic individuals); they have specific, surface IgE receptors on their cell membrane.

These elicit production of specific igE antibodies, which bind receptors on mast cells

What substance is used to clear tissue?


Defective peroxisomal enzymes cause severe disorders such as: a) demyelinating diseases b) secondary lysosome c) Hexosaminidase-A deficiency d) Acid maltase deficiency e) Tay-Sachs Disease


Degradation of collagen is initiated by which of the following? This is a group of members of an enzyme class called Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). a) collagenases b) fibrils c) macrophages d) collagen e) none of the above


Most mammalian cells lie within the size range of 5-50um. In humans, the average cell size in diameter is between a) 10um and 100um b) 1um and 100um c) 20um and 200um d) 30um and 300um e) 40um and 400um


Which of the following anchors the terminal web to the apical cell membrane? a) spectrin b) terminal web


Which of the following forms a lubricant and protective barrier in respiratory, GIT, and urogenital tracts? a) mucus b) lipidemia c) mucins d) serous e) acini


Which of the following has 2-3 layer, has a superficial layer, cuboidal cells, and provides a robust lining in comparison to simple epithelia? The cells are large excretory ducts of sweat glands, salivary glands, pancreas, seminiferous tubules, ovarian follicles (primary through Graafian follicles). a) stratified cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) stratified columnar e) none of the above


Which of the following has a tendency to be found in areas where DNA is active and permits and regulates molecular transfer in both directions? a) nuclear pores b) nucleoporines c) nucleolus d) NPCs e) nucleus


Which of the following has nuclei arranged in a disorganized manner and is particularly evident with implants that cause the body chronic inflammation? a) foreign-body giant cell b) touton giant cells c) epithelioid cells d) giant cells e) Langhans giant cell


Which of the following is a microtubule associated protein that produces movement? a) dynein b) nexin


Which of the following is abundant to withstand considerable mechanical stress? a) simple squamous epithelium b) plakoglobin c) desmosomes d) stratified squamous epithelium e) arrhythmogenic


Which of the following is an important reservoir that's stabilized by GAGs, PG, and glycoproteins? This provides a route for communication and transport (by diffusion) between tissues. a) water b) cartilage c) blood d) plasma e) bone


Which of the following is an intercellular storage carbohydrate common in liver and muscle cells? a) glycogen b) glucose c) glycosaminoglycans d) glycohydrates e) proteoglycans


Which of the following is cube-shaped, has equal height and width, appear as small polygons, and have rounded nuclei that are centrally placed? It functions in filtration, secretion, absorption, and excretion. The internuclear distance is less than in squamous epithelium. The distribution is lining of proximal and distal convoluted tubules. Thyroid gland, sweat glands and their intercalated ducts, bronchioles, and surface of ovary. a) simple cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) none of the above


Which of the following is excessive accumulation of collagen during wound healing? a) keloid b) fibrotic liver c) cirrhosis d) sarcoidosis e) none of the above


Which of the following is found in all connective tissues, extracellular matrix and on the surfaces of many cell types? Thee help hold cells and tissues together, lubricate joints, and account for the flexible and resilient texture of cartilage. a) proteoglycans b) glycogen c) glycoproteins d) glycocalyx e) basal lamina


Which of the following is the most common class III intermediate filament protein and is found in most cells derived from embryonic mesenchyme? a) vimentin b) lamins c) keratins d) cytokeratins e) glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP)


Which of the following is undifferentiated, mitotically active cells and secretes ground substance and fibers? a) blasts b) cytes


Which of the following lines the lumen of hollow organs? a) endoderm b) lining epithelium c) mesoderm d) grandular epithelium e) ectoderm


Which of the following mostly contains enzymes which functions in lipid, steroid hormones and carbohydrate synthesis? It also functions in detoxification of potentially harmful compounds called sarcoplasmic reticulum, has vesicles responsible for sequestration and controlled release of Ca2+, and serves as a transitional area for vesicles that transport endoplasmic reticulum products to other destinations within the cell. a) sER b) cisternae c) rER d) ergastoplasm e) tubules


Which of the following prevents most movement between cells distal convoluted tubule? a) tight epithelia b) leaky epithelia


Which of the following surfaces is free, always present, and contains faces (a free surface of the body or lumen of an organ)? If a tissue is composed of cells closely apposed to one another, but it doesn't have a free surface, the tissue is called epithelioid tissue. Epithelioid organization is typical of most endocrine glands. a) apical b) basal c) tight junctions d) lateral e) transcellular transport


Which type of cells are spherical in shape and usually grow in suspension without attaching to a surface? a) lymphoblast- like cells b) fibroblastic c) epithelial- like cells


pyknotic nuclei, swollen cells, condensed cells, and dead cells can be found in which type of cell? a) necrotic b) healthy


Which of the following is most likely to be stained by eosin? a) protein b) glycolipids c) carbohydrates d) lipids e) monosaccharides

a eosin stains acidophilic molecules; proteins are usually acidophilic molecules.

A patient has liver cirrhosis. Which stain would be best to use? a) Trichrome stain b) elastic fiber stain c) reticular fiber stain d) all of the above e) none of the above

a Trichrome is valuable in assessing conditions that produce large amounts of collagen and/or scar tissue.

Collagen can be found in dermis, tendons, ligaments, bones, dentin, cementum, organ capsules/sheath, fascia, sclera, and fibrocartilage. When stained with Masson's, they appear green. When stained with Mallory's trichrome, they appear blue, and they appear eosinophilic and pink when stained with H&E. Which of the following is the most common form/type of collagen? a) Type I b) Type V c) Type III d) Type e) Type IV

a Type II: hyaline and elastic cartilage, nucleus pulposus, vitreous humor Type III: skin, smooth muscle, blood vessels, lungs, endoneurium, spleen, liver, reticular layer of basement membrane Type IV: kidney glomeruli, lens capsule Type V: dermis, tendons, ligaments, bones, organ capsules/sheath, cementum, fetal tissues, basement membrane of placenta Type VII: junction of epidermis and dermis

Which type of DNA is maternally derived, has self-replicating molecules, allows mitochondrial self-division, and codifies a small portion of mitochondrial proteins? a) mDNA b) mRNA c) rDNA d) rRNA e) none of the above

a mitochondrial DNA

Which part of the microscope enlarges and projects illuminated image of the object toward the eyepiece? The quality is one of the important factors in the resolution of light microscope. a) objective lenses b) optical system c) condenser d) a and c e) ocular lenses

a optical system consists of condenser, objective lenses and eyepiece/ocular lens


a fluid product of cellular activity that is different in composition from blood plasma and intracellular fluid may be proteins, lipids, complexes of carbs and proteins (secretory epithelial cells of mammary glands secrete all of these)

plasma cells

a tissue resident form of B lymphocyte large ovoid cells nucleolus is prominent, central, surrounded by clumps of heterochromatin nucleus is spherical, eccentrically placed, is characteristic patterns of chromatin distribution, and has dense chromatin clumps along its periphery "cart wheel" or "clock-face appearance"

Glandular epithelium

a type of epithelium composed of epithelial cells that specialize in producing, storing and releasing secretions

Match the following fibers to their description a) reticular b) confers elasticity c) collagen fibers 1) tough and flexible but inelastic; confers main tensile strength, the ability to resist shearing and traction forces 2) a special form of collagen that provides a delicate supporting framework for loose cells 3) elastic fibers

a) 2 b) 3 c) 1

Glycoproteins help hold tissue structures together and contain a protein moiety attached to carbohydrates. Match the following with one another a) Chondronectin b) Laminin c) Entactin d) Fibronectin e) Tenascin f) Osteonectin 1) binds basal lamina to epithelial cells 2) binds calcium hydroxyapatite to collagen I 3) binding site for ECM components (Integrin) & can trigger reorganization of cytoskeleton inside the cell 4) has binding sites for collagen II 5) component of all basement membranes 6) essential for collagen II

a) 4 b) 2 c) 5 d) 3 e) 6 f) 1 fibronectin and laminin are the two most common glycoproteins

Match the macrophages with the proper location. a) macrophages 1) liver b) osteoclasts 2) CNS c) kupffer cells 3) bone d) microglia 4) skin e) langerhans cells 5) spleen/lymph nodes f) histiocytes 6) ordinary CT g) dust cells/alveolar macrophages 7) lung

a) 5 b) 3 c) 1 d) 2 e) 4 f) 6 g) 7

Collagen fibers and types. Which collagen types belong to the following collagens? a) anchoring collagens b) sheet-forming collagens c) fibrillar collagens

a) Type VII b) Type IV c) Type I, II, III, V, XI

Multicellular exocrine glands (found in) a) simple tubular b) simple coiled tubular c) simple branched tubular d) simple alveolar (acinar) e) simple branched alveolar f) compound tubular g) compound alveolar (acinar) h) compound tubuloalveolar

a) mucous glands of colon; crypts of Lieberkuhn (intestinal glands) b) sweat glands of the skin c) gastric glands and glands in the uterus d) small mucous glands along the urethra e) sebaceous glands of the skin f) submucosal mucous glands (of Brunner) in duodenum g) exocrine pancreas h) salivary glands

Mast cells a) Heparin b) Histamine c) Serine proteases d) cytokines, polypeptides e) phospholipid precursors

a) sulfated GAG that acts locally as an anticoagulant; responsible for the metachromasia displayed by the granules b) promotes increased vascular permeability and smooth muscle contraction c) activate various mediators of inflammation d) direct activities of leukocytes and other cells of the immune system e) converted to prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and other important lipid mediators of the inflammatory response


abnormal cartilage leading to bone and joint deformities

Mesenchymal connective tissue

abundant amorphous ground substance, undifferentiated mesenchymal cells found only in embryo and tooth pulp of an adult undifferentiated mesenchymal cells are pluripotent, small fusiform or stellate cells, not easily distinguished from fibroblasts, chromatin pattern is coarser than fibroblasts, has few mitochondria and little or no ER

Dense Irregular CT

abundant bundles of thick collagen type I fibers, scarce ground substance and few cells fibroblasts are the predominant cells bundles of collagen randomly arranged provide resistance to stress from all directions located in sites requiring more tensile strength that are provided by loose CT, deep dermis layer of the skin, capsule or organs (liver, spleen, lymph nodes, kidneys), submucosa of digestive tract, periosteum and perichondrium capsule of liver separates the organ from surrounding tissues and organs dermis is the site of skin testing for allergies; intradermal injection of an allergen should result in a small skin bleb because the diffusion is less than in loose areolar CT due to the abundant collagen fibers in DICT

Malignancies that arise from glandular epithelium are termed what?


What are a few structures with high lipid content?

adipocytes, myelin sheaths, cell membranes of golgi apparatus

Gluten enteropathy (celiac sprue)

allergy to wheat protein causes immune-mediated inflammation

apocrine secretion in the mammary gland

apical cytoplasm are the arrows

Unicellular glands

are single secretory cells scattered among other epithelial cells of different function goblet cells are the only example of unicellular glands in humans ---they are mucus-secreting cells --- common in simple cuboidal, simple columnar, and pseudostratified epithelia best seen in PAS staining


attach keratin intermediate filaments to the attachment plaque an the underlying basement membrane occurs in epithelia that require strong stable connection to the connective tissue found in tissues subject to abrasion and mechanical shearing forces that tend to separate the epithelium from the underlying connective tissue such as skin, mucosa of oral cavity, esophagus, vagina, cornea, and attachment of junctional epithelium to enamel of teeth

What is a technique using x-rays to localize newly synthesized macromolecules in cells or tissue using radioactive cursors called? Radioactively labeled metabolites( nucleotides, amino acids, ect) are incorporated into macromolecules and emit weak radiation. The specimen itself is the source of radiation/


What color do elastic fibers stain in gross tissue? a) pink b) yellow c) red d) green e) black


Which of the following are cells that transport by pinocytosis and have tight junctions? a) basal surfaces b) ion-transporting cells c) tight junctions d) pinocytic vesicles e) transcellular transport


Which of the following are fine, thread-like protein fibers, 3-6nm in diameter that play a prominent role in positioning and anchoring membrane proteins, form the terminal web, and provide a mean for cellular motility? a) golgi complex b) microfilaments c) microtubules d) endoplasmic reticulum e) intermediate filaments


Which of the following are specialized epithelial cells for transcellular transport, that can pump ions across their thickness, apex to base and typically have highly infolded basal plasma membranes that interdigitate with numerous mitochondria that supply the energy required for those transport mechanism? a) basal surfaces b) ion-transporting cells c) tight junctions d) pinocytic vesicles e) transcellular transport


Which of the following forms a structural framework, the nuclear lamina? a) vimentin b) lamins c) keratins d) cytokeratins e) glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP)


Which of the following functions in packaging, collecting, and distributing molecules made in cell? It also functions in proteolysis of peptides into active forms, sorting macromolecules, and modifying macromolecules. a) rER b) golgi apparatus c) cisternae d) tubules e) sER


Which of the following has a single layer of cells that lies on the same basement membrane and are usually ciliated? The nuclei is at different heights and has false appearances of stratification. It functions in protection, secretion of mucus (goblet cells), and movement of mucus by cilia. The distribution is in the nasal cavity, trachea, and bronchi and can be found in male sexual ducts. a) simple cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) none of the above


Which of the following has all cells that lie on the same basement membrane and functions with protection, secretion of mucus (goblet cells), and movement of mucus by cilia? a) simple cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) none of the above


Which of the following has mature cells and maintains the existing matrix? a) blasts b) cytes


Which of the following has nuclei that forms a ring surrounding a foamy cytoplasm? It is seen in lesions with high lipid content (fat necrosis, xanthoma, and xanthogranuloma). a) foreign-body giant cell b) touton giant cells c) epithelioid cells d) giant cells e) Langhans giant cell


Which of the following has tight junctions that are absent or less complex (large slits in strands) and proximal convoluted tubule (only 2-3 junctional strands)? a) tight epithelia b) leaky epithelia


Which of the following is a lipid bilayer that forms the cell boundary as well as the boundaries of many organelles within the cell? a) golgi complex b) cell membrane c) cytosol d) endoplasmic reticulum e) cytoplasm


Which of the following is a network of actin filaments at the base of the microvillous stabilized by spectrin? a) spectrin b) terminal web


Which of the following is a newly formed lysosome produced by rER and golgi? a) phagosome b) primary lysosome c) endosome d) residual bodies e) autophagosome


Which of the following is a supporting CT? a) mucosa b) lamina propria c) muscularis mucosae d) basement membrane e) serosa


Which of the following is formed by the fusion of one of more primary lysosomes with a phagosome? Where the ingested material is degraded. a) phagosome b) secondary lysosome c) endosome d) residual bodies e) autophagosome


Which of the following is found among secretory units within the lobules? a) interlobular b) intralobular c) main duct d) interlobar e) none of the above


Which of the following is involved in response to allergy parasites? a) monocytes b) eosinophils c) basophils d) neutrophils e) lymphocytes


Which of the following is mediated by cell membrane proteins acting as adhesion molecules? It allows epithelial cells to adhere to each other, echange information and metabolites, and act as a selective permeable barrier? a) adherent junctions b) cell junctions c) hemidesmosomes d) gap junctions e) apical surfaces


Which of the following lines the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities? It consists of mesothelium (lining epithelium), supporting CT, basement membrane (between mesothelium and supportive CT), does not contain glands, and has mesothelial cells that secrete serous fluid. a) serosa b) serous membrane c) mucosa d) mucous membrane e) none of the above


Which of the following occurs as fenestrated sheets? a) fibrillin b) elastin c) microfibrils d) elastic fibers e) fibrillin microfibrils


Which of the following permanently links "A" microtubule with "B" microtubule of adjacent doublet? a) dynein b) nexin


Which of the following plays a role in degradation and remodeling of ECM? a) tissue fluids b) proteolytic enzymes c) reticular fibers d) ground substance fibers e) all of the above


Which of the following rests on basal lamina, a component of the basement membrane? a) apical b) basal c) tight junctions d) lateral e) transcellular transport


Which one of the following mediates cell adhesion? a) apical surface b) E-cadherin c) basement membrane d) Catenin e) none of the above


Which type of cells are bipolar or multipolar, have elongated shapes, and grow attached to a substrate? a) lymphoblast- like cells b) fibroblastic c) epithelial- like cells


Which of the following is synthesized directly into the ECM by an enzyme complex, hyaluronan synthase, located in the cell membrane of many cells? a) sulfated GAGs b) non-sulfated GAGs (hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan)

b GAG= long-chain polysaccharide made up of hundreds or less repeating disaccharide units; formerly called mucopolysaccharides

Which of the following is an infectious disease that first affects GI tract and causes malabsorption? a) glycogen storage diseases b) whipples' disease c) cystic fibrosis d) paget's disease of the breast e) adenocarcinomas

b PAS stains macrophages

Sections for LM are typically _____________ in thickness? a) 4-9um b) 5-10um c) 6-11um d) 5-9um e) 4-10um

b **may be exceptionally thin; less than 2um thick

Which of the following is the resolution of the human eye under normal viewing conditions? a) 2.0mm b) 0.2mm c) 0.4mm d) 200mm e) 0.1mm

b 200um/ 0.2mm is the resolution of the human eye

Which of the following includes all blood leukocytes and migrate in and out of CT? a) mast cells b) wandering cells c) macrophages d) adipocytes e) fibroblasts

b also called immigrant, WBC

Which of the following is linked via Vinculin, and alpha-actinin to actin filaments of cytoskeleton? a) apical surface b) E-cadherin c) basement membrane d) Catenin e) none of the above

b loss of E-cadherin in cancer tumors promotes metastases

microvilli are present in cells of the taste buds, columnar, supportive cells of the macula the utricle and saccule and supportive cells of the epithelium of the organ of corti.

blue arrow is the brush border

A physician was getting ready to perform a breast biopsy on a patient. After removing the tissue sample, the sample should be cut down into small pieces. How small should these pieces be? a) 2cm^3 b) 2cm^2 c) 1cm^3 d) 3cm e) 3cm^3


Oxidized lysines on two different elastin molecules condense as which of the following? This acts as covalent cross-link between the polypeptides, which give the entire network its elastic quality. a) elastic fibers b) desmosom ring c) desmosine ring d) elastin molecules e) elastic lamellae


What are typical cytoplasmic structures just below the cell membrane that have a structure similar to that of the centrioles with triplets of microtubules and tubulin protofilaments that anchor the cilia to the cytoskeleton? a) dynein b) nexin c) basal bodies d) radial spokes e) none of the above


Which of the following are self-replicating either bud of precursors vesicles from the ER or growth and division of preexisting peroxisomes? a) Pompe's disease b) secondary lysosome c) peroxisomes d) Acid maltase deficiency e) lysosomes


Which of the following extend from the nine outer doublets to the central doublet? a) dynein b) nexin c) radial spokes


Which of the following is a connective tissues that has associated blood vessels and nerves? It supports the parenchyma. a) ECM b) stria vascularis c) stroma d) germ cells e) parenchyma


Which of the following is a round membrane-enclosed organelle found only in eukaryotic cells? a) golgi complex b) cell membrane c) nucleus d) endoplasmic reticulum e) cytoplasm


Which of the following is a sheet-like layer of collagen type IV coated with the heparan sulfate-rich proteoglycan perlecan and adhesive glycoprotein entactin? a) glycoprotein b) perlecan c) lamina densa d) laminin e) lamina reticularis


Which of the following is a vesicle formed by or fused with coated vesicles that shed their clathrin, in which ligands are separated from their receptors and from which the receptors are returned to the cell surface? a) phagosome b) secondary lysosome c) endosome d) residual bodies e) autophagosome


Which of the following is abundant in phagocytic cells, are membrane bound vesicles containing acid hydrolases that degrade nucleotides, proteins, and lipids and remove carbohydrate, sulfate, or phosphate groups from molecules? a) phagosome b) endosome c) lysosomes d) residual bodies e) autophagosome


Which of the following is an aqueous solution of a cell's cytoplasm? Cellular respiration begins here and the proteins located in this structure play an important role in glycolysis and serve as intracellular receptors. a) golgi complex b) cell membrane c) cytosol d) endoplasmic reticulum e) cytoplasm


Which of the following is characterized by failure of degradation of one of the sphingolipids resulting in accumulation of huge amounts of lipids in lysosomes which leads to severe neuronal degeneration? a) Pompe's disease b) secondary lysosome c) Hexosaminidase-A deficiency d) Acid maltase deficiency e) Tay-Sachs Disease


Which of the following is modified by GAGs, consists of a core protein and many molecules of GAGs, and are held together by the components of basal lamina? These also bind to cellular membrane and resists compression, retards movement of microorganisms, and possesses binding sites for certain signaling molecules so they can impede or enhance their function. a) laminin b) perlecan c) proteoglycans d) aggrecan e) syndecans


Which of the following is the circulating equivalent of tissue mast cells? They are similar to mast cells in releasing vasoactive agents in response to allergen. a) monocytes b) eosinophils c) basophils d) neutrophils e) lymphocytes


Which of the following is the location where minimum barrier to passive diffusion is required? a) simple cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) none of the above


Which of the following is the main constituent of CT? It gives the CT its characteristics and non-living material that surrounds and supports the cells (living structures) a) blasts b) cytes c) ECM


Which of the following is the most stable cytoskeleton component? It provides mechanical stability to cell structure and can be localized by immunohistochemistry in various cells. a) microtubules b) microfilaments c) intermediate filaments d) actin filaments e) none of the above


Which of the following is the thinnest of all epithelia? It has cells that are flat, wider than taller nuclei, rounded, and centrally located. It functions in rapid exchange by diffusion or filtration. Distribution in lungs (alveolar sac) mesothelial lining of serous body cavities, loop of Henle, parietal layer of glomerular (Bowman) capsule, and lines cardiovascular system (endocardium, endothelium). a) simple cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) none of the above


Which of the following lines the internal (serous body), cavities, called mesothelium and blood and lymph vessels, called endothelium? a) endoderm b) lining epithelium c) mesoderm d) grandular epithelium e) ectoderm


Which of the following provides very strong localized points of cohesion and helps to resist shearing forces? a) simple squamous epithelium b) plakoglobin c) desmosomes d) stratified squamous epithelium e) arrhythmogenic


Which of the following serves as the medium for diffusion of nutrients and waste products between tissues? a) germinal vesicles b) mucin c) tissue fluid d) areolar e) mucus


Which one of the following has no collagen type III reticular fibers? a) intestines b) lymph nodes c) thymus d) spleen e) liver


Which type of cells are polygonal in shape with more regular dimensions, and grow attached to a substrate in discrete patches? a) lymphoblast- like cells b) fibroblastic c) epithelial- like cells


Which of the following is seen with only the electron microscope and consists of saclike and parallel stacks of flattened cisterna? This also has ribosomes. a) tubules b) sER c) ergastoplasm d) basophils e) cisternae

c this is also referred to as rER

What type of microscopy technique utilizes Nomarski optics? a) bright-field b) phase- contrast microscopy c) differential interference microscopy

c only two pigments can be seen in a b uses different refractive indices

What are early stages of malignancy that are limited to the epithelial layer by the basement membrane called?

carcinoma in situ functions as molecular filter (filter for blood plasma on the way to become urine) and allows oxygen, nutrients, water, and small molecules to pass through to epithelia

Malignancies that arise from lining epithelium are termed what?


This is a major tool used to study aging, metabolism, effects of drugs and toxic compounds, mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, drug screening and development, and for understanding locations and functions of cytoskeleton organelles. The major advantage is consistency and reproducibility.

cell culture

What is the removal of cells from an animal or plant and their subsequent growth in a favorable artificial environment, without interference of the organism's homeostatic mechanisms referred to as?

cell culture cells can be removed from tissue or derived from a cell line

What is the primary line or subclone after the first subculture.

cell line or subclone

Subpopulation of a cell line that is positively selected from the culture by cloning or some other method? Often acquires additional genetic changes subsequent to the initiation of the parent line

cell strain


cells with features of both fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells (actin and myosin isoforms) after healing completes, myofibroblasts undergo apoptosis and less scar is formed

What structure is cylindrical and made of 9 microtubular triplets connected by linking proteins? These play a role in cell division and found in animal cells. This structure organizes the spindle apparatus on which the chromosomes move during mitosis. It also self-replicates in interphase stage of cell cycle.


What is the dominant MTOC, microtubule organizing center in most cells?

centrosome (organized into 2 cylindrical centrioles)

What is the most condensed form of chromatin visible during mitosis?


What are relatively long, motile extensions of the apical plasma membrane? It appears as hair-like structures, about 5-10um long, 0.2um diameter. EM reveals that each of this structure consists of microtubules. Each doublet has a "pair of arms" that extends off "A" microtubule to form temporary cross-bridges with the "B" microtubule in adjacent doublet.


What are projections from the cell called? They are made up of microtubules and are covered by an extension of the plasma membrane. They have a core composed of microtubules arranged in a 9+2 pattern and connected by nexin. The centriole or basal body organizes the formation and direction of them.

cilia and flagella

Cilia vs. Flagella

cilia: lots of arms attached to the cell surface, shorter in length, and beat in synchrony with whip like action flagella: one or two arms attached to the cell surface, are longer, movement resembles a turning corkscrew

Epithelial tissue

closely applies sheet of cells with minimal intercellular space/substance lines all free surfaces of the body: epidermis of the skin, internal body cavities (mesothelium), heart blood and lymph vessels (endocardium/endothelium) lumen of organs (GI tract, respiratory tract, urogenital system) often forms part of a mucosa is a relatively avascular tissue that gets nutrition from underlying connective tissue often defined by the expression of transmembrane adhesion molecule E-cadherin

Tight junctions zonulae occludens occluding junctions

closely associated areas of two cells whose membranes joint together located at the topmost part of junctional complex, just above the apical surface composed of a network of sealing strands that form a continuous band around each cell


coats the surface of the microvilli used for cell recognition contains enzymes (pancreatic lipase, trypsin, chymotrypsin) for digestion of some macromolecules makes apices of the microvilli non-adhesive infection leads to its destruction---painful adhesion

What is the most abundant protein in the body? The formation requires several enzymes and Vitamin C.


What are the steps to preparing a tissue sample for an electronic microscope?

collect, fix, dehydrate, clear, embed, mount, stain

What are the steps to preparing a tissue sample for light microscope?

collect, fix, dehydrate, clear, infiltrate, section, stain

"A microtubule"

complete consists of 13 tubulin protofilaments and is arranged in a side-by-side manner

"B microtubule"

composed of 10 tubulin protofilaments does not form a complete circle but "shares" a portion of its wall with "A microtubule"


composed of a core of 20 to 30 actin filaments cross-linked by fimbrin and fascin core of actin filaments is anchored to villin (actin protein) at the tip of the microvillous relatively stable but the microfilaments in its structure are dynamic

Which part of the microscope collects and focuses a cone of light that illuminates on the tissue slide on the stage ?


What is the most diverse of the four traditionally classified types of biological tissue?

connective tissue structural support & metabolic support

What is an assembly of six transmembrane protein called connexin? It has a central hydrophilic pore and is the hemichannel supplied by a cell on one side of the junction.


Holocrine secretion

consists of disintegrated cells of the gland itself entire cell becomes "bloated" with secretory (lipid rich) products the whole secretory cell is discharged into the lumen examples: sebaceous glands of the skin **most abundant and most productive on scalp and face **largest on the forehead, nose, and upper part of the back sebaceous glands lack myoepithelial cells

Basal lamina

consists of lamina lucida: electrolucent lamina densa: electrodense (directly borders the specialized cells) basement membrane comprises the basal lamina and lamina reticularis

What is it called when a finite cell line undergoes transformation and acquires the ability to divide indefinitely?

continuous cell line

What squeezes the secretory products into the duct and accelerates the secretions along the duct system? It prevents end piece distension due to increased intraluminal pressure during secretion?


collagen fibrils

cross striations with alternating light and dark bands cross striations are a typical feature of type I collagen fibers

In the small intestine and renal tubules, each cell has thousands of microvilli that are seen as which of the following? a) flat or striated borders b) rush or smooth borders c) tall or striated borders d) brush or striated borders e) plush or smooth borders


The unit of measurement for light microscopes is micrometer. What is the resolving power? a) 200um b) 20um c) 2um d) 0.2um e) 0.02um


Where does the respiratory chain take place? Which location contains enzymes for the Krebs cycle? a) mitochondrial matrix; inner membrane b) inner membrane; outer membrane c) outer membrane; inner membrane d) inner membrane; mitochondrial matrix e) mitochondrial matrix; outer membrane


Which of the following are extracellular materials produced by fibroblasts? a) tissue fluids b) collagen fibers c) reticular fibers d) ground substance fibers e) all of the above


Which of the following are specialized epithelial cells with abundant actin and myosin filaments in the cytoplasm? They are spindle-shaped cells located between the basal lamina & basal surface of acinar cells. They also have long cytoplasmic processes that wrap around the secretory units and ducts of some exocrine glands. a) basal surfaces b) ion-transporting cells c) tight junctions d) myoepithelial cells e) transcellular transport


Which of the following confers the main tensile strength of the ECM? a) elastic b) tissue fluid c) ground substance d) collagen e) reticular


Which of the following contains intercellular junctions and cell adhesion molecules? The intercellular junctions are specialized areas of the cell membrane that maintain the integrity of epithelia by adhesion of the constituents cells. a) apical b) basal c) tight junctions d) lateral e) transcellular transport


Which of the following contains vesicles containing indigestible materials such as pigments, crystals, and certain lipids, after the intracellular digestion in the secondary lysosomes is completed. These are either secreted as waste by the cell via exocytosis(generally only occurs in macrophages)? a) phagosome b) secondary lysosome c) endosome d) residual bodies e) autophagosome


Which of the following has receptor sites for specific molecules that allow the complexes to actively transport some molecules across the nuclear membrane? a) nuclear pores b) nucleoporines c) nucleolus d) NPCs e) nucleus


Which of the following is a component of glycosaminoglycans that permits rapid diffusion of water-soluble molecules? It also inhibits the movement of large molecules and bacteria and provides turgor to tissues, the GAGs in this thing help the ECM to resist compressive forces applied to tissues. a) water b) sulfate c) ions d) gel e) secretions


Which of the following is a highly dynamic 3D network of filamentous proteins that fills the cytoplasm and links all components and regions of the cell? It's unique to eukaryotic cells and is responsible for cell shape and motility. a) microfilaments b) intermediate filaments c) microtubules d) cytoskeleton e) rough endoplasmic reticulum


Which of the following is a lysosomal storage disease characterized by an accumulation of lysosomal glycogen in cells, particularly in cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle cell? Muscle weakness is a feature. a) Pompe's disease b) secondary lysosome c) Hexosaminidase-A deficiency d) Acid maltase deficiency e) Tay-Sachs Disease


Which of the following is a multinucleated mass formed by fusion of several distinct epithelioid cells and is a stimulus for fusion? a) foreign-body giant cell b) touton giant cells c) epithelioid cells d) giant cells e) Langhans giant cell


Which of the following is aggregates of PAS positive lymphocytes in epidermis? a) glycogen storage diseases b) erythroleukemia c) cystic fibrosis d) mycosis fungoides e) adenocarcinomas


Which of the following is rare, has columnar surface cells, cuboidal and polygonal basal (deeper) cells, and is distributed in penile urethra, large interlobular and interlobar ducts of salivary glands, and palpebral conjunctiva? a) stratified cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) stratified columnar e) none of the above


Which of the following is rectangular in shape, taller than wider, has some cilia and microvilli, elongated and basal nuclei, and functions in secretion and absorption? It's distributed in mucosal lining of GIT (cardias to rectum), salivary glands (striated ducts), uterus, and uterine tubes. Bronchioles are ciliated columnar epithelium, movement of particles. a) simple cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) none of the above


Which of the following is the major component of lamina lucida? a) glycoprotein b) perlecan c) lamina densa d) laminin e) lamina reticularis


Which of the following is the term for microtubules organized into axonemes that form cytoplasmic extensions? a) cilia b) flagella c) microtubules d) a and b e) centrioles


Which of the following joins proteoglycans to hyaluronic acid and forms giant hydrophilic macromolecules? a) glycosaminoglycans b) hyaluronic acid c) linker DNA d) linker molecules e) linkage molecules


Which of the following may have arisen as commensal bacteria that subsequently lost their ability to survive autonomously? This organelle is specialized for aerobic respiration and production of ATP. These also aggregate in areas with high energy demands. This also plays a role in killing bacteria by delivery of antimicrobial reactive oxygen species, ROS (highly destructive molecules that are byproducts of metabolism) a) peroxisomes b) lysosomes c) acid vesicle system d) mitochondria e) dendrites


Which of the following membranes lines the lumen of the organs that connect with the outside and consists of lining epithelium, lamina propia, basement membrane, and sometimes muscularis mucosae (smooth muscle)? a) serosa b) serous membrane c) mucosa d) mucous membrane e) none of the above


Which stain is helpful for differentiating cellular from extracellular items? a) Trichrome stain b) elastic fiber stain c) reticular fiber stain d) masson's trichrome stain e) none of the above


Which substance is used in dehydration of tissue(s)? a) propinol b) isopropyl alcohol c) rubbing alcohol d) ethyl alcohol e) methyl alcohol


Which of the following is the critical factor in obtaining a sharp, detailed image with a light microscope? a) optical system b) restitute c) condenser d) resolving power e) ocular lens

d resolving power is also referred to as resolution

Which of the following transports substances across the cell from the luminal surface to the basal surface, where the vesicle contents are released? a) basal surfaces b) ion-transporting cells c) tight junctions d) pinocytic vesicles e) transcellular transport

d an example is endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, where transcellular transport is rapid (2-3 minutes)


deficient vitamin C failure of aggregations of collagen fibrils weakness and malformations of skin resulting in spontaneous bruising, skin sores, failure of wound healing and lack of cross-link loosened teeth, ulcerated and bleeding gums blood vessels are hemorrhage of mucous membrane vitamin supplement allows the fibroblasts to work normally which cures the problem

Mott cells

dense spherical Ig inclusions plasma cells containing multiple russell bodies

Epithelial tissue

divided into two main groups: lining and glandular epithelium derived from all three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm

Elastic fibers

don't form a banding pattern are interwoven with collagen bundles in many organs, particularly those subject to much bending or stretching to limit distensibility and to prevent tearing

Cryofracture and freeze etching are special methods of tissue preparation for which type of microscope? During these events, very small tissue specimen are rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and either fractured or cut with a knife. Protein component is exposed and the process is useful in the study of the membrane structure. a) phase microscopy b) LM c) SEM d) scanning e) TEM


Epoxy resins for embedding instead of paraffin wax is used for which microscope? a) transmission b) scanning c) light d) bright- field e) electron


In humans, the average cell size in diameter is between 10um and 100um. The largest cell in diameter is about 120um to 150um. The smallest cell in terms of volume has a head that is about 5um and a tail about 50um. What are the largest and smallest cells called? a) egg, spermatid b) oocyte, spermatozoa c) ootid, spermatozoan d) egg, sperm e) oocyte, spermatozoon


In infiltration, the clearing solvent evaporates at oven temperature. Which of the following is defined as oven temperature? a) 42-50 degrees Celsius b) 50-62 degrees Celsius c) 32-40 degrees Celsius d) 62-70 degrees Celsius e) 52-60 degrees Celsius


Many of the components of the EMC are connected to proteins of the cytoskeleton by which of the following? a) tissue fluids b) collagen fibers c) reticular fibers d) ground substance fibers e) transmembrane proteins


The hydrated nature of GAGs contributes to optical clarity of lens and cornea. Which of the following are rich in proteoglycans? a) aqueous of the eye b) synovial fluid c) vitreous of the eye d) a and c e) b and c


Which of the following are gap junctions important in? a) spleen b) heart and visceral muscle c) retina d) a and c e) b and c f) all of the above


Which of the following cells carry out the specific function(s) of the organ? It usually comprises the bulk of the organ. a) ECM b) stria vascularis c) stroma d) germ cells e) parenchyma


Which of the following forms a more diffuse meshwork that underlies the basal lamina? It contains type III collagen fibers and is bound to basal lamina by anchoring fibrils of type VII collagen. a) glycoprotein b) perlecan c) lamina densa d) laminin e) lamina reticularis


Which of the following further magnifies the image and projects it to the viewer's retina? a) objective lenses b) optical system c) condenser d) a and c e) ocular lenses


Which of the following has an intermediate appearance between that of stratified cuboidal and stratified squamous epithelia? It is specialized to withstand the toxicity of urine and can accomodate a high degree of stretching. In the relaxed state, epithelium appears to be 4-5 cells thick and cells are cuboidal. In the stretched state, epithelium appears to be 2-3 cells thick cells are squamous. Superficial cells are domed/rounded appearance and have umbrella cells or pillow cells. This type of epithelium can be found in renal calyces, renal pelvis, ureter, and urinary bladder. a) stratified cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) stratified columnar e) transitional epithelium (urothelium)


Which of the following has superficial squamous (flat) cells, is intermediate cuboidal (polyhedral), is basal cuboidal/columnar, highly mitotic, and is located in areas subject to wear and tear? a) simple cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) stratified squamous


Which of the following is a component of most gel like secretions? a) mucins b) mucus c) saliva d) glycocalyx e) all of the above


Which of the following is a network of membranous tubules, vesicles, and sacs that are interconnected? a) rER b) nuclear envelope c) golgi body d) sER e) endoplasmic reticulum


Which of the following is a special form of collagen that provides a delicate supporting framework for loose cells? a) elastic b) tissue fluid c) ground substance d) collagen e) reticular


Which of the following is a vesicle formed from membrane of sER around excess or non-functioning organelles? The digested products are reused in the cytoplasm? a) phagosome b) secondary lysosome c) endosome d) residual bodies e) autophagosome


Which of the following is arranged in cell periphery (horseshoe-shaped pattern) and has large cells found in granulomatous conditions? a) foreign-body giant cell b) touton giant cells c) epithelioid cells d) giant cells e) Langhans giant cell


Which of the following is caused by a defective integral membrane protein needed for transport of very long chain fatty acids into the peroxisomes for beta oxidation? a) Pompe's disease b) secondary lysosome c) Tay-Sachs disease d) Acid maltase deficiency e) Adrenoleukodystrophy


Which of the following is found in astrocytes? a) vimentin b) lamins c) keratins d) cytokeratins e) glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP)


Which of the following is overproduction by fibroblasts? It involves swelling and scarring of the alveoli and interstitial tissues of the lungs. Breathlessness is the hallmark of pulmonary fibrosis and first appears during exercise. clubbing (enlarged fingertips), dry cough, sarcoidosis, and CT diseases are related to this disorder as well. a) keloid b) fibrotic liver c) cirrhosis d) sarcoidosis e) interstitial pulmonary fibrosis


Which of the following is suited to excretion, secretion and absorption? Cells are highly active and line secretory or absorptive surfaces. a) simple cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) a and d f) none of the above


Which of the following is the location where most serous cells are commonly found? a) lacrimal glands b) parotid glands c) exocrine pancreas d) gastric chief cells e) all of the above


Which of the following is the part of the cell which is contained between the cell membrane and the nuclear envelope in eukaryotic cells? It consists of cytosol, cytoskeleton, organelles, and inclusions. a) golgi complex b) cell membrane c) cytosol d) endoplasmic reticulum e) cytoplasm


Which of the following is two or more layers thick, only the lowest layer rest on the basement membrane and has all cells arise from cell division by the lowest cells? The function is protection. Cilia is never present and it is classified by shape of cells in surface layer. a) simple cuboidal b) pseudostratified epithelium c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) stratified epithelium


Which of the following maintains cell shape and forms basal bodies and the spindle fibers for separating chromosomes during mitosis? a) microfilaments b) intermediate filaments c) actin filaments d) centrioles e) microtubules


Which of the following plays an important role in healing process (cell proliferation and secretion of collagen)? a) mast cells b) wandering cells c) macrophages d) adipocytes e) fibroblasts


Which stain is used on connective tissue to visualize collagen and reticular fibers? a) Trichrome stain b) elastic fiber stain c) reticular fiber stain d) masson's trichrome stain e) mallory trichrome stain


Which mutations in connexin-encoding genes leads to several genetic disorders? a) deafness b) Charcot-Marie-tooth disease c) abnormal neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex d) deafness e) all of the above

e b is a hereditary neuropathy

Which of the following runs through the CT septa? a) interlobular b) intralobular c) main duct d) interlobar e) a and d f) none of the above

e if the main duct is present, the whole gland will drain

What are pericytes found in the space of Disse (perisinusoidal space) that are activated in liver injury? a) hepatic stellate cells b) Ito cells c) lipocytes d) fat-storing cells e) all of the above

e these terms are used interchangeably

Magnification of an object without making it any easier to distinguish between different elements of the object is referred to as?

empty magnification

What are invaginations that lose their connection with the surface epithelium, and come into close contact with a rich network of capillary blood vessels? These are also ductless glands that release their secretion into the bloodstream and are arranged as cords interspersed between the capillaries (adrenal glands, parathyroid glands, anterior lobe of the pituitary gland). Rounded follicles with lumens for temporary storage of the secretory product (ex thyroid gland)

endocrine glands

What is a method used for localizing cellular structures using a specific enzymatic activity present in those structures? This uses unfixed or mildly fixed tissue and frozen sections. After all is said and done, the location of the enzymes can be identified.

enzyme histochemistry


excessive accumulation of tissue fluid within loose CT as a result of prolonged inflammation and increased capillary permeability

What are invaginations that retain their connection with the surface epithelium in the form of a duct called? It's composed of secretory substances to specific organs. Duct system transports the products of the secretory cells to another organ or to the body surface.

exocrine glands

What is a non living material that supports and surrounds the living structures (cells) which are responsible for secreting the ground substance and fibers?

extracellular matrix


extremely long, immotile microvilli longer than microvilli but has the same organization as it actin filaments are anchored to the plasma membrane by Erzin (actin protein) found only in epithelial cells lining epididymis, ductus deferens where they have absorptive function sensory cells of the inner ear where they have a motion-detecting function

Components of which of the following are secreted by CT cells, mainly fibroblasts? a) glycoprotein b) perlecan c) lamina densa d) laminin e) lamina reticularis f) b and e g) b and d


Which of the following are chemotherapeutic drugs that disrupt the microtubules, by interfering with the polymerization of tubulin, thus preventing the transport of different materials and causing cell death? They are used in cancer chemotherapy to block activity of the mitotic spindle in rapidly growing neoplastic cells to prevent the spread of neurotropic viruses. a) Zoloft b) Paclitaxel c) Vinblastin d) Colchicin e) a, b, c f) b, c, d g) all of the above h) none of the above


Which of the following contains the majority of body sweat glands? a) palms of hands b) oral lip c) soles of feet d) labia e) clitoris f) a and c g) external auditory canal


Which of the following has an immunological function? a) mast cells b) wandering cells c) macrophages d) adipocytes e) fibroblasts f) a and c


Which of the following is found in all epithelial cells and forms large bundles (tonofibrils) that attach to certain junctions between epithelial cells? The presence of this in tumors can often reveal the cellular origin of the tumor. a) vimentin b) lamins c) keratins d) cytokeratins e) glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP) f) c and/or d


True or false, Formalin preserves lipids


Loose (areolar) CT

fibroblasts and macrophages are the predominant cells not flexible, not resistant to stress, and are well vascularized found in spaces between many cells, organs, and skeletal muscle surrounding lymph and blood vessels found in spaces between many cells, organs and skeletal muscle

What are fibroblasts that are less active in adults called?



form the inner core of cilia and flagella and are continuous with basal bodies

Motile cilia

found only in epithelia more abundant in cuboidal and columnar cells distributed in respiratory epithelium (nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi), uterine tubes. inner ear (hair cells and stereocilia) mutations in any of the different genes code for many ciliary proteins and can result in a condition called primary ciliary dyskinesia

Dense Regular Collagenous CT/ fibrocollagenous/fibrous tissue

found only in tendons, ligaments, aponeurosis, cornea usually appears white (collagen is fresh state is colorless) principle characteristic is flexibility combined with great tensile strength and has poor vascularization bundles of type I collagen are usually arranged in parallel and one direction to resist tensile strength elastic fibers are yellow resists high degree of stretch and allows recoil of tissue elastic fibers are arranged parallel to each other to form sheets or fenestrated membranes and the space between these fibers is filled by thin collagen fibers and flattened fibroblasts

Unilocular adipocytes

functions to reserve energy, thermal insulation, shock absorber in soles of feet and palms, shock cushion for internal organs, and fills the space between organs

Freezing is a technique used to preserve lipids. Which of the following are tissue samples frozen by? a) CO b) NO c) CO2 (compressed) d) CO e) liquid nitrogen f) a & e g) c & e


Which of the following is a transmembrane linker protein that plays an important role in orienting the cells and the matrix? It also plays an important role in cell adhesion, cell movement and migrations, and wound healing. a) Chondronectin b) Laminin c) Entactin d) Fibronectin e) Tenascin f) Osteonectin g) Integrins


What is abundant in epithelial cells, found in all body tissues (except for sperm and erythrocytes, mobile cells)? It functions in allowing exchange of nutrients and ions between adjacent cells and is important in oocyte survival. It allows nerve impulse to pass directly between cells and allows some molecules and ions to move rapidly through gap junctions.

gap junctions communicating junction nexus

Marfan syndrome

genetic disorder caused by defects in a gene which encodes fibrillin-1 protein absence of fibrillin microfibrils leads to defective elastic fibers tall, long limbs, long fingers, dislocation of the lens, aortic root aneurysm, defects of heart valves, mitral valve prolapse, scoliosis, retinal detachment, spontaneous pneumothorax, aortic regurgitation, pectus carinatum aortic dissection is the most serious complication high palates and small jaws: malocclusion, speech disorders

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD)

genetically inherited condition ultrastructural defects that affect proteins in the dyneim arms, resulting in defective cilia and spermatozoa flagella that move abnormally or are immotile.

What type of cells are classified as mature gametes, the spermatozoon and oocyte? They undergo mitosis until gametogenesis and then undergo meiosis.

germ line cells

What stain can be used to diagnose malaria (plasmodium species), babesiosis (babesia species), sleeping sickness (trypanosoma brucei), schistosomiasis (schistosoma species)

giemsa stain

Laminin type IV collagen networks are held together by which of the following? a) glycoprotein b) perlecan c) lamina densa d) laminin e) lamina reticularis f) entactin g) a and c h) b and f


Seromucous (mixed) glands

have both mucous cells arranged into acini tubular in shape **serous cells form demilunes that cap the end of the mucous acini

Duodenal ulcer

helicobacter pylori binds to the extracellular domain of the tight junctions and the protein produced by the bacteria is translocated into the epithelial cells lining the duodenum causing disruption of the tight junctions leading to injury of the mucosa and ulcer

Bullous pemphigoid

hemidesmosome uncommon, chroni, autoimmune, blistering skin disease that rarely involves mucous membranes IgG autoantibodies bind to the skin basement membrane and activates inflammatory cells to the basement membrane these inflammatory cells release proteases, which degrade hemidesmosomal proteins and lead to blister formation tense bullae arise on any part of the skin surface, with a predilection on the flexure areas of the skin primarily affects elderly individuals in the 5th through 7th decades of life lesions typically heal without scarring

What is a half-desmosomes that are junctions that connect the basal domain of epithelial cells to the underlying basal lamina? These resemble desmosomes morphologically and in connecting to intermediate filaments but they are assymmetrical.


Which category of chromatin is condensed, inactive DNA, located around the perimeter of the nucleus as clumps around the nucleus and in the nucleolus? The nucleolus is the most heterogenous electrodense structure and is the most visible structure in the nucleus.


Functions of epithelial tissue

in skin: protection of tissue from bacteria, chemicals, and excessive loss of water in kidneys: excretion of waste products from the body; reabsorption of needed material from the urine in walls of capillaries and lungs: diffusion of gases, liquids, and nutrients in air passages: removal of dust particles and foreign bodies in small intestine: absorption of nutrients from the digestion of food in circulatory system: reduction of friction between blood and walls of blood vessels in glands: secretion of specific chemical substances (enzymes, hormones, lubricating fluids)

Specializations of epithelial cells

in tongue, nose, eyes, skin, ears: transmit information from external environment taste receptor cells in taste buds located in lingual papillae olfactory receptor cells in the olfactory area of the nasal mucosa receptor cells for vision in the retina (cones and rods) sensory cells for hearing and equilibrium

Impaired ciliary function in the uterine tubes can delay ovum transit leading to reduced fertility. What happens in males?



inner folds are called "cristae mitochondriales" the matrix is the space enclosed by the inner membrane "unit membrane" is railroad track


intracellular domain: binds to keratin intermediate filaments extracellular domain: binds to a laminin protein and type IV collagen in the basal lamina

Mucous connective tissue

jelly-like with very few collagen fibers and scattered mesenchymal fibroblasts surrounded by abundant, amorphous ground substance rich in hyaluronic acid it resembles embryonic mesenchyme found in umbilical cord, where it's referred to as Wharton's jelly

Tight junctions

join together the cytoskeleton of adjacent cells controls what substances are allowed through and enables organism to maintain integrity of its internal environment. Is well-developed in blood-brain barrier small intestine: prevent digested macromolecules from passing between the cells preserve the specialized functions of each surface example: receptor-mediated endocytosis at the apical surface; exocytosis at the basolateral surface

What is the major component of nuclear lamina?

lamins direct cell cycle regulation and cell differentiation

Immotile/abnormal ciliary movement

leads to failure of mucus removal from respiratory tract resulting in mucus stagnation recurrent ear infections (otitis media) ear infections are likely related to abnormal cilia within the inner ear and can lead to permanent hearing loss (if untreated) spermatozoa flagella that move abnormally or are immotile cause infertility

osmium tetroxide

lipids stain blackish-brown myelin black

Which of the following accumulates, especially in long-lived cells such as nerve and muscle, as lipofuscin granules that reflect cellular aging? These appear yellow-brown in light microscopy and as electron-dense particles in EMs.

lipofuscin granule

Desmosomes/macula adherens

localized spot-like adhesions randomly arranged on the lateral sides of the plasma membranes, below zonula adherens contains cell adhesion proteins Desmoglein and Desmocollin sites of strong localized adhesion that anchor cell membranes to the intermediate filament network, particularly in tissues undergoing constant physical stress (skin and heart) cytoskeletal keratin filaments are most common in desmosomes of epithelia in non epithelial cells, the intermediate filaments attached to desmosome are composed of other proteins (desmin or vimentin)


located at the interface between the blood and the vessel wall prevents blood cell interaction with the vessel wall plays a role in regulation of coagulation, leukocyte adhesion, and vascular smooth muscle cell growth

What does loss of microvilli lead to?

loss of absorptive surface area and consequently malabsorption state manifested as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss

What is the second most common white blood cell type? It increases in number in response to infection, appears as "naked" nucleus in histological sections. It developed the capacity to recognize and respond to antigens. This blood type makes up 30% of WBCs and circulates from the blood to ordinary CT and back again. Most of them are found in blood or lymph and are "recirculating immunocompetent cells"


Cell mediated immunity

mediated by T-lymphocytes most effective in removing virus-infected cells also effective in destroying intracellular bacteria and plays a major role in transplant rejection

What is it called when a tissue component stains a different color than the dye itself? Examples of this are: mast cell granules, cartilage, mucin, and amyloid; these stain purple opposed to blue.


In sectioning (slicing), what is the tool used called that produces very thin slices?


What is arranged in a 9+2 pattern, called axoneme? It has nine pairs or doublets of peripheral microtubules that are circularly arranged around 2 central microtubules.


What are antigen-presenting cells that are important for the uptake, processing , and presentation of antigens for lymphocyte activation?

monocyte-derived cells


most abundant CT cell type more active during growth and wound healing synthesizes and secretes fibers (collagen, elastic, reticular) ground substance has spiky, wispy blend with surrounding collagen processes and are features of protein secreting cells euchromatic nucleus and has a prominent nucleolus can undergo cell modulation **involved in normal growth day-to-day physiological activities of every tissue/organ and are very active in embryonic tissue

Uniocular adipocytes

most common type of adipocyte most lipids in white adipocytes are stored as triglycerides nucleus is flat and eccentric adipocytes appear like "foam" by LM individual "bubbles", each represent a lipid droplet within a single cell cytoplasm is displaced to the periphery as a thin rim surrounding the lipid droplet which makes a signet ring appearance after 2nd year of life, cell number increases but remains relatively constant until puberty --at puberty, unilocular adipocytes increase in number and size until they reach a number similar to that of the adult preadipocytes have well developed rER and synthesizes and secretes the enzyme lipoprotein lipase

Merocrine (eccrine) secretion

most common type of exocrine and protein secretion examples: exocrine pancreas, mucous and serous cells (salivary glands)

Healing and wound repair in fibroblasts where fibroblasts deposit collagen to replace damaged tissue and scars are formed and sped up by what?


Innate immunity

nonspecific defense mechanisms the immunity one is born with mechanisms: physical barrier, mechanical removal, chemicals in blood, phagocytosis, fever, inflammation, acute-phase response, immune system cells that attack foreign cells in the body, operates through leukocytes, and eradicates microbial pathogens

oil red o stain

nuclei (black/blue) fat droplets (red)

Giemsa stain

nuclei: blue to violet erythrocytes: pale pink platelets and leukocytes: blue

What organelle is a knot of chromatin, the site of rRNA synthesis, and is seen as circular areas (pale) surrounded by a rim of electron dense filaments.

nucleolus the filaments collectively are called pars fibrosa

What component of the nucleus is composed of jellylike material within a cell nucleus?

nucleoplasm/karyoplasm the two terms are used interchangeably

What is the structural unit of DNA and histones called? This is also the smallest unit of chromatin. In EM, this structure has a "beads on a string" appearance.


What organelle is membrane-closed, found only in eukaryotic cells and is the largest (about 6um in diameter)? This structure contains DNA and stores all genetic information.


Zonula adherens

occurs in a single continuous bands encircling the apical surface of each cell just below the tight junctions anchors cells firmly by linking the cell membrane to the actin cytoskeleton

A physician needs to detect fat emboli in lung tissue of the patient. Which stain should she use? This stain can also help identify tumors, such as lipomas and liposarcomas.

oil red o

simple epithelium

one layer thick all cells rest on the basement membrane may have surface specializations: cilia and microvilli


only in epidermis of skin superficial cells/stratum corneum: death cells impregnated with dense amount of fibrous keratin (cytoskeleton protein) contain keratin

Which TEM fixant preserves membrane lipids, mainly phospholipids?

osmium tetroxide

Which of the following are myofibroblasts-like cells that play a possible role in pathogenesis of pancreatitis pancreatic cancer?

pancreatic stellate cells

The nucleus consists of inner and outer nuclear membranes. What is the intermembrane space called?

perinuclear cisterna


pink/red/orange in color

Which organelle is an aggregate of ribosomes attached to a single mRNA molecule permitting synthesis of multiple copies of the same protein? It also synthesizes intracellular structural proteins, cytosolic proteins and proteins for import into the nucleus, mitochondria, and peroxisomes?


T- lymphocytes

precursors can leave the bone marrow these mature in the thymus and are involved in cell mediated immunity

Adherent (anchoring) junctions

primary force-bearing junctions between epithelial cells provides mechanical stability by anchoring the cytoskeleton of one cell that of the another, maintain epithelial shape reinforces the structural integrity of the epithelium and sites for stress preventing the passage of most dissolved molecules from one side of the epithelial sheet to the other. composed of specialized areas of the plasma membrane where bundles of microfilaments attach to the membrane through the intracytoplasmic end of cadherins which in turn attach through their extracytoplasmic end to cadherins in the neighboring cell membranes

serous cells

produce a thin watery, nonglycosylated protein-rich secretion such as digestive enzymes exhibit a well-defined polarity **in cells that produce digestive enzymes (pancreatic acinar cells), the secretory granules are called zymogen granules

Multilocular adipocytes

produces body heat nucleus are centrally located each brown fat cell contains numerous small lipid droplets cytoplasm has a brown fat color

Function of plasma cells

production and secretion of antibody molecules against a specific antigen found in lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, spleen), lose CT the highest number can be found in inflammatory sites prone to penetration by foreign material and beneath epithelial surfaces

Plasma cell dyscrasia and autoimmune diseases

production of abnormal Ig multiple myeloma, lupus erythematous, rheumatoid arthritis chronic infections overstimulate plasma cells that produce large quantities of Ig H. pylori gastritis inflammatory and/or neoplastic skin disorders (actinic keratosis, syphilis, rhinoscleroma)

Russell bodies

production of abnormal Ig, production of large quantities of Ig, structural alterations of plasma cells that may either prevent appropriate processing or affect the secretion pathway of Ig the above leads to formation of Ig aggregates that can not be degraded or secreted

reticular fibers

prominent in loose CT, structures subject to periodic changes in size and volume (lymph nodes and uterus), exposed to physical stress requiring some degree of flexibility (dermis, wall of intestines)

What are the mobile processes of macrophages called that grasps particles?

pseudopods phagosome is the food vesicles

What is the visualization of the pattern of distribution of radiation called?


Apocrine secretion

rare, dependent on sex hormones apocrine glands *become functional at puberty *respond to emotional or sensory stimuli *do not respond to heat examples: ceruminous gland of external auditory canal, ciliary (Moll's) glands on the eyelids, apocrine sweat glands of skin in the axillae, areolae, perianal and genital regions where they release their viscous, milky secretion into hair follicles, often with odor due to skin flora

In confluent monolayers, the entire surface is covered with cells in contact with one another. At clonal densities, the densities are low and the individual cell colonies, or clones can grow individually.

read the other side

Humoral immunity

refers to antibody molecules (immunoglobulin) production in response to foreign antigens, mediated by B-lymphocytes antibody molecules: circulate in the bloodstream and enter the tissue via inflammation most effective against bacteria, bacterial toxins, and viruses prior to these agents entering cells

Mucous glands

refers to exocrine glands producing mucins, or similar individual cells called goblet cells where they are apart of surface epithelium most are multicellular duodenum (Brunner's), esophageal (just above cardias), cervix uteri (Naboth's), stomach (pyloric glands), sublingual glands (contain mucous acini predominantly) mucous cells produce a variety of viscous, glycosylated protein called mucins

Transmission electron microscope

resolution is 3nm most useful for viewing organelles inside cells and details of extracellular matrix produces black-and-white images (a single wavelength of electrons is used to illuminate the specimen)


resting fibroblasts cells that have passed into a quiescent phase (inactive/dormant phase) concerned with fiber maintenance can undergo cell modulation has fewer processes and are small and thin; almost appear flat less developed and nucleus is heterochromatic

Liver - reticulin stain

reticular fibers stain black

What organelle is the site of protein synthesis?


What are small, variably sized, intracytoplasmic, acidophilic, hyaline, condense Ig containing inclusions that stain deeply with fuchsin? They are stored within dilated rER cisternae of plasma cells and may completely fill up the cytoplasm and compress the nuclei.

russell bodies

TEM microscope

sample size: 1cm^3 fixants: glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide embedding: epoxy resins (avoids high temp needed for paraffin wax, which helps with avoiding shrinkage & tissue distortion) section: 40-90nm thick (prepared using an ultramicrotome with a glass or diamond knife)

Tissue prep for SEM

samples are fixed, dehydrated by critical point drying, and spray-coated with a thin layer of heavy metal (often gold)

Malignancies that arise from mesothelium and endothelium are called what?


What is it called when cells usually divide only a limited number of times before losing their ability to proliferate?

senescence the cell lines are referred to as finite


short immotile finger-like cytoplasmic projections found on surface of most epithelial cells most abundant in absorptive cells that principally transport fluid and absorb metabolites such as those lining the small intestine and proximal renal tubules

What metal impregnation technique can be used for Sudan stains? It can also be used for Golgi's method (for nervous tissue).

silver (reticular fibers) stain

osteogenesis imperfecta

single gene disease mutation in type I collagen failure to assemble triple helix results in imperfect collagen leading to fragile and deformed bones characterized by multiple bone fractures, defective teeth, deafness, heart valve disorders, blue sclera

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

single gene disease causing abnormal synthesis and cross linking of tropocollagen hyperextensive skin, easy and severe bruising, rubber-man/woman common condition in contortionists luxation=exaggerated movement of joints involving easily stretched tendons

What can stagnation lead to? What can chronic respiratory tract infection (bronchitis & pneumonia) lead to?

sinusitis structural damage to airways, including bronchiectasis


small half-moon or cresent-shaped structures empty their secretory product in the intercellular space between the mucus-producing cell secretion of seromucous glands is a mixture of watery mucin and a digestive enzyme (salivary amylase); an example is submandibular salivary gland

adipose tissue

special type of CT forms one of the largest "organs" of the body (15-20% in men; 20-25% in females) unilocular adipocytes (white fat) and multilocular adipocyte (brown fat)

Reticular CT

specialized form of loose CT that form a sponge-like structure Type III collagen is the major fiber component that forms a framework for lymphoid organs reticular cells form the framework of the bone marrow and thymus

Gap junction

specialized intercellular connection directly connects the cytoplasm of two cells which allows direct transfer of ions and small molecules from one cell are opened or closed depending on Ca ion concentration is composed of two connexons (or hemichannels) which connect across the intercellular space forming a bridge (gap) between the cytoplasm of two adjacent cells

Basement membrane

specialized, non-cellular form of extracellular matrix located between epithelial cells or endothelial cells and adjacent CT ** also around smooth muscle and striated muscle cells, fat cells, Schwann' cells, cells of adrenal medulla, reticular cells of the thymus, the surface of brain and spinal cord where it is called external lamina Visible with PAS and silver stain composed primarily of proteins and glycoproteins

Electron microscope

specimen are illuminated by short wave length electron beams unit of measurement is nanometer (nm) Angstrom (A)

PAS stain

stains neutral acid magenta

Non keratinized or mucous type

superficial cells nucleated and living cornea, nasal openings, oral cavity, esophagus, anal canal, vagina, urethral opening

Cells that float in culture medium are termed what? The mediums can be free or floating beads in semisolid blocks of extracellular matrix or agarose.

suspension culture

What type of gland has low synthesizing activity and secretes mostly water and electrolytes transferred from the blood to the lumen of the gland?


What is the ultimate factor that determines resolution?

the diffraction pattern of the light illuminating the specimen which is related to the wavelength of light

Changes that can occur spontaneously, chemically, or virtually induced and can promote cell immortality occur by a process termed what?


Which stain used in electron microscope stains membrane structure and structure containing nuclei acids?

uranyl acetate lead citrate binds to RNA-containing structures

Multicellular exocrine glands

usually enclosed by a capsule of CT

culture conditions

vary from cell to cell but are the characteristics of the artificial environment that the cells "grow"/"live" in. physiochemical environment, nutrients, substrates etc.


vascular pole of the renal corpuscle

Reticular fibers (reticulin)

very delicate (look like black thread), form fine networks that give support to the cellular components of liver

Asthma attack

when the fecal pellets of common house dust mite are inhaled with dust particles, the peptidases present in the pellets cleave the occludins resulting in the breakdown of the tight junctions in the respiratory epithelium which exposes the lungs to inhaled allergens and initiates an immune response that can lead to severe asthma attack

What are the two main types of adherent (anchoring) junctions?

zonula adherens and desmosomes (macula adherens)

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